
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 19

        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is aimed at providing an exploratory education plan that is of direct interest to the local community through community-based art education. In this study, the “Naver Map” was used as a learning tool. The main theories behind the composition of contents of this plan are based on information and communication technology (ICT) education. First, classes were conducted over four sessions for 38 junior high school students. Subsequently, these classes were supplemented by six sessions for 12 elementary school students from the fifth and sixth grades. Consequently, the use of the Naver Map in community art education was effective in terms of convenience, ease of operation, accuracy of visual data, motivation, and continuity. The learners recognized the concept of “place” in the local community, and by producing appropriate works of art, they understood the concept of “place” and realized “social participation” and “culture creation.”
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper discusses how the encounter between the performance characteristics of a game and the media characteristics of media art convey the acceptance and perceptual experience of the spectacle aura based on the media installation work, which is in turn based on the game. The game is a one-time event. During this event, the game will give a true aura experience. A media installation that records a game performance has a media character because it works through the medium, but the aura is transformed into the form of other media through the process of remediation, rather than being collapsed by the change of media. In other words, as well as in a one-time experience, such as a game, the aura can also be experienced in repetition and duplication in media installation works. In conclusion remediated aura experience is discussed through the media installation work based on the game.
        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현재 소형급 등명기의 경우 국내에서 많은 연구개발이 이루어지고 있다. 하지만 중형급 등명기의 경우 아 직까지 대부분 수입에 의존하고 있어 중형급 등명기 개발의 필요성이 높아짐에 따라 연구를 진행하게 되었다. 해양수 산부의 해상용 등명기 규격에 맞는 LED를 선정하기 위하여 단일 광원이 가지는 광학적 특성을 분석하고, 분석을 통 해 array module을 구성하였다. 본 연구에서는 Luminous Flux는 , ing Angle은 의 광학적 특성을 가지고 있는 Cree사의 LED 패키지를 선정하였다. 또한 전반사의 특성을 이용하여 LED 패키지에서 발광하는 빛을 Collimate가 될 수 있도록 TIR 렌즈를 설계하였다. 반사면의 곡면은 Lighttools를 활용하여 Bezier curve에 기초하여 형성하였다. Bezier curve를 이용하여 제어점의 Size와 Position, Weight를 조정하여 곡면을 형성한다. 위와 같이 설계 된 TIR 렌즈를 이용하여 LED 패키지에서 발광하는 광선을 Collimate 시켜 기존 등명기에서 사용하는 Fresnel lens와 결합하여 사용할 수 있도록 광학계를 구성하
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was intended to present new teaching-learning program for fine art class involving the use of smart devices. Particularly, this study aim to improve communication and comprehension of peer relationship based on self-expression and continuous recording by using smart devices. The class continued in 4 sessions with 5 Middle School students. The subjects selected the app-icon expressive of themselves and drew interpretation based on their experience, and shared the results with peers to accept the ideas and opinions of others. The results show that the class involving the use of apps helped alleviate students' fear towards expression in connection with existing fine art expression, promoting students' expressivity, and the class helped develop clear self-expression and communication ability by allowing students to draw on their unique experience for interpretation of app-icon.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Remediation in game has two logics, transparent immediacy and hypermediacy. Transparent immediacy is a form of visual representation that wipes out the presence of the medium for users and makes them feel as though they are in the presence of the objects of representation. Although game has characteristics of both transparent immediacy and hypermediacy, it has particularly strong transparent immediacy, which allows users to become immersed in the game. The self that is formed in game remediates another self through immersion in immediacy and the awakening of hypermediacy. This study analyzes the characteristics of the remediation self based on the virtual self represented in immediacy and networked self represented in hypermediacy in game. The virtual self is characterized by the immersion and dissolution of Descartes’ ego, which are enabled by the provision of linear perspective and six degrees of freedom. The networked self is characterized by a desire for hypermediacy,which is fulfilled bythe interface windows and a high level of interactivity. This paper explores how game as a new digital medium redefines the self.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a digilog program is suggested for the integration of analog and digital media. As analog sensibility is giving way to digital, analog is now being regarded as old and outdated, and various emotional advantages of analog are being disregarded. A program constituting eight lessons was conducted for third-grade students through Chochungdo. In this program, analog expressions were interpreted in a digital environment and the students experienced game characteristics in artistic media. The educational effects were as follows. First, an expanded audio-visual effect was displayed, using Flash on a 2D plane, based on analog emotional expression. Second, students experienced game characteristics through interaction using the MaKey MaKey program, and an immersive digital environment within a media device.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Benjamin introduced the concept of the “aura”and discussed its absence in film and photography. Benjamin posited that the loss of aura changes artistic values. This brought about a paradigm shift in the entire mode of existence of humanity. After Benjamin, various opinions followed regarding the concept of aura, namely, aura collapse, aura transformation, aura-media, and returned aura. This study discusses the idea of the “aura”in games as a digital medium. From the three characteristics of games,i.e., presence, interactivity, and multi-sensory interface, it is evident that digital aura exists in games in the form of immersion. Analogue aura has lapsed because of technical shortcomings, but digital aura makes perfect simulacra that create a hyper-real world. The qualities of immersion, interactivity, and a multi-sensory interface provide a world of illusion, and provide the visual, auditory, and tactile experience of aura without any space between the user and the object.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        경상남도 밀양시 3개 면 10개 리 71동의 고추 시설재배지에서 토양을 채집, 선충을 분리하여 토양 내 선충의 밀도 분석 및 종 분류를 실시하여 비교하였다. 밀양 지역의 고추 시설재배지는 연작 기간이 짧게는 2년에서 길게는 20년 고추 재배만을 실시한 지역으로 평균 토양 300cm3당 뿌리혹 선충이 48마리로 경제적 피해 수준이 낮은 선충의 경우 심각한 수준이었으며, 검출율은 56%로 기 보고된 타 작물재배지의 검출율보다 높게 나타났다. 지역별 식물기생선충의 밀도는 무안면 중산리, 부북면 덕곡리, 무안면 모로리, 무안면 무안리, 무안면 사포리, 무안면 고라리, 상남면 오산리, 무안면 연상리, 무안면 내진리, 무안면 정곡리 순으로 나타났다. 이 중 1개의 시설재배지 토양에서 토양 300cm3 당 426마리가 검출되었다. 무안면 고라리 시설재배지에서는 참선충의 밀도가 높게 나타났으며, 무안면 모로리에서는 위축선충류가 발견되었다. 토양의 채취는 1-3월 중 채취한 것으로 생육발달도와 토양온도가 높아지는 6월 중 밀도가 더욱 높아질 것으로 보이며, 식물기생선충에 대한 고추 저항성 품종 개발 및 방제가 시급하다.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focuses on clarifying orality on game as a medium. The media has progressed through a complicated process where the inter-relationship between media has been occurred. The orality, the oldest form of medium, has been a 'residuary medium' and the spoken word has been transformed in spite of the advent of new media. This study attempts to discuss the characteristics of 'game' as a medium through the concepts of Walter Ong's primary orality, literacy, and the secondary orality. The characteristics of 'game' as a medium based on the multimedia, interactive existence, and the user-generated narrative, and these characteristics of 'game' could be illuminated through the Ong's orality. This study makes an effort to explore the modes of the presence of the orality through the psychodynamic approach of media. The difference of mentality appeared by the medium, because background and characteristics of the medium itself could control the size and characteristics of the human experience.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the game graphic design process, design results are based on ideas that drives major decisions. Many information and stimuli could help to determine an initial game graphic design concept which is called concept generation. In this study Related Search Term and WordNet stimuli were given to the game design students in the concept generation. This study seeks to clarify which kind of stimuli contributes more to the creativity of the game graphic design concept. As a result, significant difference was found in creativity scores between two conditions. This result showed that related search terms which are based on collective knowledge could assist as stimuli on concept generation more effectively than WordNet which offers semantic dictionary definitions.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines the effect of related search word stimuli in the process of design generation. In the process of design generation, words are given as stimuli. Especially through Wonderwheel service of Google, related search words are given by 5 levels. Google search is based on the collaboration philosophy. People's participation and contribution recreate knowledge and information, so these renewed and related search words update in real time by people are used as stimuli. Two problems with related search words are given to participants. After the design concept generation the results are analyzed by the usage of related search words and those of frequency, and creativity. These are the results of the research. 1) It is an important feature that higher levels words were more found in completed and creative ideas than lower levels. 2) It is found that the usage of multi words and conjunction with higher levels and lower levels words are observed in creative results. 3) As a result, in the process of design generation usage of related search words is effective, especially in using of multi words and higher levels words.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 창의적 시각발상 프로세스에서 컨셉을 시각화하는 과정에서 언어의 자극이 주는 효과를 알아보고자 한 다. 피실험자들에게 게임 디자인 발상을 위한 컨셉과 함께 발상을 도와주는 연관검색어를 제공하였다. 컨셉에서 단어 들을 뽑아 구글에서 검색했는데, 특별히 원더힐을 이용하여 5단계까지의 연관 검색어들을 제공하여 아이디어를 전개 하도록 했다. 구글의 연관 검색어는 집단지성이라는 철학이 숨어 있다. 다수의 사람들의 기여와 공헌이 모여 새로운 지식과 정보가 형성되는 것을 말한다. 이런 지식과 정보는 계속해서 갱신되고 새로운 가치가 부여되기도 한다. 즉 변 화하지 않는 정보와 지식이 아닌 사람들에 의해 업데이트되는 단어들을 시각 아이디어 발상에 제공하고자 했다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 실험결과 전체적으로 여러 단계의 연관검색어들을 사용했으며, 주어진 컨셉과 연관성이 높은 단어들이 연관성이 적은 단어들 보다 많이 사용된 것을 볼 수 있다. 2) 연관검색어를 제공한 경우와 제공하지 않은 경우를 비교해 보았을 때 연관 검색어를 제공하는 것이 특별히 아이디어의 완성도에는 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 3) 완성도가 높은 결과물에서는 상위 단계의 검색어 즉 컨셉과 연관성이 높은 단어들을 하위 단계의 검색어보다 많이 사용하는 중요한 특징을 볼 수 있다. 4) 여러 개의 연관검색어들을 사용한 결과들을 분석해 보니 복수의 연관검색어의 사용은 의미 있는 결과들과 연관 되어져 있음을 알 수 있다. 5)복수 검색어와 의미 있는 결과를 조사한 결과 같은 단계의 검색어들을 사용하기 보다는 상위와 하위 단계의 검색어들을 함께 사용하는 주요한 특징을 볼 수 있다. 결국 시각 아이디어 발상에 있어서 연관검색어의 제공이 아이디어 발상에 효과가 있으며 특히 복수 연관 검색어의 사용과 상위 단계의 연관 검색어가 발상에 효과적임을 알 수 있다.
        1998.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Consumption and general views of housewives in Inchon on commercial kochujang(fermented red pepper-soy paste) were surveyed by questionnaires in June through August, 1997. Respondents considered the taste (88.1%) as the most important factors to determine the quality of kochujang and preferred hot(621%) and bright red colored kochujang(70.6%) with fine red pepper powder Eighty seven percent of respondents preferred the traditional kochujang to the commercial one mainly due to the taste and the reliability to the materials kochujang. Especially all housewives at the age of sixty and over preferred traditional kochujang and those at twenties had a higher preferrence for the commercial one compared to other age groups. While 51.4% of the respondents consumed both e traditional and commercial kochujang, 16.2% and 32.5% did only commercial and traditional kochujang, respectively. Consumption of commercial kochujang decreased with age and main food with it was pan fried dishes(33.7%). Convenience(76.6%) was the major reason for purchasing commercial fried and most respondents(44.1%) selected the special brand from the previous experience of their own. Problems to be improved in commercial kochujang were better taste(31.3%) and development of diverse usage(62.4%).