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        검색결과 22

        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 이수경의 원 잡극 도류취와 풍몽룡의 명대 소설 월명화상도류취를 통해 잡극과 소설이라는 두 장르를 비교 분석하였다. 이를 위해 도류취 고사가 민간전설에서 잡극과 소설로 발전해 나간 변천과정에 대해 살펴보았고, 도류취 고사가 주로 수용된 잡극과 소설의 구성과 내용을 비교함으로써 각 장르 간의 유사점과 차이점을 살펴보았다. 두 작품은 불교라는 동일한 종교적 색채를 담고 있지만 잡극 도류취 는 일반대중들에게 연극의 형식으로 불교의 교리도 선양하고 오락적 요소도 제공했던 작품임에 반해, 소설은 파 계승의 이야기를 통해 인간의 본성과 불교의 금욕과 인과응보를 이야기하나 다분히 명대 독 서인의 흥미를 끌기 위한 상업적 의도가 엿보이는 작품이라 평할 만하다. 중국 전통문학의 주도권이 소설과 희곡으로 넘어오기 시작한 남송 이래로 소설과 희곡은 늘 상호 영향관계에 놓여 있었으며, 각자의 창작에 자양분이 되어 중국문학을 더욱 풍부하게 만든 핵심이었다. 따라서 두 장르 간 교차연구내지는 결합연구는 중국 근·현대문학을 이해할 수 있는 중요한 자원이 될 수 있다는 측면에서 본 연구의 의의를 찾고자 한다.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 국내의 공시된 545종의 위험유해물질의 국제 해상운송위험물 코드를 포함한 다양한 물질 고유번호들을 수집하고 물질정보와 위험성에 대해 조사한 후, 이미 개발된 미국, 일본, 유럽형 데이터베이스를 참고하여, 해상 운송되는 국내 HNS의 물질정보와 폭발성과 부식성을 포함한 거동특성에 대한 자료를 취합한 한국형 위험유해물질 데이터베이스를 구축하였다. 또한 기존 육상 환경위주의 위험유해물질의 데이터베이스의 문제점과 혼합물 위험유해물질의 물질정보의 부재를 포함한 해결해야할 문제점을 보고하였다. 해양유출사고에 대비한 데이터베이스의 구조를 국내 해양환경에 맞는 기본모델을 구축하고 추후 확장 데이터베이스 구성에 대한 개선안을 제시하였다.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        복숭아혹진딧물(Myzus persicae )의 성충 발육과 산자수를 , 상대습도 60-70%, 광주기 16L:8D 조건에서 조사하고 생명표를 작성하였다. 복숭아혹진딧물 성충은 까지 수명이 일로 온도의 상승에 따라 성충기간이 짧아졌으며, 산자수는 에서 40.8마리로 최고치를 보였으나 까지 산자수 차이에 유의성이 인정되지 않았다. 다만 에서는 8.4마리로 고온에 영향을 받은 것으로 보인다. 또한 복숭아혹진딧물 성충의 일일 산자수는 에서 5.1마리였고, 와 에서는 모두 2.8마리로 온도가 높거나 낮아지면서 일일산자수가 적어졌다. 온도별 총 산자수를 이용하여 작성한 산자 모형을 보면 에서 51.0마리로 최고값을 보인다. 또한 약충 발육시 사망률과 성충 수명, 산자수를 이용하여 생명표를 작성하였는데 복숭아혹진딧물은 Ro가 에서 36.5, 은 0.4, Dt는 1.6, 기간증가율은 1.5, 세대기간은 8.1로 가 복숭아혹진딧물 증가에 가장 적합한 온도로 나타났다.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목화진딧물(Aphis gossypii Glover)의 성충수명, 산자수는 15-32.5, 습도는 , 광주기는 16L: 8D조건에서 조사하였고 이를 이용하여 생명표를 작성하였다. 를 기준으로 온도가 내려감에 따라서 수명이 길어지고 산자수가 증가하였다. 특히 에서 산자수가 61.8마리로 가장 많았다. 이와 다르게 성충의 일일 출산 수는 까지 온도가 올라감에 따라 증가하였고(일일평균 5.6마리) 이후 감소하였다. 온실에서 성충수명은 20.0일, 산자수는 59.6마리로 의 항온조건보다 수명은 길고 산자수는 더 많았다. 목화진딧물의 생명표를 작성한 결과 순증가률(Ro)은 에서 54.9이였고, 내적자연증가률()과 기간증가률()은 에서 0.5와 1.6으로 최고 값이었고, 배수기간(DT)과 평균세대기간(T)은 에서 1.4와 6.8로 가장 작았다. 따라서 이들 수치를 통해 보았을 때 목화진딧물이 생활사를 완성하는데 최적 조건은 라 생각한다.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목화진딧물 발육실험은 15-35, 습도는 60-70%, 광주기는 16:8 (L:D h)에서 수행 하였다. 진딧물 약충 사망률은 초기 1-2령의 사망률이 대부분을 차지하고, 온도의 상승에 따라 사망률이 높아져 32.5에서 36%였으며, 35에서는 1-2령의 사망률이 44%, 3-4령이 56%로 이 온도에서는 진딧물의 발육이 이루어지지 많았고, 3-4령의 사망률이 1-2령의 사망률보다 높게 나타난다. 전체약충의 온도별 발육기간을 보면 15-3까지 온도의 상승에 따라 발육기간이 11.5에서 4.6일로 짧아지는 경향을 보였고, 고온의 영 향을 받은 것으로 생각되는 32.5에서는 오히려 발육기간이 5.5일로 길어졌다. 발육영 점 온도는 5.이였고, 유효적 산온도는 106.8일도였다. 온도별 발육율은 변형된 Sharpe와 DeMichele의 비 선형 모형 에 잘 적합되었다. 발육단계별 발육기간을 표준화하여 누적시킨 값들은 3개의 변수를 갖는 Weibull function에 적합되었다.
        1999.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper on Hoe (raw beef) is to investigate various kinds of its recipes, with equal focus on seasonings and sauces as well as its main and sub ingredients. The recipes of Hoe can be broadly classified into four large groups such as Salkogi Hoe(Red meat Hoe), Hankazi Naechang-yook Hoe(made from internal organs), Jap Hoe(1)(miscellaneous Meat Hoe) and Jap Hoe(II)(rolled with a whole pinenut) while the cook books written before 1945 indicate that the number of recipes reaches up to 21. The recipe of Salkogi Hoe comprises following three steps. Cut raw beef into thin strips and season them if necessary, then sprinkling sufficient pinenut powder on the strips. Its main sauce is hot pepper paste with vinegar. The recipe of Hankazi Naechang-yook Hoe uses kidney, manyplies, liver and tripes as main ingredients. Kidney should be thinly sliced with mixture of salt, seasame salt, seasame oil, and pepper as its seasonings. Regarding Manyplies, liver and tripes, there exists two possible ways to season them after cutting into strips. You can season with sesame oil and pepper or only with salt. Main ingredients of Jap Hoe(I) consist of beef, pork, kidney, manyplies, liver and tripes, among which minimum two ingredients are selected. Ingredients selected are sprinkled with pinenut powder after cutting into thin strips. And Hot pepper paste with vinegar is used as main sauce. The recipe of Jap Hoe(II) is to cut manyplies into pieces of 2Cm by 5 Cm without removing their black part and roll each piece with a whole peanut in such a manner that the peanut sticks from rolled piece.
        1997.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to examine the various kinds of recipes of deer and roe deer through classical cookbooks written from 1670 to 1943. The recipes of deer and roe deer are found 31 times in the literature written in classical Chinese from 1715 to the mid-l8th century, which can be classified six groups. Their records are less than other recipes such as beef, chicken, pork, lamb, and dog, but the deer recipe is recorded frequently as four times as the roe deer one The deer were cooked and preserved by the following six ways like large-size drying, drying, boiling, soup, roasting, and gruel, while three ones such as boiling, roasting, and drying were applied to the roe deer. However, there is little difference in recipes between deer and roe deer. In case of deer, boiling and drying were the most popular ones with the frequency of 28%. But the recipes of the roe deer, boiling, roasting, and drying are recorded with the same frequency of 33.3%. The recipes were introduced from China, and had many characteristics different from other kinds of meat, of which most process reflected the mordern cooking scientific aspect. The main ingredients were flesh meat, tail, and tongue and horn was used with uniqueness. Salt, vinegar, oil soy sauce, and the white part of the green onion were used as main seasonings. Alcohol, chuncho, sesame flower powder, and cinnamon powder are frequently added.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to examine the various kinds of recipes of pheasant through classical cookbooks written from 1670 to 1943 which are the basic materials to the meat cooking. The recipes of pheasant are found 39 times in the literature, which can be classified into eleven groups. Chronologically, the recipe of mandu (ravioli) was first appeared, and guk, tang (soup), kui (roasted), jang (salted meat), chim (steamed), po (dried meat), whe (raw meat), gijim (boiled in soy sauce), cho (sparkly heated in soy sauce and sugar), jolim (hard boiled in soy sauce), and jungol (meat with vegetable cooked in pan) followed in the records. Kui was the most popular one with the frequency of 43.6%, which proves that kui is the most suitable one for pheasant among all of recipes. Mandu and guk, tang were 10.2%, chim and po were found with the same rate of 7.7% and the next ones were jang, gijim, cho, and jungol with the rate of 2.6%. The recipes of pheasant were recorded much less than those of beef, chicken, pork, lamb, and dog meat. Particularly, in comparison with chicken belonging to fowls, the frequency of pheasant cooking did not reach even to one third of that. The Korean recipes of pheasant have been independently developed with originality, having nothing to do with the Chinese ones. The recipes of pheasant before the late 1800s have based on the strict recipe principles along with the spirit of art and sincerity, but they were deteriorated to simple and easy ones discarding principles. The main ingredient was the flesh of pheasant and the sub-ingredients such as flour, pinenut, buckwheat powder, and mushroom were included in common. In additon, oil, soy sauce, black pepper, and stone leek were frequently used as main seasonings.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to survey the various kinds of cooked beef products focusing on Sukyuk (boiled beef) and Pyunyuk (boiled beef slice) recorded on the historical literatures written from 1670 to 1945. Sukyuk and Pyunyuk were recorded 45 times in the references and could be classified into 11 groups based on major ingredients such as fresh meat, tough meat, rotten meat, tail, head, lung, cup of breast, testicles, pancreas, spleen and tung. Twenty two cooking methods were described on the records. Sukyuk and Pyunyuk based on fresh meat were described the most frequently. Pyunyuk based on head was described late in 18th centuries, but its recipe could not be found in any records and that of internal organs and tung were presented late in 18th centuries and early in 19th centuries, respectively. The major ingredients of Sukyuk and Pyunyuk were lean meat, tail, head, lung, cup of breast, testicles, pancreas, spleen and tongue Mulberry seed, fragment of roof tile and other sub-ingredients were used for softening or deodorizing the off flavor of the products.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to survey the various kinds of cooked beef products focusing on 'Chim' (a steamed beef products) through historical literatures written from 1670 to 1945 in korea. 'Chim' was recorded 25 times in the references and could be classified to 5 groups based on major ingredients such as stomach, intestine, lean meat, tail and ribs. Among the eleven cooked products of 'Chim', 'Kalbi-chim' (a steamed ribs) was recorded most frequently and 'Sundae-chim' (sausage-like product) was the next. Though 'Kalbi-chim' has been used untill present day but 'Sundae-chim' was disappeared in the early 19th centuries. Ribs were most popular ingredient among the major ingredients such as stomach, intestines, lean meat, tail, feet and ribs. Twenty one kinds of subingredients including pheasant meat, blood clot and flour were used for 'Chim'. Decorating ingredients such as roasted sesame power, pine nut and thin-layer fried eggs and seasonings such as pepper, roasted sesame powder, tripe, garlic, soy sauce and seasonings such as pepper, roasted sesame powder, tripe, garlic, soy sauce and sesame oil were used for 'Chim'.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to get required torque data needed to design and develop a roll-up ventilation system in a pipe-constructed plastic film green-house. The results obtained from this study are as follows : 1. The required torques of a roll-up ventilation system in greenhouse are the functions of its length. The torques should multiplied by the conversion coefficients (2.0 in ceiling vent, 1.8 in side vent) in case of application. 2. In constructing pipe-constructed plastic film greenhouse, a shaft pipe is the largest essential element in roll - up shaft weight constitution which have an effect on the required torques. Therefore, the pipe should be light using nonferrous materials like aluminum alloy. 3. A planetary reduction ventilator of differential ring gear type is suitable for a roll-up ventilation system, because it can make high efficient reduction just using the first step shift.
        1995.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to survey various recips of the roasted skewered beef (Sanjuk) with twenty three classical cookbooks written before 1943 in Korea. The recipes of the roasted skewered beef are found thirty times in the records, which can be classified into six groups such as the palm-type skewered beef (Sulhamyukjuk), little finger-type skewered beef, mixed skewered beef, juice skewered beef, little finger-type skewered internal organs, and wide-cut skewered internal organs. The palm-type skewered beef and the mixed skewered beef most frequently appeared in the records. The 'Sulhamyukjuk' in the 17th century were inherited while changing its name to 'Sanjuk' in the late 18th century, which is the origin of 'Bulkoki'. There were two types of the roasted skewered beef, the palm-type and the little finger-type; and the palm type preceded the little finger-type. They were used with no change until the 19th century. Actually the roasted skewered beef existed even in the 16th century, but were put down in the early 17th century. In the cooking of 'Sulhamyukjuk' the process of dipping shortly into cold water in the midst of roast seems to absolutely disappeared. Some recipes of the roasted skewered beef were lost, but most have been inherited in the similar way with simplification including little use of internal organs. The main ingredients consisted of parts of cattle such as fresh meat, intestines, heart, liver, omasum, tripe, head, sweet bread, and lung with various vegetables and mushroom. And the main seasonings were mixtures of oil, soy sauce, sesame seed powder, scallion stalk, pepper, sesame seed oil, and salt. And sometimes wine, vinegar, ginger, garlic, and sugar were added.
        1995.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to survey various recipes of the roasted beef with twenty three classical cookboods written before 1943. The roasted beefis found total 32 times in the literature which can be classified into seven groups such as the roasted rib, roasted foot, roasted tail, roasted heart, roasted gall, roasted kidney and roasted fresh meat. The most frequent one is the roasted rib appearing eight times and the next is the roasted sliced beef with seasoning appearing seven. This proves that the those recipes have been the most favorite ones to Korean people for a long time. The roasted rib has been found since the middle of the 17th century, but the process of roasting ribs again with seasoning after three successions of dipping shortly into cold water in the midst of roast wasz disappeared. The roasted sliced beef with seasoning originated since the late 18th century, and the roasted beef with salt since the early 19th century which has been inherited as the roasted raw upper part of roasted beef recipes have been continued until today in the similar manner. Generally the roasted meat with bones and the roasted internal organs started in 1766 earlier than the roasted fresh meat by a century. The main ingredients were rib, foot, tail, heart, gall, kidney, fresh meat and knee bone, and the seasonings were mixtures of scallion stalk, garlic, pepper, oil, soy sauce and sesame seed powder. And peculiarly salted shrimp, pear juice, ginger were added to seasonings and pine nut powder was used as decorating ingredient.
        1994.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study kinds of Lamb cooking and preservation and the ingredients of lamb cooking are surveyed through the references written from 1670 to 1943. The lamb cooking found in the literature totaled to more than 53. They can be classified into fourteen different groups according to their processing features which as follows: Salnum and Pyunyuk(boiled and slices of boiled), Kui(roasted), Chim(steamed), Whe(raw meat), Hounjae(smoking), Po(dried), Juk(gruel), Tang(soup), Sundae(stuffed small interstines), Jokpyun(jellied foot), Jungol(happiness pot), Sikhae(salt+meat+malt), Oumjang(salted meat), Kunjo(dried). Korean lamb cooking methods were primarily adopted from Mogolia in late Korea Dynasty but they had unique characteristics different from Mongolian ones. Furthermore, they were creatively applied to other meat cooking such as beef, pork and dog. About twenty one ingredients were mainly used in lamb cooking, including fresh meat, ribs, breast, heart, liver and the like. In particular, most popularly used ones were fresh meat and the heart in internal organs, which coincide with the main ingredients in beef cooking of today. The number of seasoning used in lamb cooking was twelve and especially salt, vineger, ginger and stone leek were most commonly used ones. Fourteen other addition were put into lamb cooking and the rice(Korean) wine was the most frequently used addition.
        1992.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1943년 이전의 문헌을 통하여 우리나라 쇠고기 「포(脯)」의 종류와 조리법, 조리법의 변천에 대하여 고찰하였다. 쇠고기포는 조리법의 빈도 면에서 42회(12.2%)로 1위이고, 연대적으로도 가장 오래된 조리법이다. 옛 문헌에 기록된 쇠고기포의 종류는 산포(散脯), 편포(片脯), 약포(藥脯), 장포(醬脯) 등이 있었다. 조리법과 모양에 따라 세분하면 9종류로 산포, 편포에는 다식모양, 네모진 모양, 대추모양의 작은 모양의 편포와 참기(塹機)모양, 반원주(半圓株)모양의 큰 덩어리 모양의 편포가 있고 약포에는 다져서 만든 약포와 얇게 저며서 만든 약포, 장포 등이 있다. 기록된 빈도면에서는 편포가 가장 많고 다음이 약포이며 산포, 장포의 순이다. 16세기 후반 처음에는 "고기 말리고 오래 두는 법"으로 기록되었으나 18C말부터는 포(脯)로 표현되어 일관성있게 19세기까지 포(脯)로 기록되어 있다. 17-18세기의 기록된 조리법이 거의 19세기까지 큰 변화 없이 같은 내용으로 이어지고는 있으나 더러는 만드는 과정에서 시간과 정성이 많이 드는 옛 것은 사라지고, 현대로 오면서 간편화되고 있다. 쇠고기포에 사용한 주재료는 모두 힘줄과 기름기를 없이한 쇠고기이고 부재료로 꿩을 19C중엽까지 4 문헌에서만 이용하였다. 양념은 19종이며 그 중 많이 이용된 것은 소금, 참기름, 후추, 간장의 순이고, 보통 육류에 사용하는 갖은 양념(간장, 후추, 참기름, 설탕, 깨소금, 파, 마늘)중에서 가장 적게 쓰인 것은 마늘이다. 고명은 3종이며 주로 잣가루를 이용하였고, 찍어 먹는 양념장은 진장과 초장이었다.
        1992.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1. There were 21 kinds foods and preservation of beef and the number of dishes were 346 in the literatures written before 1943. 2.Soup(羹) was appeared first, and followed by dried beef(肉脯), steamed(蒸), sliced of boiled beef(熟肉과 片肉), preservation(貯臟), pan broiled beef(濕熱炒), salted beef(肉醬), raw beef(膾), shish kebab(算炙), roasted with seasoning(炙), beef with vegetables cooked in pan(煎鐵), calf`s-hoof jelly(gelatin)(足片), jaban(佐飯), hardboiled beef(boiled in soy sauce), ravioli (饅頭), beef juice(肉汁), thick broth(heavy soup, 助致), grilled beef (煎油魚), mix with the season(muchim), sun(膳) and gruel(粥). 3.The total of 14 different names of soup were found in the literatures which are Yang tang(stomach soup), Dunggol tang(marrow soup), Dogol tang(medulla soup), Sungi kuk(ox-blood soup), Sogogi kuk(beef soup), Gom kuk(bone attached beef and organs soup), Jap tang(bone attached beef, organs and tough beef soup), Yukgaejang(fresh beef, organs and green onion soup), Joujeo tang(foot starched soup), Jok tang(foot soup), Kori tang(ox-tail soup), Kalbi tang(rib soup), Malgun jangkuk(clear soup), Wan ja tang(beef ball soup). 4.The number of staple ingredient were Tripe and fresh meat among 26 kinds of major ingredient, radish, wheat flour, egg among 21 kinds of miner ingredient black pepper, soy sauce and seasame among 22 kinds of seasonings, and Thin layer-fried egg among 9 kinds of decorating ingredient were used commonly in cooking for soup.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to evaluate the sensory characteristics and consumer preference of dog meat foods as compared with beef ones. The sensory evaluation was conducted by a 10-member trained panel and 109 persons ranging in age from 23 to 59 participated in the consumer research. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The sensory characteristics. 1) In case of the meats boiled in water, it did not show any significant differences between dog and cow's meat in color as well as off-flavor. On the contrary, the other characteristics such as odor, tenderness, juiciness and oiliness of dog meat were evaluated stronger than those of beef. 2) when the meats were cooked as Tang (a kind of soup), the dog meat did not show any significant differences from beef not only in color and off-flavor but also in odor. 2. The consumer preference. 1) It appeared that consumers somewhat preferred beef Tang to dog meat Tang. However, they rated dog meat Tang as the 'neither liked nor disliked' food on an average. 2) Male consumers showed higher preference than female did for the dog meat tang. On the overall, dog meat foods are regarded to have some desirable sensory characteristics and can be acceptable to most people.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the kinds of Dog Meat Cooking, side dishes, ingredients, seasonings and recipes were surveyed in 21 Dog Meat Cooking restaurants in Korea from July to August of 1989. 1. Actually, there were four Dog Meat Cooking recipe. Tang (soup:湯) has been served in 20 (95.2%) restaurants and Sukyuk(boiled in water:熟肉) in 19(90.5%) ones. Junkol(boiling vegetables and meat with seasoning:煎骨) and Muchim(sauteed with seasoning:무침) has been done in 16(76.2%) and 10(47.6%) restaurants, respectively. 2. According to the frequencies, the main seasonings when served were roasted perillar powder (95.2%), soybean paste (95.2%), vinegar(81.0%), Dadegi (mixed much red pepper powder, minced ginger, minced garlic, minced onion and black pepper powder, 66.7%), pepper(61.9%), salt(61.9%), salt(61.9%), minced ginger(57.1%), minced garlic(57.1%) and prepared mustard(38.1%). 3. The number of side dishes were 26. Among vegetables, green pepper(90.5%), sliced garlic(81.0%) were served. Chinese cabbage(61.9%) and Kagtuki(42.9%) out of Kimchi and leek salad(28.6%) were also served. 4. The total 17 ingredients were used in Dog Meat Cooking. The major one were white onion (100%), perillar leaf(72.2%), leek(66.6%) and parsley(47.2%).
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1670년부터 1943년까지의 문헌 16권을 통하여 견육(犬肉)요리의 종류, 조리법, 양념, 부재료를 조사한 것은 다음과 같다. 1) 견육(犬肉)요리는 14종류로 분류되며, 연대순으로 보면 「찌는법」(증(蒸)) 20회(40%), 「견육순대」 1회(2%), 「견육꽂이구이느르미」 1회(2%), 「견육느르미」 1회(2%), 「국(갱(羹),탕(湯))」 12회(24%), 「익힌 고기 다시 찌는 법」 4회(8%), 「구장」(구장(狗醬)) 4회(8%), 「구적」(구적(狗炙)), 「구장과 젖」(구장(狗醬)과 해), 「구포」(구포(狗脯)), 「구족초」(구족초(狗足炒)),「구이진초」(구이진초(狗彛唇炒)), 「백숙」등은 각각 1회(2%)이며 50회 기록되었다. 빈도면에서는 「찌는 법」 「국」 「익힌 고기 다시 찌는 법」 「구장」의 순으로 「찌는 법」이 주를 이루고 있었다. 2) 견육요리의 전처리에 있어서 씻는 과정은 내장만 씻고 고기는 씻지 않는 것(52.6%)이 전부를 씻는 것(26.3%)보다 많았고, 내장을 많이(42.1%) 이용하였으며 익히는 과정에서는 거의 쪄낸 후(84.2%) 나름대로의 요리를 만들었고 삶어서 이용한 것은(9.0%) 거의 없었다. 3) 전체 견육요리에 이용된 양념은 22가지이며 그 중 많이 이용된 것은 유장(42.1%), 참깨가루(39.4%), 후추가루(36.8%), 식초(36.8%), 간장(28.9%), 고춧가루(26.3%), 참기름(23.6%), 만초가루(23.6%), 천초가루(23.6%) 등이고, 부재료는 5가지이며 그 중 많이 이용된 것은 파(파의 흰부분과 합함 34.2%)와 미나리(21.0%)이다.
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