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        검색결과 9,685

        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study is for evaluation and optimization of workers’ radiation exposure for dismantling Reactor Vessel (RV) at Kori unit 1 in connection with its decommissioning process for the purpose of establishing Radiation Safety Management Plan. This is because the safety of workers in a radiation environment is an important issue. The basis of radiological conditions of this evaluation is supposed to be those of 10 years after the permanent shutdown of Kori unit 1 when dismantling work of Reactor Vessel would suppose to be started. Dose rates of work areas were evaluated on the basis of spatial dose rate derived from activation level calculated by MCNP (Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport) and ORIGEN-S code. RV are radiated by neutrons during operation, creating an environment in which it is difficult for operators to access and work. Therefore, the RV must be dismantled remotely. However, due to work such as installing devices or dismantling surrounding structures, it is not possible to completely block the access of workers. Accordingly, the exposure of workers to the RV dismantling process should be assessed and safety management carried out. The dismantling process of Kori unit 1 RV was developed based on in-situ execution in atmospheric environment using the oxigen-propane cutting technology as the following steps of Preparation, Dismantling of Peripheral Structures, Dismantling of RV and Finishing Work. For evaluation of exposure of RV dismantling work, those processes of each steps are correlated with spatial dose rates of each work areas where the jobs being done. Results of the evaluation show that workers’ collective dose for RV dismantling work would be in the range of 536–778 man- mSv. The most critical process would be dismantling of upper connecting parts of RV with 170–256 manmSv while among the working groups, the expert group performing dismantling of ICI (In-core instrumentation) nozzles and handling & packaging of cut-off pieces is evaluated as the most significantly affected group with 37.5–39.4 man- mSv. Based on the evaluation, improvement plan for better working conditions of the most critical process and the most affected workers in terms of radiation safety were suggested.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, Starting with the permanent shutdown of Kori Unit1, decommissioning of commercial nuclear power plant is underway. Although various technologies are required to decommissioning a nuclear power plant, the most important technology is the characterization of radioactive waste. In particular, it is possible to establish an accurate decommissioning plan and estimate cost for radioactive waste through accurate characterization of reactor vessel (RV), reactor vessel internal (RVI) and bioshield, which are highly activated waste. In Slovakia’s V1 nuclear power plant, two units were shutdown in 2006 and 2008, respectively, and decommissioning license was approved in July 2011. Before approving the decommissioning license, the decommissioning database project was carried out from 2008 to 2011. At this time, radioactive evaluation was performed through sampling and radiological analysis of radioactive structures.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        During the decommissioning of nuclear power plant (NPP), massive amount of concrete wastes is generated, which are non-radioactive and radioactive. The concrete is a representative construction material which affords reliable structural stability, good formability, and trustful integrity. Also, its reasonable neutron absorbing property allows the various application for many components, including building construction material, bio-shield concrete, etc. Due to the noted aspects of concrete, the radiological concrete characterization is classified as an important process for development of effective strategy for concrete management, in terms of process management and financial control during the decommissioning. The characterization of bio-shield concrete is important in waste management. The understanding and characterization of activation depth is essential for the determination of waste management strategy, classification of bio-shield concrete, and process development of decommissioning. On the other hand, concrete for construction application requires the evaluation of surface contamination of them. The concrete for containment building and its structure is rarely activated, but surface contaminated. In this paper, the reactor data from representative PWR reactors in the US is studied. The experience on Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee, and Connecticut Yankee NPPs are systematically studied. The Yankee Rowe was a 4-loop PWR of Westinghouse design with 185 MWe. The Main Yankee was a 3- loop PWR of Combustion Engineering design with 864 MWe. The Connecticut Yankee was a 4-loop Westinghouse type with 560 MWe. The characterization studies on bio-shield concrete will be discussed in this paper, including activation depth, primary nuclides, etc.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, which was caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, is of great concern to the Korean people. The scope of interest is wide and diverse, from the nuclear accident itself and the damage situation, to the current situation in Fukushima Prefecture and Japan, and to the safety of Japanese agricultural and fishery products. Concerns about nuclear safety following the Fukushima nuclear accident have a significant impact on neighboring nation’s energy policy. It has been 11 years since the Fukushima nuclear accident. In neighboring nation society, the nature and extent of damage caused by the Fukushima nuclear accident, the feasibility of follow-up measures at home and abroad, the impact on neighboring nations, and the direction of nuclear policy reflecting the lessons of the accident are hotly debated topics. Recently, the controversy has grown further as it is intertwined with Japan’s concerns about the safety and discharge of the contaminated water into the sea, and conflicts over domestic nuclear power policies. About 1.29 million tons, as of March 24, 2022, of the contaminated water are generated, which is close to the 1.37 million tons of water storage capacity. In response, the Japanese government announced on April 13, 2021, that it plans to discharge the contaminated water into the sea from 2023. This study evaluates the amount of the contaminated water that has passed through the ALPS and reviews the preparations and related facilities for ocean discharge after diluting the contaminated water. In addition, it is intended to forecast the various impacts of ocean discharge.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Numerous nuclear power plants that had been built in the late 20th century have entered the aging phase and are scheduled to be decommissioned. The decommissioning project of a commercial nuclear power plant is an array of complex processes involving the activities of site characterization, decontamination, dismantling, and site restoration. Hence, a number of essential factors, such as scheduling, work progress, and staffing, should be taken into account while the decommissioning plan is drafted and modified. Guidances on managerial and social aspects of decommissioning have been rare as compared to those of technical viewpoints. Nonetheless, the nuclear industry in the US has presented no little amount of experience on their decommissioning projects dealing with those perspectives. Thus, three sets of the case study were conducted to obtain useful lessons learned. The Maine Yankee nuclear power plant initially acquired 40 years of the operating license, it was in operation for only 25 years from 1972 until 1996. The owner group decided to shut down because of the deterioration of the profitability in 1997. The case of the Maine Yankee project enlightened the importance of the contract management and stakeholder relations. The Rancho Seco nuclear power plant is a single-unit nuclear power reactor site with 913 MWe output that commenced commercial operation in 1975. The Rancho Seco that had become the first-ever reactor shut down by a public voting introduced several innovative approaches for the decommissioning, some of which turned out to be very successful. The SONGS 1 commenced the commercial operation in 1968 and had been decided to cease its operation permanently due to a steep decline in profitability in 1992. The SONGS 1 presented worthwhile lessons in terms of project management. In this study, several lessons learned related on managerial, engineering, and regulatory/social aspects considered during the NPP decommissioning will be reviewed and discussed.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The permanent shutdown of NPPs (nuclear power plants) has been growing steadily around the world. Also, permanent shutdown of old NPPs has been determined following to Kori-1 and Wolsong-1 in the Korea. Among issues of decommissioning of NPPs, especially, the management of radioactive waste is the most sensitive issue. According to IAEA, a large volume of radioactive concrete waste would be generated from decommissioning of nuclear facilities. Also, EC (European commission) expected that about 500 million tons of concrete will be produced in Europe by 2060 due to decommissioning of NPPs. It is known that the radioactive concrete consists of surface contaminated concrete and activated concrete. So, if contaminants from radioactive concretes can be removed using specific technologies, volume reduction of concrete can be achieved. Since there is no experience of decommissioning of NPPs in Korea, it is important to analyze previous cases. In this study, decontamination of radioactive concrete is analyzed through previous studies. Decontamination technologies of concrete are composed of mechanical methods, chemical methods, and thermal methods. Mechanical methods are physical technologies separating contaminants from concrete using scabbling, milling, and vacuum cleaning. In chemical methods, contaminants were removed from concrete using an oxidizing agent/reducing agent, acid/base. Thermal methods are removal technologies using lasers, microwaves, and pulsed power discharge. Some methods still have practical use cases, and further research is needed on the issue of generation of secondary waste. Review on the experience of decontamination of concrete show that waste of concrete generated during decommissioning of NPPs are expected to have effect of large volume reduction. However, many studies are needed because secondary waste and decontamination cost is sensitive issue of concrete generated during decommissioning of NPPs. In order to successful decommissioning of NPPs in Korea, various research of decontamination of concrete are need
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        HIC refers to a radwaste packaging container that can maintain integrity for more than 300 years in the general underground environment and disposal conditions in Korea. For HIC, the integrity of containers is verified according to the HIC regulation guideline for LLW and ILW disposal. Existing material tests include mechanical stability, permeability resistance, corrosion properties, chemical durability and biological resistance. In this study, a chemical durability test was conducted to prove the suitability of the HIC material by measuring the degree of chemical influence other than corrosion from the disposal environment. The chemical resistance evaluation method was used to simulate the disposal environment in the underground repository, and the amount of change in the physical properties of the degraded polymer concrete specimens according to the test time was confirmed. The technical standards considered leaching of material components, sulfation attack, acid attack, alkali, carbonate, and salt crystallization. The compressive strength and weight change of the specimens with time were checked by immersing them in a chemical solution that could leak major hazardous substances and wastes in the groundwater of the repository for several months. In addition, in order to evaluate the integrity in condition severe than the disposal environment, a flow was applied to a chemical solution having a concentration twice that of the basic chemical resistance test conditions, and the test period was extended twice to accelerate the deterioration of the specimen.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Korea Nuclear Safety Act defines a high integrity container (HIC) as “a radioactive waste packaging container that can maintain its integrity for more than 300 years under the general underground environment and disposal conditions in Korea”, and detailed technical standards are not described. The US Nuclear Safety Commission’s “Low-Level Waste Licensing Branch Technical Position on Waste Form” describes the detailed requirements for solidification and HIC. The main contents of the US NRC technical position include limiting the free standing water, minimum design life, demonstrating mechanical, thermal and radiation stability, etc. In this study, the stability evaluation was performed to understand the mechanical strength with respect to horizontal and vertical loads. The basic property of polymer concrete was carefully evaluated, including compressive strength, structural fatigue resistance, etc. The long term creep test, loading of 40% of compressive strength, indicates that the polymer concrete exhibits good long term mechanical integrity.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The establishment of processes for the decommissioning a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is one of the objects that must be prepared in carrying out the decommissioning project. In particular, in the domestic situation, where there is no experience of decommissioning commercial NPPs, it is necessary to organize the tasks and contents well in advance for the successful initiation of the project. Therefore, this study intends to present a guide-level approach to develop management for domestic decommissioning projects. As a documented template for recognizing a process, there may be a process map and description, and information such as the work structure and the relations between the activities should be indicated. In reality, activities will be managed through a set of computer system, so it would be better if the work content, activity flow, relation, management target information, computerization contents, etc. were materialized in the process. What is important here is to define the management areas and activities and draw the activity flow. Domestically, it has rich experience in construction of NPPs and has a track record of exporting NPPs to the UAE. From these experiences, we have established a framework for standardized work in construction management and construction processes, and are performing them through a computerized system. Since the work of decommissioning has a similar nature to that of construction, we will be able to benchmark the procedure for the decommissioning from the construction management procedures. Typically, in the case of schedule management, the concept and structure of the construction process will be applicable to the decommissioning. Meanwhile, the licensee of domestic decommissioning is the same as the licensee that performs the operation, and the members who will perform the decommissioning also have experience working in the operation period. Therefore, the decommissioning works are an extension of the task during operation. Representatively, there are some processes that can be applied as it is even when decommissioning, such as dismantling work and the safety management process of the radiation zone. Therefore, in carrying out the decommissioning of NPPs in Korea, processes and activities of the management area should be established from the construction processes with abundant experience and the processes during operation. Rather than making a completely new work process, this approach that properly reflects the existing work flow is expected to be an appropriate way to avoid the repulsion of employees and maladjustment to the new environment.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The structural stability of the recycled concrete disposal container was evaluated and compared the applicability of the current design standards for recycled concrete of nuclear power plant. The structural stability requirement for concrete disposal containers is 37.7 MPa or more. As a result of the compressive strength test on recycled concrete, 50% of coarse aggregates of recycled concrete was 42.1 MPa. In addition, it was found that the bending strength and shear strength of recycled reinforced concrete beam exceeded the current design standard. Therefore, it is judged that recycled concrete containing coarse aggregates can be sufficiently utilized. It was possible to ensure the structural stability of the concrete container without changing the design specifications and reinforcing bars when recycled concrete is applied.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The dismantling of the reactor pressure vessel has been carried out at a number of commercial nuclear power plants, including the Zion nuclear power plant in the United States and the Stade nuclear power plant in Germany. The dismantling method for the reactor pressure vessel is either in the air or in the water, depending on the utility. In general, a mechanical cutting method is used when dismantling the reactor pressure vessel in the water. And when dismantling a nuclear reactor pressure vessel in the air, the thermal cutting method is applied. However, there is no case of dismantling commercial nuclear reactor pressure vessel by applying a mechanical method in the air. In this study, when a nuclear reactor pressure vessel is dismantled by applying a mechanical method in the air, the applicability was evaluated by testing it using a demonstration mockup of Kori Unit 1. For the evaluation, the mockup was made in the actual size of Kori Unit 1. Mechanical cutting devices used the band saw and the circular saw. In the test, the cutting of the reactor pressure vessel was performed remotely by reflecting the working conditions of the decommissioning site. The band saw cutting method was applied to vertical cutting, and the circular saw cutting method was applied to horizontal cutting. In order to dismantle one cut-off piece, mockup test was performed according to a series of dismantling processes, it consists of preparatory work, vertical cutting process, horizontal cutting process, packaging process and finishing work. The cutting speed of the band saw is 3–10 mm·min−1, and the cutting speed of the circular saw is 2–4 mm·min−1. As a result of the test, when the mechanical cutting method was applied, as is known, the kerf width was smaller than when the thermal cutting method was applied. The cut surface showed a clean state without drag lines generated during thermal cutting. However, the working time was much slower than when the thermal cutting method was applied.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive waste generated during the decommissioning of Kori Unit 1 can be packaged in a transport container under development and transported to a disposal facility by sea transport or land transport. In this study, the cost of each transport method was evaluated by considering the methods of land transport, sea transport, and parallel transport of the radioactive waste dismantled at Kori Unit 1. In evaluating the shipping cost, the shipping cost was evaluated by assuming the construction of a new ship without considering shipping by CHEONG JEONG NURI, which is currently carrying operational waste. Since the cargo hold of CHEONG JEONG NURI was built to fit the existing operating waste transport container and is not suitable for transporting the transport container currently under development, sea transport using CHEONG JEONG NURI was excluded in this paper. In the case of on-road transportation, the final fare for each distance was calculated in accordance with the Enforcement Decree of the Freight Vehicle Transportation Business Act, and the cost of onroad transportation was evaluated by estimating the labor cost of the input manpower required for onroad transportation. The cost of on-road transportation was estimated to be approximately KRW 510 million, the product of the total number of transports 459 times the sum of the cost of transportation vehicle freight cost of about KRW 720,000 and the labor cost of input personnel of KRW 380,000. It is difficult to predict the cost of building a new ship at this point, as the cost of building new ship is determined by the cost of number of items such as ship design specifications and material prices, labor costs, and finance costs at the time of construction. Accordingly, considering the 2% annual inflation rate based on the shipbuilding cost (about KRW 26 billion) and financing cost (about KRW 12 billion) at the time of construction of the CHEONG JEONG NURI (2005 yr.), decommissioning of Kori Unit 1 (2025 yr.) construction cost finance cost was estimated and evaluated. According to the result of comparing the transport cost for each transport scenario, land transport is about 510 million won, which is advantageous in terms of economic feasibility compared to the sea transport scenario. However, when transporting by land, it is disadvantageous in terms of acceptability of residents because it is transported multiple times on general roads. The cost of building a new ship is about KRW 56.4 billion, which is disadvantageous in terms of the cost of transporting waste from the dismantling of Kori Unit 1. But, in the future, cost reduction can be expected if waste materials issued when dismantling nuclear power plants are transported.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Currently, in domestic nuclear power plants (NPP), the spent filters (SFs) used for the purpose of reducing and purifying the radiation of the primary cooling water system are temporarily stored in an untreated state. In order to dispose of SFs, radioactive nuclide analysis (RNA) of SFs is required to be conducted. As segmented gamma scanner (SGS) is already being used in Kori NPP, utilizing SGS for RNA of SFs would be practical and economical. In this paper, factors required to be considered to improve accuracy of SGSs for RNA of SFs are studied. The analysis of the nuclide inventory of the packaging drum for radioactive waste should be performed by the indirect drum nuclide analysis method. The material of the SFs is iron (SS304) on the outside, and paper on the inside. In addition, to meet disposal acceptance criteria, radioactive waste drums are packaged in thick grouting or shielding drums. Therefore, it is necessary to derive an appropriate correction method for high inhomogeneity and thick media. Considering these factors, evaluating radionuclides inventory plans to measure gamma rays in SGS mode. Correct the gamma ray measurement by examining the medium attenuation factor and error factors. In this way, the inventory of gamma nuclides is calculated, and the specific radioactivity of beta ray and alpha particle emitting nuclides other than gamma rays is planned to be calculated by applying scaling factors.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As the number of aging nuclear power plants increases, the market for dismantling nuclear power plants is growing rapidly. About 40% of the cost of dismantling nuclear power plants is the waste treatment cost incurred during the dismantling process, of which concrete waste accounts for a significant portion of the total waste. Securing technology for reducing and recycling concrete waste is very important not only in terms of economy but also in terms of environment. The objective is to synthesize geopolymer using inorganic materials from cement fine powder in concrete waste. Cement fine powder in concrete waste has a large amount of inorganic elements necessary for filing materials for radioactive waste treatment such as CaO and SiO2. In particular, Ca(OH)2 is synthesized by extracting Ca2+ from concrete waste. It can be used as an alkali activator to synthesize geopolymer. The mortar from crushed concrete was used as a source of calcium. The first step is to react with concrete waste and hydrochloric acid to extract ions. The second step is to react with NaOH and synthesize Ca(OH)2. The product was divided into two stages according to the reaction method and order. The first and second products were washed and dried, and then XRD and XRF were performed. The second product was matched only Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3 at the XRD peak. In the case of XRF, it was analyzed to have a purity of 67.80–78.73%. Synthesis of geopolymer by recycling materials extracted from concrete waste can reduce disposal costs and improve the utilization rate of disposal sites.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Source localization technique using acoustic emission (AE) has been widely used to track the accurate location of the damaged structure. The principle of localization is based on signal velocity and the time difference of arrival (TDOF) obtained from different signals for the specific source. However, signal velocity changes depending on the frequency domain of signals. In addition, the TDOF is dependent on the signal threshold which affects the prediction accuracy. In this study, a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based approach is used to overcome the existing problem. The concrete block corresponding to 1.3×1.3×1.3 m size is prepared according to the mixing ratio of Wolseong low-to-intermediate level radioactive waste disposal concrete materials. The source is excited using an impact hammer, and signals were acquired through eight AE sensors attached to the concrete block and a multi-channel AE measurement system. The different signals for a specific source are time-synchronized to obtain TDOF information and are transformed into a time-frequency domain using continuous wavelet transform (CWT) for consideration of various frequencies. The developed CNN model is compared with the conventional TDOF-based method using the testing dataset. The result suggests that the CNN-based method can contribute to the improvement of localization performance.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The radwaste facility management team is preparing for clearance of 4 MCAs in The Radwaste Form Test Facility (RFTF). The targeted waste was used for clearance level radioactive waste sample analysis and has been used for this purpose since the early 2000s. Due to the characteristics of clearance level radioactive waste, the concentration of radioactivity is very low and MCA is used with Marinelli beakers the possibility of contamination is low. Moreover, the radiation detector should not be contaminated with radioactive materials, it should be less than the clearance level. These detectors were considered surface contamination materials. To detect the contaminated spot of each material, we scanned the whole surface of a material with a gamma survey meter. After that, we took a sample from 1×1 m2 and a total of 30 samples from each MCA. The wiped filter paper was analyzed with alpha, beta low background counting systems. The results of the analysis of the smear sample of total alpha and beta nuclide radioactivity were less than MDA (α: 2.88×10−5 Bq·cm−2, β: 3.07×10−5 Bq·cm−2). The major nuclide in this facility is Co-60 and Cs-137 therefore we analyzed gamma nuclide activity with HPGe. The maximum specific activity was Co-60: 2.31×10−5 Bq·cm−2, Cs-137: 1.96×10−6 Bq·cm−2. If it is satisfied with the clearance criteria, detectors will be reused at the Radioactive Waste Treatment Facility (RWTF) room # 7251 uncontrolled area.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The off-site dose calculation is regularly carried out at the nuclear power plants in order to evaluate off-site dose from gaseous and liquid effluent during normal operation. In 2009, the off-site calculation program (K-DOSE60) was developed in accordance with ICRP-60 by KHNP. This software needs meteorological data, gaseous and liquid effluent data, and various other input parameters to evaluate off-site dose. As a result, it takes a certain amount of time for the user to enter accurate input data and verify calculated results, and it is difficult to intuitively determine them because of providing textbased calculated results. Therefore, in this study, the improvement of the calculation program was considered so that a more reliable and effective evaluation could be performed when calculating the off-site dose. The main improvements of the off-site dose calculation program (ODCP) are as follows. First, it is developed as the network-based program to link with meteorological data, and gaseous and liquid effluent data to remove input errors and simplify data transfer. Second, through validation process of input data, input errors are eliminated. Third, the input data and calculated results are visually provided so that the user can easily determine the evaluation results. Fourth, database of input and calculated results is constructed to facilitate evaluation result history management.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Low and intermediate radioactive wastes in South Korea have been disposed in Wolsong Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Center (WLDC), Gyeongju. This repository structure is planned to be operated few hundred years while toxicity of the waste is sufficiently decayed. The structural integrity of the repository is required to protect the waste in safe. The integrity of the structure is commonly estimated using acoustic emission (AE) method. The integrity of the structure using AE is obtained by following process: 1) Estimation of maximum acoustic crack energy of the structure, 2) Acoustic signal measurement and filtering, and 3) Measurement of simultaneous acoustic cracking energy. The damage of the structure can be obtained from cumulative cracking energy from the structure divided by the predicted maximum cracking energy of the structure. Estimation of maximum cracking energy is gained by the specimens whose components are identical to the repository structure. The cracking energy of the different specimens are obtained during uniaxial compressive test and volume of the specimen is calculated. Then, the fractal coefficient for the structure is obtained and the maximum crack energy of the target structure can be calculated. The specimens whose diameters vary from 50 mm to 150 mm and heights are twice of the diameter are made with same recipe of WLDC silo concrete. The uniaxial compression test is conducted with loading rate of 0.1 mm·min−1. The fractal coefficient is obtained by least square method from the volume-cumulative energy relationship.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Low to intermediate radioactive waste disposal concrete structures are subjected to coupled hydromechanical conditions and the identification of structural damage is crucial to ensure safe long-term disposal. Different damage models for concrete and the surrounding rock can affect the damage characteristics of radioactive waste disposal structures. In this study, the effects of different rock damage models are applied to the hydro-mechanical-damage coupled structural analysis of the Wolseong Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Center silo. A two-dimensional model of the disposal silo was modeled using the finite element analysis software COMSOL and the Mazars’ damage model was applied to the silo concrete. The Mazars’ model parameters were obtained from uniaxial compression and tensile tests on cylindrical concrete specimens after 28 days of water curing and further 32 days of wet curing at 75°C). The COMSOL embedded Richards equation module was used to simulate hydraulic analysis. Structural loading due to waste disposal was applied at the bottom of the silo structure and the damage evolution characteristics were investigated. The non-linear mechanical rock behavior obtained from laboratory tests (Hoek-Brown criterion, resonant column test, Mazar’s damage model) and field tests (Goodman Jack) were input to assess the effects of different rock damage models. The results highlight the importance of structural damage consideration when assessing the long-term stability and safety of underground radioactive waste disposal structures under coupled hydro-mechanical conditions.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive materials emitted from nuclear accident or decommissioning cause soil contamination over wide areas. In the event of such a wide area of contaminated soil, decontamination is inevitable for residents to reside and reuse as industrial land. There are many ways to decontaminate these contaminated soils, but in urgent situations, the soil washing, which has a short process period and relatively high decontamination efficiency, is considered the most suitable. However, the soil washing process of removing fine soil and cesium by using washing liquid as water and adding a flocculating agent (J-AF) generates slurry/sludge-type secondary waste (Cs-contaminated soil + flocculating agent). Since this form of sludge contaminants cannot be disposed, solidification is needed using an appropriate solidification agent to treat wastes for disposal. Therefore, this study devised a treatment method of contaminated fine soils occurring after the soil washing process. This investigation prepared the simulated wastes of contaminated fine soils generated after the soil washing, and pelletized the samples using a roll compactor under the optimum operating conditions. The optimum conditions of the device were determined in the pre-test. Roll speed, feeding rate, and hydraulic pressure were 1.5 rpm, 25 rpm, and 28.44 MPa, respectively. The waste forms were manufactured by incorporating created pellets (H 6.5 × W 9.4 mm) using polymers as solidification agents. Used polymers were main ingredient (YD-128), hardener (G-1034), and diluent (LGE). The optimum mixing ratio was YD-128 : G-1034 = 65 : 35 phr, and LGE was added in an amount of 10wt% of the total mixture. To confirm the disposal suitability of the manufactured waste forms, characterization evaluation was carried out (compressive strength, thermal cycling, immersion, and leaching test). Characterization evaluation revealed a minimum compressive strength of 23.1 MPa, far exceeding 3.44 MPa of the disposal facility waste acceptance criteria. Compressive strength increased to the highest value of 31.90 MPa after immersion test. To examine leaching characteristics, the pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC) and leachability index (􀜮􀯜) of leachates were identified. As results, pH and EC consistently increased or remained constant with leaching time. The average of Co, Cs and Sr nuclides was 17.76, 17.38 and 14.04, respectively, exceeding the value of 6 in the waste acceptance criteria. Effective waste treatment/ disposal can be achieved without increasing volumes of sludge/slurry by enhancing the technique of this research by performing additional studies in the future.