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        검색결과 1,832

        2009.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Phosphatidylcholine was used to encapsulate aqueous extracts of Centella asiatica, and its biological activity was compared with another aqueous extracts. Nanoparticle of C. asiatica was made by encapsulation to w/o type spherical liposome which of aqueous extracts seized with oil phase as 78.2 nm average diameter. Cytotoxicity of the nanoparticle was measured on human skin fibroblast cells, CCD-986sk, and showed lower cytotoxicity on 1.0 mg/ml of highest concentration as 28% than that of another extracts. The nanoparticle showed the highest promotion of human B and T cell growth up to 138% and 135%, respectively, compared to the control. and the NK cell growth was promoted up to 8% higher than the control in proportion to secretion of IL-6 and TNF-α from immune cell growth. Also nanoparticle showed highest inhibition activity of hyaluronidase on 1.0 mg/ml of highest concentration as 60.5%. It seems that because of enhanced biological application of aqueous extracts on cell through nano-encapsulation process.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        인삼의 저장 유통시키는 기존 방식을 개선키 위한 기초 연구로 표면 세척을 한 인삼의 저장 중에 품질변화를 세척 살균수로 저온 냉각수(), 전해수(pH 8.0-8.5, HClO 80 ppm), 이산화 염소수(5 ppm)를 사용하여 품질특성을 비교 하였다. 경도 분석결과, 모든 처리구에서 연화현상이 발생되는 것으로 분석되었다. 무처리 후 저장 조건의 CT-10 처리구의 경우 15일 경과 후에 급격히 표면의 경도 저하 현상이 나타났으며, 저장온도에서
        2009.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        동계 피복작물의 파종 시기는 월동 후 회복률과 생산량에 아주 중요한 영향을 미치나, 포장에서 피복작물은 주작물의 수확이 끝난 후에 파종되기 때문에 주작물의 수확이 늦어질 경우 파종 시기를 놓쳐 안전한 월동이 어려울 수 있다. 본 실험에서는 4종의 피복작물에서 파종 시기에 따른 생육의 변화를 알아보았다. 1. 실내 발아 조사를 실시한 결과 모든 피복작물에서 25℃ 와 20℃ 에서는 비슷한 경향을 보였고, 15℃ 이하 처리구에서 온도가 낮아질수록 초기 발아율이 낮게 나타났다. 호밀은 5℃ 에서 처리 4일 후부터 발아를 시작해 처리 7일 후에는 90% 이상이 발아되었다. 2. 월동 전 생육 조사에서 크림손클로버, 알팔파, 헤어리베치는 지상부 길이와 생체중이 9월 파종구와 10월 파종구간에 차이를 보였고, 호밀은 9월 파종구와 10월 파종구 간에 큰 차이가 없어 다른 작물에 비해 내한성이 뛰어났다. 3. 월동 후 생체중은 모든 피복작물이 9월 파종구와 10월 파종구 사이에 차이가 나타났다. 호밀과 헤어라베치는 월동후 지상부 길이가 파종일에 따라 차이가 크지 않았으나, 크림손클로버와 알팔파는 10월 11일 이후 파종구에서 감소했다. 4. 크림손클로버는 10월 4일 이전 파종구에서는 피복률이 80% 이상으로 높게 나타났으며, 이후의 파종구에서는 점차 감소되어 10월 25일 파종구에서는 11.9%로 나타났다. 알팔파는 10윌 파종구에서 파종일이 늦어짐에 따라 피복률이 감소되었으며, 호밀과 헤어리베치는 파종 시기에 관계없이 우수한 피복률을 보였다.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to compare the effects of immuno-modulating activities of Rhodiola sachalinensis A. Bor. fractionized by consecutive solvent separation. The Cytotoxicity of all fractionized extracts on human kidney cell (HEK293) was lower than crude extracts. Generally, the butanol and chloroform extracts showed less cytotoxicity on about 10.07% and 9.67% than the crude extracts. For human immune B and T cell growth, chloroform fraction showed the highest cell growth compared to the control. The secretion of cytokines (IL-6, TNF-α) on human B and T cells were increased by adding chloroform extracts. Also, NK cell growth was significantly improved up to nearly 30% by adding the supernatant of B cell medium grown with the chloroform fraction. It was also found that chloroform fraction could yield higher nitric oxide production from macrophage than untreated control cells. Differentiation of HL-60 cells was increased up to 131.9% after treatment with chloroform fraction extracts, compared to the control. These results indicate that the chloroform fraction of R. sachalinensis have high immune activation activity than others fractions and the crude extracts, implying that this chloroform fractions could be used a new functional material.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 청소년패널조사(Korea Youth Panel Survey)를 활용하여 학교적응도에 영향을 주는 가정, 학교, 지역사회 내 사회적 자본을 중심으로 해당 요인들 간의 종합적인 인과관계를 분석하였다. 연구결과에 따르면 학교적응에 대하여 가족 내 사회적 자본, 학교 내 사회적 자본 그리고 지역사회 내 사회적 자본 모두가 직간접적으로 영향력을 행사하고 있음을 확인 할 수 있었으며, 이를 통해 학교적응에 대한 사회적 자본의 영향력을 실증적으로 확인할 수 있다. 이러한 결과는 학교적응에 실패하고 있는 취약계층 아동들에 대한 사회 자본을 활용한 다양한 접근의 가능성을 시사한다고 할 수 있다.
        2009.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In recent years, the urban thermal environment has become worse, such as days on which the temperature goes above 30℃, sultry nights and heat stroke increase, due to the changes in terrestrial cover such as concrete and asphalt and increased anthropogenic heat emission accompanied by artificial structure. The land use type is an important determinant to near-surface air temperature. Due to these reasons we need to understand and improve the urban thermal environment. In this study, the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University- National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model(MM5) was applied to the metropolitan of Daegu area in order to investigate the influence of land cover changes and urban modifications increase of Albedo to the surface energy budget on the simulated near-surface air temperature and wind speed. The single urban category in existing 24-category U.S. Geological survey land cover classification used in MM5 was divided into 6 classes to account for heterogeneity of urban land cover. As a result of the numerical simulation intended for the metropolitan of Daegu assumed the increase of Albedo of roofs, buildings, or roads, the increase of Albedo (Cool scenario)can make decrease radiation effect of surface, so that it caused drops in ambient air temperature from 0.2 to 0.3 on the average during the daylight hours and smaller (or near-zero) decrease during the night. The Sensible heat flux and Wind velocity is decreased. Modeling studies suggest that increased surface albedo in urban area can reduce surface and air temperatures near the ground and affect related meteorological parameters such as winds, surface air temperature and sensible heat flux.
        2009.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        일반전두부와 비교하여 인삼분말을 첨가한 전두부는 일반성분, 색도, 수분함량에서의 유의적인 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 미생물의 경우 인삼분말 2%첨가 전두부는 저장 15일에서 만 일반세균 3.51 LogCFU/g이 나타났고, 일반전두부는 12일에 일반세균 4.48 LogCFU/g, 15일에 4.81 LogCFU/g로 각각 나타내었으며 대장균의 경우 일반전두부에서만 15일에 3.57 LogCFU/g로 나타나 인삼분말 2%첨가 전두부가 일반전두부와 비교
        2009.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        무순의 포장재에 따른 저장기간 중 품질특성 변화를 알아보기 위해 PET 포장재는 통기구멍의 유무에 따라 PO 및 PC 포장재를 사용하였고, 방담OPP film은 산소투과도에 따라 LO, LM 및 LH 포장재를 이용하였다. 포장 내 가스 조성의 경우 PO 포장재에서는 비교적 높은 농도와 낮은 농도를 나타내었다. 중량감소율은 PO 포장재 경우 가장 높았으며, 가용성고형분의 함량은 PO 포장재의 경우가 가장 많았으며, 저장기간에 따라 증가하는 경향
        2009.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the protective roles and mechanism of magnolol, from the stem bark of Magnolia officinalis against potential neurotoxin 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HK)-induced neuronal cell death. For the evaluation of protective role of magnolol, we examined cell viability, apoptotic nuclei, change of mitochondrial membrane potential and caspase activity in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. It was found that 3-HK induces neuronal cell death in the human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line. The reduced cell viability produced characteristic features such as cell shrinkages, plasma membrane blebbing, chromatin condensation, and nuclear fragmentation. The cells treated with 3-HK showed an increase in the concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as well as in caspase activity. In addition, both are involved in the 3-HK-induced apoptosis. Magnolol attenuated the cell viability reduction by 3-HK in both a dose- and time-dependent manner. Optical microscopy showed that magnolol inhibited the cell morphological features in the 3-HK-treated cells. Furthermore, the increase in the ROS concentration and the caspase activities by 3-HK were also attenuated by magnolol. These results showed that magnolol has a protective effect on the 3-HK induced cell death by inhibiting ROS production and caspase activity.
        2009.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to compare alcohol fermentation ability and saccharification of potatoes and sweet potatoes. Cooperated with ultrasonification process is not contain pass through cook process, but contain process using ulrasonification instead cook process. In result of sugar contents measurements sweet potato and potato was highest of a family at 6 hours fermentation, and it showed the highest sugar contents as each 11.5 brix, 10.4 brix. In result of alcohol contents measurements of sweet potato and potato, highest of a family in 4 days, and it showed th highest alcohol contents as each 8.2, 6.0%. Finally complex enzymes II process revealed similar activities like cook process.
        2009.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to enhance anticancer activities of E. sinica, and A. gigas by ultra high pressure extraction process. The cytotoxicity of E. sinica and A. gigas on human kidney cell (HEK293) was as low as 24.94% and 25.3% in adding 1.0 mg/ml of the sample extracted at 500 Mpa for 15 minute. Generally, the inhibition of cancer cell growth on A549 and MCF-7 was increased over 20% in the ultra high pressure samples, compared to the conventional extraction process. Under the extracts from ultra high pressure process showed not only the strongest anticancer activities, but also had better stability than normal extracts. It was also found that the extracts of A. gigas reduced the hypertrophy of the internal organs, such as adrenal and spleen caused stresses in several mouse models.
        2009.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to improve antioxidant activities and skin-whitening effects of Rubus coreanus Miquel extracts by nano-encapsulation. R. coreanus was extracted at 60℃ and encapsulated by lecithin and gelagine. Nano-encapsulated extracts showed highest free radical scavengering effect as 97.62% in adding sample (500 μg/ml), compared to the extracts from conventional processes. It was showed strong inhibition effect on melanin production test by Clone M-3 cells as 55.23%. High inhibitory potency on tyrosinase was also measured as 155.8% by adding nano-sample of 1 mg/ml. The improvement of biological activity was demonstrated by real time confocal microscope. We could consider that the water soluble extracts of R. coreanus could be definitely enhanced by nano-encapsulated as a potent natural resources for antioxidant and skin-whitening agent.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The production of bio-energy crops is a major research project in the emphasizing the “low carbon ․ green growth” strategy. For this, the possibility of the introduction of the new energy crops improve the agricultural income from farming must be diagnosed. This study describes the level of agricultural income per unit area by cropping system based on the income of crops in the field. Especially, we have chosen the southern part attracting the attention in the possible area of the bio-energy crop production. This study consists of five chapters. Chapter Ⅰ is the introduction. Chapter Ⅱ is on the status of the southern part cropping system and the analysis of the economic value. Chapter Ⅲ is on the economic value analysis introducing new bio-energy crops. Chapter Ⅳ is on the comparative analysis for the economic value of the croping system introducing new bio-energy crops. Chapter Ⅴ is the conclusion.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to improve immune activities of Rubus coreanus Miquel by encapsulation of nanoparticles. Immuno-activities of R. coreanus were investigated through aqueous extracts associated with process of water at 60℃. It showed high promotion of human B and T cells growth about 50%, compared to the case of other conditions. The secretion of IL-6 and TNF-α was also enhanced as 2.44×10-4pg/cell and 1.94×10-4pg/cell, results by adding nano samples. NK cell activation was improved up to 29% higher than the conventional extraction process. The secretion of NO from macrophage showed 14.9 μm on the nano-encapsulation process extracts, which was higher than others. The size of nanoparticles was in the range of 50~300 nm, which can effect the penetration into the cells. It was clearly observed by real time confocal microscope.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out in order to determine the biological activities such as antioxidant activities in nine cultivars of Momordica charantia L. (Korea, China, Japan and Philippine native cultivars). Their antioxidant activities were measured using DPPH free radical scavenging, ABTS cation radical scavenging, and Nitrite scavenging ability. The highest total polyphenol content (16.82 μg/ml) measured in the native Korea cultivar, and this value was 4.0 μg/ml higher than that of the 'Verde Beuhas' cultivar (12.82 μg/ml). The 'Peacock' cultivar had the highest total flavonoid amount which was 4.38 μg/ml. The free radical scavenging activity using DPPH method was the highest in the native China cultivar (RC50 = 102.6 μg/ml). ABTS cation radical scavenging activity according to cultivars was significantly higher in 'Peacock'. Nitrite scavenging ability showed the most remarkable effect at the pH 1.2, exhibited to 81.5~86.9% by addition of ethanol extract 1μg/ml from Momordica charantia L. These results suggest that Momordica charantia L. had the potent biological activities, and that their activities exhibited differently depending on cultivars.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 실험은 동남참게, Eriocheir japonicus의 명확한 생식년주기를 밝히기 위하여, 그들의 자연 서식처인 섬진강에서 채집한 성체 참게의 생식소 조직의 계절적인 변화 그리고, 암 참게 생식소의 성숙과 산란에 미치는 환경요인 즉, 온도, 광주기 그리고, 염분 농도에 대하여 조사하였다. 암 참게의 생식소 발달과 GSI의 계절적 변화를 기초로하여 생식년주기를 다음과 같이 4단계로 구분하였다: 난황형성전기월), GSI는 낮았으며, 난소내에는 난황형성전난황형성전기와 감수분열전기의 난모세포들을 가지고 있었다; 성숙기(11월~다음해 3월), GSI는 점차적으로 증가하여 난모세포내에는 난황구들이 축적되었다; 산란기(4~6월), 암 참게의 GSI는 최고치를 나타내며, 포란한 암 참게들이 나타난다; 휴지기(7~8월), GSI가 급격하게 감소하며, 난황형성기의 난모세포들은 퇴화한다. 암컷 생식소의 성숙은 수온에 의한 영향을 받으나, 광주기에는 영향을 받지 않았다. 광주기 조건(12L12D, 9L15D)에 관계없이, 10℃ 실험군의 암 참게보다, 18℃ 실험군의 암 참게의 GSI가 더욱더 증가하였다. 그리고, 26℃ 실험군에서 두 개의 광주기 조건(12L12D, 9L15D)에서 암 참게의 GSI는 변화하지 않았으며, 난소내에는 난황이 축적되고 있는 난모세포들은 없었다. 산란은 수온과 염분 농도에 의하여 많은 영향을 받으며, 난황형성중인 암 참게는 두 달간 사육하여도, 10℃에서는 전혀 산란을 하지 않았으며, 18℃와 26℃에서 사육한 암 참게의 반 이상은 염분 농도 9.6‰와 19.2‰의 조건하에서 산란하였다. 그러나, 염분 농도 0.0‰의 조건에서는 산란한 암 참게가 한 마리도 없었다.