
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The topic of this study is the translation of [Byun Jeung Rok vol.V(辨證錄四卷)]. Byun Jeung Rok is a complete book of medicine which was written by Jin Sa tak(陳士鐸) in the early years of the Ching dynasty. Of this, the fourth volume is composed of 12 disease-patterns(病症) and 54 subtopics. Byun Jeung Rok(辨證錄), as a book that completely organized the medical knowhow of the Ming Dynasty, explains disease-patterns(病症) through the unique and outstanding perspective of the individual author. This topic was studied in hopes of helping later students by showing to the world, through its translation, the author's understanding of disease pattern. The organized characteristics of [Byun Jeung Rok vol.V(辨證錄四卷)] is as follows. 1. For each symptom, the state, cause and prescription for the disease was explained in detail. It was written primarily based on experience. Because the explanations are clear, it is easy to understand. 2. The theory and actual application of Yin yang and five phases is amazing. The actual cause and actual treatment was indicated clearly. 3. In relation to physiology and pathology, the relation between the liver and gall bladder in the middle(between the heart and kidney). In relation to treatment, the tonifying method was never excluded.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this chapter 8, I discuss a running piglet disease(奔豚氣病), its causes, symptoms and prescription. The name of the running piglet(奔豚) disease dates back to old times, and it is not clinically reported these days. The symptoms of the running piglet disease(奔豚氣病) is characterized by unberable pain in the lower abdomen, the chest and the throat, followed by complete disappearance of these symptoms with passage of time. In my view, the causes of the running piglet disease(奔豚氣病) can be divided into three categories: startle and panic, and the excessive fluid(水飮). In this chapter 13, I elaborate on three diseases: a wasting-thirst(消渴), a dribbling urination(小便不利),1)a strangury disease(淋病). I discuss these three diseases in one chapter because they share the same symptoms of thirst and abnormal urination and the symptoms occur mainly in the kidney(腎) and the urinary bladder(膀胱). A wasting-thirst(消渴) has the main symptoms of drinking water and eating food excessively as well as urinating a lot. A disease symptomized by thirst(消渴) is typically divided into upper wasting-thirst(上消), middle wasting-thirst(中消), and lower wasting-thirst(下消) by clinicians. Specifically, I discuss the mechanism of disease of upper wasting-thirst(上消) and lower wasting-thirst(下消), treatment principles of and prescriptions for upper wasting-thirst(上消) and lower wasting-thirst(下消), and pathology of middle wasting-thirst(中消) in this chapter. Based on the view that a dribbling urination(小便不利) is not a disease per se but a label for the symptom of short and insufficient urination, I discuss water amassment syndrome(蓄水證), yang bringtness disease pattern(陽明病), and a dribbling urination(小便不利) that is accompanied by various diseases. A strangury disease(淋病) has the main symptoms of insufficient and trickling urination that is often accompanied by pain perception. In this chapter, I discuss about stone strangury(石淋) in particular. These three diseases merit in-depth discussion since they are clinically observed with high frequency.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Byun Jeung Ok Ham, written by Jin Sa Tak(1627~1707, won gong, penname ju hwa ja) is composed of four books. this book is estimated of being written after A.D 1688 and composed of internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, dental surgery and so on, total 36 parts of clinical medicine. This is the first book of that four studying about definition on eum yang of 31 diseases. 31 subjects follow, attack by wind and cold(傷風傷寒), paralysis(中風), vomiting(吐症), diarrhea(瀉症), malaria(瘧疾), dysentery(痢疾), epilepsy(癲狂), cough(咳嗽), constipation and urinal impossibility(大小便閉), heartache(心痛), abdominal pain(腹痛), headache(頭痛), eye disease(目痛), tonsillitis(雙蛾), tumor(癰瘡), exhaustion(脫症), perspiration(汗症), congestion(痰症), swelling(腫脹), heatstroke(暑症), asthma(喘症), evil influence(中邪), hematemesis(吐血), wet dream(夢遺), pyrosis(呑酸), backache(腰痛), intestinal convulsion(霍亂). childbirth(生産), hard labor(小産), after delivery(産後), sterility(子嗣). this treatise is the first book of four which deals with eum yang(陰陽) translating into korean and studying about medical theories. In every parts, author's unique clinical theory appears affluently and in that periods his study developmented a lot in those days' medical methods. second book is weaknessand strongness,third upper and low, fourth truth and untruth. first book, Jin Sa Tak says studying on eum yang is oriental medical basic theory and on incurable diseases or chronic symptoms, doctor must go back to that eumyang demonstration after can cure patients. second parts are on weakness and strongness demonstration, that weakness is weakness of patients' energy and strongness is prosperous condition of diseases' attack. third parts are on upper and low, that upper is upper parts of human body of painful parts and low is human low parts of pain, that is parts of under waist. fourth parts are truth and untruth, true symptoms and untrue symptoms, that is the real reaction of human condition and the other way. every prescriptions are author's creations. this book provides new viewpoints which surpasses original ancient medical theories. author suggests new opinions about chronic and incurable diseases. prescrisptions were made of following correct theory of gun sin jua sa theory (君臣佐使) and promoted levels of clinical methods. this treatise refers to dong ui bo gam(東醫寶鑑), huang je nei gyung(黃帝內經), sang han lon(傷寒論), ui hak yip mun(醫學入門) and modern physiology and pathology.
        2003.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The six kinds of natural factors(It refers to wind, cold, summer-heat, dampness, dryness and fire.) is constantly moving to maintain the balance of whole climate of one year. Four seasons are the largest mediation of whole climate of one year. The cold and the heat have the relationship of mutual intervention. The dampness and the dryness have it also. In this process they raise various climate appearance. And that various climate appearance influence the whole lives on the earth. This paper is concerned with the classification of them.
        2003.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Five elements motion and six kinds of natural factors influence not only human disease but also difference of medicine effect. Because the climate of summer is very hot, that is easy to increase the properties of hot medicines, a doctor must be careful to use it in summer. Also the climate of winter is very cold, that is easy to increase the properties of cold medicines, a doctor must be careful to use it in winter. But in the certain conditions to use diaphoretics or purgatives, in spite of that regulation a doctor can use them.
        1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Being based on oriental medicine, the body intimates with the mind. Therefore vitality attachs to heart, will attachs to spleen, purpose attachs to kidney and spirit attachs to lung. The mind is very important cause of a disease. Bonsin means the five viscera vitality. The acupuncture of the beginning always depend of vitality, therefore the name of this volume is BonSin. This volume explains the mind activity of human body that is vitality, essence of life, soul, spirit, feeling, will, purpose, wisdom and thought. In addition explains that's origin and the connection of the mind and care. A disease appears on the occasion of nerve strain, so we observe a mental state in case of treatment. This volume divide in three chapters. ChapterⅠ deals with the meaning of consciousness and connection with the cause of a disease. ChapterⅡ deals with an illness of five hollow organs's consiousness and the time of death for it's results. ChapterⅢ deals with the deficiency and exceess of a mental disease and mind-culture.
        1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Weigi(衛氣) is defensive energy which moves outside the conduits, permeating the surface of the body and warding off exogenous pathogens ; superficial resistance of the body. Yinggi(營氣) is constructive energy which moves though the conduits and nourishes all the organs This volume commets on creation and gathering of Yinggi(營氣)-Weigi(衛氣). Therefore subjicts can be chosen Yong Wi Sang Whei(營衛生會). This volume contents three chapters ChapterⅠdeals that yingi(營氣) is created from zhuogi(終期) ; dense part of food essence or waste gas, e.g., the air expirde or flactus discharged; and wei is created from qinggi(淸氣); ⑴ fresh air usually referred to the air inspired in the lung ⑵ food energy or nutrient esp. the clarified thin part of food essence ⑶ clear up the evil heat from the Qi system: a method in treating febrile diseases. Chapter Ⅱ deals with the difference between a youth and adult. Chapter Ⅲ deals with the relation between yinwei(영위) and Triple Burners.
        1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Yun gi doctrine is on five elements motion and six kinds of natural factors. Nature moves in a cycle. This phenomen on occurs periodically. Therefore everthing rotates including climate and temper. This circulation maintains the balance of nature. Yin and Yang is the two fundamental principles or forces in the universe, ever opposing and complementing each other-an ancient philosophical concept used in traditional Oriental medicine to refer to various antitheses in anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnosis and tertment, e,g., feminine, interior, cold and hypofunction being Yin while masculine, exterior, heat and hyperfunction are Yang. Wuxing is the five evolutive phases of the five elements. That yin-yang, wuxing express the balance of nature well. This volume contents five chapters. ChapterⅠ deals with the five circuit phases and six atmospheric influences not match yin-yang. ChapterⅡ deals that Wuyun gets possession through the sky. ChapterⅢ deals with the movement's change of sitian, zaitian. ChapterⅣ deals with Liupi's movement and its effect upon human body. ChapterⅤ deals with the rule of yungi's influence.
        1999.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This fasciale, a remainder of So Moon(素問) with Bon Byung Ron(本病論), is a part of the theory of the Five Circuit Phases and the Six Atmospheric Influences(五運六氣學) that studied and discussed the rules of the weather change in ancient oriental medicine. The change in weather is one of the most important factors which influence man's health therefore the theory is worth while to study further. This fascicle explains the cause of diseases occured by irregular and exceptional change of weather and acupunctural treatment methods to prevent and cure those kinds of disease as its title -Ja Bup Ron(刺法論)-suggests. During Tang Dynasty(唐) when Wang Ping(王氷) commentated the So Moon(素問) only the title of this fascicle was kept but the contents of it was lost differing from Seven volumes of the Five Circuit Phases and the Six Atmospheric Influences(運氣七篇). However in the times of the North Song Dynasty(北宋) when Kao Pao-Heng(高保衡), Lin I(林億) and the other scholars studied and compared medical books this fasciale and another lost fasciale-Bon Byung Ron(本病論) appeared with theirs notes. So these two fascicles called Lost Volumes of So Moon(素問遺篇). But we can infer these two fascicles were written by a certain Taoist during the ninth and tenth century A.D. - the former times of Kao Pao-Heng(高保衡), Lin I(林億) and the other scholars studied and compared medical books during the North Song Dynasty(北宋) since Wang Ping(王氷) because this fascicle connots the Taoism training methods such as Pe Gi(閉氣), Jon Sang Bup(存想法) and Oi Dan Bup(外丹法) and so on. This thesis runs as follows; Chapter 1 deals with acupuncture treatment to prevent and cure Ul(鬱) disease occuerd by Sung Gi Bu Jun(升之不前) of the Six Atmospheric Influence(六氣). Chapter 2 deals with acupuncture treatment to prevent and cure diseases due to Bul Chun Jung(不遷正) and Bul Toi Wui(不退位) of the Six Atmospheric Influence(六氣). Chapter 3 deals with acupuncture treatment of an epidermic(疫癘) due to the deviation of the Five Ciecuit Phases from the regularity(五運失守). Chapter 4 deals with the symptomes of an epidemi and the preventive treatments such as Jon Sang Bup(存想法), Vomitory treatment(吐法), respiratory treatment(汗法) and So Kum Dan Bang(小金丹方). Chapter 5 deals with the interaction among the five viscera and the six bowels as well as the principle of the acupuncture.
        1999.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This part comments the part related to filiform needle(小鍼) among the contents of Ku Chim Sip I Won(九鍼十二原) in Young Chu(靈樞) Ku Chim Sip I Won explains ① the name, the form and the use of nine kinds of neddles, ② and reinforcement and reduction through inserting the neddle in the same direction as the channels runs or in the opposite direction, and closing or enlarging the acupuncture hole etc., ③ and notice and contraindication in applying acupuncture, ④ and the close relationship of between diagnosis and acupuncture, ⑤ and the adverse reaction through a wrong treatment. Thus, it is very important to studying this part which comments Ku Chim Sip I Won. Summerizing the contents of the "So Chim Hae(小鍼解)" in reference to the contents of Ku Chim Sip I Won. the contents were as follows; What attracts our attention in chapter Ⅰ is the basic principles of applying acupuncture. What attracts our attention in chapter Ⅱ is reinforcement and reduction based on shortage and surplus, and their related reactions of human body. What attracts our attention in chapter Ⅲ is dividing the invasion of pathologic factors into three category(upper, medium, lower part) and then its mechanism and therapy, and the adverse effects through wrong treatmant. What attracts our attention in chapter Ⅳ is explaining the importance of observation of complexion and paltation of abdomen. Chim Hae(鍼解) in So Moon(素問) also comments Ku Chim Sip I Won in the same way that this part does, and yet there are not a few differences from this part in noting. Thus we need the comparative study of between this part and Chim Hae to understand Ku Chim Sip I Won. Besides we have to add the comparative study of views of distinguished physicians to correctly understand. I therefore made a comparative study both on the contents of those parts related to this part,and on the commentations of distinguished physicians to correctly understand Ku Chim Sip I Won, the important part about acupuncture.
        1998.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This fascicle is named as Si Jong Yong Ron because it puts an emphasis on attitude in diagnosis and is divided into two chapters, chapter 1 dealing with the principle of how to distinguish differences and how to compare similarities in classification, chapter 2 emphasizing an importance in classification alike examplfying similar symptoms of diseases in spleen, stomach, and lung. Accurate diagnosis should be at first done for proper treatment, classification should be accurate for precise diagnosis, and calm and intensive observation to a patient could give rise to precise classification. This fascicle has a great significance in that it supplies a detailed explanation about the principle for precise classifiication.
        1998.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The contents of Han Yul Byung (寒熱病) are explained on the basis of the so-called theory "Yin and Yang, the Five Evolutive Phases (음양오행)" ; The text of the Han Yul Byung (寒熱病) of the Young Chu (靈樞) was written in the Kap Ul Kyung (甲乙經) chapter 5, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 ; Also it was written in the Tae So (太素) volume 10 and 26 ; Also it was introduced in the Ryu Kyung (類經) volume 20, 21 and 22 by Jang Kae-Pin (張介賓) in the Myung (明) dynasty ; Summarizing the contents of the Han Yul Byung in reference to the contents of successive generation note, the contents run as follows: Chapter 1 deals with the symptoms and treatment of diseases which accompany chills and fever (寒熱病) ; Chapter 2 deals with arthralgia with other joint systems (骨痺) and flaccid paralysis of limbs (體惰病) ; Chapter 3 deals with indications of five points around the Chen You Points (天牖穴) Chapter 4 deals with the treatment of toothache ; Chapter 5 deals with the treatment of headache and eye pain ; Chapter 6 deals with the acupuncture manipulation according to changes of season ; Chapter 7 deals with the serious influence of carbuncle according to the region of body ; Chapter 8 deals with the treatment of heat-syndrome ; Chapter 9 deals with the side effect of acupuncture ; It is too difficult to understand the Han Yul Byung (寒熱病) , because it is written in old chinese ; Consequence of above reason, the writer of this article has researched to find out the exact meaning of that ; 
        2006.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 교통안전공단과 사단법인 녹색교통운동이 공동으로 개발한 교통문화지수와 관련한 2002년과 2003년의 전국 81개 도시 자료를 토대로 통계적 분석을 행하여 이들 대상도시들을 유형화하고, 집단별 영향요인에 근거하여 교통사고 예방대책들을 제시하고자 하였다. 먼저 교통문화지수와 영향요인들에 대한 주성분분석 결과로는 4개의 주성분으로 구분 지울 수 있었으며, 도시 특성별 최적 집단 수는 4개가 적합한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 이들 유형화된 집단별 교통문화지수에의 영향요인을 단계별 다중 회귀분석법을 이용하여 분석한 결과, 4개 집단 모두 높은 설명력을 갖는 회귀모형을 구축할 수 있었다. 이에 따라 각 집단별 교통사고 예방대책들을 구체적으로 제시할 수 있었으며, 아울러 투자된 시설이 얼마나 교통사고 예방에 효과적이었는가를 분석할 필요성이 있음을 향후의 연구 과제로 제시하였다.
        1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was focused on analyzing the headway of various types of trailer in Pusan city with the high heavy vehicle rate. Then Passenger Car Equivalent(PCE) was calibrated in order to identify the impact of trailers in the traffic flow at the signalized intersections. To fulfill this goal types of trailer were classified into five categories such as full trailer semi-trailer unloaded semi-trailer semi-trailer loaded with 20ft container and semi-trailer loaded with 40ft container and Passenger Car Equivalents were identified. the Results are as follows: 1) The PCE’s were 2.64, 1.51, 2.09, 2.16 and 2.23 respectively. 2) The saturation flow rate on the signalized intersection was lower than that on the multi-lane highway in the big city of Korea. 3) The start-up delay on the thru lane was similar to the average value in our country but the start-up delay on the left-turn lane was longer than the average value in our country by the impact of container Vehicles.