This study analyzed the growth characteristics of multi-layer planted trees through their growth analysis and attempted to present a management strategy. The subject of research is the Citizen's Forest Area of Seoul Forest Park located in Seoul City. Field surveys were conducted three times over eight years from 2005 when the Seoul Forest Park was created through 2013. Labels were attached to all trees in the target area, and their species, height and DBH were investigated. To identify the growth differences by trees in each area, a detailed tree location map was drawn up for use in the analysis. To check soil health, soil organic matter, soil pH and soil microbial activities were analyzed. It turned out that the growth of the multi-layer planted trees in the target area of research was higher than that of the trees in existing urban parks, and that it was similar to that of trees in natural forests. Through a field survey in the area with a remarkably low growth, high-density planting problem, soil was found to have excess-moisture and there was the problem of Pueraria lobata covering. As a result of the analysis of the soil, it was found that its organic content in the soil was lower; soil pH was higher; and microbial activities in the soil were lower when compared to that of natural forests.
This study is intended to evaluate the value of functional aspect from the viewpoint of habitat. The indicators that are used in biotope evaluations are various, but most of them use the criteria to evaluate the naturality. This evaluation method cannot appropriately reflect the functional characteristics coming from relation to the surrounding biotope. In this study, the connectivity, cohesion and diversity between individual biotope are quantitatively measured by a landscape index. It is hard to draw the functional value of individual biotopes because the landscape index related to connectivity, cohesion and diversity comes from a landscape having a number of biotopes. The concept of contribution was used to overcome this limitation. The concept of contribution is to quantify how much each individual biotope contributes to the connectivity, cohesion, and diversity in a certain range of landscape by deriving the amount of change in the landscape index according to the presence or absence of each individual biotope. In order to understand the characteristics of evaluation results in functional aspect, this research has done a comparative analysis of the previous research findings in the same target area. According to the result of the research, individual biotopes such as artificial forests, fragmented natural forests, and small planting sites were highly rated.
The master plan of forest land management proposes forest watershed management that considers regional characteristics in order to overcome the problem of uniform forest land management. In order to manage the forest watersheds in Gyeonggi-do, this study classified 1,823 forest watersheds in Gyeonggi-do and attempted to understand their characteristics. It conducted a factor analysis and cluster analysis from the perspective of conservation value and development pressure using forest land indicators. In terms of conservation value, three factors were drawn: the topography factor, vegetation factor and public service factor, while in terms of development pressure, three factors were drawn: the easiness of development factor, economic benefits factor and development activity factor. Using these factors, forest watersheds were divided into three clusters in terms of conservation value while they were divided into three clusters in terms of development pressure. Using the results of the cluster analysis from a conservation-development perspective, the forest watersheds were classified into nine different types, and the characteristics were identified by each type. It is judged that the factors and clusters drawn as a result of the research accurately reflect the present conditions of Gyeonggi-do, and the nine types of forest watersheds have clear characteristics according to each type, which are judged to be utilized in forest management in the future.
Tomato were stored at different temperatures(10℃, 20℃, room temperature and 30℃) for 5 days. During the storage period, Brix, pH, color, texture, vitamin C, lycopene were analyzed. Brix and pH had a little change. Texture force of tomato decreased with storage time and we could see a softening for tomato stored at 30℃ for 1 day. Addtional, the L*(lightness) and b*(yellowness) decreased and a*(redness) increased with storage time. Addtionally, content of vitamin C increased up to 9.08㎎/100g~17.82㎎/100g after 5 days storage according storage temperature, whereas content of lycopene increased up to 3.81㎎/㎏~34.56㎎/㎏ after 5 days storage according storage temperature. Optimal mature temperature for tomato was room temperature.
The focus of the current study was to investigate the physicochemical properties of a corn starch-sponge matrix prepared at a low concentration below gel forming by freeze-drying. The effect of variables(starch concentration, heating temperature, and heating hold time) on the physicochemical properties of the samples was analyzed by response-surface methodology. Regression models on the properties of samples such as hardness, springiness, and water solubility index(WSI) showed high correlation coefficients(r>0.95) and significant F values, but regression models for the other properties(swelling power, apparent viscosity, reducing sugar content, and digestibility) showed them to have relatively low significance. Sample hardness of sample showed the highest value at condition of 90℃ and 5%, whereas springiness was at a maximum at 130℃ and 5%. Also, at 1% of starch concentration, mechanical properties were greatly decreased as the relative humidity increased, compared with the 3% and 5%, especially in the hardness of samples. The WSI showed an increasing trend with heating temperature regardless of starch concentration. Overall, the physicochemical properties of freeze-dried corn starch-sponge matrix were influenced much more by starch concentration and heating temperature than by heating hold time. The results of this study show that the basic properties of freeze-dried corn starch-sponge matrix can be used for the specific food applications or as a functional material for its stability.
This study was conducted to investigate the dietary behavior of day-care center teachers and their meal attitudes during meal time in Jeonju area. Self administered questionnaires were collected from 266 day-care center teachers who worked in a national(public) or private day-care center. The Statistical data analysis was conducted using SPSS v. 12.0. All subjects were women, and 64.7% were married(p<0.001), over more than 60% were junior college graduates(p<0.05), and 73.7% had salaries greater than 1, 000, 000 won(p<0.001). The breakfast skipping ratio of the subjects was very high, and about 66.5% of the respondents had irregular meals. The snack intake ratios of the subjects in private day-care centers were higher than the subjects in national(public) day-care centers(p<0.001). Approximately 56% of the subjects responded that education about eating is very important for providing balanced nutrition to young children. About 84% of subjects had no experience with the continuing-education program for teachers(p<0.01), and they wanted to know more about balanced nutrition. The meal attitude education score during meal time was 4.53±0.36. The relationship between meal attitude education and the dietary behavior of day-care teachers was significantly different based on the "frequency of overeating"(p<0.05) and "self-recognition of eating habit"(p<0.05). These findings suggest that a nutrition education program for day-care center teachers should be developed so that they can effectively manage meal attitude education for young children and provide good nutrition for themselves.
The chemical composition characteristics of jujube wine using different preparation methods including extraction in -soju (25%) and fermentation were investigated. The jujube wine was prepared by soaking in soju using- whole fruit(WJ-S1) or seed-removed fruit(WJ-S2). Fermentations of the jujube wine were started by using whole fruit(WJ-F1), seed-removed fruit(WJ-F2) or extracts of whole fruit(WJ-F3) after adding 24% sucrose. The pH of all samples decreased from a range of 4.92~5.42 at the start time to 3.66~4.97 after 100 days. The treatment WJ-F3 showed the lowest pH among all treatments. Total acid content was 0.67~1.01% at the initial stage and then changed to 0.51~0.88% after 100 days. Total sugar and reducing sugar contents were 1.20~13.8% and 0.50~4.45% at initial stage and then changed to 1.53~4.52% and 1.75~3.82% after 100 days respectively. These sugars decreased during the preparation and fermentation of the jujube wine. The amounts of free sugars including fructose, glucose, and sucrose ranged from 1.53~4.52% and treatment WJ-F3 showed the highest amount(1.95~13.64%) compared the other treatment. glucose level were high in treatment WJ-S1 and WJ-S2, and fructose was increased in treatments WJ-F1, WJ-F2, and WJ-F3 after 60 days. Amino nitrogen content was 0.02~0.11% after 20 days and 0.07~0.14% after 40 days respectively. Solid content was 2.68~7.76% at the initial fermentation stage and changed to 4.81~9.73% after 100 days. Hunter color(L values) were 88.45~96.74 at the initial stage and then changed to 92.62~100.45 after 100 days. Preference tests a significant difference between the two types (extraction and fermentation) of jujube wine. And treatment WJ-S2 received the highest preference scores among the all treatments.
Root knot nematode species, such as Meloidogyne hapla, M. incognita, M. arenaria and M. javanica are economically most notorious nematode pests, causing serious damage to the various crops throughout world. In this study, DNA sequence analyses of the D1-D3 expansion segments of the 28S gene in the ribosomal DNA were conducted to characterize genetic variation of the four Meloidogyne species obtained from Korea and United States. PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism), SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region) marker and RAPD (Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA) also were used to develop the methods for exact and rapid species identification. In the sequence analysis of the D1-D3 expansion segments, only a few nucleotide sequence variation were detected among M. incognita, M. arenaria, and M. javanica, except for M. hapla. The PCR-RFLP analysis that involves amplification of the mitochondrial COII and lrRNA region yielded one distinct amplicon for M. hapla at 500 bp, enabling us to distinguish M. hapla from M. incognita, M. arenaria, M. javanica reproduced by obligate mitotic parthenogenesis. SCAR markers successfully identified the four root knot nematode species tested. We are under development of RAPD primers specific to the three root knot nematodes found in Korea.
경북 동해안 일대의 전통 향토식품인 꽁치 과메기의 건조방법을 자연건조와 인공건조로 달리하여 각각 15일 건조기간 중의 핵산 관련물질, 아미노산 함량의 변화를 조사하였다. 핵산 관련 물질은 건조기간중 ADP, AMP 함량은 서서히 감소하는 반면 IMP함량은 증가하여 IMP 축적현상을 보였으며 건조기간 중 inosine과 hypoxanthine의 함량이 증가하였다. K value의 변화는 건조과정 중 점차 증가하여 건조 중 핵산 물질의 부해가 진행됨에 따라 신선도는 떨어지는 것으로 나타났고 핵산 물질의 변화에 의한 신선도 측면에서 인공건조가 자연건조보다 유리한 것으로 나타났다. (특히 IMP 등의 조합에 의한 맛의 상승작용으로 과메기 특유의 맛을 내는 것으로 사료된다.) 총 유리아미노산 함량은 2.98이었으며 glutamic acid, aspartic acid, histidine의 함량이 전체 유리 아미노산의 함량이 34% 이상 차지하였다. 자연 및 인공건조동안 총 유리아미노산 함량은 서서히 증가하였으며 glutamica acid, histidine은 건조 3일째 이후부터 9일째까지 급속히 감소하였고 자연건조보다 인공건조의 감소가 더 크다. 자연 및 인공건조 중 lysine함량은 점차 증가하였으며 threonine은 거의 변화가 없었다.
고려인삼중 홍삼의 산성다당체 성분이 암독소 호르몬-L의 지방분해 저해활성의 영향을 검토하고자 본 연구를 하였다. 지방분해 및 식욕억제 인자로 알려진 암독소 호르몬-L은 Sarcoma-180을 접종한 암 mouse의 복수중 액으로부터 부분 정제하여 사용하였다. 홍삼으로부터 정제하여 얻은 각 분획의 산성다당체 성분들이 in vitro에서 암독소 호르몬-L유도 지방분해를 10㎍/㎖ 반응농도 이상에서 억제작용이 있었고, 각 분획 중에서 반응농도가 50, 100, 200, 500 및 1, 000 ㎍/㎖일 때 억제율은 PG_4와 PG_4-3 성분이 가장 높았다. 그러나 인삼시료 g당 총저해활성 (unit)은 각 분획중에서 비흡착분획인 PG_1성분이 가장 높았고 다음이 흡착분획 중의 PG_4와 PG_4-3성분이 다음 순위였다.