
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2,295

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to respond to environmental pollution, developed countries, including Korea, have begun to conduct research to utilize hydrogen energy. For mass transfer of hydrogen energy, storage as liquid hydrogen is advantageous, and in this case, the volume can be reduced to 1/800. As such, the transportation technology of liquefied hydrogen for ships is expected to be needed in the near future, but there is no commercialized method yet. This study is a study on the technology to test the performance of the components constituting the membrane type storage container in a cryogenic environment as a preparation for the above. It is a study to find a way to respond by analyzing in advance the problems that may occur during the shear test of adhesives. Through this study, the limitations of ISO4587 were analyzed, and in order to cope with this, the specimen was supplemented so that fracture occurred in the adhesive, not the adhesive gripper, by using stainless steel, a low-temperature steel, to reinforce the thickness. Based on this, shear evaluation was performed under conditions lowered to minus 243℃, and it was confirmed that the breaking strength was higher at cryogenic temperatures.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        도시 내 기후변화로 인한 이상 기상 현상과 함께 다양한 환경문제의 발생 빈도가 높아지고 있다. 도시의 회복력 향상을 위해서 자연기반해법이 대두되며, 이는 식물의 생육과 밀접한 관련이 있으므로 환경 스 트레스에 회복력이 강한 식물 소재가 요구되고 있다. 본 연구는 식물 소재 중 지피식물 47종을 대상으로 침수 내성을 평가하여 식재 및 관리를 위한 기초자료로 활용하고자 수행되었다. 시험 식물을 3일 및 7일 간 지제부까지 완전히 침수시킨 후 관행의 방법으로 관리하여 생육 변화를 4주간 관찰하였다. 식물의 외관 변화와 대조구와 처리구간의 S/R율(Shoot / Root ratio)차이에 따라 내침수성을 5개 집단으로 구분 하였다. Group A는 ‘곰취’등 28종의 식물로 외관 변화가 없으며, 침수에 의한 영향을 받지 않는다. Group B, C, D 및 E의 17종은 침수에 의한 외관 변화나 S/R율의 차이가 뚜렷이 확인되었다. 특히 ‘구절초’등 4종은 외관의 변화가 뚜렷하고 대조구와 처리구간 S/R율이 4배 수준이며(Group C), ‘눈개승마’는 지상 부가 완전히 고사하였다(Group E). 따라서 침수에 대응한 식재 계획에서는 Group A의 식물을 이용하는 것이 적합할 것으로 판단된다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to analyze the cost of climate change damages to laver and sea mustard aquaculture, which are considered to be highly vulnerable to climate change in Korea. For this purpose, the correlation between aquaculture production and climate factors such as water temperature, salinity, air temperature, and precipitation was estimated using a panel regression model. The SSP scenario was applied to predict the changes in production and damage costs due to changes in future climate factors. As a result of the analysis, laver production is predicted to decrease by 18.0-27.2% in 2050 and 20.6-61.6% in 2100, and damage costs are predicted to increase from 29.7-50.8 billion KRW in 2050 to 35.7-116.1 billion KRW in 2100. Sea mustard production is projected to decrease by 24.5-37.2% in 2050 and 24.0-34.5% in 2100, with similar damage costs of 41.1-61.8 billion KRW and 41.1-58.6 billion KRW, respectively. These damage costs are expected to occur in the short term as damage caused by fishery disasters such as high temperatures, and in the long term as a decrease in production due to changes in aquaculture sites. Therefore, measures such as strengthening the forecasting system to prevent high-temperature damage, developing high-temperature-resistant varieties, and relocating fishing grounds in response to changes in aquaculture sites will be necessary.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to develop a cultural heritage curriculum for climate change and present educational directions for cultural heritage and climate change impact in the future. In this study, the role and necessity of cultural heritage education for climate change were first discussed based on previous studies on climate change and cultural heritage. Next, the current status analysis of educational cases related to climate change and cultural heritage was conducted based on educational manuals, curriculum, and heritage competency systems associated with climate change. Finally, we propose a plan to develop a curriculum to cope with climate change and cultural heritage for graduate students in higher education institutions based on the four components of developing a curriculum. In future studies, we intend to propose guidelines for designing educational manuals and specific curricula for each educational target to cope with the climate change of cultural heritage presented in this study.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 대구·경북 우량 산림습원의 관속식물을 확인하고 과거 연구와 비교 분석하고자 2020년 6월부터 2022년 11월까지 현장조사를 수행하였 다. 출현한 관속식물은 119과 427속 741종 64변종 21아종 8품종 1교잡종 등 총 835분류군을 확인하였다. 희귀식물은 총 16분류군(멸종위기종(EN) 1분류군, 취약종(VU) 1분류군, 준위협(NT) 8분류군 및 데이터부족(DD) 6분류군)이다. 특산식물은 총 23분류군이며 습지식물은 172분류군, 신귀화 식물은 47분류군을 확인하였다. 기존 연구(2017년~2018년)에 비해 습지식물의 비율은 23.01%에서 20.60%로 감소하였고, 귀화율은 4.29%에서 5.63%로, 도시화지수는 8.59%에서 14.42%로 증가하였다. 이차건생초지를 구성하는 식물의 비율이 늘어나 습원은 점차 육화가 진행되고 있음을 확인하였다. 이러한 변화 요인은 산림습원으로의 접근성과 수계시스템에 의해 영향을 받는 것으로 판단된다. 토양의 경운, 산림 내 수원의 감소 등으로 육상식물의 유입이 증가하면서 산림습원으로서의 기능이 점차 저하되고 있음을 확인하였다. 그리고 산림습원을 보전하기 위해 보호지역의 지정 등을 통한 방법을 고려할 필요가 있다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most of the changes found on the toi-maru of the Sang-chun-heon Historic House indicate that the upper structure of the toi-maru of the late Joseon Dynasty houses where toi-bo was installed was not completed in an instant. Toi-maru with stud is especially typical in 3-Dori type Structure, and can be found in many historic houses in Yang-dong Village, where the many 3-Dori type Structure is located. This type can be interpreted as the intermediate type that began at the eaves was settled as a toi-maru with a separate toi-bo. It seems that the toi-maru in front of the on-dol room at the time of the construction of the Sang-chun-heon historic house would not have been the same as it is now. The members dividing the on-dol room, the walls, and the various incomplete appearances seen in the window composition can be construed as traces of the change. The fact that all three types of houses that occurred during the spread of toi-maru after the mid-Joseon Dynasty can be examined can be added to the existing evaluation of cultural property houses in Yang-dong Village.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Change in chemical constitution of a zirconium sample treated at the simulated condition of a pressurized water reactor (water at 315°C and 15.5 MPa) was investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. We observed swelling of the zirconium sample as well as the change in its color from silver to gray treated after the pressurized water at high temperature. On the basis of XRD and Raman data, we confirmed that the variation in composition of zirconium specimen from hexagonal Zr to monoclinic ZrO2 occurred at the simulated PWR condition. Therefore, we suggested that the oxidation of zirconium appeared due to the reaction with water at high temperature and pressure, as shown in the following reaction: Zr + 2H2O → ZrO2 + 2H2.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, borated stainless steel (BSS) is used as a storage rack in spent fuel pools (SFP) to maintain the nuclear criticality of spent fuels. As the number of nuclear power plants and the corresponding amount of spent fuels increased, the density in SFP storage rack also increased. In this regard, maintaining subcriticality of spent nuclear fuels became an issue and BSS was selected as the structural material and neutron absorber for high density storage rack. Since it is difficult to replace the storage rack, corrosion resistance and neutron absorbency are required for long period. BSS is based on stainless steel 304 and is specified in the ASTM A887-89 standard depending on the boron concentration from 304B (0.20-0.29% B) to 304B7 (1.75-2.25% B). Due to the low solubility of boron in austenitic stainless steel, metallic borides such as (Fe, Cr) 2B are formed as a secondary phase. Metallic borides could cause Cr depletion near it, which could decrease the corrosion resistance of the material. In this paper, the long-term corrosion behavior of BSS and its oxide microstructures are investigated through accelerated corrosion experiment in simulated SFP conditions. Because the corrosion rate of austenitic stainless steel is known to be dependent on the Arrhenius equation, a function of temperature, the corrosion experiment is conducted by increasing the experimental temperature. Detail microstructural analysis is conducted using a scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope and energy dispersive spectrometer. After oxidation, a hematite structure oxide film is formed, and pitting corrosion occurs on the surface of specimens. Most of the pitting corrosion is found at the substrate surface because the corrosion resistance of the substrate, which has low Cr content, is relatively low. Also, the oxidation reaction of B in the secondary phase has the lowest Gibbs free energy compared to other elements. Furthermore, oxidation of Cr has low Gibbs free energy, which means that oxidation of B and Cr could be faster than other elements. Thus, the long-term corrosion might affect the boron content and the neutron absorption ability of the material. Using boron’s high cross-section for neutrons, the neutron absorption performance of BSS was evaluated through neutron transmission tests. The effect of the corrosion behavior of BSS on its neutron absorption performance was investigated. Samples simulated to undergo up to 60 years of degradation before corrosion through accelerated corrosion testing did not show significant changes in the neutron shielding ability before and after corrosion. This can be explained in relation to the corrosion behavior of BSS. Boron was only leached out from the secondary phase exposed on the surface, and this oxidized secondary phase corresponds to about 0.17% of the volume of the total secondary phase. This can be seen as a very small proportion compared to the total boron content and is not expected to have a significant impact on neutron absorption performance.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute is developing a radionuclide management processes as a conditioning technology to reduce the burden of spent fuel disposal. The radionuclide management process refers to a process managing radionuclides with similar properties by introducing various technology options that can separate and recover radionuclides from spent fuels. In particular, it is a process aimed at increasing disposal efficiency by managing high-heat, high-mobility, and high-toxic radionuclides that can greatly affect the performance of the disposal system. Since the radionuclide management process seeks to consider various technology options for each unit process, it may have several process flows rather than have a single process flow. Describing the various process flows as a single flow network model is called the superstructure model. In this study, we intend to develop a superstructure model for the radionuclide management process and use it as a model to select the optimal process flow. To find the optimal process flow, an objective function must be defined, and at the fuel cycle system level multiple objectives such as effectiveness (disposal area), safety (explosure dose), and economics (cost) can be considered. Before performing the system-level optimization, it is necessary to select candidates of process flow in consideration of waste properties and process efficiency at the process level. In this study, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to analyze changes in waste properties such as decay heat and radioactivity when the separation ratio varies due to the performance change for each unit process of the radionuclide management process. Through this analysis, it is possible to derive a performance range that can have waste properties suitable for following waste treatment, especially waste form manufacturing. It is also possible to analyze the effect of waste properties that vary according to the performance change on waste storage and management approaches.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        기후변화와 (강제)이주는 어떠한 상관관계가 있을까? 전 지구적 맥락 에서 기후변화에 따른 다층적 차원의 ‘변화’가 감지되고 있는 가운데 기 후변화와 강제이주성에 대한 논의 그리고 이에 따른 연구가 진행되고 있 다. 북중미의 온두라스의 가칭 ‘카라반(Caravan)’ 이주 행렬의 현상은 강제이주의 성격을 띠며, 이는 기후변화에 취약한 온두라스의 지리적 특 성과 아울러 가난한 사람들에게 더욱 가혹한 기후위기 특징이 반영된 것 이다. 기후변화는 평등하다. 하지만, 기후변화의 영향은 평등하지 않다. 즉 기후변화 영향에 취약한계층이 있다. 빈곤할수록 기후위기 노출에 취 약하며 따라서 그 피해 또한 크다. 기후불평등이다. 이러한 관점에서 본 고는 빈곤 등의 사회경제의 구조적 불평등이 기후변화와 만나면 기후난 민이 대량 발생한다고 주장한다. 이에, 본고는 먼저 기후변화와 강제이주 간의 논의에 대한 선행연구를 통해 본 연구의 분석적 틀과 연구의 목적 을 피력한다. 그리고 온두라스의 기후의 ‘이중적’ 특성을 지리적 차원에 서 고찰함으로 기후변화의 취약성 정도를 확인한다. 다음으로 온두라스 의 농업에 기댄 산업구조 특히 건조회랑(dry corridor)에서의 농업중심 의 경제 산업 구조를 살펴봄으로 기후변화의 취약정도를 파악한다. 그리 고 이에 따른 강제이주의 역동성을 고찰한다. 끝으로 온두라스발 대량 이주현상에 대한 기후변화 설명변수를 재고찰하며 본고의 한계 제시 및 후속연구를 제안하며 마무리 한다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        세계 5대 갯벌해역으로 유명한 한국 서해 경기만의 기후변화 영향을 파악하고, 기후변화 영향을 최소화하기 위한 적응방안 연 구하였다. 경기만의 기후변화 영향으로 2100년에 수온은 1.2 ℃ 증가하고, 염분이 1.1 PSU 감소하며, 해수면은 35.2 cm 상승하는 것으로 예 측되었다. 또한 해수면 상승의 효과로 150.5 km2의 해안지역이 침수될 것으로 예상되었다. 기후변화로 인한 경기만 생태환경 영향을 최소 화하기 위한 적응대책으로는 1) 경기만 자체 자연환경의 적응능력 유지를 위한 지원, 2) 생물 서식지 확보를 위한 인간 활동 조정 등 두가 지 방안이 제시되었다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        완공된 건물과 달리 시공 중인 건물은 설계단계와 다른 하중 작용 및 콘크리트 강도 미발현 등 다양한 요인에 의해 설계단계에서 검 토한 하중을 초과하는 하중이 작용하여 건물의 안전성에 문제가 생길 위험이 있다. 또한 시공 중인 건물에 지진이 발생할 경우 더 큰 피해가 발생할 가능성이 있다. 따라서 이 연구는 전형적인 다양한 규모의 5층, 15층, 25층, 60층 예제모델을 작성하고 골조완성도에 따 른 시공단계 모델을 통해 시공 중인 건물의 지진하중의 영향을 분석하였다. 시공 중인 건물의 시공기간은 완공단계 이후의 사용기간 에 비해 매우 짧으므로 설계단계와 동등한 수준의 지진을 적용하는 것은 과도한 하중이 적용될 수 있으므로 시공단계 모델에 재현주 기 50~2,400년의 지진을 적용하여 지진하중을 검토하고 부재단면성능을 분석하였다. 그 결과 설계단계를 초과하는 하중의 여부 및 구조적 안전성 확보가 가능한 수준의 지진재현주기를 검토할 수 있었다. 또한 각 예제모델의 시공기간을 가정하여 시공기간에 따른 지진재현주기를 선정하고 선정한 재현주기의 설계 적절성을 확인하였다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article focuses on the Namdaemum repair and the Seokguram restoration, which had begun in 1961, as an important repair conducted during the time of seeking the conservation principle of architectural heritage after liberation in Korea. Through the analysis of the principles described in the repair report issued after the two repairs, meeting records, and related expert announcements, it is shown that the principle of 'preservation of the historic state' had been established at Namdaemun repair and later have changed to the principle of 'restoration of the historic form' which means reconstruction in Seokguram restoration. By analyzing the minutes of the Cultural Heritage Committee's meeting on the repair of other cultural properties during this period, it is revealed that the key terms related to the preservation principle, 'historic form' and 'restoration', were given meaning as 'object' and 'method' of preservation, and then 'restoration of the historic form' has been gradually used as a conservation principle.