
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5,319

        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 조사는 전라북도 양액재배 25개 농가의 원수를 채취하여 무기이온을 중심으로 한 수질상태를 분석하여 배양액 조성에 필요한 기초자료를 얻기 위하여 수행하였다. 양액재배에 이용되는 원수의 수질 분석 결과에서 pH의 수준은 6.00-7.65로서 평균 6.58이었다. 전기전도도(EC)의 분포범위는 0.01-0.94 mS/cm로서 평균 0.23 mS/cm이었다. Na과 Cl의 분포범위는 각각 4.71-145.44 ppm, 0-171.80 ppm로서 평균 24.24 ppm, 26.33 ppm이었다. 7.7%의 농가가 Na과 Cl의 함량이 다른 농가와 비교할 때 대단히 높게 조사되어 이들 농가의 원수 수질은 부적합하였다. K, Ca 및 Mg의 분포범위는 각각 0.93-17.38 ppm, 2.29 3.30 ppm 및 0.70 18,61 ppm로서 평균 3.06 ppm, 13,00 ppm 및 4.91 ppm이었다. SO4와 PO4의 함량 범위는 각각 0.63-59.79 ppm과 0-4.28 ppm로서 평균 18.11 ppm과 0.51 ppm이었다. Cu와 Zn의 함량 범위는 0-0.32 ppm과 0-6.22 ppm로서 평균 0.02 ppm과 0.52 ppm이었다.
        1996.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        주(主) 재배품종인 의성종과 영천종의 유효성분을 HPLC 및 TLC로 분석한 결과 주(主)성분인 paeoniflorin 함량은 의성종이 영천종보다 높으며 albiflorin과 oxypaeoniflorin의 함량을 두 재배종에서 비교하면 의성종은 albiflorin 함량이 많고 영천종은 oxypaeoniflorin의 함량이 많았다. 생산지에 따른 paeoniflorin의 함량차이는 2.15% 에서 4.08% 의 범위였고 의성과 거창의 것은 비슷하였으며 영천의 것이 가장 낮았다. 18종의 재배종들은 품종에 따라 다양한 paeoniflorin 함량 차이를 보이며 작약성분분석의 HPLC 크로마토그랍을 albiflorin, oxypaeoniflorin 및 paeoniflorin 피크를 기준으로 비교해본 결과 크게 3가지 패턴으로 분류할수 있었다. 이 세가지 유형은 의성종 패턴 9종, 영천종 패턴 4종 풍기표준종패턴 5종 이었다. 수확시기에 따른 작약의 paeoniflorin의 함량변화를 조사한 결과 3월과 9월에 수확한 것이 낮았으며 5월과 11월에 수확한 작약의 paeoniflorin 함량이 높았다.
        1996.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1996.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1995년 7월부터 년 말까지 시험 운용되고, 1996년 1월부터 정식으로 운용 된 Loran - C 한국 체인(GRI 9930)의 측위 정도를 파악하기 위하여, 부산수산대학교의 고정점(위도 35˚07'55.204"N, 경도 129˚06'21.744"E)에 Loran - C 수신기(LC - 90, Furuno)와 GPS 수신기(AccNav SportTM, Eagle)를 장치하여 1995년 11월 22일부터 1996년 1월 20일 사이에 5분 간격으로 2초 동안 자동, 연속 기록한 측위 자료를 분석 검토한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) Loran - C 한국 체인 M-W 조국, M-X 조국 및 M-Y 조국의 평균 시간차는 12333.09μs, 28338.44μs, 42806.01μs이었고, 그 평균 변동폭은 각각 0.0121μs, 0.0290μs, 0.0327μs로 Loran - C 신호가 비교적 안정되었음을 알 수 있었다. 또한, 시간차의 일변화 및 월간 변화에서 재현성을 보이고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 2) Loran - C 한국 체인의 기준 위치로부터의 위도 방향과 경도 방향의 변화폭은 W.X 조국에서는 9.1m, 17.4m, W.Y 조국에서는 11.5m, 13.7m이었으며 X.Y 조국에서는 8.1m, 29.3m이였다. 또한, 그 때 각 조국의 95% 확률 반경은 각각 39.2m, 35.7m, 60.8m를 나타났다. 따라서, 부산 지역에서는 W.Y 조국을 선택하여 측위하는 것이 측위 정도를 더욱 향상시킬 수 있음을 알 수 있었다. 3) GPS에 의한 위도 방향과 경도 방향의 변화폭은 15.4m, 15.0m이었으며, 그 때 95% 확률 반경은 43.4m이었다. 4) 기준 위치를 중심을 GPS 측정 위치와 W.X 조국, W.Y 조국 및 X.Y 조국에 대한 Loran - C 측정 위치를 비교한 결과 GPS는 남쪽으로 16.0m 편위하였고, W.X 조국은 동쪽으로 265.2m, W.Y 조국은 북쪽으로 279.5m, 그리고 X.Y 조국은 북서쪽으로 224.3m 편위하여, Loran - C 위치가 GPS 위치보다 약 250m 더 편위 된 것을 알 수 있었다.
        1996.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study investigated Bul-Chun-Wi Sacrificial Ritual (sacrificial service which has been handed down from generation to generation to worship the family ancestors in the period of 1400~1800) and foods for the sacrificial service among fourteen head families in Andong area. The findings are as follows; 1. In Bul-Chun-Wi Sacrificial Rituals, family shrine has been maintained in good shape, and the table, dishes, and foods used in the rituals have not been changed so much until these days. 2. While vegetable soup is widely used as soup, one family uses the seaweed soup, the other soup mixed with meat, fish, and vegetable. Specially soybean-powdered soup, which is the distinguishable food in Andong area, has been used. 3. As a basic Ddock, mainly Si-Ru-Ddock(a steamed rice cake), piled up to 13-15 stacks, is used. Additional 7-9 kinds of Ddock are placed on top of the basic Ddock. 4. For grilled-meat food(Geuck), eight families use the raw meat, and one family uses the half-cooked meat. Recently, five families have used the cooked meat. Mostly used ones are meat-Geuck, fish-Geuck, chicken-Geuck, and the Geuck are not served one by one. Instead the Geuck are stacked in one dish designed for Geuck in order of meats from poultry, animal, fish, and shell. As the sub-dishes for rice, raw and cooked Geuck are used. 5. The number of stew (Tang) are 3 to 6 and 5 stews is the most popular. Commonly used stews are meat stew, fish stew, chicken stew, vegetable stew, blood stew, and organs stew. For the vegetable stew, buckwheat gel can be used. 6. As the fruit, chinese date, pear, nut and dried persimmons are the basic ones. The even number of 6 or 8 colorful fruits are used, while the odd number of 7 or 9 colorful fruits are used in three head families. 7. As Sik-Hae which is a drink and made from fermented rice, rice Sik-Hae or fish Sik-Hae has been necessarily used. 8. As raw meat dish, the liver of cow or meat is used. As a wrapping materials, the reticulum of a ruminant, green seaweed or thinly fried egg can be used.
        1996.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The dietary intake of nutritional elements by Koreans as determined by the Ministry of Health and Welfare's National Nutrition Survey have been reported for 1969~1993. But these data were based on not dish but food. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare dish sources of energy and macronutrients (carbohydrate, fat, protein) in the diets of three area (large city, small city and rural). Dish sources were evaluated from two-day record obtained in the secondary analysis of the 1993 Korean National Nutrition Survey. The result, large city and small city had higher fat and protein intake than did rural. Otherwise, carbohydrate intake among rural was higher than those among large and small city (p〈0.05). The primary dish source of energy and macronutrients was cooked rice for all area. The percentage of cooked rice in daily carbohydrate intake was 52.64% for nationwide, 48.40% for large city, 50.52% for small city, 61.79% for rural. The cumulative percent of top 10 dish sources to carbohydrate for large city, small city, rural were 78.02%, 81.16%, 85.69%, respectively. These was higher than cumulative percent of other macronutrients. The milk as good protein source ranked 3 for large city, 6 for small city, 22 for rural. The major dish sources to fat were cooked rice and pork that prepared by various cooking way. These results show that the major dish sources of energy and macronutrients were cooked rice based of Korea traditional consumption pattern. The most of nutrient intake consumed some dishes for all area. The dish consumption pattern was generally similar between large and small city. But rural was different from other area. Threfore, nutrition educations and interventions should be targeted to each area and should be attended with studies that comparision of dish sources to nutritional elements by specific age-sex groups.
        1996.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        점봉산 천연보호지역에서 식생이 다른 4지역을 대상으로 한 날개응애류 생물상 조사에서 총 52과 81속 143종이 조사되었다. 고도 900m의 잣나무 조림지에서는 33과 48속 102종, 고도 1,100m의 혼효림지역에서는 38과 57속 97종, 고도 1,000m의 천연 활엽수림지역에서는 하부 식생이 일년생 초본류인 복사면에서는 36과 49속 72종, 하부식생이 조릿대인 남자면에서는 44과 63종 102종이 조사되었다.
        1996.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한반도와 그 접경지역에 분포하는 Harpalina아족 30종에 대해 그들의 분포, 분류학적 소고, 그리고 모시표본에 대한 정보등을 정리하였다. 이들 재료들은 과거 러시아인 Schmidt 씨(1950년), Borchsenius씨(1950년)등에 의해 한반도 전역에서 채집, 러시아과학원 동물연구소(St. Petersburg)와 생물토양연구소(Vladivostocle)에 보관된 것들과 북한인 주동열씨에 의해 북한에서 채집된 표본들이었다. 그들 중 5종은 우리나라에서 처음 보고되는 미기록종이었다.
        1996.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 성남시 분당구에 위치한 중앙공원과 불곡산에 이르는 중심녹지축의 연결로 Ecobridge지역의 생태적 공간조성을 목적으로 야생조루종조성, 식물군집구조분석을 실시하였다. 야생조루종조성분석 결과 Ecobridge 지역에서는 까치, 박새, 참새 3종 23개체만이 출현하였고 중앙공원 산림에서는 3종과 꾀꼬리, 제비 5종 37개체가 출현하였다. 자연환경이 양호한 불곡산에서는 15종 72개체가 출현하였다. 식물군집구조분석 결과 중앙공원과 불곡산 산림은 리기다소나무, 잣나무 등을 식재한 인공림과 신갈나무, 졸참나무, 상수리나무 등 참나무류를 중심으로 형성된 자연림, 인공림에서 참나무류로의 2차천이가 일어나고 있는 반자연림으로 나뉘어졌다. Ecobridge지역은 아교목층이 형성되지 않은 교목층 위주의 단순식생으로 지역주민의 이동공간으로 이용되고 있었다. 종다양성은 불곡산 산림→ 중앙공원 산림→Ecobridge지역순으로 낮은 값을 보였고, 유사도지수를 나타내었다. 따라서 생태적인 공간조성에 있어 종다양성이 높은 불곡산의 다층적인 식생구조를 도입하는 것이 타당하다고 판단되었다.
        1996.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Consumer's perceptions of the qualities of food and food-related services were surveyed through questionnaires by 672 adults randomly selected from 20 industrial foodservice in Pusan and Kyeung Nam area. The results are as follows: 1) By age, the elderly group gaved the highest mean score not only for freshness and temperature among the food characteristics but also for cleanliness of dishes and materials of dishes among the food-related service. 2) By occupation, the white collar worker group gaved the highest mean score in all characteristics of food and food-related service than did the blue collar worker group. Especially for courtesy of employees, the mean rating given by the white collar worker group was 3.15/5.00, but by the blue collar worker group was 2.67/5.00. 3) Good appetitive group rated taste of food 3.15/5.00, quality of food vs. food price 3.17/5.00, and freshness 3.15/5.00. But poor appetitive group rated taste of food 2.44/5.00, quality of food vs. food price 2.65/5.00, and freshness 2.70/5.00. 4) Men agreed that the rice and soup were right in amount. And women responded that the rice was in a large amount and the soup was not enough. 5) The white collar worker group agreed that the rice, the soup, the side dish, and the kimchi were right in amount. However the blue collar worker group agreed that the rice was right in amount, the soup and the side dish were not enough, and the kimchi was in a large amount. For seasoning of food, the white collar worker group responded that the salty taste and the hotness were just right. But the blue collar worker group responded that the food was neither salty nor hot at all. 6) The taste of food was shown to be positively correlated (p<0.001) with various food item combinations, freshness of food, and the variety of cooking methods.
        1996.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to get data on the job attitude of cooks. This study was surveyed 216 cooks who work for deluxe hotels at Pusan. The results were summarized as follow: 1. The cooks think that their devotion is most important source for the best cooking. The next are taste, quality of raw materials, skill and hygiene in order. 2. 57.9% of the cooks think that a degree of expertise their field are average, but 73.6% cooks believe that the degree of expertise is higher than the other restaurant cooks. 3. They think that a good cook should be sincere and have proficiency of skill, good human relationship and study attitude, but they also believe an academic background and knowledge is not important to be a good cook. A deficiency of knowledge about cooking is what cooks believe to be the greatest hindrance for progress of cooking skills. The next hindrance are, a shortage of endeavor and authority of management. 4. The cooks believe that the ability of cooking is most important for a promotion, the others are, in order, human relationship, career background and age. 5. The cooks show little satisfaction with their job, but express their unsatisfaction with their pay. Also the cook's social status is mean. 6. The cooks recognize that a change in hotel policy is most important for the cooking department of the hotel. The next are, in order, enlargement of working space, arrangement of equipments and hiring of experts. 7. The cooks think that Japanese cooking have the best prospect in a food and beverage enterprise, while Chinese cooking have relatively lower prospect.
        1996.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To study the dining-out behaviour of housewives, the frequency, food preference, expense for dining-out in social meeting, family gathering, daily meal were surveyed with a total of 454 housewives in Pusan. (1) In the frequency of dining-out, once or twice a month shows highest percentage, 59.7% and 45.8% for social meeting and family gathering respectively. The occasion of dining-out for the daily meal is less than 1 or 2 time per 6 month (62.6%). The frequency of dining-out is highly dependent on demographic variables such as age, academic background, family income, car ownership. (2) The preference for Korean dishes is found to be top in all occasions for dining-out. And then for the social meeting, chinese food, western style food, japanese cuisine and fast food are prefered in order, while western style food and chinese cuisine are rather prefered than japanese cuisine and fast food in occasion for family gathering. When they dine out just for daily meal, korean food is prefered first and preference for chinese food, western style food, fast food is followed in order. Japanese cuisine is prefered the last. (3) Housewives answered highly that the expense they spend for dining-out for social meeting (45.8%) or family fathering (46.8%) is 5,000 to 10,000 won per person. For these occasions, the expense is different with family income. Namely, if their income is higher than 3,000,000 won, they usually spend 10,000 to 15,000 won for the occasion. And for the daily dining-out, 34.7% respondents answered that they spend 2,000 to 3,000 won.
        1996.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The survey was made to learn Yanbian Korean housewives' knowledge of Korean traditional holidays and foods. The questionaires were answered by 143 Korean housewives living in Yanbian region. The results are summarized below. 1. 94.6% of the respondents acknowledge that the Korean traditional holidays should be inherited. And 47.0% of them answered that the Korean traditional foods should be inherited as they have been, but 51.0% replied that the traditional foods need to be slightly modified. 2. The percentages of those who have knowledge of the Korean traditional holidays are 98.7% for Seolnal, 97.3% for Chusuk, 96.6% for Jongwol Daeborum, 94.6% for Dongji, 90.6% for Dano. However, the percentages of those who know about Jungyangjeol, Yudeu, Muojeol and Samjitnal are lower than 10%. 3. Regarding the Korean traditional foods, more than 80% of the respondents have knowledge of Naeongmyun (96.6%), Gejangguk (94.0%), SiruD'ock (94.0%), Ogokbab (87.2%), Mulmandu (86.6%), Patjuk (94.0%), and D'ockguk (82.6%). And Naeongmyun, Mulmandu, Gejangguk, Kalgulksu were consumed most frequently. 4. It is found that Kimchi (97.9%), Soy-sauce (88.4%), and Sseokjang (72.6%), Hot-pepper paste (69.1%) are mostly made at home. The number in the parenthesis indicates the percentage of those who make the food at home.
        1996.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to find out how much they have several aspects of food related knowledge and eating behaviors of high school students in Sungnam area. The self-administrated questionnaire was used. The result were as follows: 1. The average height of boys and girls was 172.6±0.7 cm and 156.3±1.5 cm respectively. The average weights of them were 62.4±0.5 kg (male) and 47.2±0.8 kg (female). BMI (Body Mass Index) of them were 20.74±0.14 (male), 18.82±0.28 (female). The average age is 16.7 years old. 2. The 66.5% of the subjects were spent more than one-third of their pocket money in buying on light meals during three times a week. There were significant differences between income level of family. Boys spent more money on each meal than girls. And significant differences were also obserbed by their residence area and Bundang residences spent more in buying snacks. 3. The rate of skipping meals was 51.2% in boys compared with 68.0% in girls. The frequencies of buying snacks instead of main meal were high in girls. Time limits in eating may possibly be the main reason for skipping meals (59.8%), especially in the morning. Skipping a breakfast becomes general eating habits in high school students, because of pressure for time to go to school. 4. It is required that parents should be taught to prepare balanced lunch box for their children because the rate of students who prepared two lunch boxes are 49.4%. 5. The students took snacks once or twice a day. They usually bought snacks in school concessions (51.8%) and they selected items of snack instinctivly. The girls ate snacks during lunch break time (31.7%) and after dinner (23.6%). Boys ate snacks after dinner (29.1%). Preference of foods were different by sex. Boys preferred bread (31.7%), milk and otherdairy products (80.8%), cola and soda (42.0%) as their snacks between meals. Girls selected biscuit, chip, beverage, coffee as their snacks, frequently. 6. BMI value of the group who ate between meals more than three times a day was lower (18.78±0.65) than that of the group who ate nothing between meals (20.71±3.79). 7. As for the nutritional knowledge, the students generally had higher correct rate of answer about which nutritive components of food has (76.6%). But they had lower knowledge on questions of nutritive values in food (10.6%). There was a meaningful relation between favorite food and nutritional knowledge. In conclusion, there were some problems on nutritional knowledge and eating habits among the high school students. Therefore, it was required that girls should be learned to recognize the importance of breakfast and needed to select balanced meals and snacks. And it was required that the nutrition education should be complemented to motivate and improve practical eating behaviors.
        1996.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1996.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to grasp status of trace metals contained and corelation analysis between cereal and soils, the samples which have been collected from four myeons in Ulju-ku Ulsan-city were 48 for cereal and 48 for soils. The average Hg containing level' of samples is 0.006 ppm for cereal and 0.062 ppm for soil, Pb is 0.302 ppm for cereal and 1.137 ppm for soil, Cd is 0.012 ppm for cereal and 0.027 ppm for soil, Cu is 2.01 ppm for cereal and 0.885 ppm for soil, and Zn is 7.853 ppm for cereal and 2.366 ppm for soil. Corelation analysis between cereal and soils showed statistical significance for Hg, Pb and Cu, but it didn't show any significance for Cd and Zn.
        1996.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Generally, the culture of dietary life in a country is closely related to the heritage of racial culture, and it is very important to inherit and develop the culture of the traditional dietary life. This research is to investigate consciousness and behaviors of dietary life using a questionnaire survey for 521 housewives living in Seoul and Kyonggido. The data was analyzed with frequency, percentage, T-test, 2 (Chi-square)-test, dispersion analysis, Pearson's correlation and hierarchical multiple-regression analysis. The results of the survey are summarized as follows; 1. Consciousness of Traditional Foods. They thought that traditional foods were Sinsollo, sorts of beverage, Dduk (Korean cake), Kim-chi, Hankwa (Korean cookies), and Kujolpan, and that traditional foods were proud for its various tastes. But they thought the cuisine of the traditional food is very complicated, accordingly the frequency of traditional food was decreased. Therefore they thought that its tastes was important to develop and spread traditional foods. 2. Dietary Life Behaviors for Traditional Food. They take traditional foods on big holidays and religious service days. It is their mother who taught them the traditional cooking method. Most ftequently used cooking method is boiling. They gave their children a traditional snack such as 'Dduk (Korean cake), noodles, and fried food. Frequency of taking beverage, Hankwa (Korean cookies), Juk (guel) and Dduk (Korean cake) have been decreased. 3. The Correlation of General Environment and Consciousness, Knowledge, Dietary Life Behaviors of Traditional food. The older they are, the more eager to teach traditional food cooking, to preserve the traditional table setting, to give their children traditional snack and the more traditional dietary life behaviors are.