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        검색결과 827

        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The isolated single coronary artery is a rare congenital anomaly, in which both coronary arteries arise from a solitary ostium. Diagnosis of coronary anomalies and identification of the exact anatomy of coronary arteries has significant clinical importance, hence, myocardial ischemia or sudden cardiac death is usually related to its course of anomalous coronary artery. Most patients with a single coronary artery are asymptomatic and have normal electrocardiogram and negative stress tests. However, if the patient has other structural abnormalities, for example, ventricular hypertrophy, the exam is determined. This report describes a case of single coronary artery, where the right coronary artery originated from the distal left circumflex artery in a patient with hypertrophic ardiomyopathy.
        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Melatonin has several known physiological functions, the main one being synchronization of daily and seasonal rhythms. In addition, melatonin has been reported to influence reproduction and behavioral rhythms with varying results depending on the species. To date, it remains unknown how this rhythm in locomotor activity is controlled endogenously, although there must be coordination of chemical and molecular drivers. However, the species is poorly characterized at molecular level with little sequence information available in public databases. The aim of study was to clarify involvement of endogenous melatonin rhythms and locomotor activity in day-night activity of the eel, Anguilla japonica which is an economically important but endangered species. The levels during daytime (zeitgeber time; ZT 6) were significantly (P<0.05) lower than those during nighttime (ZT 18). A similar pattern was persisted under DD conditions, whereas it disappeared under LL conditions and ocular melatonin levels remained low. Therefore, it is likely that ocular melatonin levels of the nocturnal eel reared under LD and DD conditions fluctuate in a daily/circadian manner and night-related physiological processes are dependent on eel locomotor activities which is a nocturnal species. We found that similar number of genes were differentially expressed between day (ZT6) and nighttime (ZT18), suggesting that during the nighttime also important in differential gene expression with daytime. This work also provides essential information for further studies investigating the molecular basis of daily/circadian system in this species.
        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As a preliminary investigation into the effect of environmental factors control for gonadal development, we examined the involvement of photoperiod and water temperature in ovarian development of Epinephelus. akaara. For the induction of sexual maturation, E. akaara reared in recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). During November 2013, the photoperiod and water temperature was adjusted to 12L:12D and 18℃, respectively. In the photo-thermal treatment group, every 3 weeks daylight was increased as follows a 13L:11D and 14L:10D, and control group was maintained under natural condition. After 9 weeks, water temperature was increased 23℃ in photo-thermal treatment group. The sampled fish every 3 weeks revealed increase in gonadosomatic index (GSI; 5.18±1.38), oocyte diameter and vitellogenic oocytes (423.9±36.1 ㎛) were observed in gonads 12 weeks under photo-thermal treatment group. However, ovarian development was maintained immature stage in control group. In this environmental factors manipulation trial, seventy one of the 95 females (578.4 ± 25.4 g in mean body weight, 31.0 ± 0.5 cm mean total length) treated with HCG injection (doses 500 IU/kg BW) were induced ovulation by artificial stripping. The total volume of ovulated eggs were 3,470 ml and the total volume of fertilized eggs was 3,295 ml. The fertilization rate and hatching rate were 95% and 98%, respectively. These results suggest that the photoperiod as well as water temperature are major environmental factors in triggering the gonadal development of E. akaara.
        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We investigated the change mRNA expression of GtHs subunits (FSHβ, LHβ) in the pituitary, androgen receptor (AR), estrogen receptor (ERα) in gonad and histological observation of gonads in longthooth grouper Epinephelus bruneus by treatment Femara, an aromatase inhibitor (AI). Longtooth grouper (body weight 408±43.1 g; one year) cultured in Future Aquaculture Research Center, NFRDI were used in the experiments. The experiment was conducted for 12 weeks from 21 August 2013. Fish received intramuscular injection of AI at 5 mg/g BW dose in three times every 3 weeks. Fish were sampled pituitary and gonads at 3, 6, 12 weeks post-injection (n=50). The mRNA levels of FSH-β, LH-β in pituitary and AR, ERα mRNA in gonad were evaluated using qRT-PCR and qPCR. The histological change of gonads observed on light microscope. The gonads of control group contained most perinucleolus oocyte. At 3 to 6 weeks post-injection, the gonads of AI-treated group contained a few degenerated oocytes, spermatogonia and spermatocytes. At 12 weeks post-injection, gonads contained spermatids undergoing spermatogenesis. From 6 to 12 weeks post-injection, the expression level of GtHs subunits mRNA in pituitary was significantly higher than control group. The expression level of AR mRNA in gonad was higher than control group from 3 to 12 weeks post-injection. The expression level of ERα mRNA in gonad was lower than control group from 6 to 12 weeks post-injection. These results suggest that immature longtooth grouper with AI treatment induced masculinization via change of GtH subunits in pituitary, AR and ERα mRNA in gonad.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The communications link in a space program is a crucial point for upgrading its performance by handling data between spacecraft bus and payloads, because spacecraft’s missions are related to the data handling mechanism using communications ports such as a controlled area network bus (CAN Bus) and a universal asynchronous receiver and transmitter (UART). The NEXTSat-1 has a lot of communications ports for performing science and technology missions. However, the top level system requirements for the NEXTSat-1 are mass and volume limitations. Normally, the communications for units shall be conducted by using point to point link which require more mass and volume to interconnect. Thus, our approach for the novel communications link in the NEXTSat-1 program is to use CAN and serializer and deserializer low voltage differential signal (SerDesLVDS) to meet the system requirements of mass and volume. The CAN Bus and SerDesLVDS were confirmed by using already defined communications link for our missions in the NEXTSat-1 program and the analysis results were reported in this study in view of data flow and size analysis.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The first Korean satellite laser ranging (SLR) system, Daedeok SLR station (DAEK station) was developed by Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) in 2012, whose main objectives are space geodesy researches. In consequence, Korea became the 25th country that operates SLR system supplementing the international laser tracking network. The DAEK station is designed to be capable of 2 kHz laser ranging with precision of a few mm both in daytime and nighttime observation of satellites with laser retro-reflector array (LRA) up to the altitude of 25,000 km. In this study, characteristics and specifications of DAEK station are investigated and its data quality is evaluated and compared with International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) stations in terms of single-shot ranging precision. The analysis results demonstrated that the DAEK station shows good ranging performance to a few mm precision. Currently, the DAEK station is under normal operations at KASI headquarters, however, it will be moved to Sejong city in 2014 to function as a fundamental station for space geodesy researches in combination with other space geodesy systems (GNSS, VLBI, DORIS, etc.).
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Legume and rhizobia symbiosis plays an important role in conversion of atmospheric dinitrogen to ammonia. On a global scale, this interaction represents a key entry point for reduced nitrogen into the biosphere, and as a consequence this symbiosis is important in both natural and agricultural systems. Symbiotic development of nodule organ is triggered by chito-oligosaccharide signals (Nod factors) from the bacterium which are perceived by the legume root. Understanding the molecular and cellular processes that underlie Nod factor perception is one focus of legume biology. Although forward genetics has proved to be an important tool to identify key players in Nod factor perception, we still know relatively little regarding the functional networks of genes and proteins that connect the earliest steps of Nod factor perception to immediate downstream outcomes. To elucidate genes and proteins that link Nod factor perception to cellular and physiological responses we are taking a discovery-based strategy based on whole transcriptome profiling using RNA-seq analysis in the roots of Medicago truncatula in response to Sinorhizobium meliloti. Functional characterization of a number of candidate genes is currently in progress to further examine their role in nodulation such as generating transgenic plants
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mungbean (Vigna radiata) is a fast-growing, warm-season legume crop that is primarily cultivated in developing countries of Asia. We constructed a draft genome sequence of mungbean to facilitate genome research into the subgenus Ceratotropis and to enable a better understanding of the evolution of leguminous species. The draft genome sequence covers 80% of the estimated genome, of which 50.1% consists of repetitive sequences. In total, 22,427 high confidence protein-coding genes were predicted. Based on the de novo assembly of additional wild mungbean species, the divergence of what was eventually domesticated and the sampled wild mungbean species appears to have predated domestication. Moreover, the de novo assembly of a tetraploid Vigna species (Vigna reflexo-pilosa var. glabra) provided genomic evidence of a recent allopolyploid event. To further study speciation, we compared de novo RNA-seq assemblies of 22 accessions of 18 Vigna species and protein sets of Glycine max and Cajanus cajan. The species tree was constructed by a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo method using highly confident orthologs shared by all 24 accessions. The present assembly of V. radiata var. radiata will facilitate genome research and accelerate molecular breeding of the subgenus Ceratotropis.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was investigated spawning behavior, structure of egg masses and egg development in Aplysia kurodai inhabiting the coastal waters of Jeju Island, Korea. The mating and courtship behavior of A. kurodai occurred in the form of unilateral copulating with chain formation. In chain copulation, only the first animal acted as a female; the second and succeeding animals acted as males (sperm donors) to the animals in front and as females to the animals behind. The fertilized eggs were packaged in capsules that are embedded in jelly to form a cylindrical string called an egg masses. The number of capsule per cm of the egg masses was 55 to 60 capsules and each capsule within the egg masses held 15 to 25 eggs. After spawning, the egg masses were bright yellow or orange in color. This egg masses color not changed until embryos developed into trochophore stage. Thereafter, as embryo developed from trochophore stage to veliger stage the egg masses color became brownish. The fertilized eggs were spherical, with a diameter of approximately 80±1 μm at spawning. At 5 to 6 days after spawning, the embryo developed into trochophore stage and began to rotate within the egg capsule. In the trochophore stage, the precursor of the velum, called the prototroch or prevelum, developed. At 10 days after spawning, the prevelum is transformed into the velum, and the trochophore developed into veliger stage. Between 10 to 15 days after spawning, the veligers broke out of the egg capsule, and hatched as free-swimming larvae.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study examines the effects on fertilization rate (FR), hatching rate (HR), and normal individual rate after artificial fertilization using frozen thawed sperm according to the cryoprotectant (DMSO) concentration and the period of cryopreserved sperm of longtooth grouper, Epinephelus bruneus. Performing artificial fertilization using frozen-thawed sperm, after freezing the sperm at different DMSO concentration of 5.0%, 7.5%, 10.0% respectively, FR were (DMSO 5.0%: 99.5±0.8%, DMSO 7.5%: 99.5±0.7%, and DMSO 10.0%: 99.6±0.6%). The results are not significantly different from the control fresh sperm (100%). HR also (DMSO 5.0%: 96.2±2.3%, DMSO 7.5%: 95.3±3.6%, 10.0%: 96.6±1.8%) were not significantly different in each group. The normal individual rate after hatching using with control fresh sperm (98.4%±0.5) and DMSO concentration level of 5.0% (97.8±0.1%) were not significantly different. However, with 7.5% (97.2±0.6%) and 10.0% DMSO concentrations (95.9±0.2%) are lower than the normal individual rate after hatching observed in the control and 5.0% DMSO. Performing artificial fertilization using frozen-thawed sperm at different frozen period (2 days, 2 years, and 3 years), 10% DMSO FR and HR of 3 years (FR; 66.8±1.8%, HR: 82.0±12.9%) and 2 years (FR; 78.5±14.8%, HR: 79.3±0.6%) cryopreserved sperm were lower than control (FR; 100%, HR: 91.1±3.6%) and 2 days cryopreserved sperm (FR; 99.6±0.6%, HR: 96.6±1.8%). These results suggest suitable DMSO concentration ranges of cryopreservation sperm for E. bruneus is 5 to 10% and with 2 to 3 years cryopreservation period, cryopreservation sperm can be useful for seed production.
        2013.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Neutropenic enterocolitis (NE), the most serious gastrointestinal complication, has been reported as a clinical syndrome that occurs in the setting of disease- or chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. Complications of NE include bowel necrosis with perforation, fistula, stenosis, massive bleeding, abscess formation, and pneumatosis intestinalis (PI). Most physicians recommend initial conservative management with bowel rest, intravenous fluids, total parenteral nutrition, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and normalization of neutrophil counts. Surgical intervention is recommended in the event of obstruction, perforation, persistent gastrointestinal bleeding despite correction of thrombocytopenia and coagulopathy, or clinical deterioration. We experienced a patient whose abdominal computed tomography scan showed pneumoretroperitoneum, intramural gas in the colon, and inferior vena caval gas. Her condition improved after treatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and broad-spectrum antibiotics. We report on this case along with a review of the literature.
        2013.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study characterized PM and VOC emissions from cow dung combustion in a controlled experiment. Dung from grass-fed cows was dried and combusted using a dual cone calorimeter. Heat fluxes of 10, 25, and 50 kW/m² were applied. The concentrations of PM and VOCs were determined using a dust spectrometer and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, respectively. PM and VOC emission factors were much higher for the lower heat flux, implying a fire ignition stage. When the heat flux was 50 kW/m², the CO₂ emission factor was highest and the PM and VOC emission factors were lowest. Particle concentrations were highest in the 0.23-0.3-μm size range at heat fluxes of 25 kW/m² and 50 kW/m². Various toxic VOCs including acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, benzene, and toluene were detected at high concentrations. Although PM and VOC emission factors at 50 kW/m² were lower, they were high enough to cause extremely high indoor air pollution. The characteristics of PM and VOC emissions from cow dung combustion indicated potential health effects of indoor air pollution in developing countries.
        2013.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to raise awareness about environmental protection, people are paying more attention now-a-days in reusing wastepaper. As a result, most countries in the world have already made significant progress related to wastepaper recycling technology. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of slow-release nitrogen fertilizer (SRNF) on the growth of radish plants. Wastepaper was deinked by alkaline solution and SRNF was produced from fertilizer impregnated wastepaper, which applied to an experimental plot compared with a urea fertilized plot. The plant height and total chlorophyll content of the radishes were higher while they were treated with SRNF than with urea. Some agronomic and chemical components were also observed and significant differences between the two fertilizers were found. When the soil was treated with SRNF, the pH, organic matter and total nitrogen content were higher than in the soil which was treated with urea.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To effects of sex maturation in olive flounder by regulating long photoperiod, gonadal development and GTH mRNA expression in the pituitary were investigated. Photoperiod was treated natural photoperiod and long photoperiod (15L:9D) conditions from September 2011 to March 2012. The results showed that natural photoperiodic group showed a higher gonadosomatic index (GSI) than long photoperiodic group during the spawning season (March 2012). The histological analysis of ovarian tissue showed that natural photoperiod group of ovaries contained vitellogenic oocytes, but long photoperiod group of ovaries mainly contained perinucleolus staged oocyte and oil-drop staged oocytes. The FSH mRNA of olive flounder, under natural photoperiod group, showed a significantly higher expression but no significant difference under long photoperiod group. The LHβ mRNA showed a significantly higher expression only under natural photoperiod group. These results may suggest that long photoperiodic information regulates secretion of pituitary FSH and LH and maintain early growing stage of gonadal development in this species.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A field study was conducted to understand nitrogen use efficiency of high yielding Japonica rice varieties under three levels of nitrogen fertilizer (90, 150 and 210 kg N ha -1 ) in Iksan, Korea. Two high yielding rice varieties, Boramchan and Deuraechan, and an control variety, Dongjin2, were grown in fine silty paddy. Nitrogen use efficiencies (NUE) were 83.3, 56.3, and 41.2 in 90, 150, and 210 kg N ha -1 fertilizer level, respectively. Total nitrogen uptake varied significantly among nitrogen levels and varieties. Variety Dongjin2 showed the highest nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUpE), while Boramchan and Deuraechan showed higher nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUtE). However, Nitrogen harvest index (NHI) was higher in Boramchan (0.58) than Deuraechan (0.57) and Dongjin2 (0.53). Rough rice yield showed linear relationship with total nitrogen uptake (R 2 =0.72) within the range of nitrogen treatments. Boramchan produced significantly higher rough rice yield (8546 kg ha -1 ) which mainly due to higher number of panicles per m 2 compared to Deuraechan (7714 kg ha -1 ). Deuraechan showed higher number of spikelets per panicle, but showed lower yield due to lower number of panicle per m 2 . Rice varieties showed different nitrogen uptake ability and NUE at different nitrogen level. Plant breeders and agronomist should take advantage of the significant variations and relationships among grain yield, NUpE, and NUE.
        2013.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        One of the most effective and safe therapeutic methods for treating vitiligo, mixed autologous keratinocytes (KCs) and melanocytes (MCs) cultures have been used for autologous cell transplantation. However, the present transplantation method is faced with a problem that may require a large amount of skin tissue and keratinocytes have limited culture potency. We have found previously that human adipose derived stromal cells (hASCs) from aspirated fat tissue could be used in place of KCs and sufficient amounts of hASCs for transplantation could be obtained by small amount of aspirated fat tissue. The present investigation was determined the effect of ASCs on ex vivo expansion MCs for transplantation. In addition, we examined for a preservation conditions of MCs which have reported low recovery rates and a slowdown in growth after cryopreservation. Various conditions including ASCs ratio, incubation period, and additive materials for MCs cultivation was determined to improve the expansion ability of MCs. The growth rate of MCs colony was elevated 6.85 folds compared the previous conditions. These MCs showed a specific expression of immature melanocyte protein, Trp-2, but did not express the mature melanocyte proteins and markers (c-kit, CD133, and etc.) of mesenchymal stem cells that represents in ASCs feeder. Results in cryopreservation experiments were determined a preservation medium for MCs showing an increased recovery rates after thawing. The characteristics of MCs after cryopreservation using a designed medium were indicated consistent morphology and immunophenotype. In conclusion, ASCs as a feeder could be used in place of keratinocytes for ex vivo expansion of MCs. For clinical trial for vitiligo patients, efficiency experiments in preclinical state should be followed.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rice (Oryza sativa) is the most important staple food of over half the world’s population. This study was conducted to evaluate the possible impact of transgenic rice cultivation on the soil microbial community. Microorganisms were isolated from the rhizosphere of GM and non-GM rice cultivation soils. Microbial community was identified based on the culture-dependent and molecular biology methods. The total numbers of bacteria, fungi, and actinomycete in the rhizosphere soils cultivated with GM and non-GM rice were similar to each other, and there was no significant difference between GM and non-GM rice. Dominant bacterial phyla in the rhizosphere soils cultivated with GM and non-GM rice were Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria. The microbial communities in GM and non-GM rice cultivated soils were characterized using the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The DGGE profiles showed similar patterns, but didn’t show significant difference to each other. DNAs were isolated from soils cultivating GM and non-GM rice and analyzed for persistence of inserted gene in the soil by using PCR. The PCR analysis revealed that there were no amplified protox gene in soil DNA. These data suggest that transgenic rice does not have a significant impact on soil microbial communities, although continued research may be necessary.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Legume and rhizobia symbiosis plays an important role in conversion of atmospheric dinitrogen to ammonia. On a global scale, thin interaction represent a key entry point for reduced nitrogen into the biosphere, and as a consequence this symbiosis in important in both natural and agricultural systems. Symbiotic development of nodule organ in triggered by chito-oligosaccharide signals(Nod factors) from the bacterium which are perceived by the legume root. Understanding the molecular and cellular processes that underlie Nod factor perception is one focus of legume biology. Although forward genetics has proved to be an important tool to elucidate key players in Nod factor perception, we still know relatively little regarding the functional networks of genes and proteins that connect the earliest steps of Nod factor perception to immediate downstream outcomes. To identify genes and proteins that link Nod factor perception to cellular and physiological responses we are taking a discovery-based strategy on large-scale transcriptome profiling using RNA sequencing in the roots of Medicago truncatula in response to Sinorhizobium meliloti. Functional characterization of a number of candidate genes is currently in progress to further examine their role in nodulation.