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        검색결과 1,412

        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The variants of references in dictionary reflect many characteristics of particular regions and era. These variants are also the key points to the research of characters’ dissemination and application. This paper based on the Access of xinzidian, reorganized all the references to Liji, and then made a comparison between the references and Liji. As a result, we found 100 variants, and summarized them as five types. Then on this basis, we attempt to discuss the features and laws of Korea’s characters.
        2016.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국제사회에 대한 의존도가 높고 강대국의 틈바구니에서 생존을 모색해야 하는 한국 입장에서 객관적이고 냉정한 현실 인식은 필수다. 이에 이 연구는 G2로 부상하고 있는 중국에 대한 한국 사회의 재현을 분석했다. 연구를 위해 중국의 전승절 행사, 북한의 4차 핵실험, 개성공단 폐쇄 및 사드 논란 등 4가지 현안을 분석사례로 선정했다. 중국 재현의 실체를 파악하기 위해 이들 주제와 관련한 국내언론의 보도와 중국 정부, 언론의 주장을 비교했다. 연구문제로는 한중 양국 의 인식 차이, 인용되는 권위자의 차이 및 국내 언론이 동원하는 설득방법 등으로 구분했다. 분 석결과, 국내 언론에서 재현된 중국은 실체와 거리가 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 중국을 대변하기 위해 동원된 권위자 역시 특정한 정치적 목적과 자의적 선택에서 자유롭지 않았다. 또한 특정한 방식의 이해와 정서적 공감을 위해 일부 사실을 축소 또는 확대하고, 권위를 만드는 것도 확인했 다. 중국을 비롯한 국제사회를 제대로 재현함으로써 보다 건전하고 합리적인 판단이 가능할 수 있는 방안을 모색하는 계기가 되었으면 한다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chinese characters is a cultural phenomenon, so the first thing to study the relationship between Chinese characters and its cultural background. If you want to comprehensive investigation the Chinese characters, will study the following five topics: one is the Chinese characters and Chinese, Chinese characters and culture, the three Chinese characters and nature, the four Chinese characters and economy, five Chinese characters and society. From the perspective of the Han Chinese, cultural system, cultural ecology, research Chinese characters mainly has two aspects: One is to study the specific Chinese characters; Two is to study some theoretical issues of Chinese characters, such as the nature of Chinese characters, the characteristics of Chinese characters, and so on.
        2016.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 21세기 들어 G2 국가로 부상하며 동북아시아에서도 막강한 영향력을 과시하고 있 는 중국과 관련해, 한국과 일본 신문들은 對中國 보도에서 어떤 특징을 선보이는지 보도 비중과 함께 보도 주제, 보도 양식, 그리고 정보원의 다양성 차원에서 조선일보와 한겨레, 마이니치와 아사히 신문을 비교하였다. 분석 결과, 일본 언론들이 중국에 대한 보도 분량을 미국에 대한 보 도 분량과 비슷할 정도로 무게 있게 책정한데 반해 한국 언론들은 여전히 미국 중심적인 보도 속에 대중국 보도 분량이 일본에 비해 상대적으로 낮은 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이와 함께, 주제를 둘 러싼 다양성에 있어서는 국가 간의 차이보다 언론사 간의 차이가 컸으며 기사 양식과 관련해서는 양국 보수지 및 진보지 사이의 이념적 차이가 국가적 차이보다 두드러진 것으로 나타났다. 마지 막으로, 정보원에 있어서는 한⋅일 양국 간의 차이가 대단히 큰 것으로 나타나 현지 언론을 주로 인용하는 한국 언론들에 비해 직접 취재는 물론, 인터뷰와 현지 언론 등을 고르게 이용한 일본 신문들의 다양성이 한국에 비해 매우 높은 것으로 조사됐다.
        2016.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In modern society, the financial system has grown in importance. The financial system interchanges according globalization. China financial market is popular because it is great potential and has a large of customer. And Korea’s bank gets through china. It has trouble with going to china because of china’s regulation. But after joining WTO, china relaxes regulation. However, Korea banks have different thing some unique due to Korea bank’s customer has only business. So they emphasize service. Service includes not only kindness and high-quality job performance but also differentiation of space. Thereby, space is composed of simple moving line and easy business handling. This research studies about Architectural Planning Characteristics of Korean bank in China. In future this research would be basic material in architecture.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to survey the perception and preference for Korean food among Chinese students residing in Korea (Chinese foreign students, N=69) and China (Chinese-locals, N=98). A total of 76.8% of Chinese foreign students and 70.4% of Chinese-locals had ever eaten Korean food in China before visiting Korea, and motivation to try Korean food at first was ‘easy access to Korean food restaurants’ (Chinese foreign students 38.6%, Chinese-locals 44.9%). The most important factors in selecting Korean food were ‘taste’ and ‘price’ (Chinese foreign students 72.7% and 18.2%, Chineselocals 59.1% and 22.7%, respectively), and needed improvements for Korean food were ‘spicy and salty taste’ and ‘nutritional aspect’ (Chinese foreign students 54.5% and 25.8%, Chinese-locals 33.3% and 36.4%, p<0.05). The scores for perception of Korean food were significantly lower in Chinese-locals (2.99) than in Chinese foreign students (3.31)(p<0.001). Chinese foreign students preferred Bulgogi (20.5%), Neobiani (20.1%), and Galbijjim (17.9%), whereas Chinese-locals preferred Bulgogi (16.1%), Gimbap (16.1%), and Samgyetang (15.2%) (p<0.001). The most preferred condiment was ‘Garlic’ (18.0%) in Chinese foreign students, and ‘Red pepper powder’ (16.4%) in Chinese-locals. The results of the study can be used as a foundation to prepare a globalization strategy for Korean Food.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Level of urbanization in China has reached 53.73% in 2013, indicating a tremendous progress on the urbanization of China. On the other hand, the number of villages in China reduces by around one million from 3.6 million in 2000 to 2.7 million in 2010 (Zhang, 2014). Issues in both urban and rural areas of China appear, including the imbalance between increased population and limited resources in urban region, and more significantly, the increasing disparity between rural and urban areas. Chinese researchers interpret and analyse these matters from different perspectives. For instance, Zheng (2006) and Ma (2006) suggest the importance of the infrastructure construction and public service. Wu (2006) advises that the government should pay attention to the development of the secondary and tertiary industry. Wen (2005) proposes that the improvement of social institution and the recovery of social cultural environment are required to achieve sustainability in the urbanization process in China. Previous studies in environmental psychology put quality of life, attachment to place, and residence satisfaction at the center to understand the relationship between inhabitants and their neighborhood of residence. However, there are gaps in this research realm in both practice and theories. Firstly, very limited research studies this environmental psychology issue in China (e.g. Mao, Fornara, Manca, Bonnes, & Bonaiuto, 2015). Secondly, there are different opinions on the causal order between quality, attachment, and satisfaction. Research on the relationship between perceived residential environment quality (PREQ), place attachment, and environmental satisfaction has not reached a consensus. The debate on the direction of the causal relationship between perceived quality and satisfaction has been summarized by Bradya and Robertson (2001). They conclude that the quality to satisfaction causal order holds up well across diverse cultures. However, relevant debate is still ongoing. A number of research articles place satisfaction as an antecedent to attachment, e.g. Chen, Dwyer, and Firth (2014); Lee, Kyle, and Scott (2012); Ramkissoon and Mavondo (2015); etc. Some argue that place attachment is an indicator of satisfaction. Kyle et al. (2004) investigate the effect of place attachment on the perceived values of tourists and find that place attachment is an important factor explaining the variance of perceived values. This is supported by research e.g. Hwang, Lee, and Chen (2005); Prayag and Ryan (2012); Yuksel, Yuksel, Biljm (2010); etc. As to the relationship between perceived quality and attachment, the debate has not stopped. Through comparisons, Mesch and Manor (1996) conclude that the residents who give a higher evaluation of the social and natural environment may have greater place attachment. Brown, Perkins, and Brown (2003) also suggest that the residents who agree that the street environment is better would attach to this place. Sam, Bayram, and Bilgel (2012) have certified the relationship between residential environment quality and place attachment. Furthermore, Borrie and Roggenbuck (2001) and Walker and Ryan (2008) find that the connection between human beings and the nature environment would affect their affection toward the environment. It means that the closer the relationship with the nature environment is, the stronger the attachment would be, which in turn, enhances the intentions to protect the environment. This quality to satisfaction relationship is supported by other research such as Bonaiuto, Aiello, Perugini, Bonnes, and Ercolani (1999); Grisaffe and Nguyen (2011); Yu, Chen, and Chen (2015); etc. Nevertheless, a different opinion arguing that attachment to a place may affect one’s perception on the quality related to a place is emerging in tourism research (e.g. Neuvonen, Pouta, & Sievänen, 2010). This paper takes the credit of quality → attachment → satisfaction causal order as the initial model and proposes three hypotheses as follows. H1a: One’s PREQ has a positive impact on his/her attachment to this place; H2a: One’s attachment to a place has a positive impact on his/her satisfaction to the environmental settings in this place; H3a: Place attachment in addition performs as a mediating role between PREQ and environment satisfaction.To be noted, the initial model has its theoretical basis as discussed above but is not necessarily the absolute optimal model. Relatively, this model provides more theoretical interpretation and practical implications in the specific research context: residential psychology in urban and rural areas of China. On this basis, this article further examines a competing model illustrating an alternative theoretical framework on the relationships between these three constructs (satisfaction → attachment → quality). Relatively, another group of hypotheses in this competing model is listed as follows. H1b: One’s attachment to a place has a positive impact on his/her PREQ; H2b: One’s satisfaction to the environmental settings in this place has a positive impact on his/her attachment to this place; H3b: Place attachment in addition performs as a mediating role between environment satisfaction and PREQ. A survey approach is employed and data are collected from several backgrounds. Dataset A (rural) is collected from three villages from Heilongjiang Province and two villages from Shandong Province in China from July to August 2014. The choices of the provinces, rural areas, and the sampling process are random. 490 valid questionnaires are included in the data analysis. Dataset B (urban) is collected via an online survey portal, which allows a nationwide sampling reach. In total 1368 online survey entries are recorded and 420 valid questionnaires are included, resulting in a valid rate of 30.7%. The measures for each construct are based on an extensive literature review. The measurement of perceived residential environment quality is from Sam, Bayram, & Bilgel’s (2012) development on the perception of residential environment. The measurement of place attachment in this study is adopted from Kyle, Graefe, and Manning’s (2005) and Chen, Dwyer, and Firth’s (2014) evaluation based place attachment dimensionality and scales. As for the scale of environmental satisfaction, Pelletier, Legault, and Tuson’s (1996) measure was applied. All the entire variables adopted multiple-item, 5-point Likert scales were adopted, where “1” indicated “strongly disagree” and “5” indicated “strongly agree”. After pre-testing the preliminary version of the survey instrument, a revised version was developed. This study adopts structural equation modeling (SEM) based on partial least squares (PLS) modeling given the small sample size and the explorative purpose of this study (Dijkstra & Henseler, 2015a). The software used was Smart PLS 3.0. The reliability and validity of the constructs were assessed. Cronbach’s alpha and the value of CR of each construct were found to exceed the cut-off value of 0.70 (Fornell & Larcker, 1981), except for adequacy of education which is close to 0.70 (only for Cronbach’s alpha but not for CR). Furthermore, the AVE of each construct exceeded the variance attributable to its measurement error cut-off value of 0.50 (Chin, 1998; Fornell & Larcker, 1981). In addition, heterotrait-monotrait ratio (HTMT) is recommended as a better method to test discriminant validity (Henseler, Dijkstra, Sarstedt, Ringle, Diamantopoulos, Straub, Ketchen, Hair, Hult, & Calantone, 2014). The result shows that there is neither value of the HTMT higher than the threshold of 0.85 nor confidence interval containing the value one, indicating that all the constructs exhibit satisfactory discriminant validity. The hypothesized effects in the theoretical model were tested by structural equation modeling (SEM). The first group of models tested the effect of perceived environmental quality on environmental satisfaction through place attachment i.e. initial model (Model A, Model B, Model C), while the second group of models tested the reverse effect of environmental satisfaction on perceived environmental quality through place attachment (Model D, Model E, Model F). Both the full model and the multi-group model were tested. The value of SRMR of the full model that tests either the effect of perceived environmental quality on environmental satisfaction (SRMR = 0.104, t = 41.826, p < 0.001) or the reversed effect (SRMR = 0.106, t = 37.736, p < 0.001) shows that the models fit the data quite well (Dijkstra & Henseler, 2015b). However, the former is little bit more significant. In this study, PREQI is found different impacts on place attachment and environmental satisfaction. This provides evidence to support a similar mechanism of studying residents’ psychology with SERVEQUAL model. However, the model testing is found significantly different between rural and urban samples, indicating a systematic difference in the psychology of rural and urban populations. Quality  attachment  satisfaction causal order is found significant and supported by both samples in this study. However, a reversed causal order model (satisfaction  attachment  quality) is also supported by the samples. Although the results may not be able to end the debate on alternative models between PREQ, place attachment, and environmental satisfaction, this paper provides empirical evidence from a specific context (urban and rural China) for further research. Specifically, PREQ has a significant impact on place attachment in both urban and rural areas in China. As for the impact of place attachment on environmental satisfaction as well as the indirect impact of PREQ on environmental satisfaction, the influence is more significant in cities of China compared to rural areas. This suggests in the urban areas in China, affective and emotional responses to their lives play an important role to residents. Local government in cities should balance between improving and maintaining quality of the environment and strengthening local residents’ psychological attachment to the place. Governments in rural areas, on the other hand, should lay great focus on the physical aspects of the environment including nature, health, education, commerce, and venture of the rural areas, to enhance residents’ living experience and satisfaction. Further, there are some limitations. Although this study attempts to clarify the framework of “perception-affection-attitude” in the field of environment management, considering the practical implications, the future study could bring the individuals’ behaviors or intentions into this model such as willingness-to-pay for environment-friendly products. It will also benefit from reviewing more literature on community-based social marketing.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        By adopting regression and time series analysis, this article tries to quantify people’s enthusiasm towards beauty based on sales performance of cosmetics product in previous years in China. The basic assumption in this paper is that people’s attitude towards beauty is positively associated with their purchase behavior of cosmetics product.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Developments on the Chinese automotive market could change the business in the race to the crown for German premium brands. With extraordinary growth rates, car manu-facturers prioritized Asian market development. More concrete, a quickly evolving segment of young, wealthy Chinese customers demanding German luxury cars seems to be a chance to compensate maturing home markets. BMW – originated in premium segments – is about to expand its luxury reach through its 7-series while, at the same time, serving the increasing demand for “affordable luxury” in all markets. However, competitors are catching up with new concepts. Whereas Mercedes-Benz always had a great proportion in the luxury segment, Audi became the market leader in China by launching several new luxury models. BMW sees the answer in the possible launch of a new 9-series sharing a platform with their Rolls-Royce cars. Furthermore, the BMW Individual manufactory launched a new, strictly limited 7-Series in corporation with silver manufacturer Robbe & Berking – the most expensive and exclusive car BMW ever crafted. To be able to win the race, BMW has to incorporate new technologies when considering the trading-up or trading-down of their model range.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Chinese ecosystem (especially in traditional markets) has been completely subverted by on-line stores such as Taobao and JingDong after 2010. This research is to understand how to improve traditional markets since 92.5% practitioners in the retail industry conduct business in traditional markets. By the mean time Korean traditional markets attract more customers. In this research the multi-group analysis is used to analyze the difference between Chines customers and Korean customers upon customer equity in traditional markets. The research objectives are: First, to understand the relationships among service quality, customer equity drivers and customer satisfaction in Chinese and Korean traditional markets; Second, find out how to improve the three drivers of customer equity through these variables mentioned above in traditional markets. In this study the relationships among service quality, the drivers of customer equity, customer satisfaction and customer lifetime value were studied based on the analysis of the data which were collected in Chinese and Korean traditional markets.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        While in recent years much research attention has been directed towards China and its various industries, the Chinese diamond industry has been largely neglected. China is the world’s second-largest diamond processing center after India, and the second-largest consumer market for polished diamonds following the United States. It is also predicted to surpass both countries in the near future. We identify a paradox in the Chinese diamond industry, namely, that while Chinese businesses often follow a relational governance model, China’s diamond industry tends to employ rational mechanisms of governance and exchange. We discuss the main challenges for business ethics in China, with a focus on the paradox in the Chinese diamond industry as a case study using the GRX (Ganqing, Renqing and Xinren) scale. We used interview protocols and a two stage research process to examine the influence of the GRX constructs on relationship satisfaction and performance. Due to the complexity of gathering data on a relatively secretive industry, we complemented the fieldwork by collecting further evidential artifacts from journals, books, magazines and government officials. We ultimately identify five interrelated themes that help explain why exchange in the Chinese diamond industry is frequently more transactional than relational. Furthermore, we show how weaknesses in China’s governance systems have allowed fraud and corruption to permeate this industry and explain why business ethics appear poorly developed. The current study offers a new look at this under researched industry. Particularly, the manuscript illustrates a model of trust building based on relational exchange and explains the paradox through the business model presented. The research also helps to provide some rationale for the pervasiveness of corruption and identifies issues affecting the maturation of business ethics in the Chinese diamond industry and in some sense, China’s industries in general.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between site features toward ecommerce and consumer attitude. For completion of this study, 598 online shopping experience for consumers participated in Guangzhou, Zhengzhou, Shenyang and conducted questionnaires. All data were analyzed by using the experimental method and By means of SPSS Ver 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 program to identify the relationship between site features toward ecommerce, User satisfaction, Use attitude towards the site and reuse intention in China. The results were followings: among site features toward ecommerce, Easy of use, Interaction, Information and executive ability influenced user satisfaction in China. User satisfaction have significant influence on use attitude toward the site. User satisfaction have significant influence on reuse intention. Use attitude toward the site have significant influence on reuse intention. And relation between site attributes toward online store and user satisfaction a portion moderated by e-WOM. Theoretical Frameworks With the use of the Internet and the popularization, the countries all over the world with the rapid expansion of scale, e-commerce application field of the economy in China has gradually been fully applied, more related to our life brought new development business services, the network shopping as a necessary to modern one of consumer behavior, and gradually developed into a new fashion. Under this background, the consumer online shopping, shopping website feature dimension has become an important factor that influence the online consumer behavior by academic circles in recent years. Literature, website characteristic dimension is discussed(Khaled Hsanein, 2007;Ying-Feng Kuo, 2012;Marie-Odile Richard, 2015;Jill Mosteller, 2014), user satisfaction, use the site attitude and intention to use consumer experience for shopping website features dimension problem, enrich the theory of shopping website feature dimension system. But concluded, abroad, especially in the United States consumer market based on shopping website feature dimension effect on user satisfaction research conclusion of the path itself is not the same. For example: Featherman & Pavlou(2003);Pavlou(2003); O`Cass&Fenech(2003)according to a study of cognitive useful online shopping intention have significant direct impact to the user the study of cognitive usability has a significant effect on shopping intention, but (Jinsoo Park ea al, 2004; Rong-An Shang, 2005)cognitive usefulness influence on shopping intention was not significant. Again, as a result of the above research mostly in foreign consumer market is given priority to, to foreign consumers research conclusion. But due to the difference of consumption culture between China and America, values differences, perceived shopping website characteristics, motivation, habit is also different, foreign research conclusions are not always suitable for the situation of the Chinese consumer market. for example, Jarvenpaa, etc.(1999) the study found that cognitive users to the website shopping risk to them from the online store shopping will have no effect. Teo&Yeong(2003) under Internet environment are studied by structural equation model of consumer purchase decision process, found that perceived risk and consumer negatively correlated to the general attitude towards online transactions. But (Zhao Chongzhi,2002) based on the domestic consumer market research found that shopping site safety cognition to the website for user functionality have a significant impact on interests and security interests. And (Cha Jin Xiang, Wang Lisheng,2006) of the study also found that consumer perception of shopping website service quality (including network security) and customer expectations of website for shopping website satisfaction have positive significant impact. The different research conclusions in different consumption market, Rachel Smith; George Deitz et al(2013) study because the result of different consumption culture. So according to the Chinese consumer market environment impact on consumer behavior under shopping website feature dimension is necessary for further research. Which shopping website feature dimension is main motivations affecting user satisfaction? Shopping site feature dimension can affect users through user satisfaction and willingness to use? Finally, some problems in the network shopping market in China, such as part of the electricity business enterprises lack of integrity led to false information, shopping website users with network information leakage weaken consumer trust and the shortage of electricity business logistics service ability, these problems have become the bottleneck of restricting network retail market sustained and rapid development. For consumers, before to make online shopping decisions, consumers need to compare goods search, information independently, price negotiation, customer feedback, and meantime consumers to comment on network level of recognition greatly affects the consumers' purchase intention (Wang Yuanhuai et al,2013). Especially for experiential service product, due to the consumers to buy before it is difficult to make an accurate evaluation the quality of the content(Litvin,2008), therefore, more comments need to refer to a large number of e-WOM in order to reduce the decision risk. So in this paper, the network comment information as regulating variable, confirm the shopping website feature dimension and the role of user satisfaction, etc., in this paper, the above problem is trying to answer. H1: Shopping site feature dimension positively related with satisfaction. H1-1: Shopping site feature dimension the ease of use and the use of satisfaction were positively correlated. H1-2: Shopping site of the interactive feature dimension was positively correlated with satisfaction. H1-3: Shopping site feature dimension informational was positively correlated with satisfaction. H1-4: Shopping site feature dimension performance was positively correlated with satisfaction.H1-5: Use the usefulness of feature dimension and shopping website satisfaction positively correlated. H2: user satisfaction positively related with the attitude of using the web. H3: user satisfaction and user intention to use present positive correlation. H4: use the website attitude positively related with user intention to use. H5 E-WOM in the website feature dimension and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role H5-1 E-WOM on the web site features in the dimension of usability and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role H5-2 The interactive E-WOM in the website feature dimension has significant intermediary role and user satisfaction H5-3 E-WOM in the website feature dimension of informational and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role H5-4 E-WOM in the website features dimensions and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role H5-5 E-WOM on the web site features dimension performance and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role Methods This research selected research object for the consumers of had online shopping experience, because these consumers to shopping website contact is more, the use of the functions of related websites have certain experience. Out 650 questionnaires, 598 valid questionnaires. Before the formal experiment, this study first preliminary experiments. Preliminary experiments in guangzhou, zhengzhou, shenyang, etc on the use of shopping website (Tmall, jingdong, Su Ningyi purchase, etc.) of the consumer as the research object, the actual 87 effective questionnaires were taken back. Preliminary experimental results show that the experimental measurement of each variable has a good reliability and validity, suitable for an official survey. Are test was started in February 17, 2015 ended on May 27, 2015, is still in the region were investigated. Market environment in our country according to the 2014 China's online shopping industry annual monitoring report Jane edition of C2C, the B2C shopping website ranking selection of shopping website: taobao, Tmall, jingdong, purchase, tencent Su Ningyi electricity online (QQ), etc., in view of the above in shopping website to buy related products, related use experience of man-made objects were investigated. Results in the overall sample run AMOS 20.0 software, to calculate the estimates of the model fitting index and the path coefficient. Analysis results show that the fitting of indicators of structural equation model is: x squared = 553.937, (df = 187, p = 0.000), GFI = 0.927, AGFI = 0.901, CFI = 0.920, IFI = 0.921, RMR = 0.067, RMSEA = 0.057. Results show that the indicators have reached the high level, the model with data fitting degree is high. As shown in (table 1) model of each path coefficient of relationship between variables in the statistical analysis of results. From which it is easy to find shopping website features ease of use, interactive, informative and usefulness has significantly effect on user satisfaction, but the ability to execute on user satisfaction without significant effect. And user satisfaction of users use shopping site attitude and intention to use also show significant effect, the final users use attitude for the user to use intentions also has a significant effect. In addition, the network comment information in the website is part feature dimension and user satisfaction. As shown in (table 2) moderated regression analysis of relationship between variables in the statistical analysis of results. First, network review information in the website feature dimension and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role. Second, the interactive network review information in the website feature dimension has not significant intermediary role and user satisfaction. Third, network review information in the website feature dimension of informational and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role. Fourth, network comment on the usefulness of information in the website features dimensions and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role. Fifth, network review information on the web site features dimension performance and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role. (see Table 1, Table 2). Discussion In this paper, the research conclusion of electricity enterprise management practice also has important reference value and enlightenment, mainly reflected in the following four aspects. First, the electricity business enterprise through the web site provides service should be reasonable combination of design and site features, meet the demand of consumers mutiple level, enhance user satisfaction. Second, the electric business enterprise should pay attention to improve consumers' perceived value and satisfaction, enhance the user use the site attitude and intention to use. Online store users satisfied with the attitude to users to use the site, the user to use intentions have made a significant positive correlation. Third, to provide online shopping electric business enterprise should touch the consumers actively, positive attitude, get the user to use choice intention and behavior. Fourth, the electricity business enterprise in the marketing practice of the business, to formulate the corresponding management system supporting effective incentives to encourage consumers to actively participate in product e-Wom, efforts to improve the quality and quantity of comments, fully excavate and make use of the effective information in the network comments, and according to these information, timely adjust enterprise product strategy, marketing strategy, service strategy, to adapt to the change of consumer demand, is expected to improve the satisfaction of consumer, to further cultivate customer loyalty, thus to obtain competitive advantage in the fierce market competition.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper examines the determinates of subsidiary product innovation in the Chinese market based on a sample 680 EU subsidiaries over the period of 1998-2009. To date, the literature on EU subsidiaries has failed to consider product innovation in the marketing strategy interplay in approaching new markets overseas. Building on Resource Based view linked with Chinese institutional factors, it empirically examines the inferential product innovation strategy in an EU-China context. By applying the econometric analyses techniques to investigate innovation determinants and to test the presence of agglomeration effect of past innovation activities. The results show EU MNC subsidiaries’ innovation is influenced by both host country institutions and firm capabilities, rendering support to the theory. The analysis indicates EU subsidiaries’ innovation is positively related to firm advertisement, labour training and host market size. R&D expenditure has a negative bearing on innovation. However, openness has a negative and significant effect on product innovation in China. The findings have important implications for theory, practitioners and policy-making. This study contributes to the literature on the evolution of MNCs by exploring determinants of developed foreign subsidiaries’ innovation activities in emerging markets.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Academic researchers have conceptualised and studied consumer-brand relationship and individual-place relationship in parallel in branding literature and environmental psychology research. As a construct that describes the strength of the bond connecting an individual with an entity, attachment receives great attention, due to its potential in affecting behaviours that may assist in marketing and promoting this entity (not limited to repeat purchase) (Park, MacInnis, Priester, Eisingerich, & Iacobucci, 2010). For example, research in branding literature finds that the strong attachment to a brand indicates a private relationship between consumers and brands and further leads to developmental commitment (Fournier, 1998), energetic word-of-mouth behaviour (Sommerfeld & Paulssen, 2008), and apparently loyalty (Thomson, MacInnis, & Park, 2005); in internal marketing studies, brand commitment is found influencing employees’ brand citizenship behaviour intentions (e.g. Morhart, Herzog, & Tomczak, 2009); research on brand ambassadors explores how they would influence other potential consumers in a general consumer-to-consumer (C2C) communication context, (e.g. Keaveney, 1995; Lovelock, 1983); in resident studies, Chen, Dwyer, & Firth (2014a) find that attachment may motivate word-of-mouth (WOM) to promote a place as a tourism destination. On one hand, the similar concepts of brand attachment and place attachment are respectively developed and discussed from different paths, but on the other, researchers from brand studies and place studies have long invoked to apply findings from one to the other. For instance, Kavaratzis (2005) attempts to transfer marketing and branding knowledge to places; while some other researchers devote themselves in adopting the framework of place attachment in the study of the consumer-brand relationship to take advantage of its multi-dimensionality development (Chen, 2012). Regardless, the multi-dimension nature of this concept is explored in branding literature. For instance, Mittal (2006) suggests that consumers associate a brand to themselves because the personality of these brands also represents who they are (i.e., an identity basis); Fournier (1998) finds an emotional component that is highly relevant to both marketing academics and practitioners; etc. Nevertheless, little research on brand attachment develops a multi-dimensionality as complex as those in place studies (e.g. Kyle, Graefe, & Manning, 2005). The questions are: Is the multi-dimension nature of consumer-brand relationship the same as that of individual-place relationship? If not, to how much extent may researchers apply findings from these two research streams to the other? To fill in these research gaps, this study aims to test the dimensionality of place attachment on studying consumer-brand relationship, and to examine how dimensions of brand attachments affect consumers’ brand citizenship behaviours.A variety of disciplines have shown an interest in understanding the attachments that people form with places. The concept of place attachment is defined as “a positive connection or bond between a person and a particular place” (Williams & Vaske, 2003, p. 831). In environmental psychology, a number of researchers have attempted to conceptualise, understand, and measure attachment to interpret the individual–individual, individual–community, and individual–place bonding (e.g., Kyle, Graefe, & Manning, 2005). Research on place attachment can be divided into two streams: (1) The first stream of research (research in environmental psychology) considers place attachment as an outcome of an individual’s evaluation and attitude towards a place based on knowledge and experience with this place; (2) The second stream of research (research in interaction) ascribes the bond formed by an individual to a place to the meaning given to this object through interactional processes (Chen, Dwyer, & Firth, 2014b). In branding literature, Fournier and Alvarez (2012) suggest that the relationship between consumer and brand is highly alike to how one builds relationships between each other, which provides the ground of evidence to apply attachment (originated from studies on the child-mother relationship) in understanding consumer-brand relationship. Brand attachment can be defined as “a dynamic bond that illustrates the connection between consumers and brands” (Chen, 2012). Following Chen, Dwyer, and Firth’s (2014b) conceptualisation on place attachment, this study adopts the six-dimension framework of attachment and applies it in studying the consumer-brand relationship via brand identity; brand dependence, affective attachment, social bonding, brand memory, and brand expectation. In internal marketing literature, Morhart, Herzog, and Tomczak (2009) classify brand building/citizenship behaviours into three categories: retention, in-role citizenship behaviour, and extra-role citizenship behaviour. This framework of behaviours is applied in this research to explore consumers’ brand citizenship behaviours including retention, as well as WOM and proactive participation (equivalent to the extra-role citizenship behaviour). The relationships between dimensions of attachment and brand citizenship behaviours are established based on similar propositions in research in different disciplines. Many researches support this bond-behaviour relationship in different disciplines and research scopes. For instance, in tourism research, Choo, Park, and Patrick (2011) study and discuss residents’ voluntary behaviours to assist in promoting their resident place as a tourism destination, suggesting that residents would like to show hospitable attitudes and behaviours if they feel a sense of belonging and identify themselves with their places. A survey approach was employed to test the relationships between included constructs. Data was collected from different cities in China from November 2014 through March 2015. This study used a sample of 362 consumers who have used or are using Nike product. 62.4% of the respondents are male (consistent with the distribution of sports product consumers). Average age of the sample is 26.5, and the average length of brand usage is 8.87 years. Data was analysed using IBM® SPSS® Statistics 22 and IBM® SPSS® Amos 22 software. CFA was used to test the reliability and validity of the measurement, and SEM was applied to identify relationships among the constructs. The measurement of brand attachment in this study is adapted from Chen, Dwyer, and Firth’s (2014b) place attachment dimensionality and scales. Three three-item scales on one-to-one WOM, retention, and participation were replicated from Morhart, Herzog, and Tomczak (2009). One-to-many and many-to-many WOM measurements were respectively adopted from Hsu, Ju, Yen, and Chang (2007) and Lu, Lin, Hsiao, and Cheng (2010). CFA with maximum likelihood (ML) estimation was conducted to test the validity of the dimensionality of brand attachment. Due to the high correlations between several constructs, this measurement failed discriminant validity test. To enable further analysis, brand identity, affective attachment, and social bonding are combined as one single dimension (as Individual Attachment). Thereafter, a standard two-step SEM was run to identify relationships among the constructs in the hypotheses. A measurement model was first tested on the data to verify demonstrate convergent, discriminant, and predictive validity of brand attachment (revised) and the other constructs (Byrne, 2001). Goodness-of-fit indices of both measurement and structural models reached an acceptance level. From data analysis, the frameworks on brand citizenship behaviours are supported by the statistics. However, the number of attachment dimensions is compromised in testing the consumer-brand relationship due to the high correlations between several dimensions. This implies that consumer-brand relationship is less complex than individual-place relationship and can be captured by a simplified dimensionality framework. In other words, the finding indicates a high complexity on the dimensionality of place attachment compared to brand attachment. The results suggest that simple replications of brand concepts in studying places may be problematic and biased, since aspects that are not significantly distinguished in brand attachment but important in place context may be overlooked. On this basis, branding researchers need to be cautious in studying phenomena in place and destination issues when applying classical branding and marketing theories. Similar evidence can also be found in several previous studies (e.g. Chen, Dwyer, & Firth, 2014b; Lee, Kyle, & Scott, 2012). As to the constructs included in this study, the factor loadings (all larger than 0.76) were satisfactory after combining brand identity, affective attachment, and social bonding as one construct, indicating a satisfactory degree of reliability. An alternative model (considering brand attachment as a second-order construct) is tested to explore the general indication from brand attachment to WOM, retention, and participation. This result also provides a theoretical and empirical basis for practitioners to finds means to motivate loyal and attached consumers on different behaviours which may benefit their brands. Specifically, Individual Attachment and Brand Memory are found to be significantly affecting different types of WOM behaviours. This is consistent with Chen, Dwyer, and Firth’s (2014) findings on the impact of place attachment on WOM behaviour in studying Shanghai residents. The results imply that for Chinese consumers, the stronger an individual identify a brand will influence the more he/she would “talk up” the brands. For branding managers, it is clear that an emphasis should be taken on enhancing the identify fit between their brands and consumers, as well as promoting a brand personality which is perceived popular and adoptable by consumers. Similarly, helping consumers to build brand community to interact and socialise with other consumer and stimulating consumers’ emotional arousal can help brands motivate consumers to “pass on the right word”, likewise creating unforgettable consumer experiences. Secondly, BAS and brand expectation are found to be influencing brand participation. This is consistent with the study on Chinese students’ attitude toward participation in tourism activities in Sydney by Chen, Dwyer,and Firth (2015). For brand managers, assisting in consumers’ identification process with the brand, creating socialising opportunities and receiving positive emotional responses from consumers via brand activity designs, as well as enhancing consumer’s confidence on the brand may attract consumers to be more actively involved in the branding process. Lastly, brand dependence and brand expectation are found to affect retention behaviour in this study, suggesting brands still need to emphasise on maintaining and constantly improving the quality of the product and the brand to take a better place in the competitive market. This remains the key to reduce consumer defections. Future research may be taken to (1) propose a refined dimensionality of brand attachment based on place attachment; and (2) compare consumers and brands in different cultures on what role attachment may play in motivating different brand citizenship behaviours.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main purpose of this paper is to investigate how a luxury brand may be affected by the variables associated to a new market entry as the Chinese and how those new market variables are integrated in the process of rebranding in the new geographical context. In doing so, the paper will review the existing literature in the field and following three derived propositions through a qualitative approach, it will analyse the successful brand strategy of three Italian luxury brands. The luxury brands considered in our investigation are three international ones with a specific consolidated brand heritage and with a multisectorial positioning. The methodological approach chosen in the analysis is the case-study method (Yin, 1984) with the specific purpose of focusing on a particular phenomenon instead of generalising (Schramm, 1971). Following the case-study methodology, this paper will explore and analyse the specific luxury brand building and rebranding process adopted by three Italian luxury brands to enter the new market and specifically through the digitalisation of the brand. The abstract will report a summary of one case as a reference sample. The empirical research will evidence the positive impact of digitalisation for successful luxury branding and rebranding in entry market strategy and justify its adoption in the exclusive luxury sector by the socio-cultural context-related factors of the new market. It will provide specific orientations and recommendations as well as best practices for luxury corporations on the specificities of branding and digitalisation of luxury in China. The research will show a successful model path for luxury branding when entering the Chinese market and the key impact of the “luxury digitalisation” strategy - usually associated to high accessibility - with respect to a traditional “luxury retailing” strategy - associated to the exclusivity of the luxury sector. Introduction The increasing interest in luxury brands in the fast growing economies of Asia, with particular attention towards China, has supported the growth of the luxury market in the last years. China, the global second largest economy, with the global largest consumer market, has reached a role of an undisguisable strategic leader in the luxury market. Far from theexponential double digit growth rates characterizing China’s growth in the past decades - as high as 14.2% in 2007 – at the moment it is entering a different phase of growth. A recent trend is tending to see China as the source of a multiplicity of diversified aspects impacting the global luxury market scenario – despite the fact that luxury industry market situation is not simply China related. The ongoing Chinese growth in the last decade has been associated with a decrease in European and US markets. In addition to this, further issues have negatively affected the market grow more related to Chinese market specificity. Chinese exponential luxury market growth has negatively influenced the exclusivity aura associated to luxury goods and consequently disrupting non-Chinese luxury customers and Chinese top spenders luxury brands orientation. In relation to the economic crisis in consolidated markets, international luxury brands have focused their interest towards fast growing economies. As a result, global brands have focused their attention on attracting fast growing economies with a specific growth in affluent consumers interested in foreign brands and in an augmentation in global consumption (Le Monkhouse et al., 2012). As a consequence, China has attracted much attention by significantly contributing to balance the sales decline in consolidated economies that in 2013 accounted for 28% of the €212 billion global luxury consumption (Schiliro, 2013). In the new luxury oriented Chinese context, local shoppers have started to become brand aware of what they were in the past and with a specific focus on luxury fashion brands (Bruce & Kratz, 2007). However, it would be too limited to simply consider that the volumes of the market and focus on luxury brands is resulting only from consumer intentions to purchase luxury brands. A multiplicity of factors and in particular context related factors affecting shoppers luxury brand perception and luxury goods purchasing experience must be considered and as a consequence those context related factors that may affect the branding process itself. China's culture is different from Western cultures (Henriksen, 2009), and thus, Chinese luxury consumption may not follow the trends of the Western world. The Chinese perceive luxury brand value in terms of China's unique cultural background and as a consequence of the Chinese economic development, the Chinese luxury lifestyle is gradually evolving and beginning to show its own distinct characteristics. Although prior research related to luxury examines different cultures and markets such as the US, Indian, European, the Chinese luxury context and its impact on luxury brand when entering this market have not been examined sufficiently. Literature review Luxury Brands, Rebranding and the Chinese Context Literature teaches us that “luxury” is used to denote the main category of highly prestigious brands (Vigneron & Johnson, 2004). In the same way, luxury brands are related to wealth, exclusivity and power and are related to the fulfilment of nonessential desires (Brun et al., 2008 and Dubois and Gilles, 1994). “Luxury brands” comprises highly quality, expensive and nonessential goods and services that are symbols of rarity, exclusivity, prestige, and authenticity in for their consumers and they can provide highlevels of symbolic and emotional value (Tynan, McKechnie, & Chhuon, 2009). Vigneron and Johnson (2004) and later Wiedman et al. (2007) defined the concept of luxury as the physical and psychological values provided by prestige of luxury brands and consequently highlighting the symbolic and conceptual dimension associated to luxury. However, it was evidenced how the dimension is strongly associated to the cultural values and to the social environment by considering luxury goods representatives of individual and social identity (Vickers & Renand, 2003). These elements of exclusivity, prestige, rarity as well as individual and social identity are the key values distinguishing luxury from nonluxury brands (Tynan et al., 2009). In the same perspective, Kapferer (1997, p. 334) highlighted the importance of those luxury brand values in evidencing that brand memory and brand values should not be abandoned when the brand is revised suggesting that rebranding is an incremental process in contrast to a radical change. The Digitalisation of Luxury Brands and the Chinese Market In the western countries, the elder people mainly compose luxury customers, while luxury consumers become younger (about under 40 years old) in China. The increasing number of middle-level class has been the main force of online luxury consuming. The consumption concept of younger customers are huge different from that of traditional customers. Solomon (2009) expressed that customers’ behavior is a dynamic concept because they are influenced by the outer factors and inner elements (Solomon, 2009). A survey from McKinsey & Company indicates that there are almost 90% of Chinese Internet users living in tier1, tier2 and tier 3 cities have enrolled in a social-media site and Chinese people can be regarded as the world’s most active social-media population, around 91% of respondents telling they visited a social-media site in the previous six months, followed by 70% in South Korea, 67% in the United States and 30% in Japan (Chiu, Lin, & Silverman, 2012). The Chinese social and cultural context is increasingly becoming “digitally savvy” and Chinese citizens are more likely to gain information from Internet when they would make shopping decisions. First Proposition Indirect orientation for the first proposition comes from Vickers and Renard (2003) conceptual development that evidences that the conceptual dimension of luxury is strongly influenced by cultural elements and by the social context. Consequently it derives that the digitalisation of luxury as a part of the social and cultural variables of contemporary Chinese consumers’ market will be conceptualised in the rebranding process for luxury brands when entering the Chinese market. Second Proposition Specific support for our second proposition comes from Kapferer (1997) theory highlighting that successful luxury rebranding has to keep least certain core brand elements to have a proper transition from the existing luxury brand to the revised luxury brand in the new Chinese market. The digitalisation process for rebranding will evidence the core elements kept as a part of the brand heritage and identity.In the re-branding process new market segments may be touched or even new markets (Kapferer, 1997). Successful luxury rebranding may require meeting the needs of new market segments. As a consequence, in our third proposition it is assumed that new attributes to the brand may be required to satisfy the new market and in particular the Chinese digitally savvy” segment. These principles of rebranding applied to our Chinese luxury context refers to the existing literature relating to re-create the brand vision to entry the new Chinese market. Research questions and methodology This research aims to analyse the impact of cultural and social variables of a new market, the Chinese one, in the redefinition of a luxury brand and in particular: - the evolution towards a new digital orientation as a response to the needs of the new customer segments - the specific socio-cultural characteristics of the new Chinese market customer segments In order to provide specific responses from the field, the empirical research methodology is based on the case analysis method (Yin, 1984). The luxury brands cases considered in the research have been kept anonymous in order to keep the confidentiality of the data collected and consequently referred as A, B and C. It has been based on interviews carried out in China and in Europe with the management of the luxury brand, with a sample of its customer segments and also on the published data of the corporation. The Case of an Italian Luxury Brand in China The A case: Rebranding through Digitalisation for Successful Entry in the Chinese Market Out of the three cases, A is an Italian global luxury brand with an established brand image and heritage internationally. Its positioning as authentic luxury brand worldwide specifically focus its image on exclusivity, originality and innovative design. China, which was entered lately with respect to the other geographical markets in their global strategy, has now become clearly the main focus. Its entry strategy has been oriented towards a progressive reinforcement of relations between brand and market, in particular in relation to the digitalisation of the market and its consumption mode. The brand started opening the main flagship store in the Mainland China capital Beijing and following with the fashion centre Shanghai at the beginning of 2006. After a few years of gradual expansion and monitoring of the market evolution, the brand can nowadays count on a consolidated flagship store network adding value to the brand awareness. Counting on the younger Chinese luxury market segments, the brand had a remarkable immediate growth in the market as a result of its brand core values and image as well as of its own digitalisation of the brand development strategy. The growth and consolidated positioning allowed the brand to start a brand expansion strategy by introducing the cosmetics line in department stores after clothing and apparel and perfumes. Conclusion A luxury brand focused on a specific rebranding as entry strategy for the Chinese market through the integration between the socio-cultural variables associated to the local context and the core components of the brand. A transferred the brand to the Chinesemarket by maintaining its own young style and image, specifically suitable for the young Chinese luxury market. In the initial phase of the Chinese market entry, A focused on reinforcing the brand image and awareness in the local socio-cultural context by developing their retail and distribution in particular by having key premium locations, fundamental to communicate the brand identity and core values. However, the retailing network was not perceived as sufficient to create “a social buzz” in the Chinese young socio-cultural context that is specifically influenced by digital media in this geographical environment. The analysis of the brand and its entry strategy in China have clearly shown that they entry and kept expanding in China from first to third tier cities and to different targeted segments by developing an intelligent digitalisation of the brand. Starting from developing a Chinese version of the brand name, A brand modified its brand name as a main strategy to giving meaning to the brand in the Chinese socio-cultural context, as well as emphasizing the heritage of the brand and creating a strong position in the mind of the Chinese consumer and creating a strong advantage in the digital search positioning. Furthermore, in analysing the market socio-cultural digital trends and the decreasing reach of conventional media and the increasing one of the digital ones, A decided to focalise on a diversified use of digital media in their entry strategy - through online video advertising and the growing digital out of home as well as local search engine as Baidu or local social networks, BAIDU Sina.com Wechat Youku and in particular online influencers and BBS, Bullet Board Systems – by clearly choosing to rebrand through the digitalisation of their luxury brand in compliance with the socio-cultural variables and trends of the market. The sample case will be reported and the model path for branding and rebranding in the Chinese context will be presented.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the middle of the 20th century, globalization developed rapidly, especially industrial modernization has leaded to the heavy crisis of earth’s natural ecology and spiritual ecology. People began to wake up and rethink human civilization development model, and were deeply conscious of the fact that humanity is in urgent need of reconstruction of ecological civilization. In this context, ecological literature emerges as the times required. This paper first introduced ecological criticism flourish under the background of the cultural changes, then collected and sort out the theory historical transition of the Chinese ecological criticism and ecological aesthetics, exploring the problem domain about the development of the theory of ecological literature in the new century. And finally, summarized the new century’s tasks of ecological literary theory in the construction of Chinese literary theory.