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        검색결과 109

        2023.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to understand the regional distribution characteristics of swans(Cygnus spp.) in downstream of t he Nakdong River , R.O.Korea from October 2008 to September 2013. During this period, a total of two species and 37,518 ind ividuals of Swans(Cygnus spp.) were observed, including 31,596 Whooper Swans(Cygnus cygnus) and 5,922 Tundra Swans (Cygnus columbianus), respectively. The average number of individuals observed in fifteen different areas was 2255.33 in Daemadeung(A), 143.50 in Jangja·Sinjado(B), 304.00 in Sajado·Doyodeung(C), 1928.00 in Lower Ulsukdo(D), 1392.67 in Ul sukdo(E), 50.17 in Ilwoongdo(F), 91.17 in Yeommak(G), 5.17 in Maekdogang(H), 0.00 in Pyeonggangcheon(I), 0.00 in Lowe r Noksan sluice(J), 2.83 in Upper Noksan sluice(K), 6.17 in Jomangang·Doonchido(L), 4.50 in Chideung(M), 0.83 in Joongs ado(N)and 66.17 in Daejeo sluice(O). The total average of these fifteen areas was 480.81. There was a significant differenc e among the survey areas (Kruskal-Wallis test,  =4055.68, P<0.001). In particular, the observed numbers were larger in Daemadeung, Lower Ulsukdo and Ulsukdo than in the other regions.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        2008년 9월 미국의 서브프라임 모기지 부실에 의한 리먼브러더스 사태로 시작된 글로벌 금융위기가 세계 건화물해운시장에도 영향을 끼쳐 건화물 물동량 감소와 선박의 공급과잉으로 세계 건화물해운산업과 조선산업에 심각한 불황을 유발하였다. 이러한 상황에서, 국제 경제의 동향에 민감한 한국경제의 구조 여건상 한국의 건화물선해운기업(또는 건화물선사)도 2008년 이후 현재까지 어렵게 경영을 헤쳐가고 있다. 이와 같은 심각한 불황과 그 여파로 건화물선사의 수익이 급감 할 수밖에 없게 되었으며 열악한 재무구조로 인해 경영이 부실해지고 급기야 도산과 파산하는 해운기업이 속출하게 되었다.이러한 점을 고려하여 동 연구는 2008년 글로벌 금융위기를 기점으로 2005년부터 2007 년까지와 그 후 2010년부터 2012년까지로 기간을 선정한 다음 한국의 외항 건화물 해운기업을 건전기업과 부실기업으로 구분하여 두 기업집 단 간의 주요 재무비율에 어떠한 변화와 차이가 있었는지 t 검정을 통해 분석하였다. 실증분석에서 두 집단 간에 차이를 보인 주요 재무비율 로는 수익성비율과 성장성비율이다. 본 연구의 의의는 첫째, 해운기업 경영에도 역시 재무건전성에 대한 체계적인 관리가 중요하며 이를 위해 수익성이 높은 화물을 계약하는 영업전략이 중요하다. 둘째, 선박의 효율적인 운항 및 관리로 성장성이 지속되는 기업으로 경영해야 한다는 것이다.
        2019.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        2008년 이래 시작된 미국의 서브프라임 모기지(비우량담보대출) 위기로 인한 글로벌 쓰나미는 전세계 가 80년대 중반 이래 고속 성장하던 상승세를 멈추고 2009년 마이너스 성장을 기록했다. 이번 위기에 대응하기 위해 각국은 위기로 인한 충격에 대응해 경기회복을 위한 조취를 취하고 있다. 본문의 연구는 한국과 일본에 초점을 맞췄다. 한국과 일본이 서브프라임 모기지 사태속에서 받은 영향을 분석해 양국의 경제정책을 비교 연구한 결과 아래와 같은 결론이 나왔다. 첫째, 2008년 미국 서브프라임 모기지의 근본원인 미국의 통화정책이 너무 느슨해 미국 금융시스템이 부실하고 특히 헤지펀드에 대한 감시가 없다는데 있다. 둘째, 한국은 1997년 아시아금융위기 당시 자국의 금융체제의 개혁 덕분에 2008년 서브프라임 모기지 사태 때 일본보다 국내 경제에 미치는 영향이 적었다. 셋째, 2008년 미국의 서브프라임 모기지 위기 대응 정책에서 일본의 경제 정책은 보다 세밀하고 구체적이지만, 심층적인 문제는 해결되지 않았다.
        2018.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose – The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the impact of donor’s fiscal status on aid decisions before and after the 2008 global financial crisis. The effects on aid can change depending on the donor country’s fiscal status and the period of financial crisis. Research design, data, and methodology – A fixed effect regression and dynamic panel GMM is conducted using a comprehensive dataset combining 31 donor and 167 recipient countries during 1996-2015. The key explanatory variable is central government debt-to-GDP ratio of donor country. Recipient countries' GNI per capita, population, governance indicators, and bilateral trade-to-GDP ratio between donor and recipient countries are included as control variables. Results – We can confirm the relationship between donor country’s fiscal status and aid flow. The cyclical component of government debt is found to have a negative impact on grant decisions particularly after the 2008 global financial crisis. This effect becomes larger in the countries with high government debt-to-GDP ratio. ODA decisions from the countries with low financial constraint do not significantly affected by the recipient countries’ factors such as GNI, population, and governance indicator. Conclusions – Based on the empirical results of this study, the source of aid should be diversified by incorporating private sector and innovative financing sources
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study was to evaluate associations between airborne manganese and blood manganese in a general population of South Korean adults. The concentrations of airborne manganese in total suspended particulate (TSP) were calculated from data obtained from ambient air-monitoring stations (AAMSs) located in South Korea. Blood manganese data obtained Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) using a rolling sampling design involving a complex, stratified, multistage, probability cluster survey of a representative sample of the non-institutionalized civilian population of South Korea. Airborne manganese geometric means was 46.10 ng/㎥, blood manganese geometric means were 1.19 ㎍/㎗ for male and 1.40 ㎍/㎗ for female. In multiple linear regression analysis of log transformed blood manganeseas a continuous variable on airborne manganese, after adjusting for covariates including gender, age, job, smoking and drinking status, education level, BMI (body mass index). Airborne manganese was positively associated with blood manganese with statistical significance. The present study confirms that airborne manganese is a possible contributor to the increase of blood manganese in the adult general population.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Spring rainfall events were comprehensively analyzed based on the distribution of precipitation amount and the related synoptic weather between 2008~2012. Forty-eight cases are selected among the rain events of the entire country, and each distribution of the 24-hour accumulated precipitation amount is classified into three types: evenly distributed rain(Type 1), more rain in the southern area and south coast region (Type 2), and more rain in the central region (Type 3), respectively. Type 1 constitutes the largest part(35 cases, 72.9%) with mean precipitation amount of 19.4 mm, and the 17 cases of Type 1 are observed in March. Although Type B and C constitutes small parts (11 cases, 22.9% and 2 cases, 4.2%), respectively. The precipitation amount of these types is greater than 34.5 mm and occurred usually in April. The main synoptic weather patterns affecting precipitation distribution are classified into five patterns according to the pathway of low pressures. The most influential pattern is type 4, and this usually occurs in March, April, and May (Low pressures from the north and the ones from the west and south consecutively affect South Korea, 37.5%). The pattern 3(Low pressures from the south affect South Korea, 25%) happens mostly in April, and the average precipitation is usually greater than 30 mm. This value is relatively higher than the values in any other patterns.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        농가를 방문하는 가금관련업체의 관계자 및 차량은 HPAI 질병 확산의 매개체가 된다. 농가들의 가금관련업체 이용 정보를 이용하면 농가간의 연결을 확인할 수 있고 HPAI 확산 가중 네트워크를 구성할 수 있다. 네트워크 분석중 중심성 측정은 질병에 취약하거나 타 농가에 영향력이 큰 역할을 하는 농가를 분석하는 방법으로 HPAI 초기 확산을 통제하는 방법으로 이용된다. 단, HPAI 바이러스는 네트워크의 연결선 가중치에 따라서 확산 경로가 달라질 수 있다.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        “Joongmo2008”, a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar was developed by the National Institute of Crop Science, RDA. It is an awned, semi-dwarf and hard winter wheat. The heading and maturing date of “Joongmo2008” were similar to “Keumkang”. Culm and spike length of “Joongmo2008” were 87 cm and 8.6 cm. It had similar test weight (800g/L) and higher 1,000-grain weight (46.7g) than “Keumkang”. It showed resistance to winter hardiness and moderate to pre-harvest sprouting, which lower rate of pre-harvest sprouting (9.8%) than “Keumkang”. “Joongmo2008” had higher flour yield (73.5%) and higher ash content (0.49%) than “Keumkang”. It showed similar lightness (90.01) of flour color than “Keumkang”. It showed higher protein content (16.4%), gluten content (13.4%), SDS-sedimentation volume(59㎖) and mixing time of mixograph than “Keumkang”. “Joongmo2008” had lower amylose contetn (24.5%) and higher viscosity (153BU) than “Keumkang”. It showed same compositions in HMW-GS compositions(5+10) and Puroindolines composition compared to “Keumkang”. “Joongmo2008” showed lower firmness (0.74N) of and higher bread volume of baked pan-bread to “Keumkang”. Average yield of “Joongmo2008” in the regional adaptation yield trial was 4.54 ton/ha in upland and 3.67 ton/ha in paddy field. “Joongmo2008” would be suitable for the area above -10℃ of daily minimum temperature in January in Korean peninsula.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        By surveying the 70 composting plants in Gyeonggi Province, the total commercial production of livestock faeces composts (LFCs) in 2008 was estimated to be about 480,000 Mg year-1 and they were manufactured mainly by using both mechanical mixer and bottom air blower. LFCs were composed mainly of chicken faeces 29.2%, pig+chicken faeces 23.1%, pig faeces 20.0%, livestock faeces+oil cake 12.3%, pig+ chicken+cattle faeces 10.8% and pig+cattle faeces 4.6%. On the basis of the current official standard which was revised on March 2010, 11 composts out of surveyed 76 ones did not meet the LFCs quality standard (LQS) due to inadequate content of water (5), OM/N (1), NaCI (2) and Zn (3). The OM/N declined by adding chicken faeces and oil cake, while Ca content increased by the addition of chicken faeces and NaCI increased by adding cattle faeces.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigates the relationship between Asian dust and asthma disease in Seoul, using data of Asian dust occurrences and the number of treatments for asthma between 2005 and 2008. The data include the number of treatments for asthma on the basic day paired with the average number of treatments for asthma on the compared days. The compared day is defined by the day of no Asian dust in same month and day of the week as the basic day, when Asian dust occurs. Also, the basic day is expanded to the day after three days from the day of Asian dust. The paired two sample t-test for the number of treatments for asthma on the basic day and the compared days revealed that the Asian dust occurrences are correlated with the asthma disease. The number of treatments for asthma is significantly increased on the one and two days after Asian dust occurs. On the other hand, there's no significant difference in the number of treatments for asthma between the days of Asian dust occurrence and the days of no Asian dust, which implies that people usually try not to go out when Asian dust occurs.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As rural landscape is considered important elements of rurality, there are many concerns about management and conservation. Rural development administration have performed rural amenity resources survey project in South Korea from 2005 for verifying states and efficient management of rural amenity. There are some problems about ambiguous definition of rural landscape range and data overlap. In this research, we reviewed rural amenity resources survey focusing rural landscape and analysized elements of 50 complex landscape resources in 2008 rural amenity selection 100. Finally, we suggested landscape viewpoint resource table in place of rural landscape because it can minimize data overlap in survey project.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Characteristics of precipitation and temperature in Ulleung-do and Dok-do were analyzed with hourly accumulated precipitation and mean temperature data obtained from Automatic Weather System(AWS) for latest four years(2005∼2008). In Ulleung-do, total annual mean precipitation for this period is 1,574.4 mm, which shows larger amount than 1434.2 mm of whole Korean peninsula for latest 10 years(1999∼2008) and 1,236.2 mm at Ulleung-do on common years(1971∼2000), shows that the trend of precipitation gradually increases during the recent years. This amount is also 1.4 times larger than the total annual mean precipitation of 660.1 mm in Dok-do. Mean precipitation intensity(mm ) at each time of a day in each month at Ulleung-do represents that the maximum values larger than 3.0 mm were shown in May and on 0200 LST, whereas these were found in August and 0700 LST with 3.1 mm in Dok-do. The difference of the precipitation amount and its intensity between Uleung-do and Dok-do is explained by the topological effect came from each covering area, and this fact is also identified from similar comparison of the precipitation characteristics for the islands in West Sea. The annual mean temperature of 14.0 ℃ in Dok-do is 1.2 ℃ higher than that of 12.8 ℃ in Ulleung-do. Trends of monthly mean temperature in both islands are shown to increase for the observed period.
        2009.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The heavy snowfall event over the eastern part of Seoul, Korea on Mar. 04, 2008 has been abruptly occurred after the frontal system with the heavy snowfall event had been past over the Korean peninsula on Mar. 03, 2008. Therefore, this heavy snowfall event couldn't be predicted well by any means of theoretical knowledges and models. After the cold front passed by, the cold air mass was flown over the peninsula immediately and became clear expectedly except the eastern part and southwestern part of peninsula with some large amount of snowfall. Even though the wide and intense massive cold anticyclone was expanded and enhanced by the lowest tropospheric baroclinicity over the Yellow Sea, but the intrusion and eastward movement of cold air to Seoul was too slow than normally predicted. Using the data of numerical model, satellite and radar images, three dimensional analysis products(KLAPS : Korea Local Analysis and Prediction System) of the environmental conditions of this event such as temperature, equivalent potential temperature, wind, vertical circulation, divergence, moisture flux divergence and relative vorticity could be analyzed precisely. Through the analysis of this event, the formation and westward advection of lower cyclonic circulation with continuously horizontal movement of air into the eastern part of Seoul by the analyses of KLAPS fields have been affected by occurring the heavy snowfall event. As the predictability of abrupt snowfall event was very hard and dependent on not only the synoptic atmospheric circulation but also for mesoscale atmospheric circulation, the forecaster can be predicted well this event which may be occurred and developed within the very short time period using sequential satellite images and KLAPS products.
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