
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 22

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRα) is essential for various biological processes, including fetal Leydig cell differentiation. The PDGFRαEGFP mouse model, which expresses an eGFP fusion gene under the native Pdgfrα promoter, serves as a valuable resource for exploring PDGFRα’s expression and function in vivo. This study investigates PDGFRα expression in adult testicular cells using PDGFRαEGFP mouse model. Methods: Genotyping PCR and gel electrophoresis were used to confirm the zygosity of PDGFRαEGFP mice. Histological examination and fluorescence imaging were used to identify PDGFRα expression within testicular tissue. Immunohistochemical analysis assessed the co-expression of PDGFRα with c-Kit, ANO-1, and TASK-1 in testicular cells. Results: Genotyping confirmed the heterozygous status of the mice, which is crucial for studies due to the embryonic lethal phenotype observed in homozygotes. Histological and fluorescence imaging revealed that PDGFRα+ cells were primarily located in the interstitial spaces of the testis, specifically within Leydig cells and peritubular myoid cells (PMCs). Immunohistochemical results showed PDGFRα co-localization with c-Kit and ANO-1 in Leydig cells and a complete co-localization with TASK-1 in both Leydig cells and PMCs. Conclusions: The findings demonstrate specific expression of PDGFRα in Leydig cells and PMCs in adult testicular tissue. The co-expression of PDGFRα with c-Kit, ANO-1, and TASK-1 suggests complex regulatory mechanisms, possibly influencing testicular function and broader physiological processes.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 약주의 향, 맛, 목넘김의 특성을 과학적으로 반영하여 이를 객관적으로 표현할 수 있는 향미 평가항목을 도출하고자 하였다. 총 20명의 훈련된 전통주 전문가를 대상으로 3단계의 델파이 기법을 적용하고, 켄달의 W검증을 통해 의견의 타당도와 신뢰도를 분석한 결과, 크게 향, 냄새, 입안감촉 3개의 대영역으로 분류되었다. 각 영역의 하위개념으로 과일, 식물, 곡물, 꽃, 유제품, 한약재, 견과류, 향신료, 발효, 단향의 10개의 상위항목이, 냄새 영역에는 이취가, 입안감촉 영역에는 맛과 입안감촉 2개의 항목이 분류되었다. 각 상위항목을 표현하는 세부항목은 모두 89종이 도출되었다. 첫 번째 향 영역 중 과일은 13종(참외, 메론, 바나나, 파인애플, 딸기, 청사과, 붉은사과, 살구, 자두, 복숭아, 배, 매실, 감귤)의 세부항목이 도출되었고, 식물은 3종(풀, 무, 버섯), 곡물은 8종(옥수수향, 생쌀, 갓 지은 밥, 밀, 조청, 엿기름, 구수한 향(누룽지), 기타 부원료), 꽃은 5종(장미, 국화, 연꽃, 매화, 아카시아), 유제품은 4종(우유, 치즈, 버터, 요거트), 한약재는 12종(인삼류, 뿌리류(도라지, 더덕), 구기자, 오미자, 대나무잎, 연잎, 솔잎, 송순, 생강, 대추, 감초, 쑥), 견과류는 5종(밤, 아몬드, 고구마, 잣, 땅콩), 향신료는 5종(계피, 정향, 바닐라, 후추, 박하(민트)), 발효는 4종(간장, 메주, 숙성향(노주향), 누룩향), 단향은 3종(꿀, 카라멜, 달콤한 향)으로 총 62종이 도출되었다. 두 번째 냄새 영역의 이취 세부항목에는 초산(식초), 아 세트알데히드, 곰팡이, 부티르산, 산취(쉰냄새), 디메틸설파이드, 종이, 먼지, 흙, 고무, 누룩취, 유황, 열화취, 유취(산패)로 총 14종이 도출되었다. 세 번째 입안감촉 영역은 맛과 입안감촉으로 구분되었는데, 맛의 세부항목으로는 단맛, 짠맛, 신맛, 쓴맛, 감칠맛의 5종이, 입안감촉의 세부항목으로는 떫은맛(수렴성), 자극적인, 부드러운, 톡쏘는 맛(탄산), 무게감, 균형감, 여운(지속성), 목넘김의 8종의 세부항목이 도출되었다. 이렇듯 약주의 향미를 과학적으로 분석한 평가항목을 활용하여 약주를 생산하는 산업체, 건강 혹은 새로움을 맛보 기 위해 전통주를 찾는 소비자, 그리고 한국의 전통문화를 알고자하는 외국인에게 우리술의 맛과 향을 과학적으로 알기 쉽게 표현하여 전통주가 세계로 발돋움 할 수 있는 초석이 되었으면 한다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Gryllus bimaculatus is one of many cricket species known as field crickets. Also known as the African or Mediterranean field cricket or as the two-spotted cricket, it can be discriminated from other Gryllus species by the two dot-like marks on the base of its wings. G.bimaculatus is a subtropical insect and widely distributed from Africa to south Asia. After into the country, The species are popular for use as a food source for insectivorous animals like spiders and reptiles kept as pets. In 2016, G.bimaculatus was approved as a general food ingredient by Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. However, domestic research on G.bimaculatus is still in its study is beginning stages. G.bimaculatus is possible species to year-round rearing without storage condition. but The aim of the present study prepares for in case of problems such as breeding space, labor cost etc. In the laboratory condition at 28±2℃ and 50% relative humidity under 10h light, 12h dark photoperiod, Adult crickets oviposit at soaked flower foam for 24 hours. The experiment on the hatching of the eggs showed that eggs could be stocked at 16℃ for 10 days with 7 day pre-period after laying, representing 85% hatchability.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        아메리카왕거저리의 사육기간을 단축과 기능성 향상을 위해 밀기울에 다양한 먹이를 보조사료로 공급하여 발륙기 간과 무게를 측정한 결과, 먹이종류별 아메리카왕거저리의 발육기간은 조단백질함량이 많은 배합사료와 밀기울에서 80.8일과 75.6일로 가장 짧았으며 버섯배지는 160일이상 소요되었으며 왕겨의 생충율은 85%로 가장 낮아 버섯폐배지 와 왕겨는 먹이원으로 적절하지 않았다. 보조 먹이원 선발을 위해 할맥, 압맥, 배추, 백련초, 파프리카, 개똥쑥을 20~80% 밀기울에 첨가한 결과 압맥과 할맥은 정상적으로 생장하지만 백련초, 개똥쑥 혼합에서는 접종 직후부터 죽은 개체들이 출현하여 생충율이 12.9%, 10.8%로 아주 낮게 나타났으며 배추와 파프리카도 24.2~38.8%로 낮아 보조사료로 적합하지 않았다. 들깨와 콩가루 역시 생충율이 높지 않아 1, 2차 시험결과 할맥, 압맥과 메밀이 보조사료로 적합하였다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Free radicals originate due to the radiolysis of cytoplasmic water with low “Linear Energy Transfer” (LET) radiations. Naringenin (Ng) is a natural antioxidative compound found in citrus fruits. This study revealed that Naringenin (Ng) reduced the radiation damage of critical organs by scavenging oxidative free radicals. In the study, Ng was orally administrated to rats daily for 7 consecutive days, prior to whole body exposure to gamma-rays. The scavenging efficacy was evaluated biochemically by measuring the concentration of cytotoxic byproducts and the activity of enzymes relevant to oxidative free radicals, after extracting the organs from the exposed rat. We observed increased levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration, and decrease in the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) in the exposed control group. However, pretreatment with Ng significantly reduced the MDA concentration, and increased the activities of SOD and CAT, as compared to the control group, due to the free radical scavenging by Ng. The results indicate that Ng administration prior to irradiation could protect critical organs from radiation damage.
        2015.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Antibiotics have been used to prevent disease, promote growth rate, and improve feed efficiency. However, the use of antibiotics in livestock has been restricted worldwide due to problems such as bacterial resistance. Therefore, probiotics among alternatives to antibiotics have gained attention in the livestock feed industry these days. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with probiotic 379D on safety, growth rate, and feed efficiency. In this study, bacterial strain 379D was isolated from soil and identified as a Bacillus sp. according to 16S rRNA sequence analysis. In an in vitro test, in-gel activity assay and antimicrobial susceptibility test were conducted to evaluate 379D. In an in vivo study, 379D was administered at concentrations of 0.1% and 1% to broiler chickens for 28 days. The results of in-gel activity assay and antimicrobial susceptibility test showed that strain 379D had broad spectrum antimicrobial activity. Furthermore, no adverse 379D-related effects were observed in 0.1% and 1% groups. Feed efficiency was higher in the 379D-treated groups than in the control group. In conclusion, 379D is expected to be used as a safe alternative to antibiotics in a feed supplement and will improve feed efficiency in broiler chickens.
        2013.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the livestock feed industry, antibiotics are used to prevent disease, promote growth rate, and improve feed efficiency. However, antibiotic supplementation to animal feed results in increased bacterial resistance to antibiotics as well as antibiotic residues in animal products, which can negatively affect human health. Therefore, alternative sources of antibiotics are need- ed. Probiotics as an alternative to antibiotics in animal feed have been shown to increase feed efficiency and growth rate by improving microbial balance. Further, Bacillus sp. produces a wide spectrum of antibacte- rial peptides. The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with CS-32 on safety, growth rate, and feed efficiency. Antibacterial substance (5697.9 molecular weights) produced by CS-32 was isolated and purified from culture broth. Moreover, the results of minimal inhibi- tory concentration (MIC) test confirmed the excellent antibacterial effect of CS-32. In vivo, 0.1% and 1% CS-32 were fed to broiler chickens for 28 days. Feed efficiency was slightly higher in groups of chickens supplemented with 0.1% and 1% CS-32 than those of the control group. CS-32 had no significant effect on necropsy findings, hematology, or serum biochemistry, and there was no mortality. These results suggest that CS-32 among various biologically active substances may be safe and effective as a feed additive to improve growth rate and feed efficiency.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        방사성폐기물 처분 연구 사업이 법률적인 인허가 뿐만이 아니라 일반 국민의 동의를 얻기 위해서는 처분 사업의 안전성에 대한 신뢰성 획득이 중요하며 이를 위해 투명하게 공개될 수 있는 종합 성능 평가 (TSPA, Total System Performance Assessment)의 수행 이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 처분 성능 평가의 투명성 증진을 위한 방안의 하나로 처분 종합 성능 평가 전 과정에 대해 품질 보증 원칙을 도입하여 평가 관련 전체 업무에 관한 신뢰성 향상을 꾀하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 처분 종합 성능 평가 수행의 다섯 단계인 (1) 기획, (2) 연구 수행 , (3) 문서화, (4) 내부 검토, (5) 독자적인 외부 검토 과정에 T2R3의 품질 보증 원칙을 적용한 인터넷 기반의 Cyber R&D Platform이 개발되었다. 인터넷을 기반으로 하는 본 시스템의 개발을 통해 안전성 평가 관련 모든 참여자들은 평가 전 과정에서 투명성이 유지된 데이터들에 쉽게 접근하여 이를 이용할 수 있다 Cyber R&D Platform은 안전성 평가를 위한 시나리오 개발 관련 데이터인 FEP 목록과 관련 시나리오 정보, 관련 시나리오 도출 과정 및 평가 체계 등을 체계적으로 구축한 FEAS (FEp to Assessment through Scenario development)프로그램과 안전성 평가에 필요한 입력 데이터들을 분류, 저장해 놓은 PAID (Performance Assessment Input Data) 프로그램, 그리고 이러한 자료들을 품질 보증 원칙과 절차에 의한 승인 과정을 통해 입력, 저장할 수 있는 품질 보증 시스템으로 구성되어 있으며 이를 통합 운영함으로써 도출된 데이터들의 신뢰성을 높이고자 하였다. 향후 연구에서는 Cyber R&D Platform과 평가 software와의 통합 운영으로 웹 기반 시스템에 대한 한 번의 접속만으로 안전성 평가 관련 모든 정보를 확인, 이용할 수 있도록 할 것이다.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng rain cover farming is expanding around Jinan county and Jangsu country of North Jeolla Province. Some farmers doing ginseng rain cover farming have suffered from difficulties due to hot weather damages. However, it is a situation that the study on mitigation techniques for high temperature damage do not exist with ginseng rain cover farming. Methods and Results : The test covering work was firstly done on April 28th for heat block film+90% black light blocking net, blue double sided film, and PE film+75% black light blocking net and when it comes to second treatment, 30% and 40% shading were implemented for heat block film group and blue double sided film group respectively and 75% black light blocking net was installed on PE film+75% shading group. When it comes to micro-climate measurement in rain cover facility, temperature, humidity and light intensity were measured during the growing period of ginseng. The results are as follows. Regarding the light transmittance (per PAR, 10 am in clear day) in facility with 1st covering, light block film covered group (LBF), blue double sided film group (BDF) and PE film group have 12.9±1.8%, has 11.6±1.0% and 27.1±1.1% respectively and after 2nd covering, in LBF groups, 30% blocking, 40% blcoking and no blocking have 10.6±1.3%, 8.2±0.9% and 12.9±1.8% and in BDF groups, 30% blocking, 40% blcoking and no blocking have 9.4±0.8%, 7.9±0.7% and 11.6±1.0 respectively and PE film group has 10.6±0.7%. Relative humidity also showed the same trend as temperature. The average monthly amount of light and maximum light intensity were lower in 30% and 40% light blocking groups of LBF and BDF and a little higher in no light blocking group compared to PE film group. The degree of high temperature damage was 1 in no LBF of BDF, but no LBF of LBF was so bad like 3. However, there was no high temperature damage in the test groups of blocking films or BDF with 30% and 40% light blocked light screens. Regarding root weight, all secondly treated groups of LBF group and BDF group were lighter compared to 4.36g of PE film group and especially, prism sheetof no light blocking group has 2.5g and BDF of of no light blocking group has 3.21g. 30 % and 40% light blocking groups of LBF group and BDF group were light with 3.20~4.07g. Conclusion : Regarding the analysis result on micro-climate in facility with different cover materials for 2 years old ginseng in ginseng rain cover farming of Gyeonggi Province, the covering method suitable for high temperature damage mitigation in ginseng rain cover farming was that 1st covering was done by PE film+75% black light blocking net and then 75% black light blocking net is additionally covered at a time when outside temperatures reaches 30℃.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Effects of Gal geun (Puerariae Radix) EtOH ext. on lipid lowering and antioxidant were investigated in hyperlipidemic rat. Concentration of FFA and triglyceride in plasma showed a tendency to decrease in Gal geun ext. groups. Concentration of plasma total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol decreased in Gal geun ext. groups. However the concentration of HDL-cholesterol showed no significantly different in all treatment groups. Concentration of liver total cholesterol and triglyceride showed a tendence to decrease in Gal geun ext. groups. Concentration of plasma and liver TBARS showed a low values in Gal geun ext. groups. The values of GSH-Px and SOD activity showed no significantly different among all the treatment groups. However the values of SOD and CAT activity showed a high value in the Gal geun ext. groups.
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