
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,425

        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Throughout history, tableware has attained an important position in human culture, and historical eras are clearly reflected in the shape of tableware items, which are tied to the cultural background of foods. In particular, the distinctive qualities of foods within a food-culture, such as the means for cooking, storing, or eating, have impacted the usage and shape of tableware along with the food behaviors of individuals. Korea, China, and Japan have all played important roles in producing limitless amounts of high quality porcelain products and take pride in being leaders of the world's porcelain production industry. Based on their natural geographical proximity and political and cultural exchanges, these three countries have long influenced one another not only in terms of technical concepts but also in improving quality within the tableware industry. Thus, by comparing Korea, China, and Japan's evolutionary interdependable variance with regard to their tableware, food-culture, and food-behavior, one can provide information on the historical stream and cultural exchanges relevant to china and porcelain. Ultimately, through the examination of tableware, the conclusions of this conceptual study offer researchers a deeper understanding of the historical stance of food-culture and contribute new and useful information for the future.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Three measures have been taken to reform the prisons and corrections by China government since the beginning of the 21st century. The first, prison distributions and positions adjustment has been made. Since the fifties of the last century, most of prisons in China were located in faraway mountains and countryside areas. This status were some suitable at that time, but now the limitation is evident increasingly. Therefore since the beginning of 2002, China government began the prison distributions and positions adjustment. Most prisons will be moved to the suburbs and the areas convenient for transportation and communications by the end of 2010. Secondly, the renovation of prison administration systems has been made. Since the foundation of P. R. China, the prisons and prison enterprises had been combined together. After the reform and open policy were adopted in China, the contradictions between prisons and its enterprises appeared. In 2003, China government made the decision that the prisons and its enterprises should be separated. More just, incorruptible, humane and civilized, and efficient prison administration systems will be built in China in near future. The last, community correction pilot programmes have been sponsored. Because of the theory influences, and more importantly, the urgent need of the present situation, community correction pilot programmes were sponsored in China in 2003. Now the pilot programmes have been extended to 25 provincial level districts.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        형사사법제도란 일종의 전문화된 국가사법기관의 제도로써 형사소송상의 임무를 맡고 있는 조직과 기능에 관한 제도를 의미한다. 어느 국가를 막론하고 범죄문제가 날로 증가추세에 있는 상황에서 범죄의 예방과 그 척결은 형사사법제도의 사회적 역할과 그 기능의 효과성여부에 달려있다고 볼 수 있을 것이다. 역사적으로나 문화적으로나 정치사회적 환경이 유사한 한국과 중국의 형사사법제도를 비교분석하여 보는 것은 향후 양국의 형사사법제도의 발전방향을 모색하는데 큰 의의가 있다고 하겠다. 대표적인 형사사법기관인 경찰검찰법원교정기관을 중심으로 한 한중 양국가의 형사사법제도의 특징은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중국의 경찰에 해당하는 공안부는 한국의 일부 법무부의 기능까지도 포함한 막강한 권력기관이라는 사실이며 둘째, 중국의 검찰조직은 한국처럼 법무부 산하조직이 아니라 헌법상의 독립적인 기관이나 한국의 검찰처럼 수사권을 독점하고 있는 명실상부한 권력을 행사하는 기관은 아니라는 것이다. 셋째, 법원제도는 중국은 2심종심제이며, 한국과는 달리 중대한 재판인 경우에는 재판위원회에서 특정사건의 처리를 토론하고 결정한다는 것이다. 넷째, 교정제도의 경우에는 중국은 기결수만을 교정당국에서 관리하고 있고 미결수는 공안당국에서 관리하며, 의료처우나 재소자 수용밀도가 한국보다는 훨씬 양호하다는 점을 그 특색으로 열거할 수 있다. 한중 양국가의 형사사법제도를 비교분석한 결과 양국은 우선적으로 제도의 운영에 있어서 국민참여제도의 활성화가 중요한 과제라는 것이다.
        2008.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        China’s copyright regime, which American businesses have repeatedly complained is not sufficiently enforced, could be successfully encouraged through a cultural policy, as an alternative to a trade policy. Through a cultural perspective, the concept of copyright might not be as remote to China’s populace as was once believed, as people can no longer blame the influence of Confucianism or suppression of private property rights. This article explores the cultural policies of the United States and China to discover a way by which a copyright system can be inherently Chinese in nature, and therefore, more likely to be enforced.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        20세기 90년대부터 시작하여 이동통신 시장은 매우 높은 증가세가 나타나 핸드폰 사용 고객 수와 영업 액이 이미 고정전화를 앞섰다. 현재 이동통신은 매우 중요하고 발전 속도가 아주 빠른 산업으로 성장되었다. 오늘에 와서 중국과 한국 두 이웃 나라 간에는 많은 면에서 밀접한 관계를 보였다. 양국 수교 이후, 한국의 많은 기업들이 중국으로의 진출을 시도하였었고 그에 따른 투자도 적지 않는 규모였다. 중국은 세계에서 인구가 제일 많은 나라이고, 또한 WTO에
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Three species: Anorthoa angustipennis (Matsumura), Harutaeographa stenoptera (Staudinger), and Cerastis pallescens (Butler), are recorded for the first time from China, and Nikara castanea (Moore) is newly added to the fauna of Northeast China. The image of adult, genitalic characteristics, and the distributions are given as necessary.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Matteo Ricci’s missionary work in China was a remarkable cross-cultural mission in the 16th Century. Matteo Ricci introduced Christian teaching to the Chinese literati. By adopting the Chinese language and culture, he was able to enter the center of the Chinese society which was normally closed to foreigner. His missionary approach was effective. Ricci did not approach the Chinese culture with superiority like other Western missionaries. He behaved that he came to China to learn. Ricci made notable sacrifices to study the language―he had learned to speak, read and write Chinese, the habits and customs of the Chinese, as to make them his own. Ricci’s second cultural approach is to conform life-style with the socio-ethical system. When Ruggieri and Ricci first entered China together in 1583, they were dressed as Buddhist monks. Later, Ricci found that the monks he met were neither learned nor well respected. Ricci decided to carry his religious testimony to the very heart of the society, and for this, he adopted the life style and dress of educated Confucians. Ricci had grown his hair and beard and put on the scholar’s robes. Ricci’s third approach was to write many moral writings. It was an academic approach. Ricci’s moral writings had attracted the Confucian literati, even by those did not sympathize with his religious ideas. In T’ien-chu shih yi, Ricci mentioned that T’ien-chu [Lord of Heaven] in Christianity was same as Shang-ti [Sovereign Lord] in Confucianism. Ricci’s fourth cultural approach was the introduction of Western science and technology. Ricci displayed world map, western clocks, Venetian prism, European paintings and books. Ricci was accepted widely among the literati by his knowledge of mathematics and other sciences; by the curious objects he had brought, and even by his alleged knowledge of alchemy. Ricci’s fifth cultural approach was to respect Chinese rites and customs. Through discussion with the Chinese literati, Ricci indirectly introduced the Christian point of view on the various problems and matters. His Chinese disciples demonstrated that to accept the Christian faith did not imply abandoning one’s own culture, nor mean diminishing loyalty to one’s own country and traditions, but rather that the faith offered them to serve their country. By this reason, Jesuit missionaries allowed to worship at a shrine of Confucius and to perform a religious service in an ancient rite. In fact, an ancient rite was very delicate and sensitive issue at that time. It requires careful approach through theological reflection and evaluation because cultural accommodation may change to relativism or syncretism. As a missionary, Ricci never forgot his ultimate goal: the preaching the Gospel and the conversion of China. Ricci’s missionary work in China is still a model of Asian missionary work. Ricci’s missionary method through cultural accommodation was vital and actual as ever. It is necessary for the effective missionary works to understand the social structure of the field. Without destroying or ignoring their own culture and customs, we can carefully make a connection between Christianity and culture and customs of the field.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Yangbanxi("model plays") symbolize the Cultural Revolution(1966~1976) in China. The Eight Model Revolutionary Works include five Chinese Modern Peking Operas, namely, Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy(智取威虎山), Harbor City(海港), Shaijabang(沙家浜), The Red Lantern(紅燈記), and Raid on the White Tiger Regiment; (奇襲白虎團), ballets such as The Red Detachment of Women(紅色娘子軍) and The White-Haired Girl(白毛女); and a symphony: Shajiabang(沙家浜). On April 24, 1967, Chinese leaders, including Mao Zedong, saw a performance of The White-Haired Girl. Yanbanxi was performed in Beijing between May 24 and June 15 the same year. The Red Lantern was designated as a work for the proletarian classes by Jiang Qing(Mao Zedong's third wife and the most influential woman in China) and spread nationwide. It was also made into a film to be enjoyed by many people. The modern Chinese operas went a long way in their creation of visual images of revolutionary heroes. The Red Lantern, in particular, came to be regarded as the most representative revolutionary opera. In the course of such a process, Jiang Qing used Yangbanxi as a political tool for compelling the people to worship and pledge their allegiance to Mao in an effort to turn the Cultural Revolution into a class struggle on behalf of her husband. During the Cultural Revolution period, artists were made to associate with workers, farmers and soldiers based on the idea of advocating revolutionary arts for the proletarian classes. The characters in The Rend Lantern were portrayed as heroes from the proletarian classes according to the demands of the era. Chinese leaders set forth the principles of artistic expression, stressing three important factors: politics, heroes, and heroic acts, which were to be applied to all the visual arts, including Yangbanxi. This paper attempts to present a new view of fine arts during the Cultural Revolution in China by focusing on the productive significance of a leading style of a specific era in the past. To that end, this paper sheds light on products made in conformance with political instructions, stressing the importance of revolutionary heroes in The Red Lantern.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지금 중국여행구매발전에서는 세가지 난점이 존재하여, 여행구매의 발전에 심각한 지장을 주고 있으므로 여행업의 발전을 방해하고 있다. 본고는 체험경제시대의 중요한 특징을 결합시켜 여행구매가 중요한 체험상품임을 제시하고 체험의 경영영업이 중국여행구매발전을 촉진시키는 새로운 경영모델을 제시하였다. 이 기초에서 "홍콩구매일"을 예로 하여 여행구매체험경영책략의 주요내용을 제시하였다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1980년대부터 일어나기 시작한 제3자 물류는 기업의 물류기능 중 전부 혹은 일부분을 아웃소싱 하는 것이며, 고객과 물류기업간의 공동목표인 물류서비스 효율화를 이루기 위해 양자가 장기 계약을 통해 정보와 전략을 공유하는 협력관계이다. 그러나 중국 제3자 물류 현황은 시장잠재력이 크고 발전이 빠르며 발전초기에 처해있고 특정지역에 집중되어 있다. 그리고 고객의 제3자 물류수요는 천차만별이다. 더욱이 제3자 물류기업의 발전 속도는 매우 빠르고, 많은 제3자 물류 기업은 기업합작을 추구하면서, 서비스능력을 제고시키고 있다. 특히 중국 제3자 물류시장의 특징은 제조·유통기업이 물류를 아웃소싱 시킬 때 참여하는 물류 기업 수는 2-10기업정도이며, 특성화물류가 중요시되고 있고, 다양한 물류서비스가 진전을 이루며, 제4자 물류가 발전하기 시작하고 있다. 결국, 중국 제3자 물류가 발전하는 중 몇몇 문제점들이 존재하며, 수요측면에서 제3자 물류에 대한 수요가 왕성하지 않다. 공급측면에서 우수한 물류기업이 부족하다. 또한, 물류환경측면에서 중국 제3자 물류가 비교적 낙후되어서 중국 제3자 물류발전을 더디게 하고 있다. 이러한 문제들을 해결하기 위해, 각 측면에서 향후 연구와 대책이 필요하다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        출생률ㆍ사망률의 하락은 고령화 추세의 직접적 요인이다. 출생률ㆍ사망률의 하락에 영향을 미치는 요인에는 소득 수준과 보건ㆍ위생 수준의 향상 외에도 인구 조정 정책이 있다. 1970년 이후부터 개시되었던 인구 조정 정책은 출생률의 하락을 가져옴과 동시에 고령화 추세의 가져왔던 정책적 요인이 되었다. 특히, 1980년 이후 실시되었던 계획 출산 정책은 고령화를 촉진시킨 요인이 되었다. 계획 출산 정책에 따른 고령화는 불가피한 추세이지만, 문제점은 고령화의 속도, 현재의 조건 및 지역 간 불균등성에서 찾을 수 있다. 중국에서는 고령화 추세가 유례없이 빠른 속도로 진행되어왔기 때문에 경제 발전 수준이 낮은 상태에서 고령화 사회로 진입하였다는 점이다. 선진국은 경제 발전이 높은 상태에서 고령화 사회로 진입하였지만, 중국은 고령화 사회로 진입할 무렵에 1인당 GDP가 아직 낮은 수준에 불과하였다. 또한, 고령화와 지역 간 격차와의 관련성도 관심을 가질 부분이다. 먼저 동부에 비해 서부의 노년 인구의 비율이 낮지만, 유소년 인구 비율은 높다. 또한, 총부양비에서 서부지역은 전국 평균보다 대체로 높다. 이로 보건대, 서부 지역이 동부 지역보다 소득 수준이 낮을 뿐만 아니라 더 무거운 부양 부담을 지고 있다는 사실을 알 수 있다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지아장커에게 중요한 것은 바로 우리들의 삶이다. 변화 속에서도 우리는 계속 생활해야 하고 살아가야만 하기 때문에, 그는 인간문제에 대해 초지일관 관심을 기울이는 것이다. 그의 영화는 대변화하는 시대를 따라가지 못하고 역사의 잔해물로 전락해버린, 남겨진 자들의 대한 안타까움과 슬픔을 기록하고 있다. 그는 살아갈 수밖에 없는 인간의 무늬를 섬세한 시선으로 포착하고 있는 것이다. ≪삼협호인(三峽好人)≫도 상징성 짙은 장면들의 연속을 통해 대변화의 역사 속에 놓여진 사람들의 문제에 대해서 말하고 있다.
        2007.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Three major Asian countries, Korea, China, and Japan, shared 18.3% of global GDP and 14.2% of global trade volume in 2005. When considering this number, cooperation of these three countries is very important. Also, it is needless to say that we need efficient international logistics system in Asia. The key point to realize efficient international logistics system is unit load system utilizing pallets and containers. To build up efficient logistics system among Korea, China, and Japan, we need 'total palletization' with standardized pallets. We may regard 'total palletization' as an 'efficient highway of North-Eastern Asia logistics.' In this study, we will suggest two kinds of effects, which logistics standardization among Korea, China, and Japan will make. One is the effect on economy and trade, and the other is the effect on logistics business and environments.
        2007.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is for analyzing a house and underfloor heating systems called gudle of Korean Chinese, Manchurian and Chinese that are located in the northeast China, which is north of Korean peninsula. Thus it has the similarity and difference among the form of gudle of each folks. The basic form of gudle in Manchurian area of China differs and falls into four categories: U-shaped kang, L-shaped kang, /-shaped kang and whole gudle(gudle that is composed of the whole place). In case of U-shaped kang, it is a basic form of Manchurian and designed for protecting cold weather in northeast area. U-shaped kang has a long space that can be heated so that it enables as many as family members to sleep. It has the advantage of making the best use of space. The form of Chinese is /-shaped kang. As Chinese has traditionally lifestyle of chair sitting culture, so it has the form of tonggudle, or a room equipped with gudle unlike yoegudle that a fire was made under a stone like goindoel and is suitable for lifestyle of chair sitting culture. As for the kang of Korean Chinese, it is called gudle and has the largest in width compared with that of Manchurian and Chinese. Also, the height of gudle is much lower than other houses by about 30~40cm because Korean Chinese have been living "floor sitting culture"on gudle, which means the tradition of removing one's shoes before entering and sitting on the floor, while other folks like Manchurian has lifestyle of "chair sitting culture". Therefore the study found out that the folk housing of each tribe in the northeast China has similarity and difference at the same time. In particular, the form and size of gudle(kang) varies depending on the way of life.
        2007.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the lacking of electricity and coal, people have to face the scarce of energy. more and more problems about the air pollution, the environment and such series of aspects appearing, which make people to realize the importance of the ecological environment. Through theenergy conservation analysis about the rural houses in north areas and the application of some typical energy conservation methods, this article shows the necessity of energy conservation of rural houses in north areas and the future trend of development.