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        검색결과 193

        2012.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A 40-year-old male was admitted with dry cough of two months’ duration. Radiologic examination revealed an endobronchial mass obstructing the right middle lobar bronchus and poststenotic pneumonia. Despite failure in bronchoscopic diagnosis, due to suspected malignancy and difficulty for bronchoscopic resection, we performed a right middle lobectomy. The histopathological diagnosis was a lipomatous hamartoma, which was exophytic and endobronchial. We report on a rare surgical case of endobronchial lipomatous hamartoma which had occlusive and exophytic growth across the bronchial wall.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (PCI) is a rare condition characterized by multiple intramural pockets of gas filled cysts in the intestinal wall. PCI is usually found incidentally on an imaging study. Many different causes of PCI have been suggested, including mechanical, pulmonary, and bacterial causes. Treatment is usually conservative, including oxygen and antibiotic therapy. We report on two cases of PCI, without symptoms, in a 62-year-old male and a 72-year-old male. Computed tomography showed numerous, small, round, and air densities on the sigmoid colon. Colonoscopy showed numerous, variable-sized, sessile polypoid, balloon-like distended, and protruding subepithelial masses covered with normal colonic mucosa on the sigmoid colon. We observed that when the cyst was stuck with a needle, the size of the cyst was reduced and showed a flat termination. Therefore, we made a diagnosis of PCI and report on the case with references.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In traditional taxonomy on the family Cantharidae, color pattern of the body and the structure of the male genitalia have been often used as diagnostic characters in identification of the specific level. However, these characters caused the difficulty in identifying the female in case a species was described only by male specimens or has the several color types among individuals. In this study, we attempted to evaluate the species reality of Asiopodabrus fragiliformis which was often difficult to be identified due to individual variation in color pattern and lack of information of female, through searching for new morphological diagnostic characters as well as DNA barcoding analysis, including their closely relative species from Russia and Japan. The results showed that A. fragiliformis was represented as three clusters strongly supported by high value of boots trap (>99%) and over 3% branch length. The pairwise distances between species of Asiopodabrus were detected larger, ranged from 3.4–9.5%, than the intragroup distance ranged from 0–2.9% indicating presence of a barcoding gap. And then, the three clusters were respectively determined as A. fragiliformis, A. kurvatovi and a new species through the analysis of morphology and COI gene. Therefore, we suggest that the species delineation on polymorphic species and the female specimens of closely resembling species would be more exactly and effectively determined if DNA barcoding and the traditional taxonomy are used as complementary methods for identification.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pyrifluquinazon, as a quinazinalone chemical group, based on a new mode of biological activity. It is reported that mode of action is modifies insect behavior, rapidly stopping feeding such that insects starve to death. Time-release feature and mortality effect on M. persicae using different pyrifluquinazon nano type and non-nano type were compared. Pyrifluquinazon nano type was formulated with different molecular weight and density of used chitosan (CS 30000 0.1% and CS 3000 0.3%). In the CS 30,000 0.1%, the mortality was weakly occurred at early time, but steadily increased after 4days. Finally, we confirmed more than 70% mortality as a peak at 16days. In CS 3000 0.3%, the mortality showed about 70% until 18days as a effective controlled release. Also, We examine time-release feature and mortality effect on M. persicae according to the different pyrifluquinazon nano type(CS 30000 0.1% and CS 3000 0.3%) of concentrations. The CS 30000 0.1% bioassay results of different concentration were showed that the highest concentration(100ppm) was measured better mortality than other concentration at 0 day, but cannot confirm different effect about dissimilar concentration. However, increasing rates of M. persicae were low as treatment concentrate was high. In CS 3000 0.3% 100ppm concentration bioassay result, aphid mortality reached peak at 24 days and increasing rate also low. Additionally, for the comparing of bioassay and feeding behavior of M. persicae against pyrifluquinazon nano types and non-nano type, EPG technique was carried out. In case of non nano type, feeding inhibition efficacy was showed during 4 days after treatment, but appeared similar level with control after 10days. In CS 3000 0.3% 50ppm, residual efficacy was specially showed until 28days after treatment whereas treatments with CS 30000 0.1% were similar to the control after 22days. These result show that the change of feedinng behavior and motrality of M. persicae is correlated with the change of nano type or non nano type of pyrifluquinazon.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Several species of the genus Aphidius are used in biological control programs against aphid pests throughout the world and their behavior and physiology are well studied. But despite knowing the importance of sensory organs in their behavior, their antennal structure is largely unknown. In this study, the external morphology and distribution of the antennal sensilla on the antennal of both female and male adults of A. colemani were described using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Generally, the filaform antennae of males (1,515.20±116.48 ㎛) are longer than females (1,275.06±116.42㎛). Antennae of this species is made up of scape, pedicel and flagellomeres. Male and female antennae differed in the total number of flagellomeres as 15 in males and 13 in females. Female and male antennae of A. colemani has samely seven types of sensilla. We classified sensilla placodea, Bohm bristles, 2 types of sensilla coeloconica, , 2 types of sensilla basiconica as with a tip pore and with wall pores, sensilla trichodea. In addition, the possible functions of the above sensilla types are discussed in light of previously published literature; mechanoreception(Bohm bristles, sensilla coeloconicaⅡ and sensilla trichodea) and chemoreception(sensilla coeloconicaⅠ, sensilla basiconicaⅠ,Ⅱ and sensilla placodea). Future studies on the functional morphology of the antennal sensilla of A. colemani using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) coupled with electrophysiological recordings will likely confirm the functions of the different sensilla identified in this study.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The multicolored Asian ladybird beetle, Harmonia axyridis, is a generalist predator of aphids also, shows a high level of phenotype polymorphism in color pattern of elytra. Although, it is not sure about genetic information of color polymorphism, it has been confirmed that this phenomenon comes from their genetic traits. The color of H. axyridis elytra is mainly composed of black and red pigment. Phenoloxidase (PO) plays an important role in many insect physiological functions, i.e. sclerotization and pigmentation of cuticle and melanization of parasites. Following activation, PO catalyses the hydroxylation of tyrosine and subsequent oxidation of phenolic substance into quinines, which are further converted to melanin. However, the molecular bases of H. axyridis color pattern formation are almost unknown but it may be that the different pro-POs have different expression. In this study, total RNA samples from four each color pattern individuals, for example, succinea 1, succinea 2, conspicua and spectabilis was extracted. A cDNA enconding pro-PO was molecular cloned from each color pattern of H. axyridis and its putative amino acid sequence shared homology with pro-PO of other insects. We are pursuing to elucidate that their pro-PO sequence will be similar with those other insect PPO sequence. There are also regions of high sequence similarity, including putative activation site and two copper binding sites.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Several species of the genus Aphidius are used in biological control programs against aphid pests throughout the world and their behavior and physiology are well studied. But despite knowing the importance of sensory organs in their behavior, their antennal structure is largely unknown. In this study, the external morphology and distribution of the antennal sensilla on the antennal of both female and male adults of A. colemani were described using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Generally, the filaform antennae of males (1,565.60± 194.64㎛) are longer than females (1,303.83±156.41㎛). Antennae of this species is made up of scape, pedicel and flagellomeres. Male and female antennae differed in the total number of flagellomeres as 15 in males and 13 in females. Female and male antennae of A. colemani has samely ten types of sensilla. We classified 3 types of sensilla trichodea as without pores, with a tip pore and with wall pores, 3 types of sensilla coeloconica, 1 sensilla placodea and 1 Bohm bristles. In addition, the possible functions of the above sensilla types are discussed in light of previously published literature; mechanoreception (Bohm bristles and sensilla coeloconica) and olfaction (sensilla trichodea and sensilla placodea). Future studies on the functional morphology of the antennal sensilla of A. colemani using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) coupled with electrophysiological recordings will likely confirm the functions of the different sensilla identified in this study.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The phylogenetic relationships among true butterfly families (superfamily Papilionoidea) have been a matter of substantial controversy, and that debate has led to several competing hypotheses. Two of the most compelling of those hypotheses involve the relationships of (Nymphalidae + Lycaenidae) + (Pieridae + Papilionidae) and (((Nymphalidae + Lycaenidae) + Pieridae) + Papilionidae). In this study, approximately 3,500 nucleotide sequences from cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA), and elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1α) were sequenced from 83 species belonging to four true butterfly families, along with those of eight outgroup species belonging to the skipper family (superfamily Hesperioidea). These sequences were subjected to phylogenetic reconstruction via Bayesian Inference (BI), Maximum Likelihood (ML), and Maximum Parsimony (MP) algorithms. All phylogenetic analyses among the four true butterfly families strongly indicated a sister relationship between the Nymphalidae and Lycaenidae on one hand, and relatively strongly indicated a sister relationship between the Pieridae and Papilionidae on another hand, thus supporting the hypothesis: (Nymphalidae + Lycaenidae) + (Pieridae + Papilionidae).
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To identify DNA markers linked to a elytra polymorphism, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was performed on DNA samples from four each colour pattern individuals (2 females and males), for example, succinea 1, succinea 2, conspicua, and spectabilis. As a result of performing AFLP analysis with the restriction endonuclease combination EcoRⅠ and Mse I, total of 2,269 AFLP fragments which were specific to succinea, conspicua and spectabilis was identified using 24 different AFLP primer combinations. Among these 2,269 fragments, 16 bands which were the most specific to one color patterns were isolated, cloned and sequenced. Subsequent UPGMA cluster analysis revealed that population of H. axyridis was divided four major group and these genetic tree showed that H. axyridis elytra colour diversity was affected by genetic polymorphism. It is considered that these genetic analyses may be facilitated the understanding of molecular genetic mechanism related with the wing colour pattern formation in this species.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There has been a substantial controversy on the phylogenetic relationships among butterfly families and several competing phylogenetic hypothesis have been suggested. Among them the relationships of (((Nymphalidae + Lycaenidae) + Pieridae) + Papilionidae) has been further widely accepted. In this study, we sequenced EF1-α, COI, and 16S rRNA from 62 species belonging to four true butterfly families, Papilionoidea. Phylogenetic analyses using BI, ML, and MP showed that the traditionally recognizable families were strongly supported as monophyletic groups, with the exception of Nymphalidae, wherein the singly included species of Danainae was placed as basal lineage of the Nymphalidae + Lycaenidae group. Phylogenetic relationships among families supported the sister group relationship of Nymphalidae and Lycaenidae strongly by all analyses and placed Papilionidae as the most basal lineage of the Papilionoidea. On the other hand, the relationships of Nymphalidae and Lycaenidae group to Pieridae were either unresolved, revealing trichotomy, or the relationships of (((Nymphalidae + Lycaenidae) + Pieridae) + Papilionidae) as previously supported by several morphological and molecular works supported. Detailed within-family relationships among some genera also are shown in the presentation.
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted on both Grassland & Forage Research Center, NIAS, Cheonan(Central area) and Sancheong(southem area) from 2005 through 2008, in order to evaluate the effect of various cultivation methods on productivity of organic com silage. Treatments included five cultivation methods(conventional, normal organic, strip seeding, early seeding, late seeding) using a com silage(P3156)-crimson clover(Contea) double crop system. Crimson clover was used for either cover crop or green manure in this experiment.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), is a serious pest of many economically important crops. The insect has developed resistance to chemical insecticides. Therefore, the development of microbial agent is necessary. Among the several entomopathogenic fungi, Lecanicillium lecanii Btab01 which has high insecticidal activity was carried out this experiments. To develop mass culture, we subcultured L. lecanii Btab01 on PDA, TSA, SDA+Y, RA and GSA media at 25℃ incubator to select the optimal solid culture medium. Hyphal growth was measured every 3 or 4 days. L. lecanii Btab01 grew fastest in RA, followed GSA, SDA+Y, PDA and TSA. L. lecanii Btab01 was cultured on PDB, TSB, SDB+Y, RB, GSB media at 25℃, 180rpm shaking incubator to select the optimal liquid medium. Spore germination was measured by spread plate method every 12 or 24 hours. Spore germination appeared 7.8×108 CFU/ml after 4 days in RB, followed GSB (5.5×108 CFU/ml), SDB+Y (2.7×108 CFU/ml), TSB (1.7×108 CFU/ml) and PDB (0.6×108 CFU/ml).
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to evaluate the attractiveness of the sex pheromone trap of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenée as a forecasting tool from 2006 to 2008 in Suwon, Gyeong-gi province and Seosan, Chung-nam province, Korea. The sex pheromone lure was composed of Z11-18:Ald (55㎍): Z13-18:Ald (500㎍): Z11-18:OH (120㎍): Z13-18:OH (180㎍): Z13-18:Ac (55㎍) per a rubber septum, which set in a cylindrical cone trap. The trap catches of male moths was counted on a weekly basis and the lures were renewed every two weeks. The flight activity of C. medinalis moths monitored by the sex pheromone trap revealed two distinct peaks a year in both experimental areas from 2006 to 2008. Degree-days accumulation was calculated using lower developmental threshold (13.3℃) and degree-days (386.4DD) since adults had been first recorded. Estimated adult peak of the first generation was almost coincident with that observed by sex pheromone trap except in Suwon in 2008.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The tribe Atimiini LeConte containing two genera (Atimia and Paratimia) and about 12 species is distributed in East Asia and North America. The systematic position of the Atimiini has long puzzled the Coleopterist due to the Lamiid-like aspect of the Atimia. But the Atimiini has regarded as a tribe of the subfamily Aseminae since Webb (1912) associated the Atimia with the Asemum on the basis of larval characters. The tribe is very specialized in food habits, the species of Atimia are all restricted to trees of the Cupressaceae and Taxodiaceae, including Cupressus, Libocedrus, Thuja, Chamaecyparis, Juniperus, Taxodium, Sequoia, and their relatives. Members of the Atimiini are characterized by the combination of following features: head transverse, front short, vertical, mouthparts nearly horizontal; antennae 11-segmented, shorter than the body in both sexes, eyes large, moderately granulated, deeply emarginate, embracing antennal insertion; labrum transverse, ciliated; palpi unequal in length, the maxillary longer; pronotum quadrate, transverse; anterior coxae rounded, cavities usually not angulated, completely closed behind; mesonotum with a large, divided, stridulatory area; scutellum subquadrate; intermediate coxal cavities closed; metasternum deeply emarginate posteriorly, metepisterna narrow, attenuated behind; legs short; femora feebly clavate; tibiae armed with short spurs; wings with a closed cell in the anal sector. Here, we report the tribe Atimiini for the first time in Korea based on provisional identified species, Atimia spec. okayamensis Hayashi. We also provide a diagnosis, habitus photo, and drawings of diagnostic characters.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The 15,389-bp long complete mitogenome of the endangered red-spotted apollo butterfly, Parnassius bremeri (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) was determined. This genome has a gene arrangement identical to those of all other sequenced lepidopteran insects, which have the gene order of tRNAMet, tRNAIle, and tRNAGln at the beginning. Due to the uncertainty the start codon for COI gene in insect has been discussed extensively. We propose the CGA sequence as the start codon for COI gene in lepidopteran insects, based on complete mitogenome sequences of lepidopteran insects including our P. bremerii and additional sequences of the COI start region from a diverse taxonomic range of lepidopteran species (a total of 51 species belonging to 15 families). As has been suggested in other sequenced lepidopteran insects the 18 bp-long poly-T stretch and the downstream conserved motif ATAGA that were previously suggested to serve as a structural signal for minor-strand mtDNA replication also was found at the 3’-end region of the P. bremerii A+T-rich region. In an extensive search to find out tRNA-like structure in the A+T-rich region, each one tRNATrp-like sequence and tRNALeu (UUR)-like sequence were found in the P. bremeri A+T-rich region, and most of other sequenced lepidopteran insects were shown to have tRNA-like structure within the A+T-rich region, thereby indicating that such feature is frequent in the lepidopteran A+T-rich region. Phylogenetic analysis using the concatenated 13 amino acid sequences and nucleotide sequences of PCGs of the four macrolepidopteran suferfamilies together with Tortricoidea and Pyraloidea well recovered a monophyly of Papilionoidea and a monophyly of Bombycoidea. However, Geometroidea and Noctuoidea were unexpectedly clustered as one group and placed this group to the sister group to Bombycoidea, instead of Papilionoidea in most analyses.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        After treatment with imidacloprid, there were clear differences in the time to the first reaction of Myzus persicae among the concentrations treated. The time taken for the proboscis of the aphids to penetrate, during the recording plants increased as the imidacloprid concentration increased. Imidacloprid concentration inflow into a leaf was investigated using high-performance liquid chromatography, and the residues of the imidacloprid varied slightly with the different concentrations treated. However, the inflow rates of this insecticide into a leaf increased as the dipping times increased. Furthermore, it was shown that there was no relationship in inflow concentration between the concentrations and times of treatment. However, the concentration in the leaf differed according to the dipping time. Judging from the fact that the first reaction behavior against imidacloprid displayed at an inflow concentration of 0.32-0.35 ㎎/L, we concluded that inflow concentrations causing the first reaction of the aphids to the insecticide were much lower than the concentration treated. The general feeding characteristics of the aphids indicated that xylem and/or phloem feeding behavior continued after a series of probing behaviors and stylet activity during the first 3 h from the start of EPG recording. After 90 min treatment with imidacloprid, feeding behavior over the next 30 min indicated a significant increase in the withdrawal of the stylet from the plant at all treated concentrations. Xylem and/or phloem feeding patterns were significantly decreased during this time. In particular, the proportion of xylem feeding differed according to the concentration of imidacloprid.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As indigenous aphid parasitoid, Aphelinus varipes kill aphids for feeding in addition to parasitization. Because of this characteristic of A. varipes, this parasitoid may have the possibility of biological control agent against aphids. So we have evaluated traits such as daily paratization, total parasization, number of aphids killed by host feeding, sex ratio, development time, pupal mortality of A. varipes parasitizing green peach aphid, Myzus persicae. At 25°C and 16L:8D, longevity, total paratization and host feeding of A. varipes female was 11.0, 25.3, and 63.3 days, respectively. And development time of male and female, sex ratio (M:F), pupa mortality of offspring of A. varipes were 12.0 days, 12.5 days, 0.88, and 11.6%, respectively. However, because these results are not enough to estimate potential of A. varipes as biological control agents/factors, other factors such as host suitability (Macrosiphum euphorbiae, Aulacorthum solani), effect of temperature, and host seeking behavior of A. varipes continually will be investigated.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As an effective generalist predator of aphids and other hemipteran pests, Harmonia axyridis has been a successful biological control agent. Interestingly, it was known that there were varied in color patterns on H. axyridis elytra. In fact, Seo & Youn (2007) reported that H. axyridis had five color patterns, for example, succinea 1, 2, conspicua, spectabilis, and axyridis. But there are uncertain that H. axyridis elytra colour patterns are regulated by genetic polymorphism. So we tried to what is the reason that color patterns are greatly variable. To identify DNA markers linked to a elytra polymorphism, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was performed on DNA samples from four female succinea, conspicua, spectabilis and Coccinella septempunctata which is another species in Coccinellidae. AFLP analysis with the restriction endonuclease combination EcoRⅠ and MseⅠwas performed. Using 12 AFLP primer pairs, nine AFLP fragments which is specific between succinea, conspicua, spectabilis was identified. These nine AFLP fragments were isolated, cloned and sequenced. Subsequent UPGMA cluster analysis revealed three major group of H. axyridis populations. These genetic tree showed that H. axyridis elytra colour diversity was affected by genetic polymorphism. For more genetically understanding elytra colour genes, different primer combinations may be need to be generate enough polymorphic markers. These genetic analyses may be facilitate the understanding of molecular mechanism behind wing colour pattern formation.
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