Climate change and human activities have significantly threatened plant diversity in Nigeria, leading to the imminent extinction of plant genetic resources (PGR). The collected and conserved PGR are insufficient to slow the rate of diversity loss. To address this challenge, plant breeders have initiated various improvement programs aimed at utilizing available PGR to enhance plant resilience against the severity of climate change. Despite these efforts, several limiting factors hinder the sustainable conservation of PGR in Nigeria. The lack of up-to-date information on PGR in Nigeria restricts our understanding of crop diversity. This review explores these constraints and outlines the diverse strategies employed by relevant research institutes over the years to conserve PGR. It also evaluates both in-situ and ex-situ conservation efforts in the country. Collaborations and interactions between research institutes in Nigeria focused on managing PGR are highlighted. Establishing more ex-situ fields across all ecological zones of Nigeria is emphasized as a crucial step to enhance effective conservation measures. Additional recommendations are provided to encourage the conservation and sustainable production of PGR in Nigeria.
본 연구는 농가소득에 비해 농약가격이 비싼 저개발국가에서 농약의 사용을 줄여 농가소득을 향상시키고 지속가능한 농업을 하기 위하여 실시하였다. 1. 담배가루이 및 아메리카잎굴파리가 좋아하는 오이, 가지, 참외 3가지 작물 중 토마토 재배에 가장 유리한 유인식물로 생육온도 및 재배방법이 유사한 오이를 선발하였다. 가지는 초장이 작고 토마토보다 고온을 요구하여 겨울 재배에는 적합하지 않았다. 참외는 곁순이 많이 나와 오이보다 재배 관리가 어려웠다. 토마토 재배 시 유인식물로는 오이가 가장 적합하였다. 2. 토마토 10, 15, 20주 당 1주 씩 오이를 정식한 후 Emamectinbenzoate 유제 2.15%와 Pyridaben 수화제 20%를 혼합하여 유인식물에만 7일 간격으로 살포한 결과, 토마토 전체 포장에 살충제를 처리한 결과와 유사한 담배가루이 및 아메리카잎굴파리 발생 및 피해 정도를 보였다. 3. 유인식물을 많이 정식 할수록 토마토의 정식 주수가 줄어들어 토마토의 수확량이 감소하므로 유인식물의 재식주수가 가장 낮은 토마토 20주 당 1주 씩 오이를 정식하는 것이 가장 높은 생산량을 기대할 수 있다. 4. 오이를 유인식물로 사용할 경우 해충의 출현이 토마토만 정식하였을 경우보다 6~12일 빠르므로 예찰에 유의하여야 한다.
Cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Gloever is one of the major pests on a wide range of economically important crops in the world. The sustained use of chemical insecticides to control the aphid has led to the emergence of resistant strains to numerous used insecticides. As an alternative strategy entomopathogenic fungi have been used as part of integrated pest management program to control aphid, especially insecticide-resistance population. In particular, Beauveria bassiana-based commercial bio-insecticide has been used to reduce the pest population under greenhouse conditions in various countries. In this study, we investigated the control efficacy of a prototype of commercial mycopesticide using an B. bassiana (wettable powder) against cotton aphid on potted cucumber plant in greenhouse conditions.
Entomopathogenic fungi are natural enemies of insect pests and contribute to the natural regulation of their host populations. These fungal group are often used as active ingredients for microbial insect pest control. In addition, the potential antimicrobial effect by entomopathogenic fungi including Beauveria bassiana, Lecanicillium spp., and Isaria fumosorosea have recently been reported against fungal plant pathogens. Dual microbial control effects with entomopathogenic fungi against both aphids and cucumber powdery mildew had reported in Canada. In our previous studies we conducted bioassay with entomopathogenic fungi to develop dual microbial control agent which can control both aphid and fungal plant disease. We selected an Beauveria bassiana isolate which has high dual control effects against both cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii and sclerotinia rot, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. In this study, we have tested the dual control efficacy of the B. bassiana isolate against cotton aphid and sclerotinia rot on whole potted cucumber plants. We found that the B. bassiana isolate protected the plant from cotton aphid and sclerotinia rot under laboratory condition.
Background and Purpose: The Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) is the ratio of blood pressure in the lower legs to that in the arms. The intima-media thickness (IMT) of extracranial carotid arteries determined by B-mode ultrasound is a measurable index of the presence of atherosclerosis. A low ABI and a high carotid IMT are independently related to increased risk of cardiovascular events. This study examined the association between carotid IMT and ABI in patients with ischemic stroke. Materials and Methods: Retrospectively, 116 hospitalized patients with ischemic stroke were recruited. Using a pulse wave velocity ABI device along with carotid duplex sonography, we measured carotid IMT and ABI and investigated the correlation between average values. Results: There was a significant difference in carotid IMT between the normal and abnormal ABI groups (P=0.0262). The group with an abnormal ABI was more than five times as likely to have increased carotid IMT as the group with a normal ABI (age, sex-adjusted OR 5.67 (95% CI 1.85~17.38)). The ABI and carotid IMT showed a weak inverse linear correlation in patients with ischemic stroke (correlation coefficient −0.378 after adjusting for age and sex). Conclusion: Our study suggests that an abnormal ABI is associated with a high carotid IMT in patients with ischemic stroke.
To product the blue fluorescent protein (AmCyan) expressed cocoon, we were fused AmCyan cDNA to the heavy chain gene and injected the gene into a silkworm. AmCyan was one of the existing violet fluorochromes and originally derived from the fluorescent protein amFP486. AmFP486 was cloned from the sea anemone Anemonia majano (GenBank accession number AF168421), and belongs to the family of fluorescent proteins (FPs) isolated from coral reef organisms. The AmCyan fusion protein, each with N- and C- terminal sequences or the fibroin H-chain, were designed to be secreted into the lumen of the posterior silk glands. The expression of the AmCyan/H-chain fusion gene was regulated by the fibroin H-chain promoter. The use of the 3xP3 EGFP as a marker allowed us to rapidly distinguish transgenic silkworm. Mixtures of the donor and helper vectors were micro-injected into 300 eggs of bivoltine silkworms (Baegokjam). EGFP fluorescence was observed in 3 broods of transgenic silkworms under a florescence stereomicroscope. The cocoon was displayed strong blue fluorescence, proving that the fusion protein was present in the cocoon. Accordingly, we suggest that the AmCyan gene expressed cocoon will be enable the production of the novel biomaterials based on the transgenic silk.
To product the blue fluorescent protein (AmCyan) expressed cocoon, we were fused AmCyan cDNA to the heavy chain gene and injected the gene into a silkworm. AmCyan was one of the existing violet fluorochromes and originally derived from the fluorescent protein amFP486. AmFP486 was cloned from the sea anemone Anemonia majano (GenBank accession number AF168421), and belongs to the family of fluorescent proteins (FPs) isolated from coral reef organisms. The AmCyan fusion protein, each with N- and C- terminal sequences or the fibroin H-chain, were designed to be secreted into the lumen of the posterior silk glands. The expression of the AmCyan/H-chain fusion gene was regulated by the fibroin H-chain promoter. The use of the 3xP3 EGFP as a marker allowed us to rapidly distinguish transgenic silkworm. Mixtures of the donor and helper vectors were micro-injected into 300 eggs of bivoltine silkworms (Baegokjam). EGFP fluorescence was observed in 3 broods of transgenic silkworms under a florescence stereomicroscope. The cocoon was displayed strong blue fluorescence, proving that the fusion protein was present in the cocoon. Accordingly, we suggest that the AmCyan gene expressed cocoon will be enable the production of the novel biomaterials based on the transgenic silk.
Beauveria bassiana isolates have been used in integrated pest management, but little consideration has been given to the studies on fungal gene expressions and their functions. In this work, to determine the functions of genes, B. bassiana ERL1170 was transformed by restriction enzyme-mediated integration method, where pABeG with bar gene was used as a transformation vector. Among seven hundred of transformants, morphologically different ERL1170-pABeG-#160 transformant, particularly dysfunctional in conidiogenesis. The transformant had yellow hyphal growth on fourth strength Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA/4) and produced very small amount of conidia (<1.0×105 conidia/cm2 agar) in 7 days, whereas wild type had white mycelial growth and significantly greater conidia (3.6×106 conidia/cm2 agar). Additionally under microscopic observation, hyphae of #160 seemed like indian club, compared to the straight forms of wild type hyphae. The next work is figure out possible genes contributing the conidiogenesis of B. bassiana.