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        검색결과 1,671

        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have improved the control and driving system of 16' reflector at Kwanak Observatory at Seoul National University, by completing encoder unit, and by developing programs for correction of errors resulting from hardware defects. The hardware defects of this telescope system are the large backlash and the nonuniform tracking and pointing. The telescope pointing accuracy for RA is improved to a few arc minutes, and that for DEC is several tens of arc minutes. The guiding error is improved to 0.7 arcsec/minute, allowing up to 3 minutes exposure for CCD imaging under typical seeing conditions at the Observatory.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have carried out measurements of 1.2-1.6GHz radio interferences around Seoul Radio Astronomy Observatory located in the campus of Seoul National University. We received interference signals using a pyramidal horn antenna and measured its power using a spectrum analyzer with 1MHz resolution after ~60dB amplification. In order to check the spatial characteristics, we made observations at every 30∘ 30∘ in azimuth at elevation of 30∘and60∘ 30∘and60∘ . Also, in order to check the temporal characteristics, we repeated the all-sky observations five times at every six hours. The results may be summarized as follows: (1) There are strong (≥−20dBm) (≥−20dBm) interferences between 1.2 and 1.4GHz. Particularly strong interferences are observed at 1.271 and 1.281GHz, which have maximum powers of -0.34dBm and -0.56dBm, respectively. (2) The characteristics of the interferences do not depend strongly on directions, although the interferences are in general weak at high elevation and in east-west direction. (3) The interferences appear for a very short (≤0.01s) (≤0.01s) period of time, so that the average power is much smaller than the maximum power. Strong interferences with large (≤−49.0dBm) (≤−49.0dBm) average power have been observed at 1.271, 1.281, 1.339, and 1.576GHz. At these frequencies, the interferences appear repeatedly with a period of ≤0.1s ≤0.1s By analyzing the observed power, we find that, for the strongest 1.271GHz interference, the average intensity is −171dBW/m2/Hz −171dBW/m2/Hz and that the maximum intensity is −122dBW/m2/Hz −122dBW/m2/Hz . If this interference is delivered to the detector without any shielding, then its power would be much greater than the rms noise of a typical line spectrum. Therefore, it is important to shield all the parts of receiver carefully from radio interferences. Also, without appropriate shielding, the sensitivity of a receiver could be limited by the interference.
        1999.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The issue of health and nutritional wellbeing becomes one of the utmost concerns for the welfare of the elderly in a society of increased aging populations. This study was conducted to assess nutritional state and to identify possible dietary factors that might influence health and nutritional state of the free living elderly women. Two hundred sixty two elderly women, aged 60-90 who are actively participating in a continuing education program for the elderly in Seoul area, were interviewed using a dietary habit questionnaire and a 24-hour recall. Anthropometric measurements such as heights, weights, body mass index, and tricep skinfolds and dental status were significantly different between the two age groups, 〈75 and ≥ 75 years of age. Sixty eight percent of the subjects were using nutritional supplements regularly, in the descending order of vitamin-mineral supplements(40%), botanicals(27.6%), tonic drinks(16%), and health foods(13.2%). For hot beverages, our study subjects drank coffee (33.6%) and green tea (17.9%) frequently, followed by doongulae, job's tears, citron and kyulmyung tea. With regard to micronutrients, vitamin C intake was found to be lower in the group aged over 75 compared to that below 75 (p〈0.05). Calcium intake was significantly higher among the elderly with good dental status followed by the groups with gingivitis, denture, and missed teeth with poor chewing abilities (p〈0.05). The amount of personal spending money was found to be a significant contributing factor (p〈0.05) to the energy and nutrient intake in an individual. The results of the present study can be applied to the identification of the possible factors that might intervene the aging process, to the planning of the nutrition education program, and to the development of health food products for the promotion of health and nutrition of the elderly women.
        1999.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the drinking patterns and behaviors of Yangsan College students. Data were collected by a self-administered survey from the subjects, of which male students were 336 and female 165. The results of this study were as follows: 1. With regard to attitude toward drinking, 93.1% of the male subjects and 84.3% female subjects reported to have favor for drinking while only 9.3% of the subjects against drinking. 2. Those who reported to have at least a drink everyday were 13.3% of the subjects. For drinking frequency subjects who reported once in two or three day were most popular(21.9%). The frequency of drinking alcohol was associated positively with amount of discretionary money the students have. 3. For amount of drinking, 42.5% of subjects responded that they were able to drink soju at least one bottle per occasion. Data showed a high positive correlation between drinking frequency and financial costs they spent to drink. 4. The reasons subjects gave to drink included social gatherings after school or student activities (40.1%), change of mood(16.5%), and personal cerebration(16.5%). 5. The most popular place for the subject to go for a drink was neighborhood pubs(43.5%), followed by bar or pubs at downtown(28.3%) and nearby campus(12.2%).
        1999.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey was conducted in 591 college students using 8 different cafeterias serving 31 meals. The information was obtained about the name and amount of dishes they consumed from the menu offered by college foodservice. Mean nutrient contents per meal in offered menu were higher than 1/3 of RDA for their age, sex in offered menu. The mean energy content was 466kcal from rice, 113kcal from soup, 141kcal from side dish and 21kcal from kimchi. When side dishes were classified by cooking methods, side dishes using grilling, frying, roasting methods had high energy content and fat percent above 200kcal, 40% per dish. By main ingredients, side dishes with animal food were higher energy than with plant food. Students consumed 94% of the energy provided in offered menu. When compared to proportion of foods consumed by sex, there was 43% of female and 22% of male consumed less than half in soup and 31% of female and 12% of male in kimchi. The most prevalent menu patterns of subjects included rice, soup, 2 side dishes, kimchi and were the same in both sexes. Mean energy intakes per meal were 989kcal for males and 842kcal for females which were enough to meet 1/3 of RDA for their age and sex. Most nutrient intake except fat and vitamin B1 were higher in set menu than in cafeteria. Nutrient adequacy ratio(NAR) were above 0.9 except calcium and vitamin A. The mean energy intake was 542kcal from rice, 70kcal from soup, 164kcal from side dish and 20kcal from kimchi. In conclusion, intake of most of the nutrients of students obtained from males in college foodservice were sufficient but calcium intake was insufficient and fat content was above 20% of energy. High fat consumption was due to side dishes from frying, grilling, roasting with animal food. To provide desirable meals in college foodservice, use of fat in cooking must be decreased.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have developed solar observational system in the department of Astronomy & Space Sciences of KyungHee University, in order to monitor solar activities and construct solar database for space weather forecasting at maximum of 23rd solar cycle, as well as an solar education and exercise for undergraduate students. Our solar observational system consists of the full disk monitoring system and the regional observation system for H a fine structure. Full disk monitoring system is made of an energy rejection filter, 16cm refractor, video CCD camera and monitor. Monitored data are recorded to VHS video tape and analog output of video CCD can be captured as digital images by the computer with video graphic card. Another system for regional observation of the sun is made of energy rejection filter, 21cm Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector, H a filter with 1.6A pass band width and 375×242 375×242 CCD camera. We can observe H a fine structure in active regions of solar disk and solar limb, by using this system. We have carried out intense solar observations for a test of our system. It is found that Quality of our H a image is as good as that of solar images provided by Space Environmental Center. In this paper, we introduce the basic characteristics of the KyungHee Solar Observation System and result of our solar observations. We hope that our data should be used for space weather forecasting with domestic data of RRL(Radio Research Laboratory) and SOFT(SOlar Flare Telescope).
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate selected nutrient intakes, dietary atherogenesity, energy balance and activity level of college students. One hundred and thirty one students (61 males and 70 females) made their three-day dietary records and one-day activity records along with one-day dietary records. BMI of the surveyed students was 22.33 for males and 20.28 for females. Average calorie intakes of male and female students was respectively 2166.20㎉ and 1793.60㎉. Females had slightly higher fiber intakes than males in terms of fiber g/1000㎉. Carbohyrate, protein and fat ratios in energy composition of males and females were respectively 56.62 : 15.33 : 24.70 and 57.64 : 16.49 : 25.79. Average cholesterol intakes of male and female students were 295.66㎎ and 259㎎ respectively. The male showed higher saturated fat intake, and had higher atherogenic indices of diets such as cholesterol index(CI) and cholesterol-saturated fat index(CSI) than the female. Males spent an average of 1039.00㎉/day compared to females of 687.93㎉/day for all physical activities. Most students participated in light(100% of males and females) and moderate(33% of males and 3% of females) activities level. Few students spent time at severe and very severe activity level. Seventeen of the 131 students were in positive energy balance whereas 83% were in negative balance. Both genders with positive energy balance tended towards smaller weight and BMI, and larger food intakes than those with negative energy balance. Students with positive energy balance had higher saturated fat intakes and dietary atherogenic scores of CI and CSI than the counterparts with negative energy balance. Males with positive energy balance had decreased physical activity and daily energy expenditure whereas increased food and saturated fat intakes. Females with positive energy balance had significantly increased food, saturated fat and sugar intakes.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this study were to (a) measuring attitude and satisfaction of Yonsei university students towards contracted vs. rented university foodservices, (b) determine university students' overall satisfaction & perception regarding the factors improved towards university foodservice and (c) provide recommendation on marketing strategies for university foodservices. Questionnaires were hand delivered to 600 Yonsei University students by designated coordinators. A total of 549 questionnaires were usable; resulting in an 93% response rate. The survey was conducted between October 12 to October 18, 1995. Statistical data analysis was completed using the SAS Programs for descriptive analysis, T-test, χ2-test, ANOVA, Factor Analysis and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. Performance mean score for contracted foodservice management in terms of food, menu, price, hygiene, facilities was higher than for rented foodservice management. 2. The average satisfaction score for contracted foodservice management in terms of price was lower than for rented foodservice management. There was no gap between contracted foodservice management and rented foodservice management in overall satisfaction score and price satisfaction score. 3. Perception regarding the factors improved of thirteen factors to be improved except operating hours, waiting time, price, food quantity were perceived as better by students. 4. Perception regarding the factors improved have correlation with foodservice qualify attribute's performance. 5. According to multiple regression analysis, 92.05% of the variance in respondents' satisfaction score could be explained by procedure after meal, purchasing procedure, operating hours, availability of breakfast, waiting time, atmosphere, price, facilities, service endeavor to survey satisfaction in foodservice, availability of kitchen and wall space, portion size, taste of food, change of cafeteria name, the number of seats, and variety of menu.
        1998.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료