
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,531

        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates whether model dialogues in currently available middle school English textbooks present appropriate pragmatic input in the realization of speech acts or communicative functions with a focus on the authenticity of the textbook dialogues. To attain this purpose, a total of 18 textbooks were scrutinized in terms of communicative functions. The results showed that many of the textbook dialogues are devoid of adequate treatment of speech acts or communicative functions. The poor representation was evident in a wide array of communicative functions such as requesting/favor-asking, thanking, inviting, encouraging, complaining, responding to complaints, expressing sympathy, expressing surprise, refusing and responding to refusals. The misrepresented functions were largely due to the lack of sensitivity to situational constraints, interlocutor variables, and/or formality. Some cases were ascribed to pragmatic transfer from the native language. This study will contribute to the improvement of the currently available textbooks so that they can provide authentic speech act input.
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Articles in one domestic journal, English Teaching (ET), and one international journal, TESOL Quarterly (TQ) from 2011 to 2013 were surveyed in order to analyze current research trends and to suggest better orientation toward future research focusing on participants, research methods, target language skills, and research topics. The results show that university students have participated most in both of the journal articles, indicating that they are practically available to the researchers in higher educational settings. The proportion of quantitative and qualitative research methods was well balanced in TQ, while, in ET, more than 50 percent of the articles relied on quantitative research methodology along with a relatively larger proportion of mixed method research in ET. In terms of target language skills, writing has been studied most in ET and speaking in TQ, showing growing interest in productive language skills nowadays. As for research topics, articles based on socio-cultural factors have been published most in TQ and articles based on classrooms pedagogy in ET, which reflects that English learning is performed mostly in classroom settings in Korea. Pedagogical implications and suggestions are made based on the findings
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims to analyze the scores assigned to compositions of Korean as a foreign language (KFL) in terms of the many-facet Rasch measurement (MFRM) model. The MFRM computer program Facets has recently been updated and this research uses it in order to investigate the scoring reliability of KFL writing test. For the research data the Korean compositions written by 270 KFL learners were collected and rated by eleven Korean raters. At first a brief theoretical basis for the Facets is introduced based on the MFRM model. Then focusing on the raters’ characteristics such as rating consistency and fitness in terms of the rating scheme of content/organization and language, the collected scores of KFL compositions are analyzed and the analysis results are interpreted. As a result, a few cases of unreliable scoring of Korean raters are identified, but it appears that the ratings of Korean raters for a standardized KFL writing test are generally reliable. Finally it is suggested that the Facets program of MFRM offer many potential advantages for validating the scoring reliability of Korean writing assessment.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper reports results from two types of priming experiments (i.e., masked and cross-modal priming experiments) which compare Chinese L2 learners’ morphological processing of a Korean verbal suffix -ko with adult native speakers of Korean. L1/L2 differences were found in both the masked and cross-modal priming experiments: Full priming effects were found in the masked priming experiment and partial priming effects in the cross-modal priming experiment in L1, while weak or no priming effects were found in both types of priming experiments of L2. These findings indicate that L2 learners of Korean are less sensitive to morphological structure than native speakers and dependent on the lexical storage of the full form. This study also provided evidence for the non-difference between the masked priming and the cross-modal priming experiments both in L1 and L2.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the acquisition of figurative language contributes to the development of communicative competence. In addition, this educational proposal aims to enhance the metaphorical awareness of the E/LE students and develop the strategies to the understanding of the Spanish phraseological units (PUs). Therefore, I selected quite a number of Spanish PUs of emotions of joy, sadness and anger from the latest dictionaries and analyzed these PUs on the basis of the Cognitive Metaphor Theory. With the cognitive models like ANGER IS FIRE, JOY IS LIGHT, SADNESS IS DOWN that underlie these PUs, I demonstrated the didactic possibilities to explain the idiomaticity of PUs, which becomes an additional resource that guarantees the enhancement of lexical capacity. Finally, I made some didactic proposals about how to deal with PUs in Spanish as a foreign language classroom. El objetivo de esta comunicación es mostrar que la adquisición del lenguaje figurado contribuye al desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa de forma integral. Se trata de una propuesta didáctica que tiene como meta desarrollar en los alumnos de la E/LE conciencia metafórica y estrategias para comprender unidades fraseológicas españolas (UFs). Asimismo, seleccionamos bastantes UFs de las emociones como alegría, tristeza e ira en los más recientes diccionarios y las analizamos a base de la teoría de la metáfora cognitiva. Con los modelos cognitivos como LA IRA ES FUEGO, LA ALEGRÍA ES LUZ, LA TRISTEZA ES ABAJO que subyacen a estas UFs demostramos las posibilidades didácticas de explicar la idiomaticidad de estas UFs, que se convierte en un recurso adicional con capacidad potenciadora del léxico. Por último, ofrecemos algunas propuestas didácticas para abordar UFs en la clase de ELE.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims to present some arguments for introducing Korean culture in teaching of French at Korean high schools. First, it is compatible with Intercultural Approach, a general trend for foreign culture education. Second, it is helpful to the communicative competence of the Korean students who are supposed to communicate with French interlocutors. In a natural communication situation, a French speaking person is likely to ask a Korean interlocutor questions concerning the Korean culture, which makes it necessary for Korean highschool students to learn how to explain it in French. Third, it can help Korean learners to take up positive attitudes towards French learning with higher motivation for French speaking and stronger confidence in themselves. Finally, it is recommended that the elements of the Korean culture introduced in French lessons should concern everyday lives rather than the sophisticated intellectual culture and that they be introduced through ‘intercultural dialogues’ in French. l’introduction de la culture coréenne dans l’enseignement du français au sein des lycées coréens. Premièrement, son introduction permet aux lycéens coréens, tout en apprenant le français, d’être sensibilisés à l’approche interculturelle, préalable à une éducation des cultures étangères. Deuxièmement, elle peut leur servir à développer leur compétence de communication lors de leurs interactions avec des francophones. Il est en effet naturel que, dans les situations de communication dans lesquelles un lycéen coréen et un francophone dialoguent, le francophone pose des questions sur la culture coréenne et que le coréen y réponde. D’où la nécessité de préparer les lycéens coréens à en parler en français. Troisièmement, cette capacité à parler de culture coréenne en français, avec ses principaux corollaires : une grande confiance en soi et un comportement plus participatif, peut favoriser une acquisition plus aisée de la compétence de communication en français. Enfin, nous recommandons que les éléments de la culture coréenne portent sur le quotidien et que ces éléments prennent la forme de ‘dialogues interculturels’ en français entre un francophone et un coréen.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        After the content items of the secondary French curriculum changed to an achievement standards format, the new format appeared to be inconsistent with French education’s current content structure—language skills, language materials, and culture. This study aims to enhance the validity of the creation of the achievement standards by reshaping the curriculum to be more in line with the newly developed standards. This study provides a historical analysis of French curriculum structure and a review of existing literature on the second language education. And it also analyzes the foreign language curriculum structures in several foreign countries. Based on the discussion of preceding chapters, a restructuralization of French curriculum is suggested. The essence of the restructuralization is to divide the achievement standards into language achievement and cultural achievement, as well as to present language skills and materials—subcategories of language achievement in achievement standards formats. Also needed are standards for comprehensive skills including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. To be consistent with the purpose of the achievement standards format, the objectives, teaching and learning methods, and evaluation in French curriculum need to be modified. Finally, I suggest to the entities who are involved in the 2015 curriculum revision the need for scrutiny of the current curriculum format, as well as a change to the format in future development. Après le changement des éléments de contenu faisant partie du curriculum de l’enseignement du français au niveau secondaire pour un nouveau format basé sur les critères d’accomplissement, la structure actuelle de l’enseignement, composée de compétences langagières, de matières langagières et de contenus culturels, n’est plus conforme avec celle modifiée. Par conséquent, cette thèse vise à restucturer le cadre des contenus du curriculum, compte tenu des critères d’accomplissement développés, afin de réhausser la pertinence de l’établissement de ces critères. Cette étude explique l’analyse de la structure des contenus de tous les anciens curriculums et les résultats issus des études et de l’analyse précédentes portant sur les contenus de l’enseignement des langues vivantes. Elle présente ensuite les résultats de l’analyse des contenus des programmes en vigueur à l’étranger, ce qui nous conduit au dernier chapitre qui propose un programme restructuré. Pour résumer ce dernier, les points essentiels consistent à décliner les critères d’accompplissement en deux - critères langagiers et culturels ; proposer les compétences et les matières langagières, sous-catégorie des critères langagiers, sous forme du nouveau format des critères d’accomplissement ; présenter les critères d’accomplissement pour les compétences intégrales comprenant la compréhension et la production orales et écrites ; enfin, faire adapter d’autres points sous ce nouveau format des critères, tels que les objectifs d’enseignement, les méthodes didactiques et celles d’apprentissage, les critères d’évaluation dans le cadre du curriculum de l’enseignement du français. Avec cette proposition, cette thèse invite les chercheurs étudiant le nouveau curriculum 2015 à examiner avec prudence la stucture des contenus actuelle et à réfléchir à la nécessité de la restructuration des contenus à réaliser dans l’avenir.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The research on washback of a test has little been carried out in Korea while it has been flourishing in language testing researchers overseas. This paper investigates whether the advent of NEAT has affected the perception of test takers and the teaching/learning practices in English classrooms of Korea. In addition, we also want to investigate the relationship between variables such as perception of test users, teaching/learning practices, and test scores. We carried out a survey with 601 students who were seated at NEAT administered in April 2013 as well as 3,267 third-year high school students who had no experience on NEAT. The analyses revealed some evidence to support that NEAT has an effect on the perception of the participants. However, the analyses also revealed that NEAT was not effective to appeal for a change in teaching and learning practices in English classrooms in Korea.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the present study is to learn about English conversation instructors, in particular, to find out (1) who they are; (2) how they cooperate with English teachers at schools; and (3) what needs they have to serve better as English teaching staff at schools. An online survey was administered to all English conversation instructors at elementary and secondary schools in Korea. Around 4,630 English conversation instructors- 2,920 at elementary schools and 1,710 at secondary schools- participated in the study. The collected data were analyzed: (1) to describe the characteristics of English conversation instructors; (2) to examine how they are sharing teaching duties with English teachers; and (3) to assess the needs for their competency development. The needs of English conversation instructors were analyzed by calculating the gap between the current competence and the expected competence. The difference of English conversation instructors competence development needs at the elementary level and at the secondary level were then further analyzed through Analysis of Variance. The results of this study can be used as basic data to establish the training system for English conversation instructors’ competence development.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to develop English writing instruction models in order to improve 1st grade high school students’ writing ability under the communicative framework. A writing pattern ‘describing pictures and making an inference’ was utilized to develop writing instruction models and lesson plans. In order to accommodate a wider range of teachers’ needs in high school, the study took into consideration two teaching conditions, learner proficiency levels (high, mid, and low) and skill integration (listening, writing, and reading, writing) in the development process. A total of five English writing instruction models and lesson plans for different teaching conditions were developed using two chapters extracted from two textbooks. The characteristics of the newly developed models and lesson plans were provided so that teachers can easily modify them for their own needs in the practice. Further, the writing pattern ‘describing pictures and making an inference’ turned out to be quite adaptable to real teaching conditions and seemed to contribute to enhancing students’ creativity as well as their writing skills. At the end, study limitations were discussed.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the effects of writing to learn on sixth graders’ English development compared with speaking to learn and examines their perceptions. The study established the following research questions: (a) what are the effects of writing to learn on English speaking and writing abilities compared with speaking to learn? and (b) what are the students’ perceptions of writing to learn compared with speaking to learn? Students in the experiment group had experienced learning English through writing to learn, whereas those in the comparison group had learned English through speaking to learn. As for the results, writing to learn had significant effects on developing speaking and writing abilities in terms of complexity, accuracy and fluency. Also the students had more positive perceptions on writing to learn in cognitive and behavioral perspectives. Writing to learn has been confirmed as effective in learning English, leading students to use English to express their own ideas with more extensive vocabulary and complicated syntactic structures.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recognizing the importance of output and noticing in the second language acquisition, the present study investigated whether model writings and noticing-triggering activities can serve as one form of written feedback to learners’ writing. Particularly, it was interested in whether two different noticing-triggering activities would have different effects on learners’ noticing and incorporation in immediate and delayed revisions. To this end, 93 university students in three English composition classes in Busan were asked to take part in four-staged picture-cued narrative writing task (i.e., drafting, comparison, immediate revision, and delayed revision). The three classes engaged in different activities (i.e., note-taking, underlining, or reading) while they were comparing their own writing and the given models. The results indicated that models as written feedback have led learners to notice linguistic forms that they have previously found problematic or have not thought of as problematic. Furthermore, the note-taking activity in the comparison stage seemed to help learners better incorporate the linguistic forms included in the subsequent input.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research aims to develop and apply an English class program for elementary school students from multicultural families, in order to allow children from multicultural families who lack an understanding of language and culture (both their mother tongue and Korean) to participate successfully in regular English classes. For the purpose, 6 third-year students from multicultural special classes were observed and analyzed to identify difficulties experienced during regular English classes. Their difficulties were classified into lack of background knowledge and basic English words, insufficient use of learning strategies, lack of academic language understanding, and lack of self-confidence. To solve these difficulties, an English class program for elementary school students from multicultural families was developed and applied, based on the theory of multicultural education and the sheltered instruction model. The results are as follows: The introduction of an English class program for elementary school students from multicultural families is presumed to have had a positive effect on students’ English abilities and confidence. Based on this program, more special English teaching programs for the children from multicultural families are expected to be developed for their successful English learning.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated how Korean EFL students’ self-directed English learning abilities, learning strategy use, and the relationship between the two constructs change as they advance to upper level schools. Data were collected from 447 elementary, middle, and high school students in Seocho-gu, Seoul, using Self-Directed Language Learning Readiness (SDDLR) and a revised version of Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL). The results showed that elementary school students’ SDDLR and SILL scores were significantly higher than those of middle and high school students, with no significant difference between the two groups. Among the learner factors, interest toward English study was the only factor which affected all the three groups’ SDDLR as well as SILL scores. The influence of study-abroad experience and starting age of private education was limited to the elementary school student group, indicating their short-lived effects on self-directed learning and strategy use. Lastly, there was a high or moderately high positive correlation between SDDLR and SILL in all the three groups. However, the specific relationship among subcategories of the two constructs was complicated and different among the three groups.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nominalization is regarded as one of the most salient features of native speakers’ texts according to studies investigating academic discourse. Systemic functional linguistics (SFL) identifies grammatical metaphor, which is often identical to nominalization as a key linguistic resource for achieving matured writing. This study examines Korean high school EFL learners’ deployment of grammatical metaphor (GM) by the method of a text analysis and attempts to demonstrate what extent learners from two different proficiency levels use GM in terms of occurrence of nominalization and the nominal group. Six argumentative texts were chosen from the database of over 1200 texts after a genre-based instruction of a semester. The outcome of the study shows that more skilled students used more GM and nominal groups than less skilled students do. It reveals the effect of GM use in writing quality and the probability of GM in pedagogy and assessment of secondary school writing in Korea. Therefore, this research for GM based on SFL is meaningful in the relevant area as the functional role of language is regarded as central.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The recent theory in L2 motivation has proposed viewing motivation as possible selves such as ideal L2 self, ought-to L2 self, and L2 learning experiences to complement the limitation of traditional socio-educational model. The purpose of the study was to test the traditional integrativeness and L2 motivational self system in Korean EFL college contexts and how those motivations have developed over time through a cross-sectional study. A total of five hundred fifty five college students taking English as elective in Korea completed the motivation questionnaires. The results showed that both traditional integrative motivations and L2 motivational self system have increased positively over time at college. The post-hoc test revealed that the senior students developed significantly higher motivations than the freshmen in integrative orientation, attitudes towards learning English, and criterion measures. L2 motivational self system such as ideal L2 self, ought-to L2 self, and L2 learning experiences better predicted motivated behaviors than integrative motivations even though both had significant correlations. Theoretic discussions were made for L2 motivations.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines what role English writing instructors need to play in peer revision activities. Students participating in the study were asked to go through multiple draft writing process in which they wrote three drafts on each writing assignment and review their peers’ essays in both a written comment sheet and an oral discussion. Overall, the results show that the peer comments played little role in improving the students’ essays from the first to second drafts. However, great improvement is observed from the second to final drafts. Specifically, little effect of the feedback on the improvement of non-linguistic features of the essays is identified. Regarding the linguistic features, improvement was made from the second to final drafts. However, it is achieved by both the peer and teacher comments. Therefore, it is concluded in the study that the teacher comments played a role in helping the students produce the linguistically improved final drafts. The study recommends the instructor’s explicit, detailed feedback to the errors caused from students’ insufficient writing and English competence.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of focus-on-form approach on learning connective ending '-느라고' of Korean language learners. Input enhancement and consciousness raising tasks were applied and compared as an effective way of this grammar instruction among various techniques of focus-on-form approach. The participants in the study are intermediate-level Korean language learners. They were divided into two groups, and teaching activities were provided undertaken based on two different methods. According to the results, significant differences were not found between the two methods, but the upper-level students had higher achievements than the lower-level students. Although no significant difference was found between the input enhancement and consciousness raising tasks, it was found that the focus-on-form approach can be recommended as a way to teach grammar effectively, especially it is effective for upper-level learners.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Meskipun reduplikasi penting dalam tatabahasa Indonesia, namun hingga kini akademi lokal masih mengabaikan penyelidikan reduplikasi bahasa Indonesia. Pada buku teks tatabahasa Indonesia untuk perguruan tinggi, fenomena reduplikasi hanya dibahas secara sederhana dan singkat. Itulah sebabnya mahasiswa-mahasiswi lokal yang sedang mempelajari bahasa Indonesia tidak pandai menggunakan bentuk- bentuk linguistik yang diulang. Untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut, reduplikasi bahasa Indonesia akan diselidiki dan dideskripsikan dalam makalah ini. Fenomena linguistik ini juga akan dianalisis berdasarkan teori representasional yang disarankan oleh Raimy(2000). Sebagai tambahan, reduplikasi berima/berentak, satu dari tiga tipe reduplikasi bahasa Indonesia, akan ditelaah secara teliti, khususnya mengenai perubahan konsonan dan vokalnya. Dari kajian ini, dosen maupun pelajar dapat memperoleh pengetahuan komprehensif mengenai fenomena reduplikasi bahasa Indonesia.