왕피천 수계 내 저서성 대형무척추동물의 군집구조 분석을 위해 총 5개 지점에서 2023년 총 4회(4월, 6월, 8월 11월) 조사를 실시하였다. 조사기간 중 저서성 대형무척추동물은 총 5문 7강 17목 77과 156종 17,179.1개체/㎡가 채집되었다. 수환경 변화에 민감한 E.P.T. 분류군은 전체 156종 중 91종이 출현하여, 전체 출현종의 58.3%를 차지 하였다. 섭식기능군(FFGs) 분석결과, 종 출현 양상은 육식성 포식자(Predator: P)가 51종(32.69%)으로, 개체 출현 양상은 주워먹는 무리(Gathering-collector: GC)가 6,867.2개체/㎡(39.97%)로 높은 비율로 출현하였다. 서식기능 군(FHGs) 분석결과, 붙는 무리(Clinger: CL)가 70종(44.87%), 12,720.6개체/㎡(74.04%)로 가장 높은 비율로 출현 하였다. 군집지수 분석결과, 우점도지수(DI) 0.43, 다양도지수(H′) 3.51, 풍부도지수(R1) 4.59 균등도지수(J′) 0.77 로 나타났다. 생물학적 수질 판정 지수(BMI) 분석결과, 평균 92.36(±0.83)으로 모든 지점에서 “매우 좋음”으로 판정되었다.
To identify viruses and compare their abundance levels in the venom glands of hymenopteran species, we conducted venom gland-specific transcriptome assemblies and analyses of 22 Aculeate bees and wasps and identified the RNA genomes of picornaviruses. Additionally, we investigated the expression patterns of viruses in the venom glands over time following capture. Honeybee-infecting viruses, including black queen cell virus (BQCV), deformed wing virus (DWV), and Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV), were highly expressed in the venom glands of Apis mellifera and social wasps. This finding suggests that the venoms of bees and wasps likely contain these viruses, which can be transmitted horizontally between species through their stinger usage. A. mellifera exhibited an increasing pattern of abundance levels for BQCV, DWV, IAPV, and Triatovirus, while the social wasp Vespa crabro showed increasing abundance levels of IAPV and Triatovirus over different capture periods. This suggests that the venom glands of honeybees and wasps may provide suitable conditions for active viral replication and may be an organ for virus accumulation and transmission. Some viral sequences clearly reflected the phylogeny of Aculeate species, implying host-specific virus evolution. On the other hand, other viruses exhibited unique evolutionary patterns of phylogeny, possibly caused by specific ecological interactions. Our study provides insights into the composition and evolutionary properties of viral genes in the venom glands of certain Aculeate bees and wasps, as well as the potential horizontal transmission of these viruses among bee and wasp species.
PURPOSES : This study uses deep learning image classification models and vehicle-mounted cameras to detect types of pavement distress — such as potholes, spalling, punch-outs, and patching damage — which require urgent maintenance.
METHODS : For the automatic detection of pavement distress, the optimal mount location on a vehicle for a regular action camera was first determined. Using the orthogonal projection of obliquely captured surface images, morphological operations, and multi-blob image processing, candidate distressed pavement images were extracted from road surface images of a 16,036 km in-lane distance. Next, the distressed pavement images classified by experts were trained and tested for evaluation by three deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN) models: GoogLeNet, AlexNet, and VGGNet. The CNN models were image classification tools used to identify and extract the combined features of the target images via deep layers. Here, a data augmentation technique was applied to produce big distress data for training. Third, the dimensions of the detected distressed pavement patches were computed to estimate the quantity of repair materials needed.
RESULTS : It was found that installing cameras 1.8 m above the ground on the exterior rear of the vehicle could provide clear pavement surface images with a resolution of 1 cm per pixel. The sensitivity analysis results of the trained GoogLeNet, AlexNet, and VGGNet models were 93 %, 86 %, and 72 %, respectively, compared to 62.7 % for the dimensional computation. Following readjustment of the image categories in the GoogLeNet model, distress detection sensitivity increased to 94.6 %.
CONCLUSIONS : These findings support urgent maintenance by sending the detected distressed pavement images with the dimensions of the distressed patches and GPS coordinates to local maintenance offices in real-time.
PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to determine the characteristics of nitrogen oxide (NOx) concentration in an exclusive median bus lane station. The hourly variations of NOx concentration and the effect of traffic volume on NOx concentration were analyzed using NOx measurement data and the number of vehicles at the station.
METHODS : Data were collected using the chemiluminescence method for NOx concentration. Atmospheric information and traffic volume of buses were collected from the Korea Meteorological Administration and Bus Information System, respectively.
RESULTS : As a result, the NO2 concentration in the test section was found to have a strong correlation with those in the atmospheric measurement station located near the test-bed. In addition, the average NOx concentrations in the test section were significantly higher than those of the other monitoring stations due to bus emissions. The average NOx concentration in the exit section was higher than that in the entry section owing to the vehicle’s frequent stops and fuel consumption due to acceleration. During the measurement period, the average NOx concentration was measured as approximately 33 % higher in the exit section than in the entry section. In addition, the NOx concentration at the bus station was found to increase as the bus dwell time increased, rather than the number of bus passages.
CONCLUSIONS : This study provides clear characteristics of the NOx correlations with traffic information in an exclusive median bus lane station. It was shown that the NOx concentration at the bus station increased as the number of passes and bus dwell time increased. According to the coefficient of determination, the dwell time is more closely correlated to the NOx concentration at the bus station than the number of bus passes, indicating that it is a better parameter for predicting NOx concentration at bus stations.
Chronic hypoxia is a major cause that increases neonatal mortality in the perinatal period. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptors induced by hypoxia are increased blood vessel permeability in the developing central nervous system and characterized as a critical factor in angiogenesis and vasculogenesis. This study investigated the development of the rat cerebellum with expression of VEGF and its receptors under chronic hypoxia in compare with normoxia. In addition, this study can contribute to the understanding of the effect development in the postnatal cerebellum. Rat pups were divided into two groups, normoxia and hypoxia group. The cerebellum of 35-day-old rat was removed and prepared for immunofluorescent staining. After staining, the sections were observed under the fluorescent microscope and were taken the picture using the microscopic-digital camera system. Expression of VEGF and Flk-1 restricted only to Purkinje cells, but feline sarcoma virus-like tyrosine kinase-1 (Flt-1) did not express in all of cerebellar layers. Under chronic hypoxia, expression of VEGF and fetal liver kinase-1 (Flk-1) increased in Purkinje cells but no changes in case of Flt-1. These results suggest that the source of VEGF and Flk-1 is Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. And increase of VEGF and Flk-1 expression in the murine cerebellum results from adaptive responses to chronic hypoxia.
Untargeted metabolomic fingerprinting is a discovery tool for the identification of metabolites associated with the response to dietary and environmental perturbations. Direct analysis in real-time mass spectrometry (DART MS) promises to be a powerful analytical technique for high-throughput metablome analysis of insect. In this study, we used the DART MS technique to find tracers related to the origin of small brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus), and conducted a untargeted metabolomic fingerprinting on the wings and exoskeleton in Chinese and domestic collectives. This paper showed that DART MS metabolomic fingerprinting represents a rapid and powerful analytical strategy enabling distinguish of two different origin’s small brown planthoppers by recording metabolomic fingerprints.
Coke aggregates and carbon artifacts were produced to investigate the interactions of coke and pitch during the kneading process. In addition, the kneading ratio of the coke and binder pitch for the coke aggregates was controlled to identify the formation of voids and pores during carbonization at 900°C. Experiments and thermogravimetric analysis revealed that carbon yields were improved over the theoretical yield calculated by the weight loss of the coke and binder pitch; the improvement was due to the binding interactions between the coke particles and binder pitch by the kneading process. The true, apparent, and bulk densities fluctuated according to the kneading ratio. This study confirmed that an excessive or insufficient kneading ratio decreases the density with degradation of the packing characteristics. The porosity analysis indicated that formation of voids and pores by the binder pitch increased the porosity after carbonization. Image analysis confirmed that the kneading ratio affected the formation of the coke domains and the voids and pores, which revealed the relations among the carbon yields, density, and porosity.
원자력발전소 해체 시 발생하는 금속폐기물은 폐기물 중에서 많은 비중을 차지하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 국내 자체처분 규제 요건 및 국내 기관별 자체처분현황을 조사하였다. 실제 원자력발전소 해체 시 발생되는 금속폐기물의 자체처분을 위하여 RESRAD-RECYCLE 코드를 이용하였으며 26가지 시나리오에 대한 선량평가를 수행하였다. 평가결과는 원자력발전소 해 체 시 자체처분 및 재활용에 관한 사전자료로서 활용가치가 있을 것으로 사료된다. 추후 자체처분을 통한 처분비용 저감효 과 연구가 추가로 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
This study was carried out survey to compare using status of physical therapy for elderly persons between urban and rural area in Honam. There were 16 places consisting of general clinics, departments of family medicine, pain medicine, and orthopedics that run outpatient physical therapy. This study distributed 636 questionnaires in total and collected 400 responses. Regionally, 200 responses out of 311 questionnaires from Gwangju and 200 responses out of 325 questionnaires from Jeollanam-do and Jeollabuk-do were collected. Regionally speaking, Gwangju was 62% while Jeollanam-do and Jeollabuk-do regions were 88%, indicating patients in rural areas employed more public transportation, which was statistically significantly different. There was a difference between urban and rural areas with regard to questions regarding improvement with physical therapy. Factors related to the number of physical therapy visits per week that showed a significant difference between urban and rural areas found by the linear regression analysis result were working hours, whether the patient exercised or not, and pain stress. This result suggest that it is necessary to reduce working hours and pain stress experienced by rural elderlies as well as to encourage regular exercise via national polices.
Host plants of insect pest in turfgrass and ornamental tree, Popillia flavosellata (Coleoptera: Ruteridae) were investigated in golf courses and forest. Twenty six species in 18 families were observed to be fed on from this research and 22 species in 15 families were recorded newly host plants of P. flavosellata. Thus, total number of host plants of P. flavosellata were 49 species in 23 species. P. flavosellata adult mainly fed on flower of host plants. Seasonal prevalence of P. flavosellata adult was investigated in East Valley Country Club in Gwangju, Gyeonggii, Korea using Japanese beetle pheromone lure and a eugenol feeding attractant. Peak activity of P. flavosellata adult was nearby 20 June. Mean attracted number of P. flavosellata adult at peak day were 197.6 individuals/ trap/day at 2008 and 268.1 individuals at 2010. Occurrence of P. quadriguttata were very lower then P. flavosellata. Mean attracted number of P. quadriguttata adult at peak day were 17.5 individuals/trap/day at 2008 and 2.3 individuals at 2010 in same trap.
The sex pheromone of Synanthedon bicingulata (Staudinger), a major pest of peach trees in many regions of northeast Asia, was identified. Two major components from the pheromone gland extracts of female moths are E3,Z13-18:OAc and Z3,Z13-18:OAc, and the average ratio of these components is about 4:6, respectively. In addition to the major components, four minor components, Z13-18:OAc, E2,Z13-18:OAc, E3,Z13-18:OH, and Z3,Z13-18:OH also were identified from pheromone gland extracts. Field tests showed that E3,Z13-18:OAc and Z3,Z13-18:OAc are essential for attraction of male S. bicingulata moths, and males are optimally attracted to the blend ratio found in pheromone gland extracts of conspecific females. Addition of the minor glandular components (Z13-18:OAc, E2,Z13-18:OAc, E3,Z13-18:OH, and Z3,Z13-18:OH) did not affect captures of males to the primary binary blend. Thus, the blend of E3,Z13-18:OAc and Z3,Z13-18:OAc at the natural ratio can be used for monitoring populations of this species.
The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of manipulation on the velocity of cerebral blood flow and level of pain in cervicogeinc headache patients. The velocity of cerebral blood flow of 30 cervicogeinc headache patients(male=15, female=15, age=24.00±3.60) and 33 normal subjects(male=15, female=18, age=23.27±3.00) was compared. The 30 cervicogeinc headache patients were divided into suboccipitalis relaxation group, cervical manipulation group, and placebo group, and each were given different interventions. The velocity of cerebral blood flow and pain level was measured before intervention, and 1, 2, 3 weeks after intervention. The velocity of cerebral blood flow was measured with the Transcranial Doppler(TCD), and pain level was measured with visual analog scale(VAS). Blood flow velocity of middle cerebral artery in cervicogeinc headache patients was slower than those in healthy subjects. Physical therapy intervention did not have significant effect on velocity of cerebral blood flow, but slowly decreased at intervention for pain level increased. The suboccipitalis relaxation group and cervical manipulation group showed significant effect in decreasing pain level compared to the placebo group(p<.05). Directly applied manipulation therapy in the neck area not only has effect on joint of cervical and soft tissue but also on blood vessels and nerves which pass the neck area, and because of those results of manual therapy seems to help recovery.