원전 해체 공정 중 절단 및 용융작업에서 발생되는 방사성 에어로졸은 작업종사자의 호흡을 통해 내부 피폭을 유발하게 된다. 이에 따라 해체 중 방사성 에어로졸로 인한 작업종사자의 내부피폭 평가가 필요한 실정이다. 정확한 내부피폭평가를 위해서는 작업종사자의 작업환경 실측값이 필요하지만 실측에 어려움이 있을 시에는 국제방사선방호위원회(ICRP)에서 제시하는 섭취량 분율 및 입자 크기 등의 권고 값을 통해 내부피폭선량을 추정할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 입자 크기의 선정은 ICRP에서 권고하는 작업종사자의 고려 입자 크기인 5 μm을 적용하였다. 발생량의 경우, 불가리아의 Kozloduy 부지 내의 용융시설에서 발생 된 에어로졸의 포집량 데이터를 이용하여 섭취량을 산정하였다. 또한 이를 이용해 작업종사자의 체내 및 배설물에서의 방사능 수치를 계산하고 BiDAS 전산코드를 통해 내부피폭 평가를 수행하였다. Type M이 0.0341 mSv, Type S가 0.0909 mSv로 두 흡수 형태 각각 국내 연간 선량 한도의 0.17%, 0.45% 수준을 나타내었다.
This study evaluated the effect of steel slag and steel wool fibers (SWF) on self-healing performance of asphalt mixture. The microstructure and distribution of SWF in mixture were examined by a computerized tomography scan and image analysis program. Thermal conductivity was investigated using the thermal constant analyser. The heating rate and healing performance were measured by induction heating system. The results showed the uneven distribution and the agglomeration in the mixtures when the content of fibers exceed a certain dosage. It was found that the mix with steel slag had higher heating rate than the mix with normal aggregate; however, its healing performance was slightly lower because of the breaking of weak steel slag. Finally, the mechanical test results indicated that SWF can enhance the resistance and prolong the fatigue life of asphalt mixtures.
원전사고 및 시설보수 과정에서 방출되는 방사성물질 중 137Cs은 토양의 주 오염원 중 하나이다. 세슘으로 인한 토양오염은 주민의 거주 및 공업용지로의 재사용을 위해 제염이 불가피하다. 본 연구에서는 다양한 토양복원 기술 중 국내·외에서 실 제 방사성물질로 오염된 토양에 적용한 사례가 있는 토양세척 기술을 선정하였다. 토양세척 공정은 세척제를 사용하여 토양 과 세슘의 표면장력을 약화시켜 토양과 세슘을 분리하는 원리이다. 이러한 토양세척 공정의 세척수 재사용을 통해 공정효율 을 높이고자 세척수에 응집제를 적용하여 미세토양 및 세슘의 제거 성능 실험을 수행하였다. ICP-OES를 통해 세슘 수용액 에 토양을 첨가하여 세슘을 흡착시킨 후 응집제를 첨가하여 세슘의 농도를 측정하였으며 응집제 적용시 최대 세슘 제거율은 약 88%, 최소는 67%였다. Visual MINTEQ Code를 통한 세슘과 토양과의 종결합을 예측하였으며 탁도 측정을 통해 응집제 투여 후 탁도를 측정하여 세척수의 재사용 여부 및 미세토양 제거율을 분석하였다.
PURPOSES :Infiltration of moisture, polluted material, and deicer into concrete, accompanied by freeze and thaw can cause significant deterioration of concrete pavement. In order to protect concrete from deterioration, it is necessary to prevent the infiltration of these concrete external materials. The moisture-repellent agent, which is a surface treatment and maintenance material added to concrete structures to render them water resistant, has advantages such as prevention of water infiltration and security against air permeation. Nano-coat, which is referred to as silicon hydride, is typically used as a moisture-repellent agent. Therefore, in this study, an attempt is made to use penetration-type Nano-coat as an alternative in order to evaluate its applicability through environmental resistance tests.METHODS:This study aimed to evaluate the applicability of penetration-type Nano-coat, which can provide water repellency to concrete, in concrete pavements, through various environmental resistance tests such as freezing and thawing resistance, chloride ion penetration resistance, and surface scaling resistance tests. The applicability of penetration-type Nano-coat was demonstrated based on the specification of KS F 2711, KS F 2456, and ASTM C 672.RESULTS :In the case of penetration-type Nano-coat applied on sound concrete, an increase in concrete durability was demonstrated by the negligible chloride ion penetrability and the absence of scaling, as revealed by visual observation of the surface, after 50 cycles of scaling resistance test. In addition, test result of the application of penetration-type Nano-coat on deteriorated concrete established that concrete surface pretreated by grinding provided improved durability than non-treated concrete.CONCLUSIONS:This study indicates that penetration-type Nano-coat is applicable as an effective alternative, to increase the durability of concrete structures. In addition, it was known that pretreatment of deteriorated concrete surface, such as grinding, is required to improve the long-term performance of concrete pavement.
The present study aimed to figure out current situation and consumer perception on the advertising of functional climbing wear in Korea. Advertising is about showing consumers how products meet their needs. In case of functional clothing, the most basic need of consumer should be a functional need (Lee, 2014;Shimp, 2010). However, research on advertisement of functional clothing, especially focused on the functional information, has not carried out in Korea. Recently research by Liu and Yoo (2014) investigated changing patterns of magazine advertising of functional climbing wear from 2008 to 2013. It is found that advertisements of professional climbing wear had been changed like fashion apparel ads in terms of functional information, celebrity model dependence, and appeal type (Liu&Yoo,2014). On 2013, over 70% of functional climbing wear ads did not provide any functional information and percentage of celebrity model dependence was dramatically increased from 1.48%to35.30%.
In this study, 388 adults in their 20-50’s were surveyed in order to figure out general satisfaction on advertisements of functional climbing wear. The survey consisted of eight questions including satisfaction with reliability, communicability, type of expression, model, and contents of functional climbing wear advertisement. For analysis of characteristics of respondents, years of climbing experience, frequency of climbing, average expenses per single purchase, and frequently exposed advertising media types were asked as well as demographic characteristics. Most of respondents (83.85%) were in their 30-50’s and had 3-5 years climbing experience (29.50%).Frequency of climbing was ‘once every two months’ (35.70%) and ‘1~2 times every month’ (25.26%), and the most frequent average expenses per single purchase was ‘100~300 thousand won’ (65.25%). Frequently exposed advertising media types were TV commercials (33.60%), magazine (23.10%), and internet (9.50%). Purchase frequency was ‘once every two tears’ (31.14%), ‘3~4 times in a year’ (29.11%), ‘1~2 times in a year’ (25.06%).
Results showed respondents want ‘more precise information for better understanding of performance of functional climbing wears’ (4.22point out of 5.00). Significant differences in ‘advertisement of functional climbing wear is reliable’ were observed across age and gender; male rather than female group and ages 30 are than other age groups showed higher average value. Age 40’s significantly more wanted to be informed precise information via advertisement and preferred celebrity model than other age groups. Overall, ages 20-30’s were more satisfied with the advertisement of functional climbing wear than age 50’s. The results from this study could provide practical insights to establish guidelines for providing product information in the functional clothing industry.
This study was performed to evaluate antimicrobial resistance of food-borne pathogens isolated from retail meat in Korea. A total of 157 samples of beef, pork, and chicken were collected and analyzed for E. coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter. Resistances to tetracycline were declined in accord with reduced usage of tetracycline in live stock production. E. coli stains from chicken meat had higher multi-drug resistance ratio than strains from other meat. One extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) producing E. coli and two ESBL producing Salmonella were identified in this study. ESBL producing Salmonella strains were confirmed to carry CTX-M-1 type genes.
The effect of increased carbon dioxide concentration in atmosphere was examined on the pheromone system of Helicoverpa armigera reared from egg stage to adult in three room. Two of three room (2×2×2 m) were treated with carbon dioxide gas as 600 ppm and 1,000 ppm, respectively. Mean of carbon dioxide concentration was 429.1 ppm in the control, 603.3 ppm for 600 ppm, and 1011.5 ppm for 1,000 ppm during experiment. Electroantenograph (EAG) test was conducted on 3-d-old male adults with air, hexane, and a series of their sex pheromone component, Z11-16Al, from 0.01 to 100 ng. The result was that male EAG responses of 600 and 1,000 ppm were 30.3% lower than that of control room. Production of Z11-16:Al was examined on about twenty 2-d-old virgin females. Carbon dioxide increases did not show a statistically significant difference. However, higher amount of sex pheromone was produced in females of 600 and 1,000 ppm. So, This experiment was replicated with different population reared again. The amount of the sex pheromone per female was 108.9 and 118.1 ng in control room, 139.8 and 141.8 ng in 600 ppm room, and 124.6 and 125.8 ng in 1,000 ppm room.
This study was performed to evaluate antimicrobial resistance of food-borne pathogens isolated from retail meat in Korea. A total of 157 samples of beef, pork, and chicken were collected and analyzed for E. coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter. Resistances to tetracycline were declined in accord with reduced usage of tetracycline in live stock production. E. coli stains from chicken meat had higher multi-drug resistance ratio than strains from other meat. One extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) producing E. coli and two ESBL producing Salmonella were identified in this study. ESBL producing Salmonella strains were confirmed to carry CTX-M-1 type genes.
Ascotis selenaria, a major geometridae moth in citrus trees, annually damages the citrus leaves and fruits. The surface of young citrus fruit were usually fed by 1st larva of A. selenaria after landing or stepping onto the citrus fruits. To protect the larval damages of citrus fruits needs to predict the accurate occurrence time of the 1st larva for spraying. Because larval occurrences is dependent on the oviposition of adult female and the eggs were not found in/on citrus trees, oviposition model of A. selenaria linked with the egg development model will be helpful of protecting larval damages on citrus fruits. Adult longevity, survival and fecundity of A.selenaria was investigated at 13, 16, 20, 24, 28, 30, 32, and 35℃. The longevity decreased as the temperature increased and the female development rates (1/median longevity) were well described by a modified sigmoid model, which was used to calculate the adult physiological age. Description of the total fecundity was used by a non-linear model: The maximum fecundity of A. selenaria was estimated as 2490 eggs and peaked temperature was 19.7℃ according to the fecundity model. The cumulative age-specific oviposition rate and the age-specific survival rate was well described by 2 parameters Weibull function and a reverse logistic curve respectively. Total fecundity model, age-sepecific oviposition model, and age-specific survival model were incorporated into the oviposition model.
Magnetic flux ropes, often observed during intervals of interplanetary coronal mass ejections, have long been recognized to be critical in space weather. In this work, we focus on magnetic flux rope structure but on a much smaller scale, and not necessarily related to interplanetary coronal mass ejections. Using near-Earth solar wind advanced composition explorer (ACE) observations from 1998 to 2016, we identified a total of 309 small-scale magnetic flux ropes (SMFRs). We compared the characteristics of identified SMFR events with those of normal magnetic cloud (MC) events available from the existing literature. First, most of the MCs and SMFRs have similar values of accompanying solar wind speed and proton densities. However, the average magnetic field intensity of SMFRs is weaker (~7.4 nT) than that of MCs (~10.6 nT). Also, the average duration time and expansion speed of SMFRs are ~2.5 hr and 2.6 km/s, respectively, both of which are smaller by a factor of ~10 than those of MCs. In addition, we examined the geoeffectiveness of SMFR events by checking their correlation with magnetic storms and substorms. Based on the criteria Sym-H < -50 nT (for identification of storm occurrence) and AL < -200 nT (for identification of substorm occurrence), we found that for 88 SMFR events (corresponding to 28.5 % of the total SMFR events), substorms occurred after the impact of SMFRs, implying a possible triggering of substorms by SMFRs. In contrast, we found only two SMFRs that triggered storms. We emphasize that, based on a much larger database than used in previous studies, all these previously known features are now firmly confirmed by the current work. Accordingly, the results emphasize the significance of SMFRs from the viewpoint of possible triggering of substorms.
사과는 에틸렌에 의해 호흡량이 일시적으로 상승하는 호흡급등형 과실이다. 에틸렌 발생은 세포벽분해효소 활성화와 세포벽 연화를 진행시켜 사과의 상품성과 저장성을 떨어뜨리는 원인이 된다. 사과의 에틸렌 생합성 과정에는 Md-ACS1 및 Md-ACO1 유전자가 연관되어 있으며, 두 유전자는 과실의 에틸렌 발생량과 경도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 사과 국내육성 28품종의 Md-ACS1 및 Md-ACO1 대립유전자형을 분석하고, ‘Fuji(FJ)', ‘RubyS (RS)', ‘Hongro(HR)', ‘Arisoo(AS)', ‘Summer King(SK)', ‘Greenball(GB)', ‘Golden Supreme(GS)'을 대상으로 수확 후 25일까지의 에틸렌 발생량 및 상온저장(20℃) 20일 동안의 경도 연화율을 조사하였다. 그 결과, 낮은 에틸렌 발생량과 관련 된 대립유전자(favorable alleles0(FA)) ACS1-2, ACO1-1이 많을수록 에틸렌 발생량과 경도 연화율이 낮은 경향을 보였다. GS은 ACS1-1/1, ACO1-1/2(FA 1)으로 모든 품종 중 가장 높은 에틸렌 발생 수치와 경도 연화율를 보였다. SK와 GB은 ACS1-1/2, ACO1-1/2(FA 2)으로 ACS1-2/2, ACO1-1/2(FA 3)인 HR와 AS 보다는 높고 GS 보다 낮은 에틸렌 발생량과 경도 연화율을 보였다. ACS1-2/2, ACO1-1/1(FA 4)인 FJ는 RS를 제외한 모든 품종 중에 에틸렌 발생량과 경도 연화율이 가장 낮았다. 본 실험의 결과 Md-ACS1 및 Md-ACO1 대립유전자형과 사과의 에틸렌 발생량 및 경도 연화율은 상관성이 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 따라서, Md-ACS1 및 Md-ACO1 분자표지를 사과 국내육성 품종의 저장성 예측과 육종 효율 향상을 위한 Markerassisted selection에 활용할 수 있을 것으로 생각 된다.
Most of recommended potato varieties in Korea are white skin colored. Purple skinned potatoes have been recognized as being effective in the prevention of gastric disease. A new variety “Jaseo” has dark purple skin and white flesh colors, and attractive r
‘Jowon’ is a new early-maturing potato variety for table use. It has spreading growth habit with narrow oval leaves. Its tubers are attractively round with white skin and light yellow flesh color. The yielding ability of Jowon is similar to Superior. Jowo
To analyze the effect of 1RS chromosome segment on anther culture efficiency in wheat, 44 cultivars released from several countries were evaluated. The cultivars applied for this investigation came from several regions and it was necessary to confirm cult