산업이 발달함에 따라 이산화탄소, 휘발성 유기 화합물, 일산화탄소 등과 같은 독성 가스의 감지 및 모니터링이 중요시되고 있다. 새롭게 합성된 0 차원의 비납계 무기 페로브스카이트 소재는 광학적 방법과 전기적 방법을 융합하여 사용할 수 있는 가스 센서 특성을 가진다. 친환경 가스 센서는 결정의 상변이를 기반으로, 광학 및 전기적 특성 변화를 가져 하이드록실기 감지가 가능하며, 하이드록실기 극성과의 상관관계를 통해 차세대 센서 소자로의 응용 가능성이 기대된다.
Social media play a role in the value that sneakerheads, individuals who collect, wear, and trade sneakers with extraordinary effort and resources, place on specific brands and models of sneakers. In-depth interviews with 25 sneakerheads, recruited through sneakerhead online communities and snow-ball sampling, were conducted to explore how social media contribute to emotional and monetary value creation of sneakers, as well as how social media is used across the Inventory Ownership Cycle (IOC) which includes pre-acquisition, acquisition, physical possession, and disposal of sneakers (Boyd & Mcconocha, 1996). Finding shows that during the pre-acquisition stage, emotional and monetary value is constructed when brands post images of celebrities wearing new models on various social media sites. Hype initially created by the brand is perpetuated by posts and conversations among sneakersheads. Perceived higher levels of hype lead one to believe demand surpasses supply, and therefore, monetary values of specific models increase. Through social media, consumers research and gauge the value not only of soon to be released sneakers, but also previously released sneakers only available on the resale market. During the acquisition stage, the online environment has become increasingly important. To avoid issues associated with selling high-demand/low-supply sneakers in- store, such as violent incidents and dishonest employees, many retailers have shifted sales of such product to online formats (Dunne, 2014). Social media serves as a platform for sneakerheads to learn about dates and locations of new releases and to locate resellers from whom they can purchase previously released sneakers. During the physical possession stage, sneakerheads engage with community members via social media; they show off their sneaker collections, as well as to obtain and share information regarding sneaker customization and maintenance to preserve aesthetics and value. It is through the engagement with fellow sneakerheads and the sneakers within their personal collections that emotional value can be further constructed. During the disposal stage, social media is used by resellers to determine monetary value, identify and communicate with potential buyers across the nation, and complete resale transactions. In summary, this research demonstrates how sneakerheads use social media throughout the IOC, as well as the role social media plays in the construction and identification of sneaker value.
Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) and wet etching are employed in existing texturing processes to fabricate solar cells. Laser etching is used for particular purposes such as selective etching for grooves. However, such processes require a higher level of cost and longer processing time and those factors affect the unit cost of each process of fabricating solar cells. As a way to reduce the unit cost of this process of making solar cells, an atmospheric plasma source will be employed in this study for the texturing of crystalline silicon wafers. In this study, we produced the atmospheric plasma source and examined its basic properties. Then, using the prepared atmospheric plasma source, we performed the texturing process of crystalline silicon wafers. The results obtained from texturing processes employing the atmospheric plasma source and employing RIE were examined and compared with each other. The average reflectance of the specimens obtained from the atmospheric plasma texturing process was 7.88 %, while that of specimens obtained from the texturing process employing RIE was 8.04 %. Surface morphologies of textured wafers were examined and measured through Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and similar shapes of reactive ion etched wafers were found. The Power Conversion Efficiencies (PCE) of the solar cells manufactured through each process were 16.97 % (atmospheric plasma texturing) and 16.29% (RIE texturing).
An importance of food allergen detection has been growing in food industry. Here, we developed a rapid and easy-to-use detection system for Ara h1, a major allergen in peanut, using gold nanoparticles and switchable linkers. The detection system was performed by two steps. In the first step, Ara h1 was mixed with various concentrations (0.2 - 1.0μg/mL) of biotinylated anti-Ara h1 antibody (i.e., switchable linker, SLs) solutions for 20 min. After mixing, streptavidin coated gold nanoparticle (Abs. 4.0) was added to the mixture solutions with agitation for10 min. Without Ara h1(control), the region of aggregation caused by quantitative relationship between SLs and gold nanoparticle was observed at more than 0.4 μg/mL of SLs. However, under presence of Ara h1, SLs covered with Ara h1 had less ability to react with gold nanoparticles than naked SLs. This resulted in a change of the quantitative relationship mentioned above, which led to shift of the aggregation region. When 10 nM and 40 nM of Ara h1 were added, the aggregation region was appeared from 0.5and 0.8 μg/mLof switchable linkers, respectively. Ara h1 in peanut sample was also detected with this system. 0.4 μg/mL of switchable linkers are mixed with serially diluted peanut extract solutions. As a result, the shift of the aggregation region was observed from undiluted extract to 10 -2 diluted solution. This system could be adapted to detect other harmful/useful bio materials in food.
본 연구는 부산광역시 지정 기념물 제 46호인 동백섬에 대해 문화경관림으로서의 식생관리방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 연구대상지는 동백섬 내 자연휴식년제 지역인 정상부 주변 20,000㎡이었다. 지형, 식생, 식생관리현황을 기준으로 식생구조 유형을 분류하였으며 유형별 식물군집구조 분석을 통해 관리방안을 도출하였다. 식생구조 유형은 관리되고 있는 동백나무림, 관리되지 않은 사스레피나무림, 험준지의 미관리된 사스레피나무림 등 3개로 구분되었으며, 식물군집 구조 분석결과, 교목층에서는 곰솔이 우점하였고 아교목층에서는 동백나무(유형Ⅰ), 사스레피나무(유형Ⅱ, Ⅲ)가 우점하였다. 특히, 관목층을 중심으로 난대림의 극상수종인 후박나무가 일부 분포하였다. 흉고직경급별 분석결과, 유형Ⅰ, Ⅱ에서 중경목의 팽나무와 후박나무가 일부 분포하였고 모든 유형의 관목층에서 후박나무가 4~44주 생육하였다. 교목층의 평균 수령은 66년, 아교목층은 22.9년이었으며 종다양도는 0.5472~0.8646로 분석되었다. 동백섬의 식생관리 방향으로서 기존 관리된 동백나무림은 주기적인 관리를 유지하며 관리되지 않은 사스레피나무림은 사스레피나무를 제거하고 동백나무를 식재하는 관리를 제안하였다. 관리되지 않은 험준지 사스레피나무림은 동백나무경관 형성이 불가능 할 것으로 예측되어 상록활엽수림으로의 천이유도 방안을 제시하였다.
이 연구에서는 직교이방성 판의 좌굴 및 직교이방성 판요소로 구성된 구조용 압축재의 국부좌굴에 대한 해석적 연 구를 수행하였다. 섬유보강 폴리머 플라스틱 재료는 높은 비강도 및 비강성, 높은 부식저항성, 경량성 등 강재나 콘 크리트와 비교해서 많은 장점을 가지고 있다. 특히, 펄트루젼 생산 방식은 섬유보강 폴리머 플라스틱 재료의 여러 가지 생산방법 중 구조용 플라스틱 부재를 대량으로 생산하기에 가장 적합한 방법이다. 펄트루젼 생산방식은 부재 의 축을 따라 주요 보강섬유가 배치되기 때문에 이 재료는 직교이방성으로 간주된다. 그러나, 펄트루젼 섬유보강 플라스틱 부재는 낮은 탄성을 갖고 있고 얇은 판요소로 구성되어 있기 때문에 압축하중이 재하될 경우 좌굴이 발 생할 수 있다. 따라서, 이 부재를 설계하는데 안정성은 매우 중요한 문제가 된다. 이 연구에서는 기존의 연구를 따 라서 직교이방성 판 및 직교이방성 판요소로 구성된 압축재의 국부좌굴에 대하여 검토하였으며, 국내에서 생산된 직교이방성 판요소로 구성된 압축재의 국부좌굴강도를 계산하였다.
A 63-year-old woman with a history of nephrolithiasis and long-term hemodialysis (HD) presented with abdominal pain. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) showed urinoma induced by renal forniceal rupture, and three causative calculi. No active stone growth or new stones were observed when compared with previous CT, however, fragmentation and migration of an existing stone was observed. After ureteroscopic lithotripsy and stenting with a double-J catheter, the patient made a full recovery. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of spontaneous renal forniceal rupture in an anuric HD patient caused by calculi. Renal forniceal rupture can occur, even in anuric HD patients.
‘Gwangan’ is a new six-rowed covered barley cultivar developed by the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), R.D.A in 2004. This cultivar is developed from a cross between “Mirak” and ‘Milyang59’ in 1995. An F6 selection was made at Milyang in 2001 an