
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 542

        2012.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research was conducted to investigate the influence of various organic substrates on growth and yield of ginseng seedling grown organically in the closed plastic house. The pH and EC of substrates used for organically ginseng cultivation ranged 5.93~6.78 and 0.03~0.15 dS/m respectively. The concentrations NH4-N and NO3-N respectively was 14.01~68.63 mg/L, 5.60~58.83 mg/L. The average quantum of the closed plastic house was range from 10 to 16% of natural light. In July and August, the maximum temperature of the closed plastic house did not exceed 30 and the average temperature was maintained within 25 lower than the field because air conditioning ran. The PPV-1 and PPV-2 bed soil substrates produced higher stem length, stem diameter, shoot fresh weight and leaf area than those of conventional culture. In PPV-2 bed soil substrates, root fresh weight and root diameter was the highest. The root fresh weight of PPV-2 bed soil substrates in closed plastic house was maximum 25% heavier than the conventional cultivation. The results of this experiment will be utilized for making new substrate application for organic ginseng culture in the plastic house.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study was undertaken to investigate changes in fatty acid profile of breast and thigh muscle of old laying hens as transferred from cage to backyard raising system and to provide basic information on using old laying hens to producers for environmental managements. Overall, percentages of unsaturated fatty acid obtained from breast and thigh muscle with cage and backyard raising system are the most abundant, followed by saturated fatty acid. For breast muscle, there were no differences (P>0.05) between cage rearing system and backyard raising system in saturated fatty acid (SFA) and mono unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA). Poly unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and PUFA:SFA ratios were significantly higher in backyard raising systems in comparison with cage rearing systems (P<0.05). No differences (P>0.05) were detected between both rearing systems for MUFA, PUFA, and PUFA:SFA ratios with thigh muscles. SFA in thigh muscle was significantly (P<0.05) higher in cage rearing systems compared with backyard raising systems. In conclusion, using breast and thigh muscle meats from old laying hens as functional foods or investigating impact assessment on the improvement of farm management system may serve as a good management practice to encourage producers.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The management and the use of major mineral nutriments such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, etc have been practiced and improved in various cultivating methods of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer. The purposes of this study were to examine the content of major mineral nutrients on different ginseng aging from 1 to 6 years old, to analyze their uptake and utilization in tissues of ginseng, and to find out their proper managing techniques throughout the cultivation of ginseng. In case of the leaves, the N content was not clearly different from 1 to 6 years old, while the content of P and K was generally decreased throughout the cultivating years. In case of the roots, the content of N and K was gradually decreased from 1 to 6 years old, while the P content was increased until 3 years old, decreased at 4 years old, increased again at 5 years old, and decreased again at 6 years old. The uptake amount of N was increased in root of ginseng from 1 to 6 years old, 0.02 to 2.79kg/10a based on dry weight, respectively. Other minerals of P, K, Ca, and Mg were increased for the cultivating year. Comparing the uptake amounts of N, P, K with different cultivating year, they were the highest uptake amount at 4 years old and then were decreased. The management techniques of major mineral in cultivation of ginseng would be studied and evaluated more in order to have better ginseng production.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To develop the practical cultivation for paddy field, we investigated the properties of paddy soil, growth characteristics and ginsenoside content of 6-year-old ginseng, Cheonpung variety between poor drainage class (PDC) and imperfect drainage class (IDC). Groundwater level in PDC showed monthly small changes of 20~30 cm, while IDC showed monthly great changes of 28~71 cm depending on rainfall. Soil moisture content in PDC and IDC was 17.2%, 22.5%, respectively. Air temperature in IDC was lower than 0.3℃, while soil temperature was higher than 0.8℃ compare to PDC, respectively. Main soil color of PDC was grayish olive, while IDC was brownish olive. PDC showed yellowish mottles only at underground of 20~40 cm, while IDC showed that at underground of 30~90 cm. IDC showed lower pH, EC, potassium, calcium and magnesium content, but higher organic matter, phosphate, and iron content than that of PDC, respectively. All of EC, organic matter, potassium, calcium, and magnesium content were decreased, but iron content was increased at the subsoil layers of PDC. All of EC, organic matter, phosphorus, and potassium content were decreased, but calcium and magnesium content were increased at the subsoil layers of IDC. Root yield in IDC was more increased by 33% than that of PDC. The moisture content and rusty ratio of ginseng root in IDC were lower than that of PDC. Ginsenoside content in IDC was higher than that of PDC because the ratio of lateral and fine root showing relatively high content of ginsenoside was higher in IDC than that of PDC.
        2012.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Putting aside many themes on Marcion worth studying, this thesis concentrates on his interpreting the OT. Apart from the main stream of the interpretation in his age, he reads OT literally. Relying on this method he can insist, that the God in OT acting cruel, enjoying war and blood, and laying burden like laws on human being is evil(Isa. 45: 7) and so different from the good God by Jesus. This later one has been unknown until the advent of Jesus. He plans to regain the intact Evangelium of the highest god through discarding OT and cleaning the contaminated scriptures he sees as Evangelium, i. e. Gospel of Luke and 10 pauline letters. His theological effort interpreted from his understanding OT is nothing but an establishing the Identity of Christianity. Christianity is for him perfect new, unknown and so unrelated to Judaism. Opposing to the big church accepting the OT as the sola canon, namely one testament, he makes it as the document truly showing the world being evil and it’s cause. His theological effort could have given, as Campenhausen said, the shock to the big church to try to harmonize two testaments. In oder not to say, that both testaments repeat the same truth, the church should find out some picture describing the whole history of the world: Heilsgeschichte. Apart from the evaluating him dogmatically it should be admitted, that in controversy with his theology the Christianity became the Religion, which has the canon consisting of two testaments and at the same time the historical perspective from the beginning of the world to the end of all.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        An important factor in the production of organic ginseng is the control of Alternaria blight and anthracnose, which mostly affect the leaves in the summer. We compared the effects of a lime-bordeaux mixture (LBM) and agricultural chemicals on the growth characteristics and ginsenoside content in 4-year-old ginseng plants when they were sprayed at 15-day intervals from mid-June to the end of September. The increases in leaf length, and survive-leaf ratio in plants sprayed with LBM were greater than the increases of the control plants, but less than those of agricultural chemicals treatment. The root weight per plant in the plants sprayed with LBM increased more distinctly than that in the control plants, while it was significantly lower than that in plants sprayed with agricultural chemicals. The root yield in plants sprayed with LBM increased by 21% compared to the root yield in the control plants, but decreased by 7% compared to that in plants sprayed with agricultural chemicals because of the decreases in leaf area and survive-leaf ratio. Spraying of LBM had a significant effect on the ginsenoside contents. The total ginsenoside content was highest in the control plants and lowest in the plants sprayed with agricultural chemicals and total ginsenoside contents was great relative to survive-leaf ratio and root weight.
        2012.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        기 시공된 창호 시설물은 설계절차의 부재 및 노후화와 재료의 극한 물성치에 대한 불확실성을 포함하고 있기 때문에 개별 보유저항성능을 확정적인 대표값으로 나타내기 어렵다. 따라서 도시 시설물의 풍해 취약도를 평가하기 위해서는 각각의 시설물이 보유하고 있는 풍해 저항성능을 확률적 모델을 이용하여 제시하는 것이 요구된다. 본 연구에서는 구형 창호 시설물에 대하여 유리, 수직-수평바, 고정앵커 및 고정철물의 개별적 세부 저항 요소로 분류하여 그 중 수직-수평바와 창호 정착시스템(고정철물)에 대한 저항성능 실험을 수행하였다. 본 연구의 목표는 구형 창호에 대한 내풍 저항성능을 평가하는 것이므로 내풍 저항성능 평가의 대상 선정을 위해 실제 현장조사 및 문헌조사를 바탕으로 구형 창호에 대한 대표형상을 도출하였다. 수직-수평바의 경우 슬라이딩 타입은 S-85, S-110, S-115 타입과 고정형 타입은 F-120, F-150으로 구분되었으며 각각에 대한 구조성능실험을 수행하고 항복내력 및 극한내력의 평균 표준편차를 구하였다. 이 결과는 향후 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션을 통해 창호의 풍해 저항성능 평가에 필요한 확률적 모델을 제시한다.
        2011.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 원예치료 프로그램이 사회교육프로그램에 참여한 어르신들의 사회성 발달과 대인관계에 미치는 영향에 대하여 알아보았다. 결과 사회성 발달의 5가지 영영에서 모두 유의한 결과를 나타났다. 또한 대인관계는 개인차는 존재하지만 대부분 어르신에서 효과가 높게 나타났다. 금번 조사에 참여한 어르신들은 복지관, 노인정 등을 주로 찾으며 무료한 일상을 보내고 있는 분들이지만 식물을 활용한 원예치료가 노인들의 닫힌 마음을 열어주고 사회성을 높여 주며 대인관계 개선에 많은 도움이 되는 것을 알 수 있었다. 사회교육프로그램 등에 원예치료프로그램을 접목 실시하여 다양한 어르신들이 원예치료프로그램이 주는 혜택을 누릴 수 있다면 노인들의 상실감, 소외감 등으로 오는 노인화사회의 사회문제 해결에도 많은 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper attempts to review the validity of metrical evidence for secondary stress in OE (Old English). Initiated by Huguenin (1901), the tradition of reconstructing secondary stress on the basis of meter builds on the isomorphy between language and meter. Even though the prosodic reconstruction from meter has proven to be fairly useful, there are certain properties to be carefully considered in order to argue for the existence of secondary stress in OE. It is argued that verse types, not alliteration, cannot be a reliable source for the reconstruction of secondary stress. Due to the differences with regard to fundamental assumptions on OE meter, the predictions on the placement of secondary stress are not consistent. In addition, most OE metrical systems are not free of inherent circularity between verse types and secondary stress. It is also demonstrated that given the distinct nature of stress assignment, secondary stress in compounds should be distinguished from that in noncompound words. Moreover OE secondary stress cannot be claimed to exist without the precise definition between compounds and noncompound words being properly reflected in the reconstruction process.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        독도가 한국 땅인 것은 너무나도 명백한 사실이며 한국의 여러 역사책과 고지도에 분명히 기록되어 있다. 이러한 역사적 사실을 외면하는 일본의 주장이 얼마나 억지 주장인가를 우리나라에서 간행한 고지도와 일본에서 제작한 고지도 그리고 서양에서 제작한 고지도들을 통하여 밝힐 수 있다. 독도가 우리나라의 영토가 된 것은 신라 지증왕 13년(512)에 이사부를 시켜 우산국을 병합한 1500년 전부터이다. 삼국사기 의 기록에 의하면,“신라 지증왕 13년(512)에 이사부가 왕명을 받고 나무 사자를 많이 만들어서 배에 싣고 그 나라 해안에 이르러 거 짓으로, 너희가 만약 항복하지 않으면 이 사나운 짐승을 놓아서 너희들을 밟아 죽이겠다.”고 하니 우산국 사람들이 무서워서 항복하였다. 고려사 지리지에도 “우산도(于山島)와 무릉도(武陵島)는 본래 두 섬으로 서로 거리가 멀지 않아 바람이 불지 않고 날씨가 맑으면 바라볼 수 있다”고 되어 있고, 세종실록지리지에도 “우산과 무릉 두 섬이 현의 정동(正東) 해중에 있다. 두 섬의 거리가 서로 멀지 아니하여, 날씨가 맑으면 가히 바라볼 수 있다. 신라 때에 우산국이라고 하였다.”고 기록되어 있다. 위의 삼국사기와 고려사 지리지 그리고 세종실록지리지의 내용을 살펴보면 독도는 신라 지증왕 때 우리나라의 영토에 편입되었으며 우산국은 울릉도와 독도인 우산도를 가리킨다고 분명하게 밝히고 있다. 울릉도와 우산도는 15세기 제작된 팔도지도와 동람도 등에서 독도를 한국의 영토로 표시하고 있으며, 그 이후에 제작되는 거의 대부분의 지도들이 우산도를 한국의 영토로 표시하였다. 특히 1693년의 안용복 사건이 있은 후에 조정에서는 수토관(搜討官)을 파견하여 독도를 관리하였다. 1694년 최초의 수토관인 장한상은 울릉도와 우산도를 자세히 수토하고 돌아와 그 곳 지리 인식에 맞 게 지도를 제작하여 조정에 보고하였다. 우산도를 동람도와 달리 울릉도 우측에 표시하였고, 이후에는 모든 지도에서 우산도를 울릉도의 우측에 표기하였다. 19세기 제작되는 대한전도에서도 우산도를 울릉도의 우측에 표시하였다. 이와 같이 많은 지도에서 독도인 우산도(于山島)를 한국의 영토로 표기하였다. 일본은 오랫동안 울릉도를 죽도(竹島), 독도를 송도(松島)라고 부르며 한국의 영토로 인정하였고, 일본의 공식지도를 비롯하여 80 여종의 지도들이 독도를 한국의 영토로 표시하였다. 그러다가 갑자기 울릉도를 송도, 독도를 죽도 또는 리앙코도라고 불렀다. 1905 년에는 독도를 불법적으로 그들의 영토로 편입하고는 독도를 죽도(竹島)라고 칭하며 자기 영토라고 억지 주장을 하고 있다. 서양의 고지도에서도 단빌의 조선왕국도를 비롯하여 많은 지도들이 독 도가 일본 영토가 아니라 한국의 영토로 표시하고 있다. 20세기에 들어서면서 서양의 포경선들이 출몰하여 독도를 마치 무주지인 것처럼 오인하고 리앙쿠르 암이나 호넷트 섬 등으로 명명하여 혼란을 가져왔다. 그러나 우리나라의 많은 지도들이 증명하는 것처럼 독도는 엄연 한 한국 땅이다. 6세기부터 우산도라고 불러 온 독도는 그 명칭이 어떠하든 간에 변함없는 우리의 영토이다.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research selected The Old Rectory, Sissinghurst and East Lambrook Manor as a case study location that is meaningful to discuss potager garden, herb garden and harvest garden, which is a topic of productive garden. This research focuses on the growth potential of Korea's rural house into a garden that embellishes decoration and appreciation. The application method through the interpretation of the case study location will be, first, organizing the shape of the flower bed and then adding additional materials along with the main materials. Second, it can increase the appreciation of productive garden through layering method and making it abundant. Third, it can be utilized well by pursuing artistic feature by combing unique color and texture of edible plants. Lastly, for the weakness of flat structure by short edible plants, vertical structure shall be utilized to provide decoration and frame. Also, by using natural materials, the ambiance of the garden can be presented.