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        검색결과 6,504

        1997.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Kim Dongseok. 1997. Case Checking in Double Object Construction. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 10: 21-96. This paper critically reviews Larson`s(1988) and Fujita`s(1996) analyses of double object construction, and proposes an alternative one that can effectively explain the asymmetries shown in dative and double object constructions. The major contents are summarized as follows: (a) In dative construction the argument assigned the role of Goal is not a complement of V but an argument merged with V`. (b) The thematic role of indirect object in double object construction is different from that of dative construction. The former assumes Benefactive or Affective, while the latter, Goal. (c) The verb in dative construction and the corresponding one in double object construction are separate lexical items that have the same phonological features but are different in their semantic and formal features. The former selects Theme and Goal as its internal arguments while the latter selects Theme and Benefactive, Experiencer or Affective. (d) The difference in thematic interpretation of the subjects in dative and double object constructions is not from the syntactic relation but from the difference in the properties of semantic selection of the verbs. (e) Indirect object of double object construction moves to the SPEC of V to satisfy the [+SPEC] feature of V. The movement is not for Case assignment or checking of Case feature.
        1997.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        the crystal structure of pale green gem-quality olivine from Bisbee mine,Arizona, (Mg1.83Fe0.18)Si0.99O4, a=4.7608(4)a, c=5.9903(6)a, c=5.9903(4)a, V=291.49(1)a, Pbnm, Z=4 has been refined by both single-crystal and Rietveld methods to R(%) indices of 2.20 and 9.07, respectively. Comparison of site occupancies, cell dimensions, atomic coordinations, and interatomic distances/angles obtained from both methods shows that the Rietveld method produces more accurate site scattering values, cell dimension, and atomic positions than the single-crystal method. This indicates that the Rietveld method is a useful technique for the structural characterization and crystal-chemical study of powdered samples of natural minerals and synthetic materials.
        1997.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The actual situation of the rural house already improved since 1970's by standard plan of rural house was surveyed, to find out residential problems and farmers'intention to the improvement, and to make some space composition. The floor space of a living room and sanitary and bath facilities be required of larger dimensions than present. Facilities of sanitary and bath should be stayed indoors. The using-much-room is necessary to washing · and dressing after farm working. The space composition of rural house be variously developed on the basis of farmers'characteristies.
        1997.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to develop the data structure for querying database of a rural house design. It is necessary, for developing the data structure, to define items of rural houses and to study about the processing of the data. The classifications of rural houses can be differed in the subjective opinion for computerization. In this study, items of classified rural houses can be expressed numerically, like size and number of room. The user who has insufficient knowledge about house is hard to input items fit personal taste. The querying algorithm was developed using the relationship of items and functions of house. Functions of house mean family life-style and how they use space.
        1997.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to analyze structural and ecological characteristics of streams in rural village. The methods used in this study were measuring the section and surveying the vegetation of the stream at three points(upstream, inner village, downstream ) of 10 rural villages. The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows : 1) The average width of streams is 9 m, and the height of banks 3.1 m. the downstreams are the widest(average 10 m), and the inner-villages are the narrowest (average 8 m), and the slopes of basin are 7.33 %, 2.67 %, 1.39 % at upstream, inner-village, downstream respectively. 2) The downstreams are more contaminated than upstreams due to the sewage from the residents, especially livestock wastewater. 3) The dominant species in the streams are Persicaria thunbergii H. Gross (average Cover 17.76 %) and cumulus japonicas Sieb et. Zucc (average Cover 7.75 % ). 4) The average area covered by vegetation is 53.31 % the downstreams are covered 65.7 %, but inner-village area covered by vegetation is 46.6 %. 5) The problem found in this study are severe water contamination, poor accessibility to stream and poor vegetation of inner-village area, etc.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Cho, Dam Ock. 1996. The Grid Analysis of the English Rhythm. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 9: 185-204. Recent researches in metrical phonology are focused on rhythmic stress phenomena in larger domains than the representation of prominence patterns of words. There are three divergent theories which have been developed in these areas: grid-only theory, tree-only theory and tree-cum-grid theory. The main purposes of this paper is to review the grid-only theory developed by LP(1977), Prince(1983), Hayes(1980) and Selkirk(1984). Their argument is that prominence relations expressed in tree strictures are maybe better captured in grids alone and that tree structure is unnecessary. But there are some critical problems in a grid-only framework, for example, in arbitrary prosodic hierarchy, stress-shift operations and ordering in rule application. Hayes(1980) and Selkirk(1984) devised the solutions to these problems. They are eurhythmy theory and rhythmic adjustment rule. At the respects of summaries which have been discussed, we can conclude that the grid-only theory is necessary and useful for the description of rhythmic stress pattern in English.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Yeo Sang-Pil. 1996. Partial Reduplication and Prosodic Structure. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 9: 161-183. The propose of this paper is to examine Jun`s(1993, 1999) and Davis & Lee`s(1996) analyses of Korean partial reduplication and to offer a new proposal on the subject. Contrary to Jun`s analysis, I show that Korean tense and aspirated consonants are not underlyingly geminates and coda consonants are not moraic. His metrical weight consistency is inapplicable to data with the final open syllables. Davis & Lee argue that Korean partial redulplcation entails the suffixing of a syllable template to the initial bisyllabic foot, with a foot-final consonant being extraprosodic. Their analysis, however, can not account for patterns of mora reduplications, closed syllable reduplications, and /wakili/-type. In this paper, I argue that a reduplicated syllable template to suffix must be specified as RS (σ), RI(σ_h), RI(σμ) according to various patterns of partial reduplication material and that extraprosodicity can be excluded in the Korean partial reduplication analysis. This approach is superior to the two previous analyses in that it covers more various types of Korean partial reduplication data.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Im Che-Gyong. 1996. The Thematic Structure of Ergative Construction. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 9: 77-96. Ergative sentences in English and Korean show some asymmetries with their accusative counterparts in such constructions as imperatives, prenominal -ing forms, and dative or double object construction. The primary purpose of this paper is to show that these asymmetries can be explained by assuming VP-Internal Subject Hypothesis, Thematic Hierarchy in VP-Shell Structure and Minimal Link Condition. I also found that causatives cannot co-occur with ergatives and this can be explained by the principles suggested by the Minimalists. The results from the study are the following: (i) Asymmetries in imperatives, prenominal -ing forms can be explained by the difference in argument structure between ergatives and accusatives: the former have only one argument with Theme role but the latter have two arguments, Agent and Theme. (ii) Case theory alone cannot solve the ungrammaticality of ergative sentences in which the goal is the surface subject. We need the following thernatic hierarchy: Agent > Theme > Goal plus MLC suggested in Chomsky(1993). (iii) MLC also explains the non co-occurrence of Korean ergatives with causatives; a supporting evidence that MLC comprises the Specified Subject Condition as well as the notion of government in barrierhood.
        1996.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        시호의 화기구조 및 화기내 각 기관의 발달과정을 파악하여 육종의 기초자료로 활용하고자 본 시험을 수행하였다. 소화의 전체크기는 2mm정도로 매우 작으며, 산경 및 소산경의 길이는 각각 22.5mm, 3.6mm이었다 또한 자예, 웅예의 길이는 각각 1.0mm, 1.3mm이었고, 자방표면은 길이 0.9mm, 폭 1.4mm정도를 나타내었다. 시호의 화기 발달과정 각 시기는 웅예출현기 1~6일, 화판탈락 및 자예출현기 6~8일, 자예성숙기 8~16일, 자예퇴화기 16일 이후로 구분할 수 있었다. 따라서 시호는 자웅이숙 중 웅예성숙으로 타화수정을 하는 식물로 인정되었다.
        1996.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to investigate the relationship between concentrations of heavy metals in sediment and the depths of 27 sampling sites along the West Nakdong river in downstream of Nakdong River. The deepest site was Kangdong bridge nearby 20ft. From here, the depth was shallowed to Chidong gradually. In each site the smaller mesh was, the higer concentration of heavy metal becomed. Concentration of Zn, Cd, Cr and Cu at inflow point of Shinoe stream was 576.016 ppm, 262.307 ppm, 68.674 ppm and 61.634 ppm, respectively, the concentration was the higest at this point. From here, it was lowered gradually. The concentration of heavy metal at inflow point of Joman river was 155.328 ppm, 56.485 ppm, 25.200 ppm and 31.172 ppm, respectively, those concentrations were higer than other points with the exception of Shinoe stream. Therefore, Joman river and Shinoe stream were the major source of pollution in West Nakdong river. Among two sources Shinoe stream was more important source of pollution. West Nakdong river has become lake by Noksan floodgate because it`s pollution has had influence on Bonglim.
        1996.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The surface meteorological and upper layer meteorological observation carried out to investigate influences of sea breeze effect on lower layer atmosphere at Gori nuclear power plant for 29∼30 July, 1996. According to surface meteorological data, the inflow of sea breeze was occurred 11:30 on 29 July, 10:30 on 30 July, respectively at observation site. And the meteorological tower data showed that wind direction of sea breeze was identified as south-westerly, and wind speed of 58 m was 2 times stronger than that of 10 m. It is notworthy that surface inversion layer which built from the night time to daybreak of next day was not broken off by seab reeze`s inflow for daytime, and strong inversion layer observed at 47∼243 m with moderately stable class (F) by URC. It was found that strong stable layer of potential temperature appeared at that layer, maximum relative humidity observed at the bottom of inversion layer and maximum mixing ratio observed in the low of inversion layer.
        1996.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Im Che-Gong. 1996. The Sbructure of Small Clause and Control. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 8: 153-180. There are various proposals regarding the proper analysis of the structure of small clauses(SCs): Chomsky(1981)`s dichotomy depends on his θ-Theory, Stowell(1983)`s analysis rests on X`-scheme and Government Principle and Rothstein(1983)`s proposal is based on Predication Theory. But none of them are without problems. I shall try to show in this article that SCs have the same structure with Double Object Constructions and some Control Structures. I assume Binary Branching suggested in Kayne(1984), VP Internal Subject Hypothesis suggested by many linguists, Larson(1988)`s VP-Shell Structure and his version of Minimal Distance Principle originally suggested in Rosenbaum(1970). I also adopt the structure for SCs suggested in Bowers(1993) and modify it to develop a general theory of Transitive Verb Structure. My suggestions are the following: 1) SCs are contained in the VP-Shell Structure like [vp NP [v` V(e) [vp NP(e) [v` V (NP)]]]] at D-level 2) TV(transitive verb) + C(complement) is compositionally predicated of an SS (secondary subject(object)) and TVC + SS is predicated of a PS(primary subject) 3) An SS (object/theme) can be passivized, but a complement(goal, source/dative) can`t unless it is raised to SS position by Dative Shift 4) There is no structural difference between Complement SCs and Adjunct SCs except the position of the maximal projection of secondary predicate, which depends on the position of its subject 5) Secondary predicate has PRO as its subject, which is controlled by revised version of MDP 6) The structure suggested here observes the Thematic Hierarchy (Agent > Theme > Goal(Source)) and Binding Principle.
        1996.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In genneral, Businger expression is used for determining a turbulance diffusion coefficient. In this study, it is applied to the surface elements of cities such as Asphalt, Ground, Grass, Pond. We set up 5 m-height bar and measured the dry temperature and wet temperature at the height of 0.13, 0.27, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 m. In addition we measured the wind gradient and wind velocity at the height 3 m, solar radiation continuously for 48 hours on the surface. Compared the measured data to Businger expression, the result showed that Businger expression can be well applied to the complex surface of the city.