
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,187

        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 STS프로그램을 적용한 수업이 학생들의 과학에 관련된 태도와 과학학습성취도에 미치는 효과를 분석하는데 있다. 연구 목적에 따라 고등학교 3학년 학생들을 실험집단과 통제집단으로 나눈 뒤, 약 6주 동안 실험집단은 본 연구자가 개발한 STS 프로그램을 사용하여 수업을 실시하고 통제집단은 강의 중심의 전통적 수업을 실시하였다. 연구 결과 과학에 관련된 태도에 있어 실험집단이 통제 집단보다 더 긍정적인 방향으로 태도가 향상되었고, 과학학습 성취도에 있어서도 실험집단이 더 높은 성취도 향상을 나타내었다.
        1997.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 전남 일부 농촌지역 고등학교에 재학중인 남·녀학생 270명을 대상으로 도시락 영양섭취 실태조사를 실시하였으며 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 남·녀고등학생의 평균신장은 각각 170.03±0.8㎝, 155.8±1.4㎝로 한국인 표준치의 98.8%, 97.4%였으며 평균체중은 남학생이 60.5±0.3㎏, 여학생이 48.5±0.7㎏으로 한국인 표준치의 96.0%, 89.8%를 나타냈다. 영양소 섭취실태에서 주식의 양은 남학생이 310g, 여학생이 277g이었고, 도시락에 지참한 부식의 수는 2가지가 54.1%로 가장 많았으며 부식의 종류는 총 40가지로 대부분 김치류와 볶음류였다. 다섯가지 기초식품군의 균형 잡힌 식사는 거의 이루어지지 않고 있었으며 특히 고기, 생선, 계란, 콩류 및 우유·유제품이 부족하였다. 총 영양소 섭취량은 비타민 A, 비타민 C, 나이아신을 제외한 나머지 영양소는 권장량보다 훨씬 낮게 섭취하는 것으로 나타났다. 열량 섭취량의 구성비는 남학생의 경우 탄수화물 : 지방 : 단백질의 비율이 81.5 : 9.9 : 11.5였고 여학생의 경우는 80.5 : 9.8 : 10.5였으며 총열량 섭취량 중 78.0%를 탄수화물로부터 섭취하고 있었다. 위의 연구를 종합하여 볼 때 농촌 지역 고등학생의 점심때 섭취하는 도시락의 전체적인 영양소 섭취량이 권장량에 비하여 매우 낮았으며 특히 단백질 및 칼슘 섭취가 저조하였다. 따라서 학교에서 학교급식을 실시하여 우유로 칼슘의 양을 보충하며, 농촌 지역사회 여건의 이점을 살려 학교 나름대로 식품 생산 활동을 전개하면 급식 재원을 확보할 뿐만 아니라 지역사회의 식품생산에도 기여할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 또한 고등학생들은 아침 결식이 보편화되고 그 결과 점심 도시락이나 간식을 통한 식품섭취의 의존도가 매우 높음^30)을 고려할 때 영양적으로 균형된 도시락을 준비할 수 있도록 어머니에 대한 영양교육이 절실히 필요하다고 본다.
        1997.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The research was conducted to investigate the children's consumption pattern and preference of Korean rice cake by analyzing the relation among their socio-demographic backgrounds. This study provides basic information for systematic development and wide spread of Korean rice cake as a traditonal Korean food. A self completed questionnaire survey of 639 elementary school students in Seoul was undertaken. A survey questionnaire consisted of two parts including demographic backgrounds, children's consumption pattern and preference of Korean rice cake. A likert scale of one to five was used to determine the childrem's preference of Korean rice cake. Statistical data analysis was done using the SPSS/PC program for descriptive analysis and 2 test. Approximately half of the participants were male (51.5%) and 5-degree year (50.7%) students. 77.2% of respondents were nuclear families. The results of eating frequency rate showed that 57.1% students had Korean rice cake once a month followed by once a week (18.8%), once per two months (12.2%) and once per six months (10.5%). The major reasons for having Korean rice cake were good taste (55.2%), healthy food (22.3), our traditional food (17.3%), and etc (2.2%) in order. Average children's preference score of 14 Korean rice cakes was 2.82±1.59 out of 5, with the highest score of 4.30 for Songpyun and the lowest score of 1.06 for Bukumi.
        1997.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to determine the influences on physical status and study achievement by the dietary behavior of the youth in Korea. The survey was carried from June to July, 1995 by way of questionnaire to 397 students. The students' study achievement records and physical status were analyzed by the factor of dietary behavior. The results were as follows: 1 The average physical status of male students was lean, but females were standard. 76ft of mothers of the subjects were working in specialty farming. The monthly income of their family was 1000~1500 thousand Won and students' pocket money was 20~40 thousand Won per month. 2. The aspects of meal behavior included the general idea that the meal was thought to relieve hunger, and preference of taste was spiciness The most important factor of the meals for the students was taste. Their bad meal habits were quick eating and irregularity of meals. 3. There was a significant difference in the comparison of the study achieving records with the frequency of supper However, there was no one meaningful difference between study achievement records and the attendance rate to school, health status, and living conditions. However, there was a significant difference between their study records and eating with family. The students, who had the breakfast and/or supper with family, remarked better study records than other groups. 4. Also, there was a significant difference of study records with physical status. The overweight or obese students had a lower degree of study score (p〈0.1). Adolescence is considered a period of setting up dietary behavior, so it is necessary to educate good nutrition and dietary habits for students to keep in healthy physical condition and with high study achievements.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare high-school students importance and performance toward restaurant service attributes for the marketing strategy development. Specific objectives were to: a) investigate restaurant patronage characteristics of high school students; b) identify the difference of patronage behavior among three types of restaurants; and c) analyze the importance and performance among three types of restaurants. A questionnaire was developed and hand-delivered to 400 students enrolled 9th grade in 4 different high schools in Seoul. A total of 320 students (80%) was responded to this study. The questionnaire was composed of two parts with 47 restaurant service attribute statements. Results of this study were as follows: 1. A total of 57% was female and 61% of respondents spent less than ₩5,000 per week on eating out. 2. The frequency of visiting the low-priced restaurant was 8.9 times per week. 3. Reasons for being a patronage to low- (≥₩2,000) and mid-priced ( 〈₩2,000 and ≥₩5,000) restaurants were hunger, appointment, and seeking favorites with freinds but the reason for high-priced (〈₩5,000) restaurants was celebrating special days with parents. 4. The main source of information for selecting restaurants was family and friends, T.V. advertising, and bulletin board. 5. For the low-priced restaurants, food, hygiene, price, and location were rated as important; location, price, menu, and food were rated as satisfied. 6. For the mid-priced restaurants, hygiene, food, price, and menu were rated as important; food, hygiene, service, and menu were rated as satisfied. 7. For the high-priced restaurants, hygiene, food, and atmosphere were rated as important; food, hygiene, atmosphere, and menu were as satisfied. 8. According to paired t-test, the score gap between importance and performance was the highest in the hygiene attribute; differences were high with the low-priced and low with high-priced restaurants.
        1996.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1996.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to find out how much they have several aspects of food related knowledge and eating behaviors of high school students in Sungnam area. The self-administrated questionnaire was used. The result were as follows: 1. The average height of boys and girls was 172.6±0.7 cm and 156.3±1.5 cm respectively. The average weights of them were 62.4±0.5 kg (male) and 47.2±0.8 kg (female). BMI (Body Mass Index) of them were 20.74±0.14 (male), 18.82±0.28 (female). The average age is 16.7 years old. 2. The 66.5% of the subjects were spent more than one-third of their pocket money in buying on light meals during three times a week. There were significant differences between income level of family. Boys spent more money on each meal than girls. And significant differences were also obserbed by their residence area and Bundang residences spent more in buying snacks. 3. The rate of skipping meals was 51.2% in boys compared with 68.0% in girls. The frequencies of buying snacks instead of main meal were high in girls. Time limits in eating may possibly be the main reason for skipping meals (59.8%), especially in the morning. Skipping a breakfast becomes general eating habits in high school students, because of pressure for time to go to school. 4. It is required that parents should be taught to prepare balanced lunch box for their children because the rate of students who prepared two lunch boxes are 49.4%. 5. The students took snacks once or twice a day. They usually bought snacks in school concessions (51.8%) and they selected items of snack instinctivly. The girls ate snacks during lunch break time (31.7%) and after dinner (23.6%). Boys ate snacks after dinner (29.1%). Preference of foods were different by sex. Boys preferred bread (31.7%), milk and otherdairy products (80.8%), cola and soda (42.0%) as their snacks between meals. Girls selected biscuit, chip, beverage, coffee as their snacks, frequently. 6. BMI value of the group who ate between meals more than three times a day was lower (18.78±0.65) than that of the group who ate nothing between meals (20.71±3.79). 7. As for the nutritional knowledge, the students generally had higher correct rate of answer about which nutritive components of food has (76.6%). But they had lower knowledge on questions of nutritive values in food (10.6%). There was a meaningful relation between favorite food and nutritional knowledge. In conclusion, there were some problems on nutritional knowledge and eating habits among the high school students. Therefore, it was required that girls should be learned to recognize the importance of breakfast and needed to select balanced meals and snacks. And it was required that the nutrition education should be complemented to motivate and improve practical eating behaviors.