In this study, sponge cakes were prepared with replacement of 1, 3, and 5% spergularia marina griseb powder. The specific gravity tended to increase as the ratio of spergularia marina griseb powder increased. The control group had higher moisture content, volume, and specific volume than the spergularia marina griseb powder samples. As the amounts of spergularia marina griseb powder increased, L and b value increased. In terms of textural characteristics, Sponge cake levels of hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness and brittleness increased as the amount of spergularia marina griseb powder additive increased. In the sensory evaluation, overall acceptability of 3% spergularia marina griseb powder was the highest. Based on the above results, sponge cake, made by addition of 3% spergularia marina griseb could be helpful in improving physical quality as well as taste enhanc the functionality of the product.
Information on time spent in microenvironments has a critical role in individuals’ exposure assessment. Time-activity studies have become an integral part of comprehensive exposure assessment and personal exposure modeling. The aims of this study were to estimate the exposure level of NO2, PM10 and VOCs, and to compare the estimated exposure by using time-activity pattern and indoor air concentration. This study was performed upon 28 university students living in Daegu. We measured air pollutants of NO2, PM10 and VOCs at houses where the university students spent most their times. In this study, according to the summer and winter, time-activity patterns of university students were different. The 28 university students average spending times in house indoors and other indoors time were 11.52±2.14 and 7.63±2.65 hours in summer, and 14.78±3.30 and 6.59±3.03 hours in winter, respectively. The university students personal exposure NO2 concentrations were average 21.62±5.88 ppb and I/O ratio was 0.89±0.27. Personal average exposure of PM10 concentration was between house indoors and outdoors concentrations which indoor house concentration was 37.68±7.57 μg/m3 and outdoor house concentration was 43.85±9.80 μg/m3 with 0.88±0.17 of I/O ratio. Personal exposure to benzene and the average concentration of benzene did not exceed in atmosphere environmental standard (annual 1.5 ppb) and the outdoor houses concentration was much higher than indoor houses.
Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) could adversely affect health. The aim of this study was to quantify the contribution of ETS exposure in nonsmokers of entertainment facilities. We simultaneously measured nicotine and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), which are known as indicators of ETS, concentrations in indoor internet cafe, billiard, karaoke, bar and restaurant, and estimated exposure level of other harmful agents occurred from tobacco smoking. Mean nicotine concentration (10.57±2.53㎍ /m3 ) of internet cafe was the highest comparing to other facilities, whereas mean concentration of restaurant where was non-smoking area was 0.28±0.08㎍ /m3 . There was statistically not correlated between NO2 and nicotine concentrations in entertainment facilities. Therefore, the use of NO2 concentration as indicator of ETS exposure may not be available. To date, there are no standards about each agent occurred from ETS. Consequently administrative control and regulation, and further researches in relation to ETS exposure should be needed.
Indoor, outdoor, and personal nitrogen dioxide (NO2) exposures were studied in a population of housewives. Daily Indoor and outdoor NO2 concentrations were measured and compared with simultaneously personal exposures of 17 housewives for 7 consecutive days in 17 houses. In this study, indoor and outdoor NO2 samples at home were collected only while the housewives were at home samples. Time activity patterns and house characteristics were used to determine the effects of these factors on personal exposure. Since housewives spent their times in indoor houses with mean of 78.3%, their NO2 exposures were associated with indoor houses NO2 levels (r= 0.89) rather than outdoor NO2 level (r= 0.85). Contribution of indoor NO2 concentration on personal exposure was estimated by 70.77% by using of mass balance model. The close association between measured indoor NO2 concentrations and measured personal exposure and contribution of indoor NO2 concentration suggests that measuring indoor concentrations of NO2 in the home is sufficient to estimate personal exposure accurately.
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of saltwort, on the quality characteristics of sponge cake. In addition, we examined the commercialization potential of sponge cake containing saltwort. To accomplish this, saltwort was added to sponge cakes at concentrations of 0%, 3%, 5% and 7% and quality and sensory tests were then conducted. The 7% group had the highest water and ash content. There was no difference in the fat content between samples. The control group showed the highest protein content and the lowest specific gravity. As the content of saltwort increased, the specific gravity of the sponge cake increased. Additionally, the dough yield and loss during baking were highest, in the control group, and these values decreased as the saltwort content increased. Similarly, the volume and specific volume were highest in the control group, and these values decreased as the content of saltwort powder increased. Color measurements of the samples, revealed that the L-value decreased as the content of saltwort powder increased. Furthermore, the a-value of the saltwort powder groups was higher than that of the control group and the b-value was highest in the 7% group. There were no differences in elasticity and cohesion between samples, but chewiness and brittleness increased the content of saltwort powder increased. The results of the sensory test revealed that the color, flavor and taste scores were the highest in the 5% group. The pore size was greatest in the control group, while hardness was greatest in the 7% group, chewiness was highest in the 5% group and moistness was highest in the 5% group. Finally, the overall preference was for the 5% group.
The aim of this study was to better understand the factors of the mentoring function in the foodservice industry that improve the organizational commitment of subordinates, and to asses the roles that trust towards supervisors play in the relationship between the mentoring and organizational commitment. A survey was of subordinates who were conducting the mentoring in foodservice companies (hotels, family restaurants) located in Seoul and Gyeonggi area was conducted from May 1 to May 30, 2008. The questionnaires were distributed to 400 employees in 50 restaurants and, 341 of them were received and a total of 320 were finally analyzed. The results were as follows. First, the effect of mentoring functions on the organizational commitment of subordinates indicated that the career developing function and psychosocial function had a significant positive effect on the emotional commitment and normative commitment (p<.01), and the career developing function, psychosocial function and role modeling function had a significant positive effect on the enduring commitment (p<.01). Second, the mediating roles of supervisory trust in the relationship between mentoring functions and organizational commitment of subordinates indicated that supervisory trust mediated the relationship between the career developing function of the mentoring functions, and enduring commitment and normative commitment in addition, it met the mediating requirements in terms of the relationship between the role modeling function, and the emotional commitment, enduring commitment and normative commitment. Consequently, the high career developing function, psychosocial function and role modeling function in mentoring raised the level of organizational commitment;thus, the mentoring system should used as on of the mentoring functions in the foodservice industry and mentoring functions should be also established.
부산시민의 외식실태를 조사하기 위하여 부산직할시에 거주하거나 직장을 가진 국민학교 4학년 이상의 남녀 464명을 대상으로 외식성향(때, 동기, 자주 가는 음식점의 종류, 비용, 선호도 등)을 설문지를 통하여 조사한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 외식은 점심 때보다 저녁에 더 많이 하며, 외식을 하는 동기는 가족끼리 외출을 하였을 때가 가장 많고 다음으로 모임이 있을 때와 친구를 만났을 때 순이었다. 점심 때 자주 가는 음식점으는 분식집이 가장 많고 다음으로 중국집과 한식집 순이였으며, 저녁 때는 한식집이 가장 많고 다음으로 갈비집과 중국집 순으로 점심 때와는 차이가 있었다. 외식비로 지출하는 1인당 비용은 점심 때는 전체의 71.88%의 사람들이 4, 000원 이하의 음식을 먹는데 비해 저녁에는 54%이상이 5천윈 이상을 지출하여 점심 때보다 저녁 때의 외식비가 많은 것을 볼 수 있다. 한번 갔던 음식점에 다시 가는 이유로는 음식맛이 좋기 때문이 가장 많았으며 다음으로 위생적이기 때문과 음식가격이 싸기 때문 순이였으며, 다시 가지 않는 이유로는 역시 음식 맛이 없기 때문이 가장 높고 다음으로 비위생적과 가격이 비싸기 때문인 것으로 나타났다. 이상과 같은 결과는 연령과 성별 뿐만 아니라 직업에 따라 차이가 있는 것을 볼 수 있었다.
Perceived air quality (PAQ) is defined as evaluation of indoor air satisfaction and comfortable sensory by occupants. However, there are differences between criteria of indoor pollutants and lowest sensory thresholds. In this study, we compared indoor PAQ by questionnaire with measured benzene, toluene and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations in home indoors. The NO2 concentration was the highest in Seoul, while benzene and toluene were the highest in Asan. Average PAQ score in winter was higher than that in summer. Significant correlations between PAQs of home indoor air pollution and measured pollutant concentrations were not shown and correlation coefficients (r) ranged between -0.453<r<0.258. Several groups have been divided to analyze what may affect PAQ scores such as gender, city, home indoor smoking, passive smoking, and self-reported respiratory symptoms. Gender, city, and self-reported respiratory symptoms by indoor air quality were associated with high PAQ scores by using of logistic regression analysis. We are confirmed that no association between concentrations of home indoor pollutant and PAQ scores. Therefore we further need to develop new indicator indoor air pollutants, measurement, and evaluation by PAQ.