
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8,329

        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Historically, the control of stored-product insects has mostly relied on the use of fumigants such as methyl bromide (MB) and phosphine. However, methyl bromide is no longer used for structural fumigations, and phosphine insecticide resistance is rising globally. Methyl benzoate (MBe) is a new green pesticide that occurs naturally as a metabolite in plants. In this study, we evaluated the the potential use of MBe as a fumigant against a variety of stored-product insects. According to our laboratory findings, MBe showed strong fumigation toxicity against the Indian meal moth and flat grain beetle with an LC50 value of 0.1 μL/L and 0.76 μL/1.5 L air, respectively, compared to the other tested insects. Furthermore, no significant differences were observed in susceptibility levels between the lab strain and the phosphine-resistant lesser grain borer and rice weevil. However, the red flour beetle had the highest LC50 value of 8.26 μL/1.5 L air. Overall, MBe seems to be a highly promising candidate for the development of environmentally-friendly alternative fumigants.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The aphid genus Tuberaphis Takahashi belongs to the tribe Cerataphdini (Hemiptera: Hormaphidinae) and comprises 17 valid species. Generally, its species are distributed in East and South East Asia, where they primarily feed on Styrax spp. (Styracaceae) and utilize species within the Loranthaceae family as their secondary hosts. They form various shapes of galls on Styrax, looking coral and broccoli etc. Currently, the only aphid species reported to exclusively produce gall forms resembling broccoli head-shaped is Tuberaphis takeouchii (Takahashi). For the first time in Korea, an aphid species forming gall structures with a broccoli-head-like appearance has been discovered. We confirmed that the species discovered in Korea is a new species through morphological and molecular comparisons with T. takenouchii (Takahashi). To comprehend the life cycle of this new species, we conducted a year-long study investigating how the gall forms change and examined aphid polymorphism across different seasons. The results of this study additionally include as followings: 1) Species identification, 2) DNA barcoding, 3) population genetic analyses, and 4) morphological comparison using SEM
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Miridae show remarkable diversity (>11,700 spp.), accounting for a quarter of all Heteroptera. However, their phylogeny and evolutional history is still remain unclear. In this work, we provide new suggestions for the phylogeny of Miridae using a larger dataset than previous studies. In addition, we suggest an alternative evolutionary history based on newly calibrated divergence dates for Miridae and its subordinate groups, and present probable factors of the family’s success in terms of species diversity. The entire dataset comprises 16 outgroups and 188 ingroup taxa including all seven known subfamilies and 37 out of 45 known tribes. Each species is aligned as 3,577 bp with six molecular loci (COI, 16S rRNA, 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA D3 region, H2A, and H3A).
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nutrient acquisition by insect herbivores affect all aspect of the the lifespan of individauls. For seed-sucking insect herbivores, they face challenges with nutrient acquisition due to requirement for extra-oral digestion of seed contents into a readily-ingestible state. In this study, we demonstrated environmentally-transmitted Caballeronia insecticola allow seed-sucking R. pedestris to overcome challenges with extra-oral digestion. Through the evaluation, first, we found symbiotic insects exhibited enhanced feeding efficiency by consuming significantly larger amount of food per feeding attempt compared to apo-symbiotic insects (P<0.05). Then, we observed feeding behavior modification in the symbiotic insects from the behavior tracking evaluation. Symbiotic insects displayed dichotomic behavior which can be generally divided into early focused feeding and later subdued resting periods. By contrast, apo-symbiotic insects displayed unordered behavior by frequent switches between feeding and walking behavior.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        사막이리응애(Neoseiulus californicus)는 칠레이리응애에 비하여 고온건조한 조건에서 유리하고 점박이응 애, 차응애, 차먼지응애 등 응애류 뿐만 아니라 가루이, 총채벌레 등 다양한 미소해충을 포식 포식하는 광식성 천적으로서 전세계적으로 산업화되고 있다. 사막이리응애를 농가수준에서 증식하기 위하여 간단한 대량생산 방법을 개발하였다. 천적의 먹이원인 가는다리고기진드기와 배지로서 밀기울(70%) 및 팽창질석(30%)을 멸균 팩에 넣고 사막이리응애를 사육하였다. 그 결과 사막이리응애의 밀도는 3주차에 18배로 증식되었다. 증식된 사막이리응애를 딸기 농장에 2월초부터 4월초까지 8주간 매주 투여한 결과 잎당 점박이응애의 밀도는 무처리구 에서 41.5마리이고 천적처리구는 7.0마리로서 점박이응애 방제효과가 83%로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통하여 자가 생산한 사막이리응애를 활용하여 딸기농가의 점박이응애 방제에 효과적으로 사용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        경북 안동의 진걸맘농장은 딸기와 쪽 농사를 주로 하고 있으며 10년 이상 친환경 무농약 농법을 인증받은 농가로서 천적을 활용하여 토경 1,000평 규모의 시설 하우스에 딸기 재배를 하고 있다. 2018-2020에 경북농민사관학교 친환경 천적과정을 통하여 천적의 자가생산 기술을 배우고 2021년부터 농가에서 직접 자가생산을 시작하였다. 그래서, 진걸맘농가는 칠레이리응애를 자가사육하여 지속적으로 딸기 재배지에 처리함으로서 점박이응애 방제에 성공한 농업인으로서 국내 첫 사례로 꼽힌다. 또한, 2022년 안동시농업기술센터에서 안전농산물 생산을 위한 천적 배양시 스템 보급 시범 사업에 선정되어 딸기 해충의 생물적 방제를 위한 뿌리이리응애, 칠레이리응애, 보리뱅커플랜트 등의 천적 배양시설 완공, 천적의 자가생산 및 성공적인 현장적용 기술로서 농산물의 지역특화, 브랜드화를 통한 농산물 가격 차별화에 크기 기여하였으며 국내 천적농업의 발전을 위해 앞장서고 있는 선도농가로 인정받고 있다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        경북대학교 친환경농업연구센터에서는 농업인들의 효과적인 천적 활용을 증진시키기 위하여 2016년부터 경상북도 농민사관학교의 지원을 받아서 친환경천적 교육과정을 개설하고 천적 자가생산 및 현장적용 기술의 실습교육을 실시하였다. 그동안 토양 포식성 천적인 총채가시응애(Gaeolaelaps aculeifer)와 뿌리이리응애 (Stratiolaelaps scimitus), 그리고 점박이응애의 포식성 천적인 칠레이리응애(Phytoseiulus persimilis)와 사막 이리응애(Neoseiulus californicus)의 간편하고 경제적인 대량생산기술을 개발하고 그 기술을 약 180명의 농업 인에게 전수하였다. 즉, 농업인들이 스스로 천적을 자가생산하여 시설재배지에 적용함으로서 비용절감 및 청정 농산물 생산 효과를 높히는데 기여했다. 또한, 간편한 천적생산기술을 전국적으로 농업기술원, 농업기술센터, 그리고 친환경농업인단체 등 20여개 기관에 전수하였다. 최근, 경북의 농업기술센터(안동, 고령, 경주)에서 농업 인을 대상으로 천적 대량생산 시스템 보급 시범 사업을 실시하면서 뿌리이리응애 및 칠레이리응애 등의 천적 자가생산시설을 구축하고 자체적으로 생산함으로서 지속적인 천적 활용이 가능하게 되고 해충 방제 효과를 증가시킬 수 있었다. 즉, 농업인들이 직접 천적을 생산하고 활용하게 함으로서 천적농업의 성공사례가 증가하였 을 뿐만 아니라 국내 천적 공급 시스템이 다양화되어 천적농업의 활성화에 크게 기여한다고 판단한다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Honey bees are crucial pollinators for agricultural and natural ecosystems, but are experiencing heavy mortality in Korea due to a complex suite of factors. Extreme winter losses of honey bee colonies are a major threat to beekeeping but the combinations of factors underlying colony loss remain debatable. Finding solutions involves knowing the factors associated with high loss rates. To investigate whether loss rates are related to Varroa control and climate condition, we surveyed beekeepers in korea after wintering (2021–2022 to 2022–2023). The results show an average colony loss rate of 46%(2022) and 17%(2023), but over 40% colony loss before wintering at 2022. Beekeepers attempt to manage their honey bee colonies in ways that optimize colony health. Disentangling the impact of management from other variables affecting colony health is complicated by the diversity of practices used and difficulties handling typically complex and incomplete observational datasets. We propose a method to 1) Varroa mite population Control by several methods , and 2) Many nursing bee put in hive before wintering.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Varroa mite, Varroa destructor is an ectoparasite that parasitizes honey bees. The widespread usage of acaricides, particularly fluvalinate, has resulted in the emergence of resistance in Varroa mite populations all over the world. The goal of this study is to track fluvalinate resistance in Varroa mite field populations in Korea using both bioassay and molecular markers. To accomplish this, a residual contact vial (RCV) bioassay for on-site resistance monitoring was developed. Early mortality evaluation in the RCV bioassay was effective for reliably separating mites with the knockdown resistance (kdr) genotype, but late mortality evaluation was useful for distinguishing mites with additional resistance factors. The RCV bioassay of 14 field mite populations collected in 2021 revealed potential resistance development in four populations. Quantitative sequencing was used as an alternate method to examine the frequency of the L925I/M mutation in the voltage-gated sodium channel (vgsc), which is related with the fluvalinate kdr phenotype. While the mutation was not present in Varroa mite populations in 2020, it appeared in 2021, rose in frequency in 2022, and was practically ubiquitous across the country by 2023. This recent emergence and rapid spread of fluvalinate resistance within a span of three years demonstrate the Varroa mite's significant potential for developing resistance. This situation emphasizes the critical necessity to replace fluvalinate with alternate acaricides, such as fenpyroximate, coumaphos, and amitraz. A few novel vgsc mutations potentially involved in resistance were identified. Potential factors driving the rapid expansion of resistance were further discussed.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently, as the possibility of unexpected outbreaks of alien insects has increased due to climate change such as global warming, the importance of early control through rapid and accurate spread of exotic forest pest and change prediction diagnosis is required. This study summarizes and reports the followings: the establishment of monitoring strategy for exotic insects by the investigation of species distribution range through field surveys and others, the development of new diagnostic technique through microstructures and life-cycle, the dispersal of exotic insects, and ecological impact assessment using ecological methods and with the expansion of exotic insects and development of ecosystem impact prediction model.