
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 16

        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        수용액에서 EBT의 분해는 pH, Ferrate (VI) 투입량, 초기 농도, 수용액 온도 등 다양한 변수의 조건에서 연구되었다. 최대 분해 효율은 pH 7.0에서 95.42%가 달성되었으며, 이 실험 조건에서 얻은 kapp 값은 872.87 M-1s-1 이었다. EBT 분해율은 Ferrate (VI)의 투입량이 증가함에 따라 증가하였으며 EBT 초기 농도가 감소함에 따라 EBT 분해의 초기 속도 상수가 증가하였다. 또한 EBT의 분해율은 온도가 10°C에서 45°C에 도달할 때까지 수용액의 온도에 따라 증가하였으며 이 실험조건에서 활성화 에너지 값은 EBT 분해에 대해 11.9 kJ/mol의 값이 도출되었다. 따라서 분해 실험의 결과는 Ferrate (VI)가 수용액상에서 EBT를 효과적으로 분해시킬 수 있음을 보여주고 있다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the machine learning which has been widely used in prediction algorithms recently was used. the research point was the CD(chudong) point which was a representative point of Daecheong Lake. Chlorophyll-a(Chl-a) concentration was used as a target variable for algae prediction. to predict the Chl-a concentration, a data set of water quality and quantity factors was consisted. we performed algorithms about random forest and gradient boosting with Python. to perform the algorithms, at first the correlation analysis between Chl-a and water quality and quantity data was studied. we extracted ten factors of high importance for water quality and quantity data. as a result of the algorithm performance index, the gradient boosting showed that RMSE was 2.72 mg/m³ and MSE was 7.40 mg/m³ and R² was 0.66. as a result of the residual analysis, the analysis result of gradient boosting was excellent. as a result of the algorithm execution, the gradient boosting algorithm was excellent. the gradient boosting algorithm was also excellent with 2.44 mg/m³ of RMSE in the machine learning hyperparameter adjustment result.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tetracycline is one of the most commonly used as antibiotics for the livestock industry and it is still widely used nowadays. Tetracycline and its metabolites are excreted with excrement, which is difficult to completely removed with conventional sewage treatment, therefore it is apprehended that the tetracycline-resistant bacteria occurs. In this study, the oxidant named ferrate(VI) was used to degrade the tetracycline and investigate the reaction between ferrate(VI) and tetracycline under various aqueous conditions. The highest degradation efficiency of tetracycline occurred in basic condition (pH 10.1 ± 0.1) because of the pKa values of tetracycline and ferrate(VI). The results also showed the effect of water temperature on the degradation of tetracycline was not significant. In addition, the dosage of ferrate(VI) was higher, the degradation of tetracycline and the self-degradation of ferrate(VI) also higher, finally the efficiency of ferrate(VI) was lower. The results said that the various mechanisms effects the reaction of ferrate(VI) oxidation, it required the consideration of the characteristics of the target compound for optimal degradation efficiency. Additionally, intermediate products were detected with LC/MS/MS and three degradation pathways were proposed.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we performed algorithms to predict algae of Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a). Water quality and quantity data of the middle Nakdong River area were used. At first, the correlation analysis between Chl-a and water quality and quantity data was studied. We extracted ten factors of high importance for water quality and quantity data about the two weirs. Algorithms predicted how ten factors affected Chl-a occurrence. We performed algorithms about decision tree, random forest, elastic net, gradient boosting with Python. The root mean square error (RMSE) value was used to evaluate excellent algorithms. The gradient boosting showed 10.55 of RMSE value for the Gangjeonggoryeong (GG) site and 11.43 of RMSE value for the Dalsung (DS) site. The gradient boosting algorithm showed excellent results for GG and DS sites. Prediction value for the four algorithms was also evaluated through the Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and Area under curve (AUC). As a result of the evaluation, the AUC value was 0.877 at GG site and the AUC value was 0.951 at DS site. So the algorithm‘s ability to interpret seemed to be excellent.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tetracycline is one of the most commonly used antibiotics in domestic and foreign livestock industries to suppress the growth of pathogens. Tetracycline has been reported as a non-biodegradable compound. Therefore it has been not completely removed in the sewage treatment process. In this study, tetracycline was degraded using liquid ferrate (VI). Based on these experiments, the optimal water condition (pH and water temperature) were selected, appropriate liquid ferrate (VI) dosage was calculated, and finally the degradation pathway was estimated with the intermediate products detected by LC/MS/MS. All degradation experiments were completed within 30 seconds and the optimal condition was obtained in basic condition (pH 10) at room temperature (20℃). And the appropriate molar ratio between tetracycline and liquid ferrate (VI) was 12.5:1. Finally, 12 intermediate products were detected with LC/MS/MS and the degradation pathways and the degradation pathways and proposed the degradation pathways.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 충주댐 (청풍호)의 부유식 수상태양광 발전 시스템 (FPV)이 수질에 미치는 영향을 조사하고자 하였다. 충주댐 (청풍호) FPV는 수표면적 (97 km2)의 0.04% 를 차지 한다. FPV 설치 전후 호수 전체의 수질을 비교·분석하였다. 전체 호수의 DO, BOD, TOC 및 Chl-a는 설치 기간 후 유의한 수준 (p<0.05)에서 증가한 반면, 전기전도도는 감소하였다. 이는 동일한 비교 기간 동안 40% 증가한 강수량 으로 인해 영양염류 유입이 증가한 때문으로 판단된다. 또한 2017년 5월과 11월 FPV 중앙 직하부 (FPVC) 및 영향권 지점에서 수질 인자를 측정·비교하였다. 그 결과, FPVC와 영향권 지점의 수질 인자가 통계적으로 다르지 않았으며 (p>0.05), FPV 시설이 수질 저하를 유발하지 않음을 보여주었다. 2018년 9월부터 11월까지 5차례에 걸쳐 수온, 광도 및 식물 플랑크톤 군집도 수심별로 측정·분석하였다. 수온은 지점별로 다르지 않았으며, 광도는 FPVC에서 27~50%로 감소한 것으로 조사되었다. 대조구와 비교해보면 감소된 광도에도 불구하고 FPVC에서 조류의 출현종과 현존량이 유의미하게 다르지 않았다 (p>0.05). 그러나, 11월 초의 시료의 경우, FPVC에서 Aulacoseira 속에 속하는 부착 규조류가 우점하였으며 대조구보다 현존량이 상당히 높았다. 이는 FPV 시스템에 의한 일시적이고 국부적인 정체 수역 형성과 관계있을 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구 결과는 향후 수상태양광 설치에 관한 정책수립에 필요한 기초 자료를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 또한 수상태양광 시설에 대한 장기적인 수질 모니터링과 수상태양광 시설에 의한 수리동역학적 연구, 수상태양광의 설치 면적과 수질과의 상관관계 연구 등이 필요하며 이를 통해 수상태양광 활용성을 극대화 시킬 수 있을 것으로 보인다.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the Geumho River, 4-nitrophenol has been detected, thus it is necessary to investigate the contamination sources in order to prevent the release of this compound. However, the research to estimate the potential source is regarded as complicated research. In this study, the distributions of 4-nitrophenol were simulated and the contribution of the potential sources was estimated using a numerical model(HydroGeoSphere; HGS) and the measuring data of 4-nitrophenol from 2013 to 2017. The altitude data, the land cover data, the flow rates of the tributaries and wastewater treatment plants, and the decay rate of 4-nitrophenol was used as the input data. The results of this research showed that the contribution rates of potential contamination sources in the upstream area were higher than that of the downstream area. Most of the upstream area is the agricultural area, it seemed that 4-nitrophenol was originated from the pesticides. In order to achieve more specific location of sources, an intensive investigation in the upstream is required.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper provided the information related to the removal of 2,4,6-tribromophenol using in-situ and stable liquid ferrates(VI). This research’s goal was to observe the differences of oxidation power between in-situ liquid ferrate(VI) and stable liquid ferrate(VI). The in-situ liquid ferrate(VI) (FeO4 2-) has been successfully produced with the concentration 42,000 ppm (Fe) after 11 minutes of reaction time. The stable liquid ferrate(VI) was also successfully produced following the modification method by Sharma with the produced concentrations 7,000 ppm. The stable liquid ferrate(VI) was stable for 44 days and slightly decreased afterwards. This research has been carried out using 2,4,6-tribromophenol as the representative compound. Both of ferrates(VI) have the highest oxidation capability at the neutral condition. Furthermore, the stable liquid ferrate(VI) has higher oxidation power than the in-situ liquid ferrate(VI).
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The stability of liquid ferrate(Ⅵ) produced by an innovative method was confirmed and the degradation characteristics of cyclic compounds(Benzene, Aniline, Toluene, 1,4-Dioxane) by liquid ferrate(Ⅵ) were investigated under the same reaction conditions. When it was compared with the ferrate manufactured by the wet oxidation method, the liquid ferrate was more stable. And the stability of liquid ferrate was tested at the storage temperature. As a result, only 17.7% of liquid ferrate(Ⅵ) has decomposed at the storage temperature(4˚C) for 28 days. Among the cyclic compounds, the aniline was rapidly degraded compare to other cyclic compounds, which seems to be due to the electron-donating ability of the substituent, -NH2 group. Especially, when 1,4-dioxane was compared with benzene, the decomposition rate of 1,4-dioxane was lower than that of benzene, suggesting that oxygen atoms hinder the electrophilic reaction. Among 4 cyclic compounds, it was observed that aniline has the highest rate constant than those of other cyclic compounds.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigated the correlation between the number of cyanobacterial species and the water quality factors after installation of Nakdong river weirs. Factor analyses of water quality factors were also performed. The results of correlations showed that there was no significant water quality with the cyanobacterial concentration but the correlation coefficient of nutrients increased from the upstream to the downstream. There was a significant correlation between W·T and pH as important water quality factors for the growth of cyanobacteria. In the downstream region of Nakdong river, algae were more frequently detected than in the upstream region, and the blooms of algae species seem to be influenced by the higher pH and the influx of the phosphorus from the upstream tributaries. Nutrient concentration was higher in the downstream region than in the upstream region due to the effects of tributaries Geumho river and Nam river in Nakdong river. As a result of the factor analyses, nitrogen species were the principal factors in the upper region, and phorsphorus species were the principal factors in the downstream region.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To estimate pollution sources in the watershed with various industries, the simulation of contamination route and distribution of 2-methyl-4,6-dinitriophenol(DNOC) were performed with a numerical model Hydro Geo Sphere. This study was performed calculations of the load using the measured concentration and simulated flow rate. And, the river was divided by the sampling sites at the mainstream, and the contribution rate at downstream sampling sites was calculated for each section. The results showed the concentration of the downstream sampling sites were decided by the concentration of upstream sites, and the contribution rates of the tributaries were calculated below 10%. The results also showed that the impact of the potential sources in Section 1(Geumho1 ~ Geumho2) and Section 5(Geumho5 ~ Geumho6) was larger than in the other area. In Section1 and Section5, It seemed to require detailed investigation.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The concern over the risk of environmental exposure to brominated phenols has been increased and has led the researchers to focus their attention on the study of bromophenol treatment. In this study, the effects of pH and ferrate(VI) dose on the degradation of 2-bromophenol were investigated. The results indicated that the oxidation of 2-bromophenol by liquid ferrate(VI) was found to be highly sensitive to the pH condition. Furthermore, the highest removal efficiency was observed at the neutral condition with the removal efficiency of 94.2%. In addition, experimental results showed that 2-bromophenol removal efficiency increased with increasing of ferrate dosage. Ferrate(VI) dose of 0.23 mM was sufficient to remove most of the 2-bromophenol with the efficiency of 99.73% and kapp value of 2982 M-1s-1. Seven compounds were identified as the intermediate products by the GC/MS analysis.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The degradation characteristics of perchloroethylene by ferrate(VI) oxidation have been studied. The degradation efficiency of perchloroethylene in aqueous solution was investigated at various values of ferrate(VI) dosage, pH, initial concentration of perchloroethylene and aqueous solution temperature. GC-ECD has been used to analyze the changes of perchloroethylene concentration. The optimum conditions of perchloroethylene degradation were obtained at pH 7.0 and 25°C of aqueous solution temperature. Also, the experimental results showed that perchloroethylene removal efficiency increased with the decrease of initial concentration of perchloroethylene. Lastly intermediate products were identified by GC-MS techniques. Trichloroethylene and chloroform were identified as reaction intermediates.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we analyze changes in soil heat flux and air temperature in August (summer) and January (winter) according to net radiation, at a mud flat in Hampyeong Bay. Net radiation was observed as -84.2~696.2 W/m2 in August and -79.4~352.5 W/m2 in January. Soil heat flux was observed as -80.7~139.5 Wm-2 in August and -49.09~137 W/m2 in January. Air temperature was observed as 24.2~32.9˚C in August and -1.5~11.1˚C in January. The rate of soil heat flux for net radiation (HG/RN) was 0.17 in August and 0.34 in January. Because the seasonal fluctuation in net radiation was bigger than the soil heat flux, net radiation in August was bigger than in January. We estimated a linear regression function to analyze variations in soil heat flux and air temperature by net radiation. The linear regression function and coefficient of determination for the soil heat flux by net radiation was y=0.19x-7.94, 0.51 in August, and y=0.39x-11.69, 0.81 in January. The time lag of the soil heat flux by net radiation was estimated to be within ten minutes in August 2012 and January 2013. The time lag of air temperature by net radiation was estimated at 160 minutes in August, and 190 minutes in January.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For areas with the diverse contamination sources, the change of 4-nitrophenol contamination and impact of potential contamination sources have been evaluated using monitoring data and a numerical model (HydroGeoSphere). The model considered several parameters including land cover, precipitation, and flow rate. And, the model has been performed to investigate the effect of decay rate of 4-nitrophenol. The results of the simulations showed that the influence on 4-nitrophenol in downstream was mainly greater than that in upstream, and the tributaries did not significantly affect the mainstream because of their low flow rates. In addition, the effect of contamination sources was simulated for each section, then the measured data were higher than the corresponding simulated data in most sections of the Geumho river. In particular, the impact of the potential contamination sources in the upstream area was much higher than that in the other area, thus more monitoring data for the upstream area is required.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The degradation of 3-chlorophenol(3-CP) by various AOPs(Advanced Oxidation Processes) including the ultraviolet / hydrogen peroxide, the Fenton and the ultraviolet(UV)-Fenton process has been conducted. The highest removal efficiency for 3-CP in the aqueous phase was obtained by the UV-Fenton process among the AOPs. In the UV-Fenton process, The removal efficiency of 3-CP decreased with increasing pH in the range of 3 to 6, and it decreased with increasing initial concentration. As the intermediates of 3-CP by UV-Fenton reaction, 3-chlorocatechol, 4-chlorocatechol, and chlorohydroquinone were detected thus the degradation pathways were proposed.