The purpose of this study is to analyze the body type characteristics of tall adult men aged 20 to 69 years to present base material on body dimensions for men’s clothing companies. The research method comprised statistical analysis of 3D measurements after selecting items from the 8th Korean human body size survey related to the torso body types of 495 adult men who were at least 178cm tall. As a result, six factors were extracted, and the total explanatory variable of the entire factor was shown to be 80.499%. As a result of cluster analysis using this as an independent variable, three types were derived: Type 1, “a normal body type with an oval cross-sectional shape” (37.6%), with a larger vertical size and an oval chest cross-sectional shape compared to other types; Type 2: a “cylindrical thick body shape” (31.1%), which is the first stage of BMI obesity, with narrow shoulders and a cylindrical shape with a round cross-section; Type 3, “a body shape with broad shoulders and developed chest parts” (31.3%), with a horizontal size similar to Type 2 above the waist, but similar to Type 1 below. The results of this study are expected to be used as a basis for a clothing dimension system and clothing development for tall men reflecting the characteristics of the torso.
For clothing items that combine the top with the bottom, such as a jumper suit, it is necessary to design original forms to develop clothes in various styles that can satisfy aesthetic and functional needs. Therefore, to determine the original forms of women’s jumper suits, this study aimed to analyze the patterns of women’s jumper suits being sold in the market comparatively and evaluate their fitness. For the study method, this researcher obtained five types of women’s jumper suits from local brands and compared the patterns’ measured sizes, then conducted exterior evaluation on the surplus according to five different movements and analyzed the values of distortion of clothing pressure comparatively. According to the results, in the basic posture, brands A and C received favorable results, while in the other movements, brand B, which had the biggest surplus on the bottom, was evaluated favorably. In conclusion, in the patterns of women’s jumper suits, a bigger surplus is added to either the crotch length or crotch girth rather than the top length, and the top and the bottom tend to have a different surplus according to the design. In addition, based on the values of body surface lengths according to the range of movements, this study suggests that an additional surplus be added to the length.
A method using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was developed for neonicotinoid pesticide analysis in agricultural products. Four compounds (imidacloprid, clothianidin, acetamiprid, thiacloprid) were extracted with acetonitrile from agricultural products and cleaned up by NH2 solid-phase extraction procedure, and eluted with 0.1% formic acid in methanol/dichloromethane (5/95, v/v). The limit of detection and quantification were 0.0001-0.0005 mg/kg and 0.001 mg/kg, respectively. The mean recoveries of neonicotinoid pesticide from agricultural products were in the range of 90.7-100.9% and 94.4-99.8%, as spiked at 0.2 mg/kg and 0.02 mg/kg, respectively. This validation satisfied the national criteria for pesticide analytical methods. In summary, The present method is fast, precise and sensitive enough for the Positive List System (PLS), and we conclude that the method is also suitable for neonicotinoid pesticide determination in a wide range of agricultural products.
Kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch.) is an economically important horticultural crop. This study reports a new pathogen of brown leaf spot disease in kiwifruit. Brown leaf spot symptoms were observed on the leaves of cv. Redvita in Jeju, South Korea. The leaf spot diseases appeared as extensive, angular, brown, yellow, white or fused color spots on the leaves. Fungi were isolated and identified as Fusarium tricinctum (Corda) Sacc. based on their morphological and molecular characteristics. Pathogenicity tests were conducted with mycelium and the conidia inoculation. The pathogen was re-isolated from the artificially developed symptoms, and identified as F. tricinctum as Koch’s postulates were confirmed. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the brown leaf spot caused by F. tricinctum on kiwifruit.
Purpose - Manufacturers in uncertain environments need to depend on governance mechanisms to reduce the inherent risk in these environments. However, few studies have examined which governance mechanisms a given manufacturers will develop in uncertain environments for managing the relationships with its vertical partner. This study explores how different governance mechanisms function under uncertain environmental circumstances. We also try to investigate the contextual effect of interfirm benevolence as moderator.
Research design, data, and methodology - This research provide the conceptual framework of interfirm benevolence on which this research's propositions are predicted. The theoretical background for environmental uncertainty, governance mechanisms and interfirm benevolence will be discussed.
Results - The expected results are as follows. Manufacturers in an uncertain environments rely on different governance mechanisms under conditions of high and low interfirm benevolence. In terms of role of interfirm benevolence, interfirm benevolence provides a better understanding of how governance mechanisms can develop in an uncertain supply markets.
Conclusions - This research suggests several theoretical and practical implications between channel partners, particularly, this research offers that interfirm benevolence is a crucial competitive factor under environmental uncertainty situation. In future studies, it is necessary to investigate the effect of each governance mechanism structure on performance in an uncertain environment and various level of interfirm benevolence.
Endocytosis of the Notch ligand, DeltaD, by mind bomb1 is indispensable for activation of Notch in cell fate determination, proliferation, and differentiation during zebrafish neurogenesis. Loss of mind bomb1 activity as an E3 Ubiquitin ligase causes the accumulation of deltaD at the plasma membrane and results in the ectopic neurogenic phenotype by activation of Notch in early zebrafish embryogenesis. However, the regulatory mechanism of deltaD during neurogenesis is not identified yet. This study aims to analyze the pathway of mib1 and deltaD after endocytosis in vivo during zebrafish embryogenesis. Mind bomb1 and deltaD are co-localized into autophagosome and mutant form of mind bomb1 fails to cargo deltaD into autophagosomes. These findings suggest that mind bomb I mediates deltaD regulation by autophagy in an ubiquitin-dependent manner during zebrafish embryogenesis.
Over the past few decades Miscanthus has been studied as a potential bioenergy crop in Europe but not much been studied in Korea although Korea has many native Miscanthus species and genetic resources. Because of their features, such as low demands of fertilizers and other agrochemicals, high water use efficiency and high productivity, Miscanthus can be cultivated in marginal lands. However, it is not known how Miscanthus can survive in saline soil and what extent Miscanthus can tolerate salt stress, one of main abiotic stresses in reclaimed lands or dry climates. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate physiological response of Miscanthus species to salt stress and thus to establish a salt stress threshold. Miscanthus sinensis and M. sacchariflorus showed similar responses to salt stress. Chlorophyll contents, photosynthesis and plant growth were all significantly affected by salt stress. Both species were completely killed at > 100 mM NaCl. The GR50 values estimated by non-linear regression analysis with the logistic model were 116.2 mM and 63.1 mM for M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus, respectively. These GR50 values can be used as their thresholds of salt stress. Further studies will be conducted to screen salt-tolerant Miscanthus genotypes.