
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 603

        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To Yeats, as Mario Praz remarks in The Romantic Agony, sex was “the mainspring of works of imagination”(vx). This paper is an attempt to read Yeats’s “A Woman Young and Old” in terms of poetic representations of feminine sexuality and gender. All written in years 1929 through 1931, the sequence of eleven poems deal with the problems of female body and desire in a repressive patriarchal society. The first and introductory part of the paper briefly surveys the social and cultural background of the poems. The centrality of the subject of feminine sexuality and gender in these poems shows that Yeats saw the social and cultural repression of women and their sexual desire as one of the serious and urgent problems facing Ireland at that time. In Ireland of the 1920s, where the new national frame was being created under the hegemony of the Catholic Church and the middle class, the general attitude toward the women’s position and role and their sexual expression was very conservative and repressive. The main part of the paper closely reads the poems of the sequence, from “Father and Child” in which a daughter boldly asserts sexual freedom in defiance of her father’s opposition and criticism, to “From the ‘Antigone’” which shows another daughter defying the authority of king for the sake of filial love and the freedom of conscience. In reading the poems, this paper tries to show how Yeats’s awareness and affirmation of the female body and desire is expressed in his criticism of the repressive sexual morality and culture of the Irish society, especially the Catholic Church. In opposition to that sexually repressive and ascetic culture, he shows women’s body and sexual desire in such a bold and affirmative way that the poetic expression itself turns out to be an effective critique of that culture.
        1999.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This part comments the part related to filiform needle(小鍼) among the contents of Ku Chim Sip I Won(九鍼十二原) in Young Chu(靈樞) Ku Chim Sip I Won explains ① the name, the form and the use of nine kinds of neddles, ② and reinforcement and reduction through inserting the neddle in the same direction as the channels runs or in the opposite direction, and closing or enlarging the acupuncture hole etc., ③ and notice and contraindication in applying acupuncture, ④ and the close relationship of between diagnosis and acupuncture, ⑤ and the adverse reaction through a wrong treatment. Thus, it is very important to studying this part which comments Ku Chim Sip I Won. Summerizing the contents of the "So Chim Hae(小鍼解)" in reference to the contents of Ku Chim Sip I Won. the contents were as follows; What attracts our attention in chapter Ⅰ is the basic principles of applying acupuncture. What attracts our attention in chapter Ⅱ is reinforcement and reduction based on shortage and surplus, and their related reactions of human body. What attracts our attention in chapter Ⅲ is dividing the invasion of pathologic factors into three category(upper, medium, lower part) and then its mechanism and therapy, and the adverse effects through wrong treatmant. What attracts our attention in chapter Ⅳ is explaining the importance of observation of complexion and paltation of abdomen. Chim Hae(鍼解) in So Moon(素問) also comments Ku Chim Sip I Won in the same way that this part does, and yet there are not a few differences from this part in noting. Thus we need the comparative study of between this part and Chim Hae to understand Ku Chim Sip I Won. Besides we have to add the comparative study of views of distinguished physicians to correctly understand. I therefore made a comparative study both on the contents of those parts related to this part,and on the commentations of distinguished physicians to correctly understand Ku Chim Sip I Won, the important part about acupuncture.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1998.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구의 목적은 젊은 아시아인과 코카시아 여성의 보행패턴 중 보폭시간(step time) 과 보폭 (step length)을 비교하고 두 집단의 골반넓이와 보폭과 상관관계가 있는지 알아보는 것이다. 연구대상자는 15명의 아시아인과 15명의 코카시아 여성이었으며 나이는 23세에서 35세 범위에 있었다. 보행분석을 위해서는 GAITRite System을 사용하였으며 분석방법으로는 인종(아시아인대 코카시아인)과 신체부위(좌측, 우측)를 요인으로 하여 반복측
        1998.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1998.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The contents of Han Yul Byung (寒熱病) are explained on the basis of the so-called theory "Yin and Yang, the Five Evolutive Phases (음양오행)" ; The text of the Han Yul Byung (寒熱病) of the Young Chu (靈樞) was written in the Kap Ul Kyung (甲乙經) chapter 5, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 ; Also it was written in the Tae So (太素) volume 10 and 26 ; Also it was introduced in the Ryu Kyung (類經) volume 20, 21 and 22 by Jang Kae-Pin (張介賓) in the Myung (明) dynasty ; Summarizing the contents of the Han Yul Byung in reference to the contents of successive generation note, the contents run as follows: Chapter 1 deals with the symptoms and treatment of diseases which accompany chills and fever (寒熱病) ; Chapter 2 deals with arthralgia with other joint systems (骨痺) and flaccid paralysis of limbs (體惰病) ; Chapter 3 deals with indications of five points around the Chen You Points (天牖穴) Chapter 4 deals with the treatment of toothache ; Chapter 5 deals with the treatment of headache and eye pain ; Chapter 6 deals with the acupuncture manipulation according to changes of season ; Chapter 7 deals with the serious influence of carbuncle according to the region of body ; Chapter 8 deals with the treatment of heat-syndrome ; Chapter 9 deals with the side effect of acupuncture ; It is too difficult to understand the Han Yul Byung (寒熱病) , because it is written in old chinese ; Consequence of above reason, the writer of this article has researched to find out the exact meaning of that ; 
        1998.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        유자(Citrus junos T.) 과원의 주요 해충의 귤응애(Panonychus ?갸 M.)의 발생소장, 온도별 발육기간, 산란수, 부화율 및 유자유목의 생육에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 1996년부터 1997년까지 2년간 조사한 결과, 귤응애는 5월부터 11 월까지는 발생하였는데 년 2회의 발생최성기를 이루었다. 1차 발생최성기는 7~8월이고, 2차발생최성기는 10월이었다. 2차 발생최성기에는 잎당밀도 9.5마리로 연중 최대발생량을 보였다. 유자 잎에서 귤응애의 각 태별 구성비는 난, 약충, 성충이 각각 85, 9, 6%로 난의 비율이 월등히 높았다. 15, 20, 25, 1(RH 60 10%, 14L-10D)의 항온조건에서 난부터 성충까지 발육기간은 각각 41.1, 15.5, 11.0, 9.4일이고 성충수명은 23.3, 8.3, 6.3, 6.1일로 온도가 높을수록 발육기간과 성충수명은 짧아지는 경향이고 부화율은 에서 94.7%로 가장 높았다. 일평균 산ㄹ나수는 에서 4.5개로 가장 많았다. 또, 귤응애 방제밀도에 따른 유자유목의 생육상황은 방제밀도가 낮을수록 간주 및 수관용적 증가량이 많았고 엽록소함량도 많았다. 월동후 낙엽율은 1, 3, 6마리/잎, 무방제에서 각각 13.5, 20.6, 53.1, 72.6%로 잎당 성충밀도 3마리 이하에 방제하는 것이 낙엽율이 낮았다.
        1997.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        머위 유엽의 조기생산 가능성을 구명코자 근주의 정식시기, ABA 함량과 휴면과의 관계에 대해서 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 자연환경 조건하에서 근주의 휴면은 10월 상순경부터 시작되어 11월 중순경에 가장 깊었으며, 그 후 서서히 타파되기 시작하여 12월 하순경 이후에는 안전히 각성됨을 알 수 있었고, 이 기간의 5℃ 이하 저온누적시간은 900시간 정도이다. 이는 근주의 휴면이 타파되기 위해서는 반드시 저온이 요구됨을 의미한다. 근주의 생육시기별 ABA 함량은 머위의 생육성기인 4월부터 9월까지는 ABA가 전혀 존재하지 않았는데 이는 휴면기간 동안 다른 저장양분과 함께 근주내에 존재하던 ABA가 맹아와 함께 지상부로 이동되었기 때문이며, 반대로 10월부터 ABA가 근주내에 존재하기 시작한 것은 외기기온의 하강과 더불어 지상부가 고사되면서 지상부에 존재하던 ABA가 근주로 이동되었기 때문인 것으로 사료된다. 따라서, 식물체내에서 생육을 억제하고 휴면을 유도하는 물질로 알려진 ABA는 머위 근주의 휴면과 밀접한 관계가 있는 것으로 판단되었다.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Circumstellar peculiarities of the young Herbig Ae/Be stars are analyzed using high-resolution CCD spectroscopic data, obtained in 1991-1996 at the ESO and the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory (about 450 spectrograms). The results of investigation of the rapid line variability in Hα, Hβ, HeI 5876 and DNaI lines are presented for AB Am, HD 163296, HD 36112, HD 100546, and HD 50138. We conclude that the behaviour of these lines can be explained in the framework of the model containing an equatorially concentrated and azimuthally inhomogeneous stellar wind, and an external cool shell that occasionally looses matter in form of infall onto the star.
        1996.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        시설내 수박의 재식 거리를 줄이기 위하여 줄기의 신장과 생장에 대한 DIF의 효과를 조사하였다. 주야간의 온도를 각각 25℃에서 35℃까지 5℃간격으로 처리한 결과, 줄기의 신장, 엽면적, 건물중 및 개화수는 주야의 온도에 따라서 다르게 나타났다. 줄기의 신장과 절간의 길이는 동일 주간 온도에서 야간 온도가 증가함에 따라 감소되는 경향을 보였다. 엽수는 주간 온도 35℃ 처리구에서 가장 많았으며, 개화수는 25℃에서 가장 적게 나타났다. 엽면적은 35/30(DT/NT)에서 최대를 보인 반면, 엽당 평균 면적은 25/25(DT/NT)에서 가장 큰 경향을 보였다. 엽당 엽면적과 절간의 길이는 25℃에서 최대를 보였으며, 이들은 온도의 변화에 따라 거의 같은 비율로 증가되거나 감소되었다. 건물중은 35/30(BT/NT)에서 최고를 보였으며, 25/30(DT/NT)에서 최소치를 보인 반면, 줄기와 뿌리 건물중의 비는 주간 온도 30℃ 이상에서 그리고 야간온도 25℃에서 최대를 보였다. 엽록소 함량은 주간과 야간 온도가 감소됨에 따라 감소되었다.
        1995.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The UBVIKC CCD photometry was performed in the central region(~ 20' × 20') of the extremely young open cluster IC1805. Member stars were selected in the (B-V)-(U-B) and (V-I)-(B-V) color-color planes. Applying recent stellar evolutionary models, we derived the age, age-spread, and initial mass function(IMF) of the cluster. IC1805 was found to be an extremely young(tage ~ 1.5Myr) and has a flat IMF with the slope of Γ=-1.0±0.2.
        1994.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to develop an objective method of strength measurement of muscles controlling the wrist joint in normal subjects. Forty subjects (20 male, 20 female) with a mean age of 22 years, were tested isokinetically at and . Results were as follows, 1) Peak torque for wrist flexors, extensors were significantly different for both speeds, but wrist ulnar deviator, radial deviator peak torques were not, 2) Mean values for all muscle groups controlling the wrist were not significantly different for both speeds in the female group, 3) All mean values at both and were significantly different between males and females, 4) Means and standard deviations of wrist joint angle of movement at peak torque were determined.
        1992.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An attenuation profile of young uppermost oceanic crust was obtained using ocean bottom seismometers and explosive sources detonated near the ocean bottom. The quality factor (Q) increased from 6 at the sea floor to 50 at a depth of 500 m. The mechanisms of high attenuation obtained in this experiments was inferred by examining several attenuation mechanisms such as frictional dissipation, viscous shear flow, liquid squirt mechanism and scattering by small pores and large cracks. Comparison of the attenuation value in this experiment and those from other experiments was also used to clarify the mechanism of the high attenuation. Of those mechanisms mentioned above, frictional dissipation, viscous shear flow and scattering do not seem to be the cause of the high attenuation in the uppermost oceanic crust where many small pores and large scale cracks are developed. The most viable mechanism in the young uppermost oceanic crust seems to be liquid squirt mechanism.
        1986.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to survey the traditional salt production at the eastern coast, Young-Hae, in Yi-dynasty, data of salt production were collected through interviewing with whom had received the skill from ancestors and analyzed the data. The results obtained were as follows. Salt-producer take the salt water containing much salt and then he transported the salt-water by having water buckets an back in with using the water-toting device (Mul ji ge). Finally he carried out the irrigation (Mul dae gi) to a ditch (Dorang). It is noteworthy that the East-sea salt production method was not selecting a method of salt-pond style with a bank for salt production but using the salt water transportation fashion without a bank for that. Judging from these facts, we could conclude that traditional salt production method was handed down into the Yi-dynasty from ancient times.