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        검색결과 2,950

        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The home hydroponic system used in this experiment supplied the nutrient solution using the ebb and flow-type system, and the supply time, interval, and water levels of the nutrient solutions were fixed. This experiment was conducted to find a more favorable growth medium for plant growth in the hydroponic system. The medium used in the experiment was of two types, phenolic foam and rockwool, and the heights were 28 and 38 mm, respectively. As for the the multipurpose nutrient solutions (GNU1 and GNU2) were prepared in the lab. The composition of the GNU1 and GNU2 was the same, and there was a difference between 100 and 70% in ion concentrations. The plants used were Ssamchoo (Brassica lee ssp. namai) and Romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. longiflora). First, in the physicochemical measurements of the empty medium, change in the pH and EC of the distilled water passing through the medium was less in the rockwool than in the phenolic foam. This indicates that there is less change in the chemical properties of the nutrient solution due to the medium when rockwool is used. After hydroponic culture of Ssamchoo and Romaine lettuce, the medium showed more residual salts in Romaine lettuce. Both Ssamchoo and Romaine lettuce showed less salt accumulation in rockwool. The emergence rate was significantly higher in rockwool for both species. The lower height of the medium, the faster the emergence was. Ssamchoo displayed significantly higher fresh weight (124.7%), shoot length (107.6%), and leaf width (107.9%) when grown in GNU1, but there were no significant differences as affected by the medium. However, in Romaine lettuce, the type and height of the medium resulted in significant differences. The fresh weight of Romaine lettuce was significantly higher in rockwool (119.6%) than in phenolic foam, and significantly higher at 38 (114.6%) than 28 mm. Although there is a difference depending on the species, rockwool is more suitable for the ebb and flow-type system than phenolic foam, and the height of 38 is more advantageous than 28 mm.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Few studies have been performed on ZrB2- graphite platelet composite made by spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique. In this research, the influence of adding graphite platelets (Gp) with and without SiC on the fracture toughness of ZrB2 ceramic was studied. The ZrB2- 10Gp, ZrB2- 15Gp, ZrB2- 30SiC-10Gp, and ZrB2- 30SiC-15Gp specimens were sintered by the SPS method at the temperature of 1850 °C for 8 min. The fracture toughness and work of fracture (WOF) were evaluated using the Single-Edge Notched Beam (SENB) technique. It was found that the fracture toughness and WOF were improved by the alone and combined addition of Gp and SiC to the monolithic ZrB2. The maximum fracture toughness of 4.8 ± 0.1 MPa m1/ 2 was obtained for the ZrB2- 15Gp specimen. It seems that adding Gp alone was more effective in enhancing the fracture toughness of ZrB2 than the combined addition of Gp and SiC. While the addition of Gp and SiC simultaneously modified the densification behavior to reach full-densified samples.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most common forms of dementia, affecting more than 50 million people globally. The onset of AD is linked to age, smoking, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, physical inactivity, depression, gender, and genetics of an individual. The accumulation of Aβ peptides and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) in the brain is one of the critical factors that lead to AD, which is known to disrupt neuronal signaling and causing neurodegeneration. As per the current understanding, inhibiting the accumulation of Aβ peptides and NFTs is crucial in the management/treatment of AD. Latest research studies show that nanoparticles have the potency of improving drug transport across the blood–brain barrier easily. Specifically, graphene quantum dots (GQDs), a type of semiconducting nanoparticles, have been established as effective inhibitors for blocking the aggregation of Aβ peptides. The small size of GQDs allows them to pass through the blood– brain barrier with ease. Moreover, GQDs have fluorescence properties, which can be used to detect the concentration of Aβ in vivo. In recent years, compared to other carbon materials, the low cytotoxicity and high biocompatibility of GQDs, give them an advantage in the suitability and clinical research for AD. In this manuscript, we have discussed the role of different types of nanoparticles in the transportation of encapsulated or co-assembled compound drugs for the treatment of AD and importantly, the role of GQDs in the diagnosis and management/treatment of AD.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국 천일염 생산 지역의 인구는 빠르게 고령화되고 있어 생산 노동자가 줄고 있는 추세이다. 소금 포집 작업은 천일염 생산 과정에서 가장 많은 노동력을 필요로 한다. 기존의 포집 장치는 사람의 작동 및 운전이 필요하여 상당한 노동력이 필요해서, 천일염 무인 포집장치를 개발하여 생산 노동자의 노동력을 감소시키고자 한다. 천일염 포집장치는 색상 검출을 통해 소금의 포집 상황과 염전에서의 위치를 파악하도록 설계되었기 때문에, 포집장치의 색상 검출 성능이 중요한 요소이다. 그래서 색상 검출 성능 향상을 위해 이미지 처리 를 이용한 알고리즘을 연구하였다. 알고리즘은 입력 이미지를 크기 재조정, 회전 및 투시 변환을 이용하여 around-view 이미지를 생성하고, RoI를 설정하여 해당 영역만 HSV 색상 모델로 변환하고 논리곱 연산을 통해 색상 영역을 검출한다. 검출 된 색상영역은 형태학적 연산을 이용하여 검출 영역을 확장하고 노이즈를 제거하여 컨투어와 이미지 모멘트를 이용하여 검출영역의 면적을 계산하고 설정된 면적과 비 교하여 염판에서 포집장치의 위치 경우를 결정한다. 성능 평가는 알고리즘을 적용한 최종 검출 색상의 계산 면적과 알고리즘의 각 단계 의 검출 색상의 면적을 비교하여 평가하였다. 평가 결과 소금을 검출하는 흰색의 경우 최소 25%에서 최대 99% 이상, 빨간색의 경우 최소 44%에서 최대 68%, 파란색과 녹색은 평균적으로 각각 7%와 15% 검출면적 증가가 있어 색상 검출 성능이 향상되었음을 확인할 수 있었으 며, 이를 무인 천일염 포집장치의 무인작업 수행을 위한 위치 확인에 적용 가능할 것으로 사료된다.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chronic fibroinflammatory pancreatitis causes irreparable damage to the pancreatic parenchyma. This frequently results in food restrictions, painkiller addiction, and serious quality of life impairment in children. We observed a 13-year-old girl who had previously been hospitalized multiple times and had undergone acute pancreatitis arrived with excruciating abdominal pain and recurrent hematemesis. A chronic intra-pseudocyst bleed and an ampulla of Vater hemorrhage were discovered during an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. A 3×2×1 cm pancreatic head pseudocyst was discovered on the magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, however the computed tomography scan revealed a pancreatic head pseudocyst, pancreatic duct stones, and substantial peripancreatic inflammation. The multidisciplinary team determined that Frey’s surgery was the most efficient method to minimize her suffering. No complications occurred during the healing phase following surgery, and two years later, neither recurrence bleeding nor abdominal pain appeared. In summary, Frey’s method is a secure and efficient intervention when applied by a multidisciplinary team.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Niobium (Nb) is present in Ni-based alloys and stainless steels used in nuclear reactors as structural materials. Nb-93 is a naturally occurring and stable isotope of niobium and Nb-94 (half-life = 20,000 years) is produced by neutron activation of Nb-93. Nb-94 can be present in waste streams from dismantling of nuclear power plants and treatment of the primary coolant circuit. Hence, the radioactive wastes containing active Nb-94 are disposed of in the repositories for low- and intermediate-level waste (LILW). Nb predominantly exhibits a pentavalent oxidation state (i.e., +V) within the stability field of water. Cementitious materials (concrete, mortar, and grout) are extensively utilized in LILW disposal systems as structural components and chemical agents for the stabilization of waste. Solubility defines the source term (i.e., upper concentration limit) in the repository system. However, the solubility behavior of Nb in cementitious systems at high pH remains ill-defined, and information available on the Nb solid phases controlling the solubility is scarce and often ambiguous. Sorption on cementbased materials is one of the main mechanisms controlling the retention of niobium(V) in a LILW repository, and distribution coefficients (Rd) are necessary to evaluate the retention capacity by sorption in the safety assessment of disposal systems. Available sorption data of Nb(V) on cement showed a large discrepancy in Rd, moreover, no sorption data is available for Nb(V) under conditions characterizing the first degradation stage of cement (young cement condition) at pH 13 – 13.5. In this context, the solubility of Nb was extensively investigated in porewater conditions representative of the cement degradation stage I, as well as in CaCl2-Ca(OH)2 systems. Special focus was given to the accurate characterization of the solubility-controlling solid niobium phases. We also studied the sorption of Nb(V) by hardened cement pastes (HCP) and calcium silicate hydrates (CSH, major hydrate of HCP). This work provides the results on Rd, sorption isotherm and sorption mechanisms of Nb(V). Besides, the impact of ISA (polyhydroxycarboxylic acid generated by the degradation of cellulose) on Nb(V) sorption and the dissolution of cement materials was investigated.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In accordance with the notification of the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC), environmental impact assessments around nuclear power plants are conducted annually and the results are disclosed to the public. The effects of direct radiation exposure from nuclear power plants as well as liquid effluents and gaseous effluents are taken into consideration in the evaluation of dose calculation for residents. In the United States, regulatory guidelines on direct radiation exposure are described in Reg. Guide 4.1, and the effects of direct radiation are evaluated through regulatory guidelines in Korea. We are going to review optimal evaluation method by reviewing the direct radiation exposure evaluation method currently being conducted in domestic nuclear power plants and the direct radiation exposure evaluation method in overseas nuclear power plants such as in the United States.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In 2022, new regulatory guidelines were announced in relation to the off-site dose calculation (ODC), and accordingly, measures to improve the off-site does calculation program (ODCP), kdose60, were reviewed. The main consideration is, first, that if multiple nuclear facilities are operated on the same site, the boundaries of the restricted areas shall be set as the overlapping outer boundaries of the restricted areas determined by calculation for each nuclear facility. Second, the external exposure caused by direct radiation from a number of nuclear facilities in the same site must be partially or fully applied depending on the facility and site characteristics. Third, the dose conversion coefficient should be evaluated by checking whether the effect of the daughter nuclides is properly reflected. Fourth, the soil contamination period is a factor to consider that radioactive substances deposited on the surface, such as particulate nuclides, affect residents over a long period of time. Fifth, due to the recent construction of Shin-Kori Units 5 and 6, there is a change in the site boundary of the Kori/Saeul site, so as the site boundary is expanded, it is required to add an exposure dose assessment point due to gas effluents and change the exposure dose assessment point according to crop intake. Therefore, through this study, the direction for improving the ODCP will be prepared by reviewing the recent revision of the regulatory guidelines.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The buffer block, which is one of the main components of the engineering barrier system, plays an essential role in mitigating groundwater infiltration and radionuclide transport in a high-level nuclear waste repository. To achieve those purposes, the compacted buffer block must satisfy the functional safety criteria for dry density, water content, and many other components. In this study, the compation curves of the compacted bentonite-sand mixtures were evaluated to identify the relationship between the dry density and the water content of the buffer material. The floating die press at 10 MPa and the cold isostatic press at 40 MPa were applied to compaction of a buffer block with a diameter of 100 mm and a thickness of 10 mm. The condition of a bentonite-sand mixing ratio was 6:4, 7:3, 8:2, and 9:1 with 9 to 21% water content. As a result, the maximum dry density increases, the optimum moisture content decreases as the sand content of buffer material increases. This study can provide the conditions for manufacturing the compacted bentonite-sand buffer block.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, borated stainless steel (BSS) is used as spent fuel pool (SFP) storage rack to maintain nuclear criticality of spent fuels. As number of nuclear power plants and corresponding number of spent fuels increased, density in SFP storage rack also increased. In this regard, maintain subcriticality of spent nuclear fuels was raised as an issue and BSS was selected as structural material and neutron absorber for high density storage rack. Because it is difficult to replace storage rack, corrosion resistance and neutron absorbency are required for long period. BSS is based on stainless steel 304 and it is specified in the ASTM A887-89 standard depending on the boron concentration from 304B (0.20-0.29% B) to 304B7 (1.75-2.25% B). Due to low solubility of boron in austenitic stainless steel, metallic borides such as (Fe, Cr)2B are formed as secondary phase metallic borides could make Cr depletion near it which could decrease the corrosion resistance of material. In this paper, long-term corrosion behavior of BSS and its oxide microstructures are investigated through accelerated corrosion experiment in simulated SFP condition. Because corrosion rate of austenitic stainless steel is known to be dependent on the Arrhenius equation, a function of temperature, corrosion experiment is conducted by increasing the experimental temperature. Detail microstructural analysis was conducted with scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope and energy dispersive spectrometer. After oxidation, hematite structure oxide film is formed and pitting corrosions occur on the surface of specimens. Most of pitting corrosions are found at the substrate surface because corrosion resistance of substrate, which has low Cr content, is relatively low. Also, oxidation reaction of B in the secondary phase has the lowest Gibbs free energy compared to other elements. Furthermore, oxidation of Cr has low Gibbs free energy which means that oxidation of B and Cr could be faster than other elements. Thus, the long-term corrosion might affect to boron content and the neutron absorption ability of the material.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Even though it is emphasized to apply safeguards-by-design (SBD) concept in the early phase of the design of a new nuclear facilities, there is no clear guideline or tools for the practical SBD implementation. Generally known approach is trying to review whether there is any conflicts or shortcomings on a conceptual safeguards components in a design information. This study tries to build a systematic tools which can be easily applied to safeguards analysis. In evaluating the safeguards system or performance in a facility, it is essential to analyze the diversion path for nuclear materials. Diversion paths, however, can be either extremely simplified or complicated depending on the level of knowledge and purpose of specific person who do analyze in the field. In the context, this study discusses the applicability of an event tree and fault tree method to generating diversion paths systematically. The essential components constituting the diversion path were reviewed and the logical flow for systematically creating the diversion path was developed. The path generation algorithm based on the facility design components and logical flow as well as the initial information of the nuclear materials and material flows was test using event tree and fault tree analysis tools. The usage and limitation of the applicability of this two logic methods are discussed and idea to incorporate the logic algorithm into the practical program tools is suggested.The results will be used to develop a program module which can systematically generate diversion paths using the event tree and fault tree method.