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        검색결과 841

        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research was conducted in order to examine the effect of brand status and brand crisis types on consumers’ forgiveness intention. In this research, we proposed and found that the favorable attitude toward the underdog referred as underdog effect (Paharia, Keinan, Avery, & Schor, 2011) would be diluted especially in relational-related failure. When relationship efforts and perceived warmth of the brand are particularly critical, service failure caused by highly identified underdog brand can be perceived to be more serious (Vandello, Goldschmied, & Richards, 2007). Four of the studies consistently demonstrated our assumption in that people expressed less forgiveness intention on underdog brands when the crisis is in a service failure (vs. product failure): study1 and 2, service process failure (vs. service outcome failure): study 3, and human service process failure (vs. non-human service process failure): 4. Further, the mechanism underlying this negative effect toward the underdog was revealed as perceived anger. These findings can give insights to marketers that the types of crisis and the way of brand positioning are very critical to influence customer’s forgiveness intention.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        New product entails risk, causing resistance to adoption. The recommendation system may decrease the psychological risk by guiding decision making process to be more efficient (Häubl and Trifts, 2000). AI (Artificial Intelligence) has been getting smarter and smarter and widely applied to the recommendation system. Even while you are browsing on your Facebook, AI recommends you the products that you may like based on the customized analysis of your interest. However, do people always love to adopt the smart recommends from AI? Definitely no! Then when and why people reluctantly accept AI recommendation? We assume that the product or service where the sense and feeling is important, people might be reluctant to accept the recommendation from artificial intelligence. This is because people might feel threatened when the AI challenges against human uniqueness (Gray and Wegner, 2012). Thus, in this study we investigated how the recommendation system types (AI vs. Human) affect brand attitude depending on the brand image (Symbolic vs. Functional). We found consumers are reluctant to accept a recommendation from AI in symbolic brand where human sense and feel are considered to be critical factors (Study1). This effect was further explained by uncanny-feeling toward the AI recommendation system (Study2). This research is meaningful in that it is the first attempt to apply the artificial intelligence recommendation concept to the marketing strategy by incorporating the concept of brand image. We predicted and found AI based recommendation system is reluctantly accepted for symbolic brand. Furthermore, we discovered the underlying process for this phenomenon as uncanny feeling. People seemed to have uncomfortable feelings against AI recommendation when the brand image is related to sense and feel considered as nature of human uniqueness. Thus, marketers should be very cautious when utilizing the AI recommendation system not to threaten human uniqueness area.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The cryopreservation has been extensively applied in many cells including spermatozoa (semen) during past several decades. Especially, the canine spermatozoa cryopreservation has contributed on generation of progeny of rare/genetically valuable dog breeds, genome resource banking and transportation of male germplasm at a distant place. However, severe and irreversible damages to the spermatozoa during cryopreservation procedures such as the thermal shock (cold shock), formation of intracellular ice crystals, osmotic shock, stress of cryoprotectants and generator of reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been addressed. According as a number of researches have been conducted to overcome these problems and to advance cryopreservation technique, several analytical methods have been employed to evaluate the quality of the fresh or cryopreserved canine spermatozoa in regards to the motility, morphology, integrity of membrane and DNA, mitochondrial activity, ROS generation, binding affinity to oocytes, in vitro fertilization potential and fertility potential by artificial insemination. Because the study designs with certain application of analytical methods are selective and varied depending on each experimental objective and laboratory condition, it is necessary to establish the normal reference data of the fresh or cryopreserved canine spermatozoa for each analytical method to monitor experimental procedure, to translate raw data and to discuss results. Here, we reviewed the recent articles to introduce various analytical methods for the canine spermatozoa as well as to establish the normal reference data for each analytical method in the fresh or cryopreserved canine spermatozoa, based on the results of the previous articles. We hope that this review contributes to the advancement of cryobiology in canine spermatozoa.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To be better fit for highways, pavement systems are required to provide comfortable and safe driving and be structurally durable. Composite pavements can be an effective option as they are more durable by placing a high functional asphalt overlay on a rigid concrete base layer. In order to apply a composite pavement system to the field, it is necessary not only to develop technologies that prevent reflecting crack and deterioration of the base layer, but also to improve bonding performance of materials and ensure structural performance as a pavement system against traffic loading. In advanced countries like Japan, USA and Europe, high-functional composite pavement systems are being put into practice across new highway networks. In this study, we evaluated structural performance (rutting, reflecting crack, and deflection) by applying traffic loads of actual highways through an accelerated pavement tester (APT) of a composite pavement section made up of a quiet porous surface laid over a water-proofing layer, a continuously reinforced concrete base, and a lean concrete sub-base layer, which was developed with new pavement methods used for each layer prior to field application. The APT specimen was constructed with paving materials and equipment actually used on site in the same dimensions (W3.5m*L14m*H2m) as actual highway sections in Korea, and 3-axle double-wheel heavy load (45ton) cart type KALES(Korean Accelerated Loading and Environmental Simulator) traveling on the specimen in both directions was used to simulate traffic loading. After applying around 8,574,000 ESALs of traffic loads, no reflecting crack occurred on the asphalt surface of the composite pavement, without surface distress except for rutting. In order to examine what causes rutting of pavements, we surveyed thickness of pavements by layer and measured asphalt density.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Some of the deicer ingredients are the same as fertilizer ingredients from agricultural activities. The goal of this study is to distinguish the components of highway deicer from the components used for agriculture. Among the deicer ingredients, Ca and Cl are substances which can be supplied by fertilizer or livestock manure. However, fertilizer and livestock manure contain plenty of nitrogen, organic matter, phosphoric acid and magnesium, including deicer ingredients. The soil physico-chemical characteristics were analyzed according to the distance from the highway. The physico-chemical analysis items of the soil include electrical conductivity, total nitrogen (TN), available phosphate (Av.P), organic matter (OM), ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). In the case of effective phosphoric acid, leaching into the subsoil is very low due to various binding mechanisms in the soil. However, it is considered that the compost (fertilizer) applied to the topsoil is mixed with the soil by the tillage or flattening operation. In addition to the organic matter content of the subsoil appear to 10% or more is that in some cases exhibit a similar level as the topsoil. The average soil organic matter content of about 2.6%. This results shows that an excess of organic compost in the study area flows into subsoil and was mixed with the subsoil. The high EC value at the points outside the snow removal effect range level is not considered to be affected by the deicer. The results of the survey showed that the values were differently detected by agricultural activities, and that they should be approached in a complex way in their interpretation.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Asphalt pavement is covered over 90% of Korea road network. There are various causes for damage to asphalt pavement such as crack, stripping, and joints et al. A longitudinal joint occurs in an asphalt pavement when a new batch of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) is laid adjacent to an existing lane for maintenance of asphalt road. It is required to pave the width of a road in multiple lanes because paving the full width of the pavement in a single pass is usually impossible. The durability of longitudinal joints in asphalt pavements is strongly related with the pavement service life. This longitudinal joint is generated attachment sites where the old pavement surface and the new pavement surface are adhered to each other. In the short period of time, early cracks are generated due to the adherence failure of the new and old pavement. Rainwater penetrates into cracks at the time of rainfall. The cracks are enlarged to be connected by labeling and pothole generation, resulting in durability of the pavement deterioration of its service life. Therefore, there is a desperate need for a preventive material that can prevent the expansion of cracks in the longitudinal joint. Compare performance sealing tape with tack coating material, the research team is adopted freeze-thaw and wheel tracking loading test methods. The sealing tape shows the better performance than tack coating material under traffic loading and freeze-thawing test.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pavement Condition Index (PCI) is an important index to establish a proper maintenance and rehabilitation strategy of a road network. The index is calculated based on the present state of surface defects, deformation and cracking. The information is normally obtained by visual inspection and observation of road networks. Nowadays, various sensor-based visual inspection techniques are applied to obtain detailed information of a road network, and to automate the entire process of calculating PCI. Hyperspectral analysis is a technique to identify the spectral signature of a material in the electromagnetic spectrum. The technique is being applied to pavement condition evaluation. Some researchers have reported that Exposed Aggregate Index (EAI) has a relationship with the reflectance of a hyperspectral image of a road network. In this study, the possibility of using hyperspectral images for pavement condition evaluation is experimentally investigated and the relationship between EAI and PCI is addressed.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The change of phenolic compounds and radical scavenging activity of black soybean flours after germination and roasting treatment were evaluated as a part of the purpose of setting the quality of black soybean flours for each application. The moisture content of roasted black soybean flours decreased significantly according to roasting temperature and time, and the crude ash, protein, and fat contents increased. Water binding capacity of roasted black soybean flours without and with germination increased significantly according to roasting temperature and time, however water solubility index and swelling power decreased. The lightness of roasted black soybean flours was significantly decreased, and the redness and yellowness increased. The phenolic compounds and radical scavenging activity of roasted black soybean flours increase with increasing roasting temperature and time. The total polyphenol contents of roasted black soybean flours without and with germination were 5.43∼7.81 and 4.52∼6.17 mg GAE/g, and total flavonoid contents were 2.90∼3.50 and 2.34∼3.01 mg CE/g, respectively. DPPH radical scavenging activity of roasted black soybean flours without and with germination was 254.98∼415.05 and 171.95∼295.15 mg TE/100 g, and ABTS radical scavenging activity was 459.74∼596.37 and 422.95∼526.85 mg TE/100 g, respectively. As a result, it is necessary to set quality standards for each application considering the quality and antioxidant properties of roasted black soybean flours.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Feeding effects of the honeybee pollen products from both domestic, China, Spain and mixture of different origin on the colony development of earth bumblebee, Bombus terrestris L., were surveyed to evaluate efficient nutritional resources for commercial bombiculture in Korea. As the results, the domestic pollen was most effective to achieve high rates of oviposition (88%), colony foundation (70%), and queen production. While feeding with domestic pollens during the egg-laying period, and domestic+Chinese mixture (5:2) during the breeding period (Plot-2), it revealed high oviposition rate of 75%, colony foundation of 65%, and large numbers of adult queen production, indicating its suitability for generation subculturing. In the Plot-3, the same high oviposition rate (75%) was obtained except for feeding with the domestic+Chinese mixture (2:5) during the breeding period, which produced large number of workers.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The fruit house fly Atherigona orientalis (Schiner), which is belonging to Muscidae, Diptera, is classified as quarantine pest and first reported in Korea at 2016. Annual occurrence and spatial distribution pattern of A. orientalis was biweekly monitored from April to December, using fly-wine trap in Korea. A. orientalis was first found in Gwangyang in June and increased populations by September, 2017. It is considering that A. orientalis is difficult to survive during winter season because this species is belonging to non-diapausing insect, so it may possible to be overwintering in warm place such as green house of paprika and tomato during winter. Based on this survey, A. orientalis is considered to be excluded from quarantine pests.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Development and fecundity of the foxglove aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Hemiptera: Aphididae) were investigated at ten constant temperatures (photoperiod: 15L:9D) from 2.5 to 30℃ on soybean (Glycine max) leaves. The nymphs couldn’t emerge to adults at 2.5 and 30℃. The lower development temperature threshold and thermal constant of development completion estimated with a linear development model in nymph were 5.02℃ and 131.2 degree-days. The lethal temperatures were estimated as 33.9 and 32.5℃ with Lactin 2 and Logan 6 non-linear models, respectively. Mean generation time (from 78.4 to 11.8 d) decreased with increasing temperatures (from 7.5 to 27.5℃). The highest net reproductive rate (77.4) was observed at 20℃. The highest intrinsic rates of population increase (0.282) and shortest population doubling times (2.07 d) were recorded at 25℃.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) belong to cell membrane protein family, which regulate various physiological process such as reproduction, behavior and immune etc. In other to identify the GPCRs in pheromone gland of Maruca vitrata, we carried out transcriptome analysis from both females. Transcriptome analysis in the pheromone gland yielded approximately 22Gb and 47,528 transcripts showed positive FPKM value. 48 Genes involved in GPCRs were identified such as pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide receptor (PBANr), prostaglandin receptors, neuropeptide receptor, 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor, galanin receptor, calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor, diuretic hormone receptor, gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor, frizzled and orphan receptors, etc. Various expression of GPCRs in the pheromone gland indicates the role of pheromone gland may not be limited to the production of pheromone.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Plant quarantine is preventing the introduction and adaption of exotic pests in homeland, and then eventually promoting and improving domestic agriculture and forestry. Therefore, we conducted a survey of intercepted pests on hand-carried plants from all over the world to Korea. Totally 7,291 of hand-carried plants had been inspected by quarantine inspectors at 2017. Gimpo, Daegu, and Incheon International Airport showed more inspection cases than other areas by November 10, 2017, meanwhile, Gimhae and Incheon International Airport and Incheon Harbor showed more intercepting pest rate than other areas. In Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, inspector found 490 cases of intercepted pests on 32 countries including China with 116 imported goods.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Microrhagus Dejean, 1833 is reviewed with four species from Korea: Microrhagus foveolatus (Fleutiaux, 1923), Microrhagus jejuensis sp. nov., Microrhagus mystagogus (Fleutiaux, 1923), and Microrhagus ramosus Fleutiaux, 1902. Herein, we provide a key to species of Korean Microrhagus, with diagnoses and photographs for each species.