
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 392

        2002.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since 100PPM Quality Certification System has been established by the Industrial Advancement Administration in 1995, 100PPM Quality Innovation Movement has contributed much to the enhancement of quality competitiveness of Korea''s parts industry. And in 2
        2002.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 한국, 독일, 일본의 화학기업의 혁신경영의 구성요소를 실증적으로 비교분석하였다, 실증적 분석의 대상은 설문지 조사에 참여한 총 121개의 화학기업(한국 36개, 독일 50개, 일본 35개)이었다. 본 논문에서는 혁신경영의 구성요소를 (1) 혁신에 대한 계획, (2) 혁신에 대한 조직, (3) 혁신과정(아이디어 창출단계, 아이디어 수용단계, 아이디어 실험단계), (4) 혁신에 대한 통제 등으로 나누어 분석하였다. 혁신에 대한 계획은 독일의 화학기업에서는 $quot;시장지향적$quot;으로, 한국과 일본의 화학기업에서는 $quot;비용(원가)지향적$quot;으로 이루어지고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 혁신에 대한 조직구조로서 독일의 화학기업은 기능적 조직구조를, 한국과 일본의 화학기업은 제품지향적 조직 구조를 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 아울러 혁신과정과 관련하여 조사대상국 사이에 많은 차이점들이 발견되었다. 특히 이 중에서도 아이디어 창출단계에서 볼 때, 한국의 화학기업은 $quot;기술수입$quot;에 주로 의존하고 있으며, 독일의 화학기업은 $quot;학문지향적 연구개발활동$quot;에 중점을 두고 있으며, 일본의 화학기업은 $quot;기술적 독립을 위한 과도기$quot;에 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이 밖에 혁신에 대한 통제에 있어서 한국과 일본의 화학기업은 독일의 화학기업에 배해 경제성 분석을, 독일의 화학기업은 한국과 일본의 화학기업에 비해 환경보호를 중요하게 고려하고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다.
        2021.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In recent years, domestic animation films are committed to inheriting and carrying forward the traditional national culture. This article takes “Nezha”and “New Gods: Nezha Reborn”as an example to study the expression of traditional national culture from the perspective of cultural construction and audio-visual culture. It is concluded that the domestic animation focuses on the interpretation of the Chinese stories and the expression of the Chinese spirit, and uses the traditional elements to integrate the traditional culture with the modern context.
        2021.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 강소성 해외직접투자가 지역기술혁신에 미치는 영향을 실증분석을 하였다. 그랜저 인과관계 분석한 결과 해외직접투자가 모국의 기술혁신에 대한 촉진효과를 나타내고 모국의 기술력상승이 해외직접투자에 긍정적인 영향을 미친 것을 입증하였다. 벡터오차수정(VEC)모형을 통한 분석결과는 양자가 장기적인 정(+)의 관계의 갖고 있는 것으로 나타났으며 단기적으로 보면 전년도 기술력상승은 해외직접투자에 대한 촉진효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 실증분석 결과를 토대로 향후 강소성의 해외직접투자 활성화 방안도 제안하였다.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new business venture faces intense competition in a dynamic environment. To survive, new business ventures and established companies both need to generate creativity and significant new ventures to be highly competitive and have high levels of performance. In this study, we examined new business ventures that determined their competitiveness and performance generated from entrepreneurial creativity and mediated by ambidextrous innovation. This research used survey data collected from 143 Indonesian’s new business shipping agencies, which was collected using an online survey and analyzed through structural equation modeling. The results showed that entrepreneurial creativity in new business ventures is positively associated with competitive advantage but not significant to create a competitive advantage. In contrast, entrepreneurial creativity is positively associated with firm performance. This result indicates that efforts to generate entrepreneurial creativity are not sufficient to create a competitive advantage despite having a significant influence on firm performance. However, entrepreneurial creativity is significantly and positively associated with firm performance and competitive advantage when mediated by ambidextrous innovation. The findings of this study suggest that the competitive advantage of a new business venture in facing intense competition in a dynamic environment condition can be overcome by generating strategic action in the form of entrepreneurial creativity and ambidextrous innovation.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to analyze the agreement of service innovation using contingency approach (manager personality, organizational structure) moderated by leadership agility. The study has been carried out on Islamic banking companies’ managers in Indonesia, from East Java and Yogyakarta region using purposive sampling technique with questionnaire and interviews as the method of data collection. The total number of respondents in the sample is 184. This sample is then analyzed using Euclidience Distance Simple Regression and Simple Regression Moderation method. The results prove that: (1) there is a partial fit between incremental strategy with reactive personality and mechanical organizational structure, which increases the service performance; (2) there is a partial fit between radical strategy with proactive personality and organic organizational structure, which increases the service performance; (3) leadership agility is able to strengthen the fit of the relationship between incremental innovation strategy and reactive personality toward service performance; (4) leadership agility is able to strengthen the fit the relationship between radical innovation strategy and proactive personality toward service performance; (5) leadership agility is able to strengthen the fit of the relationship between incremental innovation strategy and mechanical organizational structure toward service performance; and (6) leadership agility is able to strengthen the fit of the relationship between radical innovation strategy and organic organizational structure toward service performance
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Research underlined that Small and Medium Enterprises’ performance is enhanced by different types of innovation capabilities. This research tends to present a comprehensive model to explain the relationship between innovation capabilities and SMEs’ financial and operational performance. Specifically, this study tends to achieve three objectives: explores the set of product, process, organizational and marketing innovation capabilities possessed by owners/managers of SMEs and their impact on Chinese manufacturing SMEs’ operational and financial performance dimensions, identify the determinants of innovation capabilities, and determine the contextual factors that moderate innovation capabilities and SMEs’ performance. This research employed a qualitative research method using in-depth interviews with eight owners/managers of Chinese manufacturing SMEs. Research findings revealed that product and marketing innovation capabilities have a significant impact on SMEs’ financial performance while process and organizational innovation capabilities positively influence SMEs’ operational performance. The major determinants of innovation capabilities involved availability of sufficient organizational resources, entrepreneurial orientation, knowledge development and external networks. The contextual moderating factors on the relationship between innovation capabilities and SMEs’ performance involved internal factors which are: SME size, SMEs’ owner/manager work experience, entrepreneurial mindset; and external factors: market dynamism and cooperation strategies. This paper ends by drawing some concluding remarks and proposing future research avenues.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research aims to examine the relationships among entrepreneurial orientation, organizational learning capability, firm innovation, and firm performance. To achieve a data collection, a mail survey procedure via questionnaire was implemented by using executives or managers of gems & jewelry industries, textile and clothing industries, leather and accessories, fashion apparel industries in Thailand as the key informants. Of the surveys completed and returned, 388 were usable. Hence, a model with a structural equation was used to evaluate the data survey of 388 respondents. The results reveal that, in terms of the mediating effect, organizational learning capacity and firm innovation can complement each other in order to improve entrepreneurial orientation. Findings show that entrepreneurial orientation improves firm innovation, which in turn improves firm efficiency. Firm innovation acts as a variable mediating between enterprise orientation and firm performance. Our findings contribute to the current emergence of organizational learning capacity that mediated the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. Entrepreneurial orientation is normally a firm performance that enterprises develop which can have use the information available and make an impact. It can be considered through the mediation of organizational learning capability, and firm innovation variable and as stated in previous literature, it can influence firm performance.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The Small and Medium Enterprise is currently getting more attention from the Indonesian government as the contribution of this sector to the regional and national income has increased. Though the government is providing a lot of attention as well as facilities to the small businesses in the manufacturing sector, they face intense competition. Thus, the small enterprises need to ensure that they achieve good business performance. This research aims to investigate the role of entrepreneurial intensity and innovation in improving the performance of small businesses in Indonesia. For this purpose, one hundred and eighty-six small business owners participated in the survey. The data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling. The hypothesis results show that entrepreneurial intensity and innovation have a proven role in business performance of small enterprises. Entrepreneurial intensity in particular, significantly impacts innovation and exploration. And innovation is crucial for business performance. The results imply that to increase business performance, the owner and the manager also need to raise their entrepreneurial spirit, as it can enhance their willingness to explore and use their business experience to do more innovation activities. The more innovation is done by the company; the business performance is more likely to improve.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the effect of human capital supply chain on the firm performance mediated by innovation culture and innovation process on small- and medium-sized construction enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia. A survey has been distributed to all construction SMEs that have direct involvement in construction work (contractors and subcontractors). The construction SMEs including medium- and small-scale construction services in three Provinces, namely, the special region of Yogyakarta, East Java, and Central Java. Through purposive sampling technique, primary data is collected by giving a questionnaire to the owner/manager of construction SMEs. The target sample in this study was 200 respondents who have been operating for a minimum of two years. 154 valid questionnaires could be processed. Data analysis uses structural equation modeling with AMOS 24. The results of the study conclude that there is a positive effect on human capital supply chain on firm performance mediated by innovation culture and innovation process, while innovation culture does not affect firm performance. In sum, the innovation culture mediates the relationship between human capital supply chain and firm performance, and the innovation process mediates the relationship between human capital supply chain and firm performance.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper proposes a conceptual model which provides direction for researchers to empirically establish the connections between dynamic capabilities, innovation capabilities, entrepreneurial capabilities and financial and strategic performance. The author uses systematic literature review process to select the articles used in this study. First, the present paper review and discuss some major contributions to the theories of dynamic capabilities, innovation capabilities, entrepreneurial capabilities and their consequences. The author seeks to highlight different understandings of the concepts to clarify the distinctions between them. Second, the conceptual model and propositions for future studies were developed. The proposed model highlights the different measures of dynamic capabilities, innovation capabilities, entrepreneurial capabilities and their consequences. The model with its associated propositions was developed base on limitations and gaps observed from past studies. It is focused on empirically testing the direct impact of dynamic capabilities, innovation capabilities, and entrepreneurial capabilities on the performance of SMEs in Vietnam. Nevertheless, the proposed model can be applied to similar situations in different contexts and countries. Further empirical testing of proposed model would contribute to enriching existing knowledge of dynamic capabilities, innovation capabilities and entrepreneurial capabilities within SMEs and how these capabilities foster superior performance.
        2020.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 패널회귀모형을 이용해서 해외직접투자를 중심으로 한 강소성의 지역기술혁신능력 결정요 인을 실증분석을 하였다. 분석결과 단기간에 강소성의 기술혁신능력의 향상이 국내 연구개발투자규모, 현지의 경제수준과 금융시장규모 등 내적인 요인에 의존하고 해외직접투자는 모국의 혁신능력에 대해 긍정적인 영향을 미치지 못한 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 장기적으로 OFDI변수가 기술혁신능력과 정(+)의 상관관계를 나타냈다. 실증분석 결과를 토대로 향후 강소성의 기술혁신능력 향상과 해외직접투자 활성화 방안도 제안하였다.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study seeks to investigate the relationship between knowledge sharing and innovation in garment and textile enterprises. While previous research has found many factors influencing knowledge sharing, little research has been done about the influence of knowledge sharing on innovation in enterprises in developing countries like Vietnam. In particular, the textile industry plays an important role in export, but outsourcing is accounting for a high proportion of trade; it is necessary to increase innovation in order to increase the competitive advantage by internal capacity. The data is collected from a survey of 245 employees at 20 textile and garment enterprises in Vietnam to study the knowledge sharing influence on innovation. The methodology includes pilot study and quantitative method. The pilot study tests the questionnaire on the respondents. The quantitative method applies SEM analysis to measure the knowledge sharing influence on innovation. The results identify eight factors that positively impact knowledge sharing: rewarding, teamwork, management support, joy of knowledge sharing, communication, trust, commitment, and information technology. This study also shows that knowledge sharing affects innovation. The main findings are discussed for textile and garment enterprises to apply innovative capacity in the context of increasing global integration.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study investigates the factors influencing the innovation activities in the enterprises in the Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam. By employing the dataset from a survey in 200 typical enterprises in Binh Dinh and using the Exploratory Factor Analysis and regression analysis, we found that there are eight factor groups affecting the innovation activities of enterprises. They include management of innovation promotion; market research capacity; leadership inspiring innovation; culture of innovation; human resources for implementing innovation; network connection; disseminating/sharing knowledge; and impact of producing/serving technology. All these factors strongly affect the innovation activities, which plays an important role in promoting the sustainable development of the Vietnamese enterprises, with the statistical significance level at 1%. Moreover, findings also show that, among these factors, the market research capacity is the strongest determinant of the innovation activity in the enterprise. An increase of 1 point of capacity of market research will increase the innovation activities in the enterprise by 0.114 point. It is followed by the management of promoting innovation, leadership inspiring innovation, and disseminating and sharing knowledge, with 0.104, 0.103 and 0.102 score, respectively. On the other hand, network connection is the weakest factor, with the score of 0.07 point.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study examines the relation between the quality of leader-member relationship and operational performance of processing enterprises employees in Vietnam, while job satisfaction and innovation are as a mediator variable. In depth interviews are first conducted with five managers and professional workers in five processing enterprises to determine the latent variables and build the structured questionnaire with observed variables. A quantitative survey with 438 employees and managers from 300 processing enterprises was carried out. The method of exploratory factor analysis (EFA), Cronbach’s alpha analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test the reliability, the convergent nature, and the consistency of the concepts. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to test the proposed model. The result shows that job satisfaction, innovation and operational performance have positive effects on the quality of leader-member relationship. The relationship between leaders and members had indirect impact on employee’s operational performance via their job satisfaction and innovation, which illustrates a mediator role of job satisfaction and innovation for employees’ performance. The findings of this study suggest that managers need to focus on developing relationship with employees to improve their satisfaction, innovation and performance.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to develop concepts originating through empirical research models to build superior competitiveness and optimal performance achievement. Therefore, to bridge these goals, the study addresses several indicators/items as a novelty, namely, entrepreneurship insight factors, market orientation, knowledge-sharing, innovation, managerial capability, product strategy, process and service improvement, resources capability to improve performance and increase competitiveness by empirical model direct, mediating and indirect effect. The total sample in this study is 497 eligible SMEs that partner with go-food in Makassar City. All research samples are the owner or the person in charge of the business; the data collection period is from May to December 2019. Data are collecting using a survey with 64 construct questions, summarized in seven manifest variables. The research method uses quantitative tools, with SMART-PLS as a statistical tool. This study develops sixteen hypotheses; all of the hypotheses are supported both directly, indirectly, and mediated. The study also found that the link based on CCT, RBV, and TAM Theory is the right choice of theories, as the foundation of this study was very reliable and valid. Indeed, all of the grounded methods have implications both in theory and its main application for the business in the online marketplace.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study wants to test the nexus among resource orientation, market orientation, social network, and knowledge sharing toward organizational innovation, and the nexus between organizational innovation and MSMEs performance. Questionnaires and interviews are conducted with some MSMEs actors in Central Java Province, Indonesia, in Klaten Regency and Pekalongan City. These two areas have creative MSMEs, especially Batik MSMEs that have been very large and known worldwide. The sampling technique is done purposively with certain criteria for the respondents. The data analysis technique is done using Partial Least Square. This study provides recommendations about strategic practice and policy (resource and market), social network, and knowledge sharing in increasing organizational innovation, and the impact of organizational innovation toward MSMEs performance. It also offers a comprehensive model of the determinant factor of organizational innovation by considering the aspect of strategic orientation, social network, and knowledge sharing. Other unique aspects that are also important to consider are social network and the importance of knowledge sharing in improving MSMEs Performance. The respondents are still limited in two areas, namely, Pekalongan and Klaten, so it still cannot represent the whole population. These areas also have different orientation of production process approach, namely, synthetic and natural dyes.