The swimming behavior of pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) in the offshore sea cage of the brass fishing net was observed and analyzed by imaging sonar techniques. The cultured fish spent most of the time swimming a circular path along the circular cage wall and continued to swim only clockwise direction without completely changing the swimming direction during the 23-hour observation time. In addition, changed swimming behaviors were divided into four categories: (a) the behavior of a large group temporarily swimming in the opposite (counter clockwise) direction, (b) the behavior of a small group temporarily swimming in a small circular path, (c) the behavior swimming small circular path in the center of the cage, and (d) the behavior of a large group swimming across the center of the cage. The maximum swimming speed of the cultured fish was from 3.5 to 3.8 TL/s, the mode was from 1.2 to 1.4 TL/s and the swimming speed during the day time was faster than at night time. It was confirmed the cultured fish swam not only on the surface but also near the bottom net of the cage during the day, but swam mainly at the upper part of the cage at night.
This paper is the result of a comparative analysis of crew members' workloads using the EMG and OWAS methods according to the fishing process before and after the improvement of the operating system of the experimental vessel, with the aim of improving operational efficiency and safety work of coastal improved stow net fishing vessels. The target crew members were three people with at least five years of experience on board the same fishing vessel as the experimental vessel. After improving the operating system, such as installing a power block crane and two capstans, change the location of the ball-roller, the time required for setting and hauling work decreased (p < .01), and the evaluation results by OWAS showed that the overall workload for setting and hauling net work decreased. The results of muscle activity analysis showed a decrease in lashing anchor work (p < .01) in the case of hauling net and in anchor dropping work in the case of setting net (p < .001). It is judged that the use of ball rollers in net handling has been reduced; consequently, work safety has been improved.
This study analyzed the allocation of the skipper’s attention during fishing operation in the wheelhouse of a Korean coastal composite fishing vessel by using video observation. To summarize the results, the ratio of lookout, radar and GPS monitoring, which is essential for prevention of collision at sea, was significantly lower than that of other fishing operation due to the attention concentration on the work place during hauling line. In order to reduce exposure to risk of collisions due to concentration of attention to certain tasks such as line hauling, it is necessary to develop an alert system that can notify the approach of other ships or obstruction throughout the ship using information from radar or the automatic identification system. In addition, the order of attention allocation to devices and facilities obtained in this study is expected to be used as basic data for device or facility layout based on the principle of usage frequency in designing wheelhouse for coastal composite fishing vessels in the future.
In order to understand basic data for improving the fishing system and fishing vessel structure in coastal improved stow net fishery, a questionnaire survey and on-site hearing were conducted from May 10 to June 11, 2019 to analyze opinions on the improvement of operation status and fishing vessel structure. The questionnaire survey consisted of ten questions on the operation status of coastal improved stow net fishery and six questions on the improvement of fishing vessel structure, and the results of each question were analyzed by the region, the captain’s age, the captain’s career and the age of fishing vessel. As a result of analyzing opinions on the operation status of the coastal improved stow net fishery, it was found that the average time required for casting net was 32.8 to 33.0 minutes and that the average time required for hauling net was 41.0 to 42.2 minutes which took 10 to 12 minutes more than for casting net. The most important work requiring improvement during fishing operation (the first priority) were ‘hauling net operation,’ ‘readjustment and storage of fishing gear,’ and ‘fish handling’ and the hardest factor in fishing management were in the order of ‘reduction of catch,’ ‘labor shortage’ and ‘rising labor costs.’ The most institutional improvement that is most needed in coastal improved stow net fishery was an ‘using fine mesh nets.’ Most of the respondent to the questions on the experience in hiring foreign crews was ‘either hiring or willing to hire foreign crews,’ and the average number of foreign crews employed was found to be 2.3 to 2.4 persons. The most important reason for hiring (or considering employment) foreign crews was ‘high labor costs.’ The degree of communication with foreign crews during fishing operation were ‘moderate’ or ‘difficult to direct work.’ The most important problem in hiring foreign crews (the first priority) was an ‘illegal departure.’ As the survey results on the opinion of structural improvement of coastal improved stow net fishing vessel, the degree of satisfaction with fishing vessel structure related to fishing operation was found to be somewhat unsatisfactory, with an average of 3.3 points on a five-point scale. The inconvenient structure of fishing vessel in possession (the first priority), the space needed most for the construction of new fishing vessel (the first priority) and the space considered important for the construction of new fishing vessel (the first prioprity) was a ‘fish warehouse.’ The most preferred equipment for the construction of new fishing vessel were ‘engine operation monitoring’ and ‘navigation safety devices.’ The average size (tonnage class), the average horse power and the average total length of fishing vessel for proper profit and safety fishing operation was between 13.8 and 14.0 tonnes, 808.3 to 819.5 H.P. and 23.4 to 23.5 meters, respectively. The results of the operation status of coastal improved stow net fishery and the requirement for improving the fishing vessel structure are expected to be provided as basic data for reference when we build or improve the fishing vessel.
The noise environment was evaluated using the ISO recommended NR evaluation curve and PSIL (Preferred Sound Interference Level) in order to investigate the onboard educational environment according to the noise in the Motor Vessel Saehaerim, a fishing training ship under making way. As a result, NRNs were measured at 37-61 dB in accommodation areas, 44-56 dB in work areas, 37-57 dB in educational and conference areas, 83-103 dB in engine areas and 65.3 dB and 51.2 dB in the work and education areas respectively based on PSIL. The NRNs, which evaluated the cabin of the experimental ship according to the purpose, exceeded all of the indoor standard noise recommended by the ISO, and the PSIL had a generally short conversational distance within 0.25-2.3 m and 0.75-1.3 m for teaching and work areas.
In order to collect basic data for the improvement of fishing systems in coastal improved stow net fishery, a questionnaire survey and on-site hearing were conducted from May 10 to June 11, 2019 on the basic items of coastal improved stow net fishery and safety accidents that occurred during fishing operation. The questionnaire for the survey on the actual conditions of coastal improved stow net fishery consisted of a survey on basic matters (six questions) and a questionnaire (six questions) on safety accidents occurring during fishing operation. The results of the survey on basic items were analyzed by region (Incheon, Seocheon, Gunsan and Mokpo), by the captain’s age (less than 50 years of age, 50 to 60 years and more than 60 years of age), by the captain’s career (less than 20 years, 20 to 30 years, 30 to 40 years and more than 40 years) and by the age of fishing vessel (less than 10 years, 10 to 20 years and more than 20 years). According to the survey on basic items of coastal improved stow net fishery such as the captain’s age, the captain’s career, the age of fishing vessel, the fishing nets in use, the crews on board and the operation days per voyage by region, the average captain’s age was 55.7 years, the average captain’s career was 20.5 years, the average age of fishing vessels was 9.0 years, the average numbers of nets used by fishing boats was 14.0 sets, the average numbers of crew on board a fishing boat was 4.4 persons and the average numbers of operation days per voyage was 4.9 days (p < 0.05). As a result of the survey on safety factors during fishing operations, such as experience of ship accidents, major causes of ship accidents experienced, causes of ship accidents (first priority), experience of human accidents, major causes of human accidents, and causes of human accidents (first priority), more than 96% of the respondents experienced ship accidents including collisions with other vessels or fishing gear during fishing operations. The most significant cause of the accident was the other’s fishing gear installed in the fishing grounds. The first possible causes of ship accidents during fishing operations were found to be other fishing gear installed in fishing grounds, steering or engine failure, and inability to avoid accidents during casting and hauling nets. The survey of the experience of human accidents, such as injuries or sea falls, showed that more than 90% of the respondents experienced human accidents during fishing operations. The most important cause of accidents experienced during fishing operations was stucked in a fishing gear during casting and hauling nets. The first important causes of accidents during fishing operations were movement of the fishing gear during casting and hauling nets, damage of the fishing gear such as rope cutting. The results are expected to be provided as a basic data to prevent safety accidents occurring during fishing operation and improve the fishing system in the coastal improved stow net fishery.
This study collected and analyzed the fishing process of existing fishing boat and newly built fishing boat by using the video observation methods to understand the improvement of fishing operation efficiency and safety according to the scale change of coastal composite fishing boat. The fishing operation efficiency was calculated by analyzing the frequency of movement, the movement distance and the moving time per basket used in the fishing process to derive the improvement of the newly built fishing boat compared to the existing fishing boat. It was confirmed that the mean frequency of movements decreased to 13.9%, the average moving time decreased to 21.8%, the mean movement distance increased to 20.5% and the movement through the top of gunwale did not occur. Movement of frequency, increased and time according to the fishing operation were directly affected by the width of side passages and the presence or absence of walking obstruction such as bulwark stay, hatch coaming and fishing gears on deck. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for redesigning into a safe and efficient coastal composite fishing boat in the future.
This research carried out a study on the job characteristics of the skipper of the coastal composite fishing vessels in order to find a way to prevent the ship collision caused by the highest human error among the marine casualty of fishing boats. Video observation was used as the research method in which six CCD cameras were installed on the vessel to collect image data and data extracted from the image were analyzed to derive the results of the functional activity of skipper according to the fishing operation process of experimental fishing vessel. The results are as follows. The working process of the experimental fishing vessel consisted of navigation for fishing ground, setting line, waiting for hauling line, hauling line and navigation to homeport. In these processes, the skipper was performing watchkeeping in the wheelhouse in which he carried out a single task, a dual task that performed two tasks simultaneously, and a triple task that performed two or more tasks simultaneously. In addition, one of the risk factors causing the collision was a no watchkeeping in the wheelhouse for navigating for fishing ground, waiting for hauling line, and hauling line at 25.4%, 64.6% and 0.3%, respectively among the marine casualty while drowsiness caused 1.2% of the marine casualty in navigating for fishing ground. Concurrent tasks that simultaneously perform two or more tasks that can overlook any other important duties while carrying out watchkeeping in the wheelhouse include 51.3% of navigation for fishing ground, 81.9% of setting line, 19.0% of waiting for hauling line, 87.9% of hauling, and 88.7% of navigation to homeport. The above concurrent tasks yielded an average of 66.1%. Experimental fishing vessels are required to focus on ship handling operations related to fishery operations, and the skipper is assigned more activities and attention to fishery related tasks. Therefore, it is considered desirable to build a collision prevention system that is appropriate to the characteristics of the skipper’s work, escaping from transferring the responsibility of ship collision to the skipper completely.
We conducted a questionnaire survey to analyze the current status of the coastal composite fisheries, as well as the improvement point in designing a new type coastal composite fishing boat suitable for Korean fishing environments from April to August 2017. The questionnaire composed of 20 questions about the features of the coastal composite fishing boat and fishing work. The survey sites were selected to cover all parts of the country by considering the geographical position. The significance testing for the response results was accessed by test and ANOVA. The results revealed that more than half (59.1%) of the fishermen operated one day per voyage and operating alone topped with 22.5% in the number of crews, followed by 2 persons (20.3%) and 5 persons (22.1%). The navigation devices had a high rate of installation and GPS plotter ranked first in the devices. In addition, fish finder ranked first in fishing equipment, followed by net hauler. The most inconvenient work that they felt during the fishing operation was fish handing at 49.8% and other general fishing works like setting and hauling line, deck cleaning accounted for about 25%. The hardest work was the accident by ropes wrapped around propeller and the engine trouble came in second. The most inconvenient facilities to the present design of fishing boat was wheelhouse (76.7%), followed by fish hold (38.5%), and deck (35.1%). Furthermore, inconvenient points related to the movement of fishing gear, noise and vibration of engine, slippery deck and small fish hold exceeded 50%.
The aim of this study is to investigate influence of moon light to the fishing of squid jigging fishery in the southwest Atlantic Ocean based on analyses of date taken from 127 vessels in Falkland fishing ground by squid jigging fishery from 2010 to 2015. Catch and CPUE were analyzed between the new moon and full moon phases. Catches of the new moon phase were higher than those of the full moon phase by 7.6% and CPUE expressed in mt/day-vessels and mt/line-day were also higher by 18.2%, 18.2% respectively. However, as a result of statistical analysis at a significance level of p > 0.05, no significant statistical differences in catch, mt/day-vessels and mt/line-day were found between the new moon and the full moon as a result of statistical analysis at a significance level of p > 0.05.
The survey was conducted to investigate biomass and distribution of fisheries resources using a quantitative echo sounder and a fixed gillnet around Marado coast of Jeju to obtain the scientific basic data for dispute resolution with a large purse seine fishery and coastal fishing and policy establishment of reasonable fisheries resources. Hydroacoustic surveys were conducted six times (November 28~29, 2015 (night), February 23~24, 2016 (night) and March 3~4, 2016 (night/day), March 30~31, 2016 (night/day)) using a quantitative echo sounder. The pelagic fish densities were relatively higher around Marado in November 2015, February 2016 and March 3~4, 2016. However, demersal fish densities were relatively higher in Jeju coastal waters on March 30~31, 2016. Catch data using fixed gill net were used to calculate biomass. Based on the hydroacoustic data, fish length-weight function and target strength information of dominant fish, the biomass of fishes were estimated as follow: 5.64 ton CV = 70.2% at night on November 28-29 2015, 7.14 ton CV = 35.8% of pelagic fish and 530.77 ton CV = 34.6% of demersal fishes at night on February 23-24 2016, 2.34 ton CV = 56.7% of pelagic fish and 571.93 ton CV = 40.3% of demersal fish at daytime, 1.39 ton CV = 48.4% of pelagic fish and 194.59 ton CV = 54.3% of demersal fish at night on March 3~4 2016, 0.37 ton CV = 72.9% of pelagic fish and 338.79 ton CV = 99.7% of demersal fish at daytime, 0.24 ton CV = 21.3% of pelagic fish and 68.61 ton CV = 53.8% of demersal fish at night on March 30~31 2016.
This study analyzed characteristics of officers’ watch-keeping during fishing operation at the fisheries training ship KAYA(GT: 1,737 tons, Pukyong National University). It observed fishing works of three officers in wheel house of KAYA. The observations were carried out at the fishing ground 45 miles away from east of Jeju from 7 to 8 January 2010. The works and movements of the officers were recorded with three common video cameras and a 4-channel MPEG-4 Triplex DVR. Recorded data of the working circulation was analyzed by using the post-processing method. As a result of the traffic lines, the average (±S.D) of working hour (min) and moving frequency (times), distance (m) and speed (m/min) during setting the net was 11.8 (0.9), 43.7 (8.1), 133.9 (35.8) and 10.5 (0.6), respectively. During trawling the net, it was 100, 241 (39.8), 615.7 (194.6) and 5.2 (1.6), respectively. During hauling the net, it was 17.6 (1.4), 41.0 (7.2), 196.9 (37.6) and 10.7 (0.8), respectively. In addition, it has a different tendency of the instrument usage frequency by the fishing works. During setting, the usage priority was CCTV, ECDIS, RPM and pitch controller, net monitor, GPS plotter, chart room, X-band radar, fish finder and public addressor. During trawling, it was CCTV, ECDIS, fish finder, X-band radar, net monitor, chart room, GPS plotter, RPM and pitch controller, auto pilot and steering, interphone, wind speed and direction indicator, No.1. VHF, navigation light control panel and public addressor. During hauling, it was CCTV, RPM and pitch controller, GPS plotter, public addressor, chart room, net monitor, X-band radar, auto pilot and steering and fish finder.
Morphological properties of dark banded rockfish (Sebastes inermis) were analysed to investigate its acoustic scattering characteristics. Total of 18 live samples was prepared for X-ray photos and collected morphological coordinates of their body and swim bladder shapes. Kirchhoff-ray mode model was used to calculate acoustic scattering pattern for broad-band frequency range. Inclination of swim bladder ranged from 17 to 30 and the averaged value was about 25.2° (S.D.(standard deviation)=3.15). There were no any tendency of increase or decrease in volume and area ratio of swim bladder to fish body and ranged from 2.2 % to 4.43 % and 14.85 % to 21.31 %, respectively. The averaged value of volume and area ratio was 3.13 % (S.D.=0.52) and 17.6 % (S.D.=1.5). b20 values were –69.01 for 38 kHz, –69.83 for 70 kHz, –70.17 for 120 kHz and -70.93 for 200 kHz, recpectively. Broadband acoustic patterns of dark banded rockfish for 20 ~ 200 kHz were similar among samples and they reflected size and morphological properties of fish species.
Visual census and hydro-acoustic survey was carried out at Ulju small scale marine ranching area (MRA) to estimate demersal fish aggregations on September and November 2013. In this hydro-acoustic survey, the authors combined an image sonar with a scientific echo sounder to monitor an underwater situation and compare two acoustic data. Consequently, visual census survey was useful to estimate fish species composition for hydro-acoustic survey, because it is easy to identify aggregated fish species and overcome limits on a fishing depth and ability of an conventional fishing gear like a bottom gill-net or a fish trap at marine ranching area. Mean fish density was estimated as 0.757 g/m2 on September and 0.219 g/m2 on November and Fish abundance was finally calculated as 1.51ton (coefficient of variation, CV=13.1%) on September and 0.44ton (CV=47.7%) on November, respectively. Hydro-acoustic survey combined with the image sonar was useful to monitor fish aggregations and estimate fish stocks around artificial reefs at shallow coastal MRA. We were able to easily identify the underwater structures like an artificial reef and a fishing rope as well as fish aggregations from image sonar data. Therefore, the method was effective to separate unwanted echo signals in acoustic data of scientific echo sounder.
This study is aimed to understand the vertical distribution of fish in the daytime and nighttime using an acoustic survey in Yondam reservoir of Jeollabuk-do, and an acoustical backscattering strength of dominant species, bass (Micropterus salmoides) and a bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), which are classified as the ecosystem disturbing species. The results showed that the fish school was distributed in the shallow areas of less than 10 m depth during the period of Aug. and Oct. where it had a strong thermocline, otherwise, it was distributed over 10-times density under stable water temperatures as 13°C in Nov. There was no vertical patchiness difference between daytime and nighttime unlike the typical marine ecosystem. The dominant species were crucian carp, bluegill, bass. The hydroacoustic method can provide the spatial distribution and effective removal ways of the ecosystem disturbing species in inland fisheries.
Although ex situ target strength (TS) measurements using dual- and split-beam systems have become the primary approach of estimating fish abundance, theoretical model estimation is a powerful tool for verifying the measurements, as well as for providing values when making direct measurements is difficult. TS values for 20 samples of live bambooleaf wrasse (Pseudolabrus japonicus) whose target length (TL) ranged between 13.7 and 21.3 cm were estimated theoretically using the Kirchhoff-ray mode model, and the TS values for 18 live fish samples were additionally measured at ~0° tilt angle to the swimming aspect using a tethered method at a frequency of 120 kHz to verify the theoretical values. The digitizing intervals used to extract the fish body and swim bladder morphology in the X-ray photographs significantly affected the calculated TS patterns, but variations based on the speed of sound and density ratio values for the general range of fish flesh were relatively small (within 1 dB). Close agreement was observed between the measured and theoretical TS values, and the correlation between the average TS and body length of the fish could be calculated accurately as <TS120kHz>= 20logTL (cm) –71.6 using the theoretical method.
Hydro-acoustic survey was carried out to investigate the spatial characteristics of fish distribution near two artificial reefs (AO: large octagonal semi-sphere and AC: combined custom built) having different types in Jeju marine ranching area. The survey system consisted of scientific echo sounder (EK60), DGPS system, and ECDIS (Mecys). Field survey was conducted on August and October 2012 with star survey and line transect survey line method, and species composition was investigated from gill net fishing survey. The acoustic signals from individual fishes and small fish schools were mainly recorded around AO, but large and strong signals from large fish school were mainly detected in the top layer of and the water column near AC. The echogram suggest that the fish aggregation for the two types of AO and AC exist the significant difference in fish species and spatial distribution pattern.