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        검색결과 275

        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The recent development in genetic assisted selection (combining traditional- and genome assisted selection method) and reproduction technologies will allow multiplying elite cow in Hanwoo small farm. This review describes the new context and corresponding needs for genome assisted selection schemes and how reproductive technologies can be incorporated to get more genetic gain for cow genetic improvement in Hanwoo. New improved massive phenotypes and pedigree information are being generated from commercial farm sector and these are allowing to do genetic evaluation using BLUP to get elite cows in Korea. Moreover cattle genome information can now be incorporated into breeding program. In this context, this review will discuss about combining the reproductive techniques (Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer; MOET) and genome assisted selection method to get more genetic gain in Hanwoo breeding program. Finally, how these technologies can be used for multiplication of elite cow in small farm was discussed.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the influences of chronic shoulder pain on the muscle tone in trunk muscles. The study's subjects were 40 men and women in their 30 to 50s, which were divided into two groups. A chronic shoulder pain group consisted of 20 subjects who had been diagnosed with chronic shoulder pain by doctors, and a painless group consisted of 20 subjects who had experienced no such pain. An analysis was performed using electromyography on the muscle tone in the rectus abdominalis, external oblique, internal oblique, and erector spinae muscles under the same conditions between the two groups. The analysis results were as follows. The chronic shoulder pain group exhibited an overall high level of trunk muscle tone than the painless group, along with a statistically significant difference in the rectus abdominalis(p<.05). Moreover, the chronic shoulder pain group showed differences in the trunk muscle tone depending on the affected side. The chronic left shoulder pain group yielded higher levels of muscle tone in the right-side trunk muscles. In particular, the group revealed statistically significant differences in the rectus abdominalis and internal oblique(p<.05). The chronic right shoulder pain group exhibited higher levels of muscle tone in the left-side trunk muscles with a statistically significant difference in the internal oblique(p<.05). The above results suggested that chronic shoulder pain influences increases in the muscle tone in the trunk muscles on the opposite side to the affected shoulder.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to address the effect of interferential current therapy and thereby to provide basic resources to physical therapies for internal medicine by identifying symptoms for functional dyspepsia and serum gastrin level that shows gastric motility. Following results were obtained by performing interferential current therapy to 16 subjects composed of 8 for functional dyspepsia group and 8 for control group for 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week, for 6 weeks. In control group, serum gastrin level was significantly( p<.01), lowered after the therapy whereas there was no significant difference observed in all questions from questionnaire for symptoms of functional dyspepsia between before and after the therapy. In functional dyspepsia group, serum gastrin level was significantly(p<.01), lowered after the therapy and there was also significant(p<.01) reduction in every question from questionnaire for symptoms of functional dyspepsia between before and after the therapy. There was more significant decrease in serum gastrin level and reduction in questionnaire for symptoms of functional dyspepsia in the functional dyspepsia group compared to the control group(p<.01). This study confirms the interferential current therapy as an effective therapeutic method for internal diseases including functional dyspepsia since it not only improves the symptoms of functional dyspepsia but also allows the gastric motility close to normal.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The oriental tobacco budworm, Helicoverpa assulta, is an oligophagous insect feeding on a few species of Solanaceae plants, including Nicotina tabacum. This study investigated the relationship between H. assulta and plants, focusing on oviposition preference and larval performance of the specialist in host and non-host plants. (1) In choice experiments, N. tabacum and Phaseolus vulgaris were put in a cage with 5 females and 10 males. Most of eggs (ca. 98%) were layed in N. tabacum, whereas few eggs in P. vulgaris. (2) In non-choice experiments, N. tabacum, Datura stramonium, or P. vulgaris was individually put in a cage with 3 females and 6 males, resulting that N. tabacum was the most preferred host, followed by D. stramonium and P. vulgaris. Oviposition was delayed about 2 days in P. vulgaris (a non-host plant) compared to the two host plants. (3) Larval performances were also compared with the three plants. Larval growth was better in N. tabacum followed by D. stramonium and P. vulgaris, High mortality (ca. 100%) of larvae was observed in P. vulgaris, suggesting toxic component(s) derived from the non-host plant might cause the death. The ovipositional avoidance in P. vulgaris is current being investigated to search for the oviposition deterrent, which could be useful for the environment-friendly pest management of H. assulta.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The green pale plant bug, Apolygus spinolae was one of the main insect pests that damaged leaves and fruit in grapes and its damage status was firstly reported in 2000 in grape orchards. This research was conducted to evaluate the distribution and difference in damage rate depending in management type of grapevine orchards (domestic sale farm vs export farm) in the export complex area of Korea (Hwangsung in Gyeonggii, Sangju and Yeongcheon in Gyeongbuk, Namwon in Junbuk and Yeongdong in Chungbuk) from 2010 to 2012. Damage by A. spinolae occurred in all 62 survey farms and damage rate differed depending on locality and individual farms in the same area. Damage rate was lower in export farms than in domestic sale farms, and damage rate of leaves was highly correlated with damage rate of new shoots. 15 species of hemipteran insect were attracted to sticky traps and A. spinolae was the dominant species. The attracted number of A. spinolae in the sticky traps differed depending on locality, and more occurred in domestic sale farms than expert farms. A. spinolae was continually attracted to sticky traps in the harvest period in grapevine orchards.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This report is a part of research on pests occurring in grapevine orchards in export complexes (Hwangsung in Gyeonggi, Sangju and Yeongcheon in Gyeongbuk, Namwon in Junbuk and Yeongdong in Chungbuk) from 2010 to 2012. This research was conducted to evaluate the distribution and difference in damage rates depending on management types of grapevine orchards (domestic sale farm vs. export farm). Damage by Arbordia spp. occurred only in 2010 and differed depending on localities and individual farms in the same area. Numbers of orchards damaged by Arbordia spp. were one, two and four in Hwasung, Namwon and Sangju, respectively, and the damage rate was below 6.2%. There was no damage in the orchards in 2011 and 2012, however, Arbordia spp. were collected on sticky traps in the orchards. A. nigrigena and A. kakogawana were the dominant species in Yeongcheon and Yeongdong, respectively, in 2011. A. kakogawana, A. maculifrons and A. nigrigena were collected on sticky traps in 2012. Collected numbers of Arbordia spp. were different depending on localities and management types of the orchards (domestic sale vs. export). A. kakogawana was the dominant species in all the survey sites and the densities were higher in the domestic sale farms than in the export farms.
        2013.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Amoxicillin, a well-known antibiotic, has a broad spectrum against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. This experiment was conducted in order to investigate the effect of micronized and non-micronized amoxicillin prepared using different comminution techniques on change in blood concentration of rats. Forty adult male Sprague Dawley rats (6~7 weeks of age, body weight 128.3 ± 10.7 g) were randomly allocated to two treatment groups: micronized amoxicillin (MA) group treated with micronized amoxicillin trihydrate powder (particle size, over 90% of 10 μm), non-micronized amoxicillin (NMA) group treated with non-micronized amoxicillin trihydrate powder (particle size, over 70% of 100 μm), given 480 mg/kg body weight once daily for four days. The results showed a significant increase in serum concentration in the MA group on days 3 and 4, compared to the NMA group (P<0.05). In particular, serum concentration of the MA group on day 4 was increased almost two times that of the NMA group. The results indicate that due to the increase of the drug’s oral bioavailability, higher serum concentration would be achieved with the micronized amoxicillin trihydrate than with the non-micronized drug.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Iron is an essential trace element for normal functions of the body. Restriction of iron availability directly limits erythropoiesis. The objective of this experiment was to compare the bioavailability of iron nanoparticles (Fe-NPs) with iron-microparticles (Fe-MPs) in anemic mice. There were four experimental groups, including the normal control group, iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) group, Fe-NPs group, and Fe-MPs group. Animals in the normal group fed on an adequate iron-containing diet (45 ppm Fe). Meanwhile, animals in the other three groups fed on a low Fe diet (4.5 ppm Fe) for seven weeks. Double deionized water was supplied as drinking water ad libitum. After feeding for three weeks with the low Fe diet, animals in the Fe-NPs and Fe-MPs groups received oral administration of Fe-NPs or Fe-MPs at a daily dose of 40 mg/kg for four weeks. The IDA group showed markedly decreased red blood cell (RBC) count, hematocrit (Hct), and hemoglobin (Hb) values compared with the normal group throughout the experimental periods. Treatments with Fe-NPs or Fe-MPs for four weeks resulted in restoration of the decreased RBC count and hematological values similar to normal values. The Fe-NPs group showed faster restoration in values than Fe-MPs with passage of time. The iron contents of the upper small intestine in the Fe-NPs and Fe-MPs groups were higher than in the normal group at weeks 2 and 4. Treatment with Fe-NPs and Fe-MPs resulted in a significant increase in hepatic iron contents and lipid peroxidation, compared with the IDA group with passage of time. The iron contents in liver and ferritin deposits in spleen were identified in the Fe-NPs and Fe-MPs groups, similar to the normal group. These results indicate that oral administration of both Fe-NPs and Fe-MPs can result in recovery from anemia and Fe-NPs is more absorbable and available in the body than Fe-MPs.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        True hermaphrodites are animals of equivocal sex in which both male and female gonads develop simultaneously. The frequency of true hermaphroditism is higher in pigs than in other domestic animals. Two Korean pigs were diagnosed with true hermaphroditism showing ovotestes, epididymes, penes, and uteri. Histomorphologically, the testicular tissues consisted of Sertoli cells that were devoid of spermatogenic germ cells and showed proliferation of interstitial cells. However, the uteri were of normal architecture and had well-developed uterine endometrial glands. The samples were 38, XX female karyotype without the sex-determining region Y (SRY) gene. The findings of this study could contribute to the understanding of true hermaphroditism in the Korean pig industry. * This work was supported by a grant (Code# PJ008148) from BioGreen21 Program, Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.
        2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Rhabditis blumi, isolated from Exomala orientalis, is a necromenic type of nematode that possesses several attributes of a potential biological control agent such as ease in culture conditions, high rates of reproduction and virulence, short life cycle and rapid multiplication etc. Pathogenicity of R. blumi was tested against 5 coleopteran species and 5 lepidopteran species. All insect larvae were susceptible to R. blumi, showing over 60% mortality except for Holotrichia kiotoensis and Ectinohoplia rufipes. The highest mortality was observed in Plutella xylostella (88%), followed by Artogeia rapae, Exomala orientalis, Spodoptera litura and Anomala rufocuprea (over 70%). Reproductive capacity of R. blumi differed from each insect species, ranging from 17 to 656 dauer juveniles/mg of insect larva. Dauer juvenile production was most in Plutella xylostella larvae, producing 656 dauer juveniles/mg of host body weight, followed by E. orientalis, H. kiotoensis, and A. rapae larvae (over 100 dauer juvenile per mg).
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the degree of knowledge of care workers working at long term care hospitals and nursing homes on pressure ulcer. A total of 81 care workers including 34 at long term care hospitals and 47 at nursing homes were surveyed. 24 questions were used to evaluate their degree of knowledge on pressure ulcer. Their knowledge on pressure ulcer scored 12.84 out of the total score of 24 points(SD=3.40), which was equal to 53.50 (SD=24.23) out of 100 points. Their knowledge on the prevention of pressure ulcer was highest among the subareas of evaluation. Their knowledge on pressure ulcer statistically significantly differed according to education on pressure ulcer(P<.05). A pressure ulcer is a skin disorder that may be prevented and cured. At this point when long term care facilities are rapidly increasing, care workers highlevel knowledge on and good management of pressure ulcer is very important. Practically educating them on pressure ulcer including the provision of recent, updated relevant knowledge will be necessary.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Both iron-deficient and zinc-sufficient diets have been known to be associated with a decreased risk of colon cancer. We investigated that effect of dietary zinc on the formation of colonic aberrant crypt foci (ACF) induced by azoxymethane (AOM) followed by dextran sodium sulfate in iron-deficient mice. Five-week old ICR mice were acclimated for 1 week and fed on iron-deficient diet (4.50 ppm iron) with three different zinc levels (0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 ppm) for 12 weeks. The total number of aberrant crypt (AC) and ACF was measured in the colonic mucosa after methylene blue staining. The total ACF numbers of low Zn (LZn), medium Zn (MZn) and high Zn (HZn) diet groups were 10.00 ± 2.67, 8.78 ± 3.12, and 7.96 ± 2.44, respectively and there were no significant differences among the groups. However, the total AC numbers of HZn (27.07 ± 3.88) and MZn (26.39 ± 5.59) diet groups were significantly low compared to LZn (22.57 ± 5.09) diet group (p<0.01). Cytosolic SOD activity was the highest in LZn diet group. But thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances level in liver was also the highest in LZn diet group compared to other groups. There is no difference in cell proliferation in mucous membrane among the groups, while apoptotic positive cells were increased in the HZn diet group. The high zinc diet exhibited decreased β-catenin-stained areas on the mucous membrane of colon compared to the LZn or MZn diet group. These findings indicate that dietary zinc might exert a modulating effect on development of ACF/AC in the mice with iron-deficient status.
        2012.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Iron nanoparticles (Fe-NPs) have recently been used for cancer diagnosis and therapy for imaging contrast and drug delivery. However, no study on nutritional bioavailability of Fe-NPs in the body has been reported. Ascorbic acid (AA) is known to aid in absorption of iron in the stomach by reducing Fe (III) to Fe (II). In this study, we investigated the bioavailability of Fe-NPs with AA in iron-deficiency-anemic mice in comparison with non-nano iron particles. Iron-deficient anemia was induced by feeding an iron-deficient diet (4.5 mg Fe/kg) and ocular bleeding from retro-orbital venous plexus for four weeks. Normal control mice were given a normal diet (45 mg Fe/ kg). After induction of anemia in mice, anemic mice received daily oral administration of Fe (40 mg/kg B.W.) + AA (5 g/kg B.W) and Fe-NPs (40 mg/kg B.W) + AA (5 g/kg B.W). After sacrifice, liver and spleen tissues were observed by haematoxylin & eosin stain. Amount of trace iron in liver and upper small intestine was investigated using an inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer. Red blood cells (RBC), hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin (Hb), and total iron binding capacity were also measured. The concentrations of iron in the Fe-NPs + AA group were significantly higher in liver and in upper small intestine than that in the Fe + AA group. The values of RBC, Hct, and Hb in the Fe-NPs + AA group were more rapidly increased to normal values compared with the Fe + AA group with increasing time. These results suggest that Fe-NPs in the presence of AA may be more bioavailable than non-nano Fe in Fe-deficient anemic mice.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine the changes in bone mineral density in long-stay patients of a geriatric hospital in relation to physical therapy, thereby providing basic data for preventing the onset or deterioration of osteoporosis in inpatients of geriatric hospitals or relevant facilities. The subjects of this study were 133 elderly patients who had been in H geriatric hospital in Yongin-si for more than four years. Their bone mineral density T-scores at admission and those after four years were measured to compare and analyze the changes in bone mineral density in relation to physical therapy. According to the results, the decrease in T-score for the group without physical therapy was greater by .40 than that for the group with physical therapy, indicating a statistically significant difference between the two groups(p<.01). Accordingly, physical therapy proved to be effective in preventing bone mineral density loss and maintaining the current density.
        2011.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The current study was conducted in order to investigate promotional effects of herbal extracts on hair growth in an animal model of mice. There were four experimental groups, including distilled water (DW) as a negative control (NC), 3% minoxidil (MXD) as a positive control (PC), 50% ethanol (EtOH) as a vehicle control (VC), and herbal extract (HE) as the experimental treatment (E). The HE was extracted with ethanol from plants, including Gardenia, Mentha arvensis, Rosemary, and Lavender. Six-week-old C57BL/6 male mice were shaved with an electric clipper and the test materials were topically treated with 0.2 ml per mouse daily for three weeks. Photographic evaluation of hair re-growth was performed weekly during a period of three weeks. The number of mast cells was counted on the dorsal skin section of mice. The enzymes, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (γ-GT), were determined using a biochemical autoanalyzer. No clinical signs were observed in any of the experimental groups. As a result of photometric analysis, topical application of HE to dorsal skin for two weeks resulted in significantly faster acceleration of hair regrowth, compared with that of the NC or VC group (P<0.05). The PC and E groups showed a significant decrease in mast cell population, compared to the NC group. Activities of ALP and γ-GT were significantly increased in the PC and E groups, compared to the NC or VC group (P<0.05). Taken together, these results suggest that the herbal extract may have hair-growth promoting activity equal to that of MXD.