
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 510

        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of correctional privatization in the U.S., U.K., Brazil, and Australia and suggest the way to implement correctional privatization in Korea. For this purpose, it explores the background, system and type, and current issues of correctional privatization and examines their strengths and weaknesses. By doing so, it provides Korea with a guideline for establishing effective and efficient correctional privatization strategies in Korea.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지금까지 우리사회는 범죄인에 대하여 개인적 책임에 상응하는 엄정한 처벌 중심으로 대응하고 있다. 그리고 거기에 보태어 처벌 후에도 사회적 낙인을 부여하는 등으로 좀처럼 그들의 새로운 삶을 인정하지 않으려는 사회적 분위기가 존재한다. 그것은 그들에게 또 한 번의 왜곡된 삶을 강요하게 되고 그 결과는 그들을 포함한 우리사회 전체의 질곡으로 되돌아오는 반복성을 띠고 있다. 공공질서를 어지럽히고 타인의 생명과 재산을 위협하는 사회악인 범죄는 그 어떤 이유로도 정당화될 수 없다. 따라서 그들의 행위에 대하여 상응한 처벌을 가함으로써 선량한 시민을 보호하고 사회적 안전을 도모하는 것은 정의로운 행위요 국가의 제 1차적 목적임에 틀림없다. 그러나 범죄의 악순환의 고리를 끊고 범죄로부터 사회를 보호하는 형사정책의 가장 효율적인 방향은 교정 전반에 복지정책을 보다 차원 높게 시행하는 것이라고 생각한다. 전 인류사회가 지향하는 복지사회의 이념과도 맞을 뿐 아니라 그것이 국민의 복지 증진과 사회보호라는 현대국가의 제1차적 사명을 효율적으로 달성하는 것이기 때문이다. 교정복지의 구현이 이렇게 시대적 사명임에도 불구하고 교정학계나 사회복지학계에서 구체적으로 다루어지지 않는 상황의 개선을 위한 초석을 다지고자 하는 데에 본 연구의 의의가 있다. 그리고 그러한 의의를 현실화하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 교정복지 연구의 초기 단계라고 할 수 있는 교정복지의 정체성과 교정복지 구현의 사회적 유용성을 중점적으로 다루었다. 그리고 교정복지의 사회적의의의 활성화를 위한 거시적 차원의 정책적 제언을 제시하였다. 교정복지의 구체적인 프로그램의 개발과 효과성 검증 등의 후속 연구의 견인차 역할을 기대하고자 한다.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Restorative justice refers to an emphasis on dealing with offenders by focusing on repairing harm, and involving victims and communities, as well as offenders. Especially, restorative justice elevates the role of the victim and the community to a special position in the justice process and seeks to responsibility in the offender. A restorative justice approach would appear to have great potential to effect change in an offender's behaviour and attitudes. Community corrections is important to acknowledge the proliferation of community based programs such as crime prevention, diversion from corrections. Community corrections emphasis on deinstitutionalization and decarceration. The usual means of deinstitutionalization include thing such as: probation, recognizance bond, deferred sentence, community attendance center orders and community service order. The usual means of decarceration include thing such as: parole, day-leave schemes, day in prison, camp, conditional-release orders, electronic monitoring. The term community corrections implies consensus, general approval by society, positive outcomes. The relationship between the criminal justice system and community based organization warrants a close examination for outcomes of restorative justice.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        One of the issues that has influenced correctional policy since the 1970s has been the evaluation of the outcome of correctional treatment programs. While the public supports the concept of rehabilitation and correctional officials value them as effective means of changing inmates, there should at least exist an expectation that those programs will reduce recidivism. The ‘nothing works doctrine’, derived from Martinson's article, contributed in the disappearance of expectation and faith for correctional treatment programs. The reasons why Martinson's article of 'nothing works' have been so influential to academic as well as societal and political areas are explained in various respects: social and political climates of the 1960s-1970s characterized by anti-war moods, racial problems, poverty issues, and women's liberation, the changes of middle-class & liberal criminologists' attitudes towards crime and crime control, the politicization of crime problems, the domination of sociological approaches in criminology, and the lack of knowledge and skills in crime predictions by academics. In the US, rehabilitation as a correctional ideology had been retreating since early 1970s and almost disappeared in the mid 1980s as a goal of punishment, indicating that the retribution paradigm had returned. It is persuasive that such shifts resulted from political and societal reactions of conservatives and liberals toward crime, and are shown in correctional areas. In this context, some scholars has said that the society must move beyond the naivete and exuberance that marked the advocacy of rehabilitation in the 1950s and early 1960s and beyond the cynicism and pessimism that has reigned for much of the last three decades.(Palmer, 1992) This notion has received widespread support. New evaluation studies, including meta-analyses done after Martinson's article in 1974, indicate that correctional treatment programs could be effective in reducing criminal recidivism. And they have demonstrated that juvenile correctional intervention is more effective than intervention programs designed for adults. It has been known that behavioral/cognitive treatment, on average, produces larger effects than other treatment. Intensive, in-prison drug treatment is effective, especially when combined with community aftercare. Education, vocational training, and prison labor programs have modest effects on reducing criminal recidivism and increase positive behavior in prison. Evidence on sex offender treatment intervention program is less positive, probably because the target population is heterogeneous and treatment needs to be tailored to specific offender deficits.(Gaes et al., 1999) The results of meta-analyses seem to show that the programs for probationers or juvenile offenders with community aftercare are inclined to be more effective. There have been major theoretical and methodological advances in the juvenile and adult correctional treatment literature since Martinson's assessment study. Expecially, adaptation of the psychological learning model and meta-analysis as a statistical technique to criminology and corrections have been known to contribute in formulating principles for successful treatment programs though those principles need further clarification and empirical assessment. The following are suggested as principles of successful correctional treatment: linkage with criminogenic needs, multimodal programs for various deficits, matching client learning styles with staff teaching styles, treatment based on risk differentiation, providing skills oriented to cognitive-behavioral treatment, implementing programs with continuity of care and sufficient dosage, and involvement in both program development and evaluation by researchers.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the corrective consultation for criminals is to return them to ordinary social life. The corrective consultation is the most efficient method of remediation that helps criminals recover from their erroneous point of view about economics and society. Moreover, it is a significant way of corrective training. The collective consultation should be valuable action which can be accepted by social standard and be based on prisoner‘s under behaviour and a way of thinking. Feasible method need to be required so that consultant may handle remediation and consultation properly. For this reason, the research should be carried out to know what method is suitable for current correction system. The correction is intended for the re-socialization of prisoners under sentence, but it has limitation that there are not enough corrective training programs which are supported by government. In corrective training system, therefore, need to have more private participation and a long lasting social interest. For practical use of private correction institutions, the committee of correction give their full support to correction institutions recently. The role of committee, enlargement of collaborative work, revitalization plan for private participation and establishment of suitable module for prisoners under sentence, all of these suggestion should be discussed. Lastly, we'll discuss about an operating counselling department.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to apply the organization-public relationships into the correctional institution and investigative its effect on the correctional institution image. For the study, it empirically examined the relationships between correctional institution's public relationships and correctional institution image. A survey was conducted with 223 respondents. The study found that there were statistically significant positive correlations between correctional institution image and multiple components of public relationships. The result also showed that the organization-public relationships affected the correctional institution image.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 원추각막을 시험렌즈로 피팅하기 위하여 개발된 Ecc Keratoconus Design 렌즈를 임상적으로 평가하기 위하여, 원추각막으로 진단받은 58안(남자: 37안, 여자: 21안)에 대하여 렌즈 착용 전 및 착용 1개월 후 교정시력, 세극등 현미경검사, 자동각막곡률검사, 각막지형도검사(Oculus topographer 및 Orbscan pachymetry system) 및 자각증상에 관한 설문조사를 실시하였다. 최종 처방렌즈의 베이스커브와 각막의 곡률반경을 비교했을 때 약주경선 곡률반경은 모두 유의한 차이가 없었고 각막의 약주경선 곡률반경을 참고하여 처음 피팅할 시험렌즈의 베이스커브를 선정하면, 비교적 용이하게 적합한 피팅상태를 얻을 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 적합한 피팅상태를 얻을 때까지 피팅을 시도했던 횟수는 평균 2.9회였으나 실제 렌즈 교환 횟수는 1.9회였다. 시험용 렌즈의 디자인을 변경한 경우는 없었으며, 교정시력은 기존 렌즈보다 0.1 정도 개선된 것으로 나타났다. 자각적 착용감에 관한 설문 결과, 기존 렌즈보다 착용시간이 증가하고 착용감이 개선되고, 통증이 감소하며, 원거리시력이 개선되는 유의한 차이를 보였으며, 야간운전, 눈부심 및 근거리시력 역시 유의성은 없었으나 불편한 증상이 개선된 것으로 나타났다. 이상으로부터 새로운 렌즈를 피팅할 때 각막의 약주경선 곡률반경을 기초로 시험용 렌즈의 기본커브를 선택하여 비교적 용이하게 피팅할 수 있으며, 전반적인 임상성능이 개선된 것으로 사료된다.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article is focused on strategies and implementation of Correctional Classification by using scientific approaches, individualization, and socialization. Correctional classification is based on era's opinion and the basic corrections philosophy that has existed throughout our penal history. At the beginning of our correctional history, 'classification' only meant in practice the prisons responsibility to carry out the sentences ordered by the courts. However in the 20th century, 'classification' had to consider an increase in the crime rate, over crowded prisons, cost management and the uncertain success rate of the rehabilitation model to re-examine the role of Correctional Classification System. Correctional Classification can also be a valuable asset in justifying the governing body's action when different correctional treatments are given to those with identical crimes. In the development of classifying the criminals and the advents of individualism, humanism, and scientific methods, Objective Correctional Classification Strategies has come to the spot light. This Classification Strategy will reduce human errors in treatments by forbidding a governing individual from practicing personal experience and intuition on determining the treatment. Instead, scientific and objective Correctional Classification Strategies, with help of criminology and psychology, will prove to be effective in treating inmates fairly, delegating the resources, and cost of management. General purposes of corrections are maintenance of inmates, effective of efficient treatment, humanity, and security. Classification Strategies for Clarification of Correctional ideas are as follow; ․ Analysis and evaluations of current classification systems. ․ Development of proper and adequate treatments of rehabilitation programs. ․ Development of efficient infrastructure and facilities.
        2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Objectives of this study is to develop suicide preventive correction program adapt to suicide-prone inmate. The suicide-preventive correction program applied to this study is composed of eight time tests because of peculiarity of correctional faculty. At first, regarding recognition card program, five participants in common showed gradually positivity to participate the program, and about 'feeling language', participants who use negative feeling language at first, use positive feeling language after the test. As scrutinizing the output measured from before and after the test, it is clear that melancholy, anxiety, stress, and self-respect of the subjects are improved. Among the subjects, 'vacant boat and non-singing bird' showed psychologic stability. But, It is shown that 'tree' was relatively less affect from the program, and 'pinetree' who arouse our interest from the start, could not be observed because of transportation to another place. As we know from this study, it is clear that in correctional faculty, regarding inmates who has personal problem such as the suicide-prone, group-program is effective, but in certain case individual-program is more appropriate than group-program.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There haves been a lot of limitation to solve the problem of daily increasing crime and recidivism with the ideology and the method of conventional criminal justice and corrections. This study is to introduce the Restorative Justice as new paradigm in criminal justice, which to focus on recovering the Victims and attempt to make correction Social Work approach prominent for the substantial correction and rehabilitation. Although the Restorative Justice is classified into Purist Model and Maximalist Model, the restorative balancing process is acquired to overcome the limitation of two models, especially when the offenders and victims can't make any conciliation. And correction Social Work is specialized supporting activities to help inmates to adapt themselves to the living condition of correctional facilities, and to rehabilitate and to educate them to be reborn as decent citizens. 'The Restorative correction Social Work' is contrived in the result of complementing the ideology of the correction Social Work with the Restorative Justice. 'The restorative correction Social Work' is community-based total activities to mediate and reconciliate between victims and offenders to restore mutual conflicting relationship, and to recover the damage during procedure in trials and correction. Many programs should be deviced and put in operation through joining together the approach of the Restorative Justice and the correction Social Work.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article aims to insist on the necessity of the improvement of the Guards in corrections facilities which is composed of the youths who serve in the Army. Correction Guards was established in 1981 to defend corrections facilities. Even though the purpose of correction guard is to defend correction facilities, search and arrest the spy, its main operation was the defense of correction facilities. Article 77 of the Korean Constitutional Law provides that "When it is required to cope with a military necessity or to maintain the public safety and order by mobilization of the military forces in time of war, armed conflict or similar national emergency, the President may proclaim martial law under the conditions as prescribed by Act." But correction guards maintain the correction mission by military forces in the time of peace. The members of guard are paid poorly compared with the heavy duty. The human rights of the members of the guard are not be protected properly. To protect the human rights, correction guard composed of the soldiers should be abolished.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Morale is a mental phenomena to work more positively and to make more productive result by expanding and concentrating worker`s mind to common purpose. This study is aimed to show the present conditions, problems and alternative measures to change the morale of correctional officers. The situations of correction in this country is associated with poor working conditions, excessive duties, poor education and training, lack of manpower and budget, low salary, consciousness of authority, and public distrust, etc and the researcher suggested counter measures on this problems.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The report of Presentence Investigation, usually conducted by a probation officer has several functions in judicial and correctional administration. Its main purpose is to serve the court in determining the sentence. The report also serves to aid the probation officer in supervision efforts during probation, parole, and supervised release Presentence Investigation System was originally developed in United States in which the court ordered the probation officer to investigate the information about the history and characteristics of the defendant. In 1988, the Presentence Investigation in the Probation Act in Korea, has been enforced only for the juvenile crime court. We now have to consider to introduce the Presentence Investigation system for all crime in other to assist the judge to determine the appropriate sentence. This Problem deals with the problems of our criminal procedure and the solution when we enact the Presentence Investigation system in our criminal procedure. Both the Judiciary and the Ministry of Justice should study to introduce the Presentence Investigation system for the people's equal right to have the proper sentencing in the criminal procedure.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Ministry of Justice has revised the existing "law concerning the execution of criminal punishment" in the way that enhanced human rights for inmates and their ability for reintegration. To fulfil this goal, the authority changed the title of the law to "the Law concerning correctional facilities and the treatment for inmates and waited for legislative process. In the same context, the corrections bureau in the Ministry recently announced "The Strategic Plan for the Changes in Correctional Administration" to show its committment for innovation. This article reviewed the contents of the new law and the strategic plan, and then pointed out some limitations of these efforts. When it comes to the new law-The law concerning correctional facilities and the treatment for inmates, the contents of the law did not reach the expectation, first because there are too many exceptions that breach the basic human rights of inmates and second, the law did not make any efforts or policies to enhance the adapatability of inmates into a wider society compulsory. Instead, it allow authorities use discretionary power. As far as the Strategic Plan is concerned, it seems too idealistic. In other words, many proposed plan is hard to achieve in reality. Therefore I suggested some alternative ideas such as developing correctional programs for short-time inmates, improving living conditions in facilities, linking classification system and progressive treatment system, and increasing parolees by utilizing the probation system.