
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 680

        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Embryo transfer (ET) has been applied to many species, which also useful tools for genetic improvement in horses. ET enables to produce a multiple foals from one donor mare in the same breeding season. However, there have been no reports describing equine embryo transfer performed in Korea. In the present study, we performed an equine embryo collection and transfer procedure for the first time. We examined the embryo collection and pregnancy, size of embryo during the incubation period after collection, and progesterone (P4) and estradiol-17ß (E2) concentrations in mare’s serum at embryo collection and transfer. A total of 16 donors responded to estrus synchronization; estrus was induced in 12 donors and 4 recipients, and artificial insemination was successful in 10 donors and six blastocysts were collected from donors. Of these blastocysts, we monitored the size of blastocysts for 3 day during incubation and transferred 2 blastocysts to a recipient, with 1 successful pregnancy and foal achieved. The dimensions of equine embryo at day 7 to day 9 were 409 μm, 814 μm and 1,200 μm. The serum P4 and E2 concentrations were 7.91±0.37 ng/μL and 45.45±12.65 ng/μL in the donor mare, and 16.06±3.27 ng/μL and 49.13±10.09 ng/μL in the recipient mare.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The family Cosmopterigidae belongs to superfamily Gelechioidea, comprising 1,792 species of 135 genera worldwide (Sinev, 2002). In Korea, Park (1983) listed 9 species of 5 genera. Later, Park (1994) recorded 9 species of 5 genera of the family. Sinev and Park (1994) reported 4 species of 2 genera. And Ponomarenko and Park (1997) reported a newly recorded genus with one new species. In total, 23 species of 7 genera under 3 subfamilies are recorded in Korea. In the present study, one species of genus Pyroderces including a newly recorded species Pyroderces sarcogypsa is reported for the first time from Korea. Adult and genitalia of the species are examined and illustrated.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Mymaridae, a moderately sized parasitic wasp family within Chalcidoidea, consists of 1,424 species in 103 genera worldwide. In East Asia, 75 species of 20 genera are recorded from China, 40 species of 15 genera Japan and 17 species of 8 genera South Korea. Eubroncus in Mymaridae is newly recognized from South Korea with E. prodigiosus. Redescription and photographs of the diagnostic characters of E. prodigiosus are provided.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Chrysomelid species of the genus Morphosphaera, M. japonica Hornstedt, 1788 is reported for the first time from South Korea. The genus Morphosphaera Baly, 1861, within subfamily Galerucinae, contains eighteen species, and is distributed Palearctic region. In the present study we report on the genus Morphosphaera Baly, 1861 from Korea for the first time, based on M. japonica Hornstedt, 1788. We provide the habitus photographs, illustrations of diagnostic features and a key to the genus in S. Korea.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the development of marketing, time-temperature indicator (TTI) is applied to monitor the storage temperature and time to predict the shelf-life of food by irreversible color change. This study mainly focused on developing the solid-type enzymatic time temperature indicator as a first exploration on printable TTI. It was based on the phenomenon that starch would change its color into blue when meets iodine, and the hydrolysis of enzyme make the color turn to colorless gradually. Combining the microencapsulation technology to immobilize enzyme, several TTIs with different formulas were achieved, and hopefully to be applied on different foods, whose storage temperature is 4 and their shelf-life could be 5-6 days. Chilled pork meat was chosen as an indicating target to figure out a suitable specific TTI by activation energy comparing and lasting time matching.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국산 미기록속인 낫어리염주벌속(Psilomma Förster) (신칭)과 미기록종인 낫어리염주벌(Psilomma dubium Kieffer) (신칭)을 처음으로 보고한다. 그에 따라 본 속을 동구북구 지역에 최초로 보고한다. 재기재문 및 주요 형질에 대한 사진을 함께 제시한다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        태화강에 분포하는 금강모치의 형태적 특징과 개체군 특징 조사를 2014년 4월부터 2015년 4월까지 실시하였다. 태화강 상류역인 국수천(울산광역시 울주군 범서읍 망성리)이 금강모치(Rhynchocypris kumgangensis) 새로운 서식지 로 확인이 되었으며 또한 강릉남대천 이남의 동해남부로 유입되는 하천에서도 처음 발견되었다. 태화강에 서식하는 개체군은 한강 개체군에 비해 미병장(CPL)이 미병고(CPD)에 비해 짧았으며 그 외의 형질은 거의 일치하였다. 계수 형질에 있어 태화강 개체군은 측선비늘수, 측선상부비늘수, 측선하부비늘수 등이 다소 적었고 그 외의 형질은 일치하였 다. 전장빈도분포도는 45∼65㎜ 이었고 평균 전장은 54.2㎜ 이었다. 공서어종 중 피라미(Zacco platypus) 25.2%, 버들치(Rhynchocypris oxycephalus) 24.1%) 참갈겨니(Zacco koreanus) 21.8% 등의 개체수 구성비가 높았다. 전장빈도 분포도는 45∼65㎜ 이었고 평균 전장은 54.2㎜ 이었다. 전장과 체중의 관계식은 BW = 0.000002TL3.44로 상수 a는 0.000002을, 매개변수 b는 3.44 이었고 건강도는 평균 1.10 이었다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국제적인 양서류 감소의 한 요인으로 다양한 감염성 및 기생성 질병을 들고 있다. 국내에 판매를 목적으로 하는 개구리 양식장이 운영되고 있지만, 개구리 양식장에서 기생충을 포함하는 질병 발생에 대한 연구는 최근까지 수행되지 않았다. 본 연구에서는 인제, 괴산, 공주, 보령에 위치한 개구리 양식장 내‧외부에서 채집된 북방산개구리의 구두충 감염률 및 감염 개체수를 체강, 위, 소장과 대장의 신체부위별로 비교분석하였다. 또한, 18S rRNA 핵 유전자를 분석하 여 발견된 구두충을 속(genus)단위까지 동정하여 제시하였다. 조사된 북방산개구리의 51.7%가 구두충에 감염되었으며, 감염 구두충은 Centrorhynchus 속에 속한 구두충이었다. 인제 지역이 15%로 다른 세 지역에 비하여 감염률이 유의미하 게 낮았으며, 괴산 역시 55%로 통계적으로 차이는 없었지만, 공주(80%)나 보령(90%) 보다는 다소 낮았다. 양식장 내‧외부 간, 암수 간 감염률과 감염정도는 차이가 없었다. 감염된 구두충 수는 북방산개구리의 건강지수와 음의 상관을 보였으며, 신체부위별로는 위에서 가장 많은 구두충이 발견되었다. 우리의 결과는 국내 양서류에서 Centrorhynchus 구두충 감염의 최초보고로 개구리 양식장 내 구두충의 관리 필요성 및 다양한 지역에 위치한 양식장들 내에서 추가적인 질병연구의 필요성을 제안한다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chapter One (甲篇) of Yin Yang Wu Xing in “The Compilation of Mawangdui Silk Manuscript” (《長沙馬王堆漢墓集成》), which has been seriously damaged, still needs further adjustments. From line 1 to 16 (Jicheng Vol.1 p250-251) in Zhu Shen Ji Xiong, we delete two silk pieces and move 2 other pieces according to the Fan Yin Wen (反印文) in Chapter Xi (徙), Tian Di (天地) and Nv Fa (女發) (Ji Cheng Vol.1 p244-245). Some pieces have been added. New transcription can be given by those adjustments. We notice that figures in this chapter were pieced and numbered mistakenly. Some line numbers of transcriptions do not match their figures. In addition, some texts that can be read together were separated.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We obtain the first complete CCD light curves (LCs) of the contact binary AP UMi in the VRI bands and analyzed them by means of the PHOEBE code. A spotted model is applied to treat the asymmetry in the LCs. The LC morphology clearly shows the O’Connell effect and the solution shows an influence of star spots on both components. Such effect of star spots is common between the RS CVn and W UMa chromospherically active stars. Based on the obtained solution of the LCs we investigate the evolutionary state of the components and conclude that the system is a pre-intermediate contact binary (f = 0.29) with mass ratio q = 0.38, and it is an A-type W UMa system where the less massive secondary component is cooler than the more massive primary one.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tinocallis Matsumura 속은 전세계 19종이 포함되는 비교적 큰 속이다. 본 연구에서는 최근 라오스에서 바나바 (부채꽃과: 배롱나무속)에 심각한 피해를 주는 알락진딧물 일종, Tinocallis himalayensis Ghosh, Ghosh & Raychaudhuri, 1971를 처음으로 발견하여 보고한다. 유시형 처 녀생식세대의 암컷 형태, 생태 및 피해 사진을 함께 제시하였다.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Psilomma Förster, a small and rare genus within the tribe Pantolytini (Diapriidae: Belytinae), consists of three species widely distributed in Europe: P. dubium Kieffer, 1908; P. fuscicornis Kieffer, 1908; P. fusciscapis Förster, 1861 (Macek 1990). This genus is easily distinguished from other Pantolytini genera by the sickle form of mandibles. Up to date, Psilomma has not yet been recorded out of Europe. As a result of the present study, the genus Psilomma is reported from the South Korea for the first time based on a species of P. dubium. Also, the known range of Psilomma is extended from Europe (Western Palaearctic) to South Korea (Eastern Palaearctic). A detailed redescription, photographs of this species are given.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The subfamily Cylloceriinae were recorded 33 species of three genera, Allomacrus Förster (five species), Cylloceria Schiødte (27 species) and Rossemia Humala (one species), worldwide. The genus Cylloceria can be recognized by following characters: head and face wider than high; anterior margin of clypeus impressed; basal flagellomeres strongly elongate; mesoscutum with distinct notauli; tarsal claw simple; ovipositor long, equal or longer than metasoma. In male of Cylloceria, 3rd and 4th antennal flagellomeres with tyloids of specific shape, which is semicircular emargination and rather deep and distinct. In this study, Korean species of the genus Cylloceria Schiødte are reviewed. Five species of Cylloceria and the subfamily Cylloceriinae are reported for the first time from South Korea, including one new species. Description with photographs of the new species, diagnoses, and a key to South Korean species of Cylloceria are provided.