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        검색결과 214

        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Gentinae Macrophyllae Radix is one of the traditional medicines originated from the roots of multiple plants, Gentiana macrophylla Pall., Gentiana straminea Maxim., Gentiana crassicaulis Duthie ex Burkill and Gentiana dahurica Fisch., in Gentianaceae. Multi-origin traditional medicine usually has adulteration problem based on the morphological similarity and/or misunderstanding the species. Therefore, accurate and reliable identification criteria to ensure drug safety and quality is necessary. Methods and Results : We collected four original species of Gentinae Macrophyllae Radix from plantations and markets in China and Korea. DNA barcoding with four barcoding markers (Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS), rbcL, trnL intron, trnL-F intergenic sapcer) was performed. Intra-specific variation was observed in ITS nucleotide sequence however, successfully distinct four original species based on the nucleotide discrepancy while trnL intron has no difference. trnL-F intergenic spacer has two transitions(T→C and A→G) sites only in G. crassicaulis and rbcL shows one transition(C→T) site in G. dahurica and G. macrophylla. Phylogenetic relationship analysis of the Gentinae Macrophyllae Radix revealed two major clades – clade I including three groups, G. macrophylla, G. straminea and G. dahurica, and clade II including G. crassicaulis. This aspects was shown more clear with multi-region combined analysis. Conclusion : DNA barcoding will be accurate and powerful criteria for the analysis the origin of Gentinae Macrophyllae Radix. However, single region analysis might be deficient such as trnL intron, rbcL and trnL-F intergenic spacer results in this research. Multi-region combined analysis based on the multiregional DNA barcode markers will be overcome the disadvantage and also increase the precision.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As described in the previous paper (Park et al. 2013), the detector subsystem of optical wide-field patrol (OWL) provides many observational data points of a single artificial satellite or space debris in the form of small streaks, using a chopper system and a time tagger. The position and the corresponding time data are matched assuming that the length of a streak on the CCD frame is proportional to the time duration of the exposure during which the chopper blades do not obscure the CCD window. In the previous study, however, the length was measured using the diagonal of the rectangle of the image area containing the streak; the results were quite ambiguous and inaccurate, allowing possible matching error of positions and time data. Furthermore, because only one (position, time) data point is created from one streak, the efficiency of the observation decreases. To define the length of a streak correctly, it is important to locate the endpoints of a streak. In this paper, a method using a differential convolution mask pattern is tested. This method can be used to obtain the positions where the pixel values are changed sharply. These endpoints can be regarded as directly detected positional data, and the number of data points is doubled by this result.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The correlation between meteorological data collected at the optical wide-field patrol network (OWL-Net) Station No. 1 and the seeing of satellite optical observation data was analyzed. Meteorological data and satellite optical observation data from June 2014 to November 2015 were analyzed. The analyzed meteorological data were the outdoor air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and cloud index data, and the analyzed satellite optical observation data were the seeing full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) data. The annual meteorological pattern for Mongolia was analyzed by collecting meteorological data over four seasons, with data collection beginning after the installation and initial set-up of the OWL-Net Station No. 1 in Mongolia. A comparison of the meteorological data and the seeing of the satellite optical observation data showed that the seeing degrades as the wind strength increases and as the cloud cover decreases. This finding is explained by the bias effect, which is caused by the fact that the number of images taken on the less cloudy days was relatively small. The seeing FWHM showed no clear correlation with either temperature or relative humidity.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Inactive space objects are usually rotating and tumbling as a result of internal or external forces. KOREASAT 1 has been inactive since 2005, and its drift trajectory has been monitored with the optical wide-field patrol network (OWL-Net). However, a quantitative analysis of KOREASAT 1 in regard to the attitude evolution has never been performed. Here, two optical tracking systems were used to acquire raw measurements to analyze the rotation period of two inactive satellites. During the optical campaign in 2013, KOREASAT 1 was observed by a 0.6 m class optical telescope operated by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI). The rotation period of KOREASAT 1 was analyzed with the light curves from the photometry results. The rotation periods of the low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite ASTRO-H after break-up were detected by OWL-Net on April 7, 2016. We analyzed the magnitude variation of each satellite by differential photometry and made comparisons with the star catalog. The illumination effect caused by the phase angle between the Sun and the target satellite was corrected with the system tool kit (STK) and two line element (TLE) technique. Finally, we determined the rotation period of two inactive satellites on LEO and geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) with light curves from the photometry. The main rotation periods were determined to be 5.2 sec for ASTRO-H and 74 sec for KOREASAT 1.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The purpose of the present investigation is to enhance extracellular acidic protease production by subjecting a protease producing strain Cordyceps pruinosa DK-01 to random mutagenesis by UV irradiation after ethidium bromide treatment. Methods and Results : Mutants were screened as protease producers on the basis of zone of clearance and relative proteolytic activity (RPA) on skimmed milk agar plates. In addition, mutants showed strong pink-red color intensity and different RAPD profiling compared with wild type control. Four mutants were randomly selected and their extracellular enzyme activities were investigated. In liquid culture without casein, 2.2-, 2.9-, 5.2- and 4.4-fold higher acid protease activity was achieved from mutants DK-m9, -m11 and -m12, respectively, than that of wild type strain (11.13 ± 1.60 U/ml). In liquid culture with casein, 1.1-, 1.3-, 1.3 and 1.3-fold higher acid protease activity was achieved with those mutants were found to produce, respectively, than that of wild type strain (93.95 ± 12.84 U/ml). Maximum acid protease activity was noticed from a mutant DK-m11 in liquid culture with casein (121.18 U/ml) and without casein (57.65 U/ml). The extracellular acid protease produced from DJ-m11 that was active in the pH range 4.5-6.5 and optimum temperature for the activity was 37°C. Furthermore, we found a deformed, shorten structure of setae on the elytron surface of dynastid beetles treated with culture supernatant of the DK-m11. Conclusion : These findings have more impact on enzyme economy for biotechnological and insecticidal applications of fungal proteases.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Astragalus membranaceus is one of the most widely used traditional medicinal herbs in Korea. Studies on the genomic of A. membranaceus resources have not been carried out so far. The present study was carried out to discriminate A. membranaceus based on genetic diversity using genomic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Methods and Results : We collected 5 A. membranaceus lines: Asung, Poongsung, Am-Jecheon, Am-Sancheong, and Am-China. One hundred mg of fresh leaves were used for genomic DNA extraction using the DNeasy plant DNA isolation kit (Qiagen GmbH, Hilden, Germany). 450,449 contigs were searched for 147,766 SSR candidate loci in this study using the MicroSAtellite identification tool (MISA). We selected 949 A. membranaceus genomic SSR markers that were showed variation for the five collections in silico screening with CLC genomics workbench program. The genetic diversity of all A. membranaceus resources was analyzed using 17 SSR markers employing the DNA fragment analysis method. Based on the genetic diversity analysis, these lines were classified into four distinct groups. Conclusion : These findings could be used for further research on cultivar development using molecular breeding techniques and for conservation of the genetic diversity of A. membranaceus. Furthermore, the markers could be used for marker-assisted selection for crop breeding.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Several optical monitoring strategies by a ground-based telescope to protect a Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellite from collisions with close approaching objects were investigated. Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO) objects, Inclined GeoSynchronous Orbit (IGSO) objects, and drifted GEO objects forced by natural perturbations are hazardous to operational GEO satellites regarding issues related to close approaches. The status of these objects was analyzed on the basis of their orbital characteristics in Two-Line Element (TLE) data from the Joint Space Operation Center (JSpOC). We confirmed the conjunction probability with all catalogued objects for the domestic operational GEO satellite, Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) using the Conjunction Analysis Tools by Analytical Graphics, Inc (AGI). The longitudinal drift rates of GeoSynchronous Orbit (GSO) objects were calculated, with an analytic method and they were confirmed using the Systems Tool Kit by AGI. The required monitoring area was determined from the expected drift duration and inclination of the simulated target. The optical monitoring strategy for the target area was analyzed through the orbit determination accuracy. For this purpose, the close approach of Russian satellite Raduga 1-7 to Korean COMS in 2011 was selected.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        By using the Optical Wide-field Patrol (OWL) network developed by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) we generated the right ascension and declination angle data from optical observation of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites. We performed an analysis to verify the optimum number of observations needed per arc for successful estimation of orbit. The currently functioning OWL observatories are located in Daejeon (South Korea), Songino (Mongolia), and Oukaïmeden (Morocco). The Daejeon Observatory is functioning as a test bed. In this study, the observed targets were Gravity Probe B, COSMOS 1455, COSMOS 1726, COSMOS 2428, SEASAT 1, ATV-5, and CryoSat-2 (all in LEO). These satellites were observed from the test bed and the Songino Observatory of the OWL network during 21 nights in 2014 and 2015. After we estimated the orbit from systematically selected sets of observation points (20, 50, 100, and 150) for each pass, we compared the difference between the orbit estimates for each case, and the Two Line Element set (TLE) from the Joint Space Operation Center (JSpOC). Then, we determined the average of the difference and selected the optimal observation points by comparing the average values.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As a governmentally approved domestic entity for Space Situational Awareness, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) is developing and operating an optical telescopes system, Optical Wide-field PatroL (OWL) Network. During the test phase of this system, it is necessary to determine the range of brightness of the observable satellites. We have defined standard magnitude for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites to calibrate their luminosity in terms of standard parameters such as distance, phase angle, and angular rate. In this work, we report the optical brightness range of five LEO Satellites using OWL-Net.
        2015.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Telomeres at the end of the eukaryotic chromosomes consist of tandem repeats of (TTAGGG)n DNA sequence and shelter in protein complex. Telomeres have the essential functions in chromosome stability and genome integrity and are hence related to cell senescence and cancer. Stripped, Black and White Cattle (Endangered Korean Native Cattle) characterized by their coat color, live in the Korean peninsula. However, they are endangered, with very small populations remaining. To investigate the karyotypic pattern of chromosome and also to quantify the amount of telomeric DNA was carried out from the traditional Korean beef cattle species, HanWoo and endangered cattle bull. We quantified the amount of telomeric DNA by the Quantitative-Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (Q-FISH) technique using the telomeric DNA probe and chromosome analysis of lymphocytes was carried out using GTG-banding in 9 bull at age of 18 months. In results, we found that the normal (60, XY) male karyotype were detected in metaphase chromosomes from korean native cattle including Hanwoo, Stripped, Black and White cattle, respectively. In addition, there were no significant differences in the relative amount of telomeric DNA among the korean cattle bull. However, the relative amount of telomeric DNA of Hanwoo was slightly higher than that of White cattle. In conclusion, this study reported karytype and the amount of telomeric DNA which could serve as baseline information for comparison in conditions of physiological and health status of endangered Korean native cattle. Although we have no definitive explanations as to why this occurs, further investigations are needed to continue investigation of these animals throughout their life spans.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A strategy is needed for a regional survey of geosynchronous orbits (GSOs) to monitor known space objects and detect uncataloged space objects. On the basis of the Inter-Agency Debris Committee’s recommendation regarding the protected region of geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO), target satellites with perigee and apogee of GEO ± 200 km and various inclinations are selected for analysis. The status of the GSO region was analyzed using the satellite distribution based on the orbital characteristics in publicly available two-line element data. Natural perturbation effects cause inactive satellites to drift to two stable longitudinal points. Active satellites usually maintain the designed positions as a result of regular or irregular maneuver operations against their natural drift. To analyze the detection rate of a single optical telescope, 152 out of 412 active satellites and 135 out of 288 inactive satellites in the GSO region were selected on the basis of their visibility at the observation site in Daejeon, Korea. By using various vertical view ranges and various numbers of observations of the GSO region, the detection efficiencies were analyzed for a single night, and the numbers of follow-up observations were determined. The orbital estimation accuracies were also checked using the arc length and number of observed data points to maintain the GSO satellite catalog.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We estimated the orbit of the Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS), a Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellite, through data from actual optical observations using telescopes at the Sobaeksan Optical Astronomy Observatory (SOAO) of the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), Optical Wide field Patrol (OWL) at KASI, and the Chungbuk National University Observatory (CNUO) from August 1, 2014, to January 13, 2015. The astrometric data of the satellite were extracted from the World Coordinate System (WCS) in the obtained images, and geometrically distorted errors were corrected. To handle the optically observed data, corrections were made for the observation time, light-travel time delay, shutter speed delay, and aberration. For final product, the sequential filter within the Orbit Determination Tool Kit (ODTK) was used for orbit estimation based on the results of optical observation. In addition, a comparative analysis was conducted between the precise orbit from the ephemeris of the COMS maintained by the satellite operator and the results of orbit estimation using optical observation. The orbits estimated in simulation agree with those estimated with actual optical observation data. The error in the results using optical observation data decreased with increasing number of observatories. Our results are useful for optimizing observation data for orbit estimation.
        2015.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Diffuse involvement of the right pulmonary artery (PA) associated with fistula between the PA and coronary artery is report-ed in a woman with Takayasu’s arteritis. Both the subclavian arteries were totally occluded and drained by the meanderinged artery arising from both common carotid arteries. Lung perfusion scan revealed perfusion defect of right lung. Two fistulas were identified. A large fistula was between the right PA and left circumflex artery. A small fistula was between the right PA and left anterior descending artery. This is a rare case of Takayasu’s arteritis presenting with a coronary – pulmonary artery fistula that is secondary to a diffuse unilateral involvement of PA.
        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The isolated single coronary artery is a rare congenital anomaly, in which both coronary arteries arise from a solitary ostium. Diagnosis of coronary anomalies and identification of the exact anatomy of coronary arteries has significant clinical importance, hence, myocardial ischemia or sudden cardiac death is usually related to its course of anomalous coronary artery. Most patients with a single coronary artery are asymptomatic and have normal electrocardiogram and negative stress tests. However, if the patient has other structural abnormalities, for example, ventricular hypertrophy, the exam is determined. This report describes a case of single coronary artery, where the right coronary artery originated from the distal left circumflex artery in a patient with hypertrophic ardiomyopathy.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Genome sequencing researches for considerable numbers of crops and wild plants are being developed. Cytogenetic researches according to chromosome number and size are essential to confirm and comprehend ploidy level and genome size before genome sequencing project is actually conducted. Cytogenetic researches on six food crop plants were carried out by DAPI staining and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) method. Fagopyrum esculentum Moench showed 2n=2x=16, each chromosome length of 1.42㎛ to 1.77㎛, total chromosome length of 13.31㎛, and karyotypic formula of 2n=8m; Phaseolus angularis W.F. Wight, 2n=2x=22, 2.01㎛ to 3.84㎛, total 28.03㎛, 2n=9m+2sm, Perilla frutescens var. japonica Hara, 2n=2x=40, 1.73㎛ to 2.76㎛, total 44.36㎛, 2n=5m+13sm+2st. Chromosome sizes of the other three species such as, Panicum miliaceum L., 2n=2x=36, total chromosome length of 30.83㎛, Sesamum indicum L., 2n=2x=26, 27.39㎛, lpomoea batatas L., 2n=2x=30, total 33.51㎛ were too small for each chromosome type to be identified and analyzed. The result of FISH analysis using 5S and 45S rDNA probe showed species-specific chromosome locations in the genome. These preliminary analyses were carried out to decide which food crop to prioritize for genome sequencing. This work was supported by the “Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (No.PJ009837), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mungbean (Vigna radiata) is a fast-growing, warm-season legume crop that is primarily cultivated in developing countries of Asia. We constructed a draft genome sequence of mungbean to facilitate genome research into the subgenus Ceratotropis and to enable a better understanding of the evolution of leguminous species. The draft genome sequence covers 80% of the estimated genome, of which 50.1% consists of repetitive sequences. In total, 22,427 high confidence protein-coding genes were predicted. Based on the de novo assembly of additional wild mungbean species, the divergence of what was eventually domesticated and the sampled wild mungbean species appears to have predated domestication. Moreover, the de novo assembly of a tetraploid Vigna species (Vigna reflexo-pilosa var. glabra) provided genomic evidence of a recent allopolyploid event. To further study speciation, we compared de novo RNA-seq assemblies of 22 accessions of 18 Vigna species and protein sets of Glycine max and Cajanus cajan. The species tree was constructed by a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo method using highly confident orthologs shared by all 24 accessions. The present assembly of V. radiata var. radiata will facilitate genome research and accelerate molecular breeding of the subgenus Ceratotropis.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Totally, 26 collections, 17 from Korea and 9 from China, were investigated for their sequences of 5S rDNA, especially the non-transcribed spacers (NTSs). Sequences of 5S rDNA were isolated by PCR using the primers, 5s-rRNA1 and 5s-rRNA2. Genomic DNA PCR produced single amplification of 300, 330, or 350 base pair fragments. Sequence analysis revealed that all inserts contained the part of 5S rDNA gene sequence and the full length of the NTS region. Three different sizes of the fragments were confirmed due to different size of NTS and their length were 300bp, 330bp and 350bp, respectively. Among 17 Korean foxtail millets tested, 14 collections showed single 300bp amplification. Longest fragment amplification, 350bp, was obtained only from the foxtail millet from China origin, even though 2 of them include 300bp fragment. CLUSTALW multiple alignments of 26 foxtail millets clearly revealed 4 areas with certain degree of sequence heterogeneity (region I, II, III, IV). Among 4 boxed areas, foxtail millet genotypes from China have distinct insertion especially in region III. Five of them have extra insertion of sequence and their additional sequences were either 45 or 48 base pair. Three Korean foxtail millets have 32 bp insertion. Other 8 Korean collections have short insert sequences (6 to 8 bp), 3 with 8 bp and 5 with 6 bp. In addition to insert, deletion sequences were also confirmed as major deletion was observed in region II of Chinese collection. The size of deletion was 7 bp long. According to phylogenic tree constructed using MEGA4 program, clear grouping was not revealed. To obtain more convincing results various collections from many countries should be obtained and analyzed to distinguish different germplasm from different origin.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Twenty two common millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) varieties collected from Korea, China and Russia were investigated for their phylogenetic relationship using 5S ribosomal DNA sequences with a hope to provide the basic information on their exact origin. Sequences of 5S rDNA were isolated by PCR. The primers, 5s-rRNA1 and 5s-rRNA2, were designed to isolate the complete NTS. Genomic DNA amplification produced two fragments with different length, 900 bp and 400 bp fragments, confirming the presence of two types of 5S rDNA repeats that differed from each other in the length of the NTS region. Amplified DNAs of 400 bp fragment were subcloned and used for further investigation. The obtained NTS sequences ranged from 200 to 300 bp and homology of sequences among plant materials was much higher than long repeat. CLUSTALW multiple aligment of 5S rDNA sequences from 22 different common millets revealed the clear difference by their origin. And critically different areas with insert or deletion were also confirmed. Those sequence difference seems to be used for discrimination of cultivars from different origin and use as molecular markers for origin identification. In phylogenic tree construction, the clear classification was shown where the genotypes from China and Russia is positioned together and stay away from domestic genotypes.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Herb extracts commercially used in Korea were screened for PPAR-γ agonist test and α-glucosidase inhibition assay. Total 16 herb plants had a PPAR-γ agonist activity. Specially, Alisma orientale Juz (108.41%), Ephedra sinica (98.22%), Sasa japonica Makino var. purpurascens Nakai (140.68%), Astragalus membranaceus Bunge (106.79%) and Cnidium officinale Makino (113.00%) showed high PPAR-γ agonist activity rate compared with rosiglitazone's (167.46%). And Cornus officinalis S. et Z. (90.3%), Cinnamomum cassia Blume (89.2%), Psoralea corylifolia L. (89.8%), Paeonia japonica (Makino) Miyabe (92.4%) and Paeonia suffruticosa Andr (93.2%), showed high α-glucosidase inhibition rates. These results support previous reports of the efficacy of Oriental medicinal plants used for diabetes mellitus.