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        검색결과 179

        2010.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2 week study was conducted to investigate the effects of Interferential Current(IC) and Kaltenborn-Evjenth Orthopedic Manual Therapy(KEOMT) on functional constipation. Interventions were applied to spinal segments between T9-L2 which provides innerva˗ tions to the gastrointestinal tract. Subjects(n=24) were randomly allo˗ cated to two treatment groups: the IC group or the KEOMT group. Results for the IC therapy demonstrated significant decrease with the colonic transit time(CTT) as well as scores on the constipation assessment scale(CAS). The frequency of defecations per week had increased significantly(p<0.05). The KEOMT displayed decreased CTT in the left colon region. The scores on the CAS were reduced and frequency of defecations per week had increased significantly (p<0.05). This study not only showed that both modes of therapy improved symptoms of constipation, but also optimized gastrointesti˗ nal content movement, eventuating in a more normalized CTT. In conclusion, both the IC therapy and the Kaltenborn-Evjenth Orthopedic Manual Therapy have shown to be effective interventions for improving functional constipation.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study has been conducted on the subjects of eight undergradu˗ ate students with abdominal obesity and eight undergraduate stu˗ dents with normal weight to find out correlation between substantial fatigue and Ratings of perceived exertion through analysis of their blood components when they took exercises to strengthen their abdominal muscular power. Comparatively analyzing HDL-C, LDL-C and lactic acid before and after they took sit-up at level of RPE 19-20, no statistically significant differences in HDL, LDL, lactic acid meas˗ ures were observed between groups, but a significant difference in RPE was noted between groups(p<0.05) Our findings suggest that control group showed no significant differ˗ ence in increase of fatigue material whereas the obese group showed a lower frequency of sit-up, though both groups took the same abdominal exercise. Additionally, the lower frequency of sit-up in obese group results from relatively higher Ratings of perceived exer˗ tion rather than increase of substantial fatigue material. This study invites future research that examines the effect of a comprehensive obesity exercise program combined with dietetic
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Antioxidants partially ameliorated the detrimental effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on sperm characteristics during in vitro storage. The objective of the present study was to investigate the single or synergetic antioxidative effect of curcumin and Vit. E on the characteristics of fresh boar sperm during in vitro storage. The sperm viability in curcumin, Vit. E supplementation and curcumin+Vit. E+H2O2 groups remained over 85.0% in 3 hr incubation period, but in 6 hr incubation period, curcumin+Vit. E+H2O2 groups was sharply dropped than those of curcumin and Vit. E group. The membrane intergrity in all evaluated groups except for H2O2 group did not significantly difference in 3 hr incubation period. The viability in curcumin or Vit. E supplementation were significantly increased than in curcumin+H2O2 and Vit. E+H2O2 group in 6 hr incubation period. The percentage of mitochondrial activity and acrosome intergrity obtained similar trends within same incubation periods irrespective of treatment. The lipid peroxidation of spermatozoal plasma membrane ranged from 11.6∼17.5 nM/l×106 and 14.0∼ 19.0 nM/l×106 in 3 hr and 6 hr incubation periods. In conclusion, curcumin or Vit. E rpplementation alone or cooperatively improved sperm viability index (motility, membrane intergrity, viability and survival rates) and fertility index (mitochondria activity, acrosome intergrity and lipid peroxidation) of fresh boar sperm, indicating that curcumin and Vit. E have a antioxidative properties through its scavenging activity against hydrogen peroxide.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of alcohol or cigarette smoking on seminal parameters in a large group of mice model. Nine groups (n=20/group) of mice were treated intensive noxious materials that abdominal injection of 21% (v/v) of ethanol, cigarette smoke (10, 20, 30 minutes/day), and combination of ethanol and 30 minutes of smoking. In addition, vitamin C and selenium were also treated to mice exposed to combination of alcohol and smoking to identify the recovering effect. Sperm viability and motility were significantly decreased in either alcohol consumption or smoking exposed group, and combination of both materials have additive detrimental effects on seminal parameters. Mice groups that exposed to alcohol and smoking showed statistically significant decrease in motility and increase of static spermatozoa. Moreover, combination of both treatments showed cumulative effect in increase of static spermatozoa. Treatments of either vitamin C or selenium dramatically recovered detrimental effects of alcohol and smoking on seminal quality, although combination of both antioxidant molecules did not show any additive effect. In conclusion, detrimental effects of alcohol and cigarette consumption on sperm quality and motility were identified in mice model, and these detrimental effects can be compensated to uptake of anti‐oxidant molecules.
        2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mutations in DLX3 are associated with both autosomal dominant hypoplastic hypomaturation amelogenesis imperfecta (ADHHAI) and tricho-dento-osseous (TDO) syndrome. ADHHAI is caused by a c.561_562delCT (2bp-del DLX3) mutation whereas TDO syndrome is associated with a c.571_574delGGGG (4bp-del DLX3) mutation. However, although the causal relationships between DLX3 and an enamel phenotype have been established, the pathophysiological role of DLX3 mutations in enamel development has not yet been clarified. In our current study, we prepared expression vectors for wild type and deletion mutant DLX3 products (4bp-del DLX3, 2bp-del DLX3) and examined the effects of their overexpression on the expression of the enamel matrix proteins and proteases. Wild type DLX3 enhanced the expression of matrix metalloprotease 20 (MMP20) mRNA and protein in murine ameloblast-like cells. However, neither a 4bp-del nor 2bp-del DLX3 increased MMP20 expression. Wild type DLX3, but not the above DLX3 mutants, also increased the activity of reporters containing 1.5 kb or 0.5 kb of the MMP20 promoter. An examination of protein stability showed that the half-life of wild type DLX3 protein was less than 12 h whilst that of both deletion mutants was longer than 24 h. Endogenous Dlx3 was also found to be continuously expressed during ameloblast differentiation. Since inactivating mutations in the gene encoding MMP20 are associated with amelogenesis imperfecta, the inability of 4bp-del or 2bp-del DLX3 to induce MMP20 expression suggests a possible involvement of such mutations in the enamel phenotype associated with TDO syndrome or ADHHAI.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to improve the effect of environment-friendly Tetranychus urticae pesticide through the development of Tetranychus urticae biopesticide using the plant extract. Tested extracts were fig leaf extract, viburnum erosum extract; besides Sophora flavescens Ait extract, Derris root extract, Tobacco leaf extract, and they were proved to be the caricidal effect of two spotted spider mite adults by spraying on the French bean leaf inoculated for Tetranychus urticae with each concentration; 500ppm, 200ppm, 100ppm, 50ppm. In the control treatments, caricidal effect was compared with only ‘Eungsami’ (500ppm, 200ppm, 100ppm, 50ppm), of which the main ingredient as environment-friendly organic material is, and distilled water. The caricidal effect of tested extracts to the two spotted spider mite adult was the highest in the Sophora flavescens Ait extract and Tobacco leaf extract over 90%, and comparatively low in the Derris root extract. When the caricidal effect of ‘Eungsami’ was compared with two spotted spider mite adults with each concentration, ‘Eungsami’(500ppm) and Tobacco leaf extract(500ppm) were very excellent as each 95.5%, 98.7% in treated concentration. The effect of Sophora flavescens Ait extract was also high as 96.5%. In the low concentration(50ppm), Sophora flavescens Ait extract was 45.8%, Tobacco leaf extract was the most effective as 53.8%.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to establish a year round indoor-rearing system for Copper butterflies; large copper butterfly, Lycaena dispar, the effect of temperature on larval development and diapause was investigated. Temperature has been suggested as an important factor regulating the developmental rate, length of life, and survival rate from insect. As temperature increased, the developmental period was gradually shorten. The developmental periods of large copper larvae had a range of 11.0 days to 28.5 days at 30℃ and 17.5℃ respectively. The highest emergence rate was 94.2% recorded at 20℃. And the low emergence rate was 72.7% under 17.5℃. We investgated the sensitive stages to diapause induction in the larger copper effect of temperature and photoperiod. The experiment involves transfer of individuals from diapause averting (LD 16:8h, 25℃) to diapause inducing condition (LD 8:16h, 20℃) at various stages. Diapause was induced in 95.2% insect transferred at hatching larvae, in 15.6% of insects transferred at 2nd stadium molt, in 0% of insects transferred at after 3rd stadium molt. Percentage diapause induction increase with the length of short days and low temperature experienced. The main stage sensitive to photoperiod and temperature induction of diapause determination is the early first larval instar. The diapause induction began 14 days and ended 20 days after hatching larvae (LD 8:16h, 20℃).
        2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cementum is the mineralized tissue of the tooth. It is similar to bone in several aspects but it differs from bone. Human bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC) and human cementum derived cells (HCDC) (10,000 cells/cm²) were plated in 6 well plates as feeder cells. The next day, mouse bone marrow cells (1.5 million cells/cm²) were added. One group of these plates were incubated in serum-free conditioned medium (SFCM) generated from BMSC or HCDC supplemented with 2% FBS, parathyroid hormone (PTH), 1, 25 dihydroxyvitamin D₃ (Vit. D₃) and dexamethasone, or plain medium with the same supplements. Another group of plates were cocultured with BMSC or HCDC in plain medium supplemented with 2% FBS, PTH, Vit. D₃and dexamethasone. Plates grown without SFCM or coculture were used as controls. After 10 days, the cells were stained for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP). BMSC were found to support osteoclast formation under normal conditions. This was inhibited however by both SFCM generated from HCDC and also by coculture with HCDC. In addition, HCDC themselves did not support osteoclast formation under any conditions. Our results thus indicate that HCDC do not support osteoclast formation in vitro and that soluble factor (s) from HCDC may inhibit this process. In addition, we show that this inhibition also involves an active mechanism that is independent of osteoprotegerin, a feature that may distinguish cementoblasts from other cells present in periodontium.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was carried out to investigate the optimum composition of sex pheromone of the rice green caterpillar Naranga aenescens and its efficacy was examined in a paddy field. The mating rate of N. aenescens tended to be increased with age, showing the highest rate of mating at age 2. The highest mating showed within 1 h after the scotophase, and also mating took place even during the photophase. A GC-EAD analysis of virgin female extracts showed two EAG-active components. Their chromatographic behavior was coincident with that of an authentic sample of Z9-14:Ac and Z11-16:Ac, respectively. The mass spectrum of two EAG-active components was almost identical to that of the authentic samples. The EAG response to two compounds, Z9-14:Ac and Z11-16:Ac, was significantly dose-dependent, but response to Z9-16:Ac was not dose-dependent. A 2: 1: 4 mixture of Z9-14:Ac, Z9-16:Ac, and Z11-16:Ac was the most effective composition for attracting N. aenescens. The male moths increased in proportion to the pheromone amount impregnated. The sticky-typed wing trap baited with sex pheromone captured significantly more males than the other two type of trap examined. Trap catches within a paddy field were much more than those in perimeter trap. The trap-baited with sex pheromone gave three or four distinct fluctuation peaks of male catches throughout the flight seasons.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Wntsignaling is involved in the normal development and tumorigenesis via epithelial- mesenchymal transition (EMT). init iated by down-regul ation of E-cadherin by the transc ription factor Snail. Wnt signaling inhi bits Sna il phosph o rylation t hrough Axin2-dependent pathway that sustains nuclear accumul ation 0 1' Snail by driving CSK3ß nucleocytoplasmic export then consequently increases Snail protein levels and induces an EMT However. the roles of Wnt and Axin expression and their functional implication on Snail dependent EMT program a re not clear du ring the multistep carcinogenic process. We examined that canonical Wnt signaling engagingmul t istep carcinogenic process of uterine cervical cancer through Wnt-Axin2-Snail axis. In nonnal cervi cal mucosa, Wntl. Wnt3a. and Axin2 mRNA expression were locali zed in basal cell layer suggesting that canonical Wnt is required for maintenance of self-renewal program of cervica l epi theli al cells. With progression to cervical int r aepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and carcinoma. Wntl, Wnt3a‘ Axin2, and Snail expression were gradually increased in patient samples suggesting that canonical Wnt pathway is involved in earl y step of carcinogenesis in uterine cervix. LRP6 and Axin2 transfected cells showed the highly increased nuclear Snai l resul ted from dec reased level 0 1' nu clear GSK3ß , indicating that LRP6- Axin2 serves to stabili ze Sna il protein levels and susLains iLs nllclear acc llrnulation by driv ing GSK3ß . RNA interference of Axin2 and Snail on SiHa cells relieved E-cadherin proximal promotel‘ activity and block the in 띠 vo chorioalantoic membra ne ln VaSlOn These results suggest the canon ical Wnt signa ling regul ating Axin2-GSK3ß compartmentalization may important for stabi li zation of E- cad herin repressor Snail during the multistep carcinogen ic process of uteri ne cervix. It may lead to not only tracing the proper biomarker 0 [' ca ncer progression‘ but a lso the development oJ new targets for therapeutic intervention in cancer
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