The Nuclear Export and Import Control System (NEPS) is currently in operation for nuclear export and import control. To ensure consistent and efficient control, various computational systems are either already in place or being developed. With numerous scattered systems, it becomes crucial to integrate the databases from each to maximize their utility. In order to effectively utilize these scattered computer systems, it is necessary to integrate the databases of each system and develop an associated search system that can be used for integrated databases, so we investigated and analyzed the AI language model that can be applied to the associated search system. Language Models (LM) are primarily divided into two categories: understanding and generative. Understanding Language Models aim to precisely comprehend and analyze the provided text’s meaning. They consider the text’s bidirectional context to understand its deeper implications and are used in tasks such as text classification, sentiment analysis, question answering, and named entity recognition. In contrast, Generative Language Models focus on generating new text based on the given context. They produce new textual content continuously and are beneficial for text generation, machine translation, sentence completion, and storytelling. Given that the primary purpose of our associated search system is to comprehend user sentences or queries accurately, understanding language models are deemed more suitable. Among the understanding language models, we examined BERT and its derivatives, RoBERTa and DeBERTa. BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) uses a Bidirectional Transformer Encoder to understand the sentence context and engages in pre-training by predicting ‘MASKED’ segments. RoBERTa (A Robustly Optimized BERT Pre-training Approach) enhances BERT by optimizing its training methods and data processing. Although its core architecture is similar to BERT, it incorporates improvements such as eliminating the NSP (Next Sentence Prediction) task, introducing dynamic masking techniques, and refining training data volume, methodologies, and hyperparameters. DeBERTa (Decoding-enhanced BERT with disentangled attention) introduces a disentangled attention mechanism to the BERT architecture, calculating the relative importance score between word pairs to distribute attention more effectively and improve performance. In analyzing the three models, RoBERTa and DeBERTa demonstrated superior performance compared to BERT. However, considering factors like the acquisition and processing of training data, training time, and associated costs, these superior models may require additional efforts and resources. It’s therefore crucial to select a language model by evaluating the economic implications, objectives, training strategies, performance-assessing datasets, and hardware environments. Additionally, it was noted that by fine-tuning with methods from RoBERTa or DeBERTa based on pre-trained BERT models, the training speed could be significantly improved.
The Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) and the Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC) operate the Nuclear Export and Import Control System (NEPS), an online comprehensive export and import control management system to guide the domestic nuclear export and import control regime and efficiently process the application, processing, and issuance of various civil complaints required for compliance. This paper analyzes the results of NEPS functional improvements made in 2022. First, NSSC and KINAC launched a nuclear plant technology follow-up system. Since establishing the Nuclear Plant Technology Export License (Plant License) system in 2015, large-scale nuclear power plant projects with a large amount of technology transfer have been issued a Plant License, allowing them to transfer technology without a separate individual export license. The recipient of a Plant License is not required to obtain an additional export license but to follow up on the transferred technology, such as checking whether it is a strategic technology and reporting quarterly transfer details. A dedicated system has been established to facilitate the follow-up of plant license projects. That has improved work efficiency for both the regulated and the regulator. Second, we have improved the procedures for retrieving and supplementing civil petitions. We added a function allowing civil petitioners to directly retrieve a civil petition to cancel a previously filed civil petition or to revise it themselves. In addition, we improved the procedure for supplementing a civil petition by setting a supplementation deadline for a reviewer’s request to modify a civil petition and sending a reminder before the expiration of the supplementation deadline. That enhances the convenience of the complainant and the examiner. Finally, we have changed the numbering system for export and import control reviews. Previously, the application number was a 15-digit system with an 8-digit date and 7-digit serial number. We have simplified the number by changing the three unused digits in the serial number to a single symbol that separates the type of application. That made it possible to utilize the number for relevant searches in the future. Also, simplifying the number has improved the efficiency of applying, processing, and consulting for civil affairs. In the future, NSSC and KINAC will continue to upgrade NEPS and make various functional improvements, and there will be many changes in system operation through cloud transfer in a few years.
About 83% of the information systems of administrative and public agencies are operated by agencies, and most of them are vulnerable to security due to the small scale of operation, insufficient facilities, and lack of dedicated personnel. To address these issues, the Ministry of the Interior and Safety announced in June 2021 that, as part of the “Second Basic Plan for E-Government,” all information systems of administrative and public agencies will be converted to a cloud-based integrated management operating environment by 2025 to provide stable public services. Accordingly, relevant laws and guidelines should be researched and analyzed to prepare for the cloud conversion of the Nuclear Export and Import Control System (NEPS) operated by the Export and Import Control Office of the Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC). The Cloud Computing Act defines cloud computing, establishes a basic plan and implementation plan, provides support for promoting the adoption of cloud computing by state institutions, supports the construction of integrated information and communication facilities based on cloud computing technology, provides cost and technical support, and regulates cloud security certification, and applies the Personal Information Protection Act and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection to protect personal information. The E-Government Act defines integrated standards and principles for information resources, support for the use of cloud computing services, classification standards for information resources, and integrated standards for calculating the size and capacity of information systems. The Notice on Standards for Using Cloud Computing Services and Securing Safety for Administrative Agencies and Public Institutions specifies the standards for using cloud computing services and measures to secure stability for administrative agencies, contracts for using cloud computing services, and ensuring continuity of cloud computing services. The Basic Guidelines on National Information Security stipulate the establishment and implementation of security measures, system security, user security, security management, information and communication network security separating internal network and internet network, and cloud computing security measures, and stipulate the NIS security review when introducing private cloud services. In order to convert NEPS to the cloud computing services, network, and software design plans, transfer plans, and cloud operation plans will be established in compliance with the relevant laws and guidelines. And future research will include researching the system status of major public and private cloud service providers and analyzing their advantages and disadvantages.
Radioisotope ADME (RI-ADME) studies are enabling visualization of the biodistribution in molecular imaging. We applied RI-ADME to investigate the tumor targeting capacity and biodistribution of trastuzumab-monomethyl auristatin F (LCB14-0110) in JIMT-1 xenograft mice and healthy marmoset. The LCB14-0110 was labelled with 125I. 125I-LCB14-0110 was intravenously administered to the animals. The gamma-count and single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) was conducted for biodistributioon and bioimaging of the biopharmaceutics. Tumor uptake in xenograft mice was highest at three-day after 125I-LCB14-0110 administration in both the biodistribution and SPECT/CT bioimaging. Alternatively, blood and organ tissues showed gradual decrease in radioactivity over time. In marmosets, radioactivity in all organ tissues rapidly reduced and no specific targeting of organs was observed in the biodistribution study and SPECT/CT imaging. Hence, 125ILCB14- 0110 demonstrated effective tumor targeting capacity and accumulated in JIMT-1 cell-bearing mice. However, accumulation did not occur in the organs of xenograft mice. Additionally, marmosets showed rapidly decrease in radioactivity throughout the entire body without accumulation in the normal organs. We also confirmed that the drug distribution was similar in normal organs between the two experimental animal species except spleen. Therefore, 125I is expected to be a useful tool in the study of RI-ADME in biopharmaceuticals through minimal antibody modification.
The antibiotic peptide PAJE (RWKIFKKPFKISIHL-NH2), designed incorporating the N-terminal α-helical segments of papiliocin and jelleine, is a 15-residue hybrid peptide that has a broad spectrum of activity against Gram-negative, positive bacteria and fungi. In this study, we successfully expressed bioactive PAJE in Escherichia coli cells that are highly sensitive to this peptide. For the efficient production of peptide, we synthesized gene encoding PAJE, and fused the sequence in-frame to ketosteroid isomerase (KSI) gene to construct an expression vector pET29b-PAJE-KSI, which was then used to transform E. coli BL21 (DE3). The fusion protein PAJE-KSI was expressed as inclusion body at high level (more than 30% of the total proteins). Recombinant PAJE was easily released by cleavage of the fusion protein with cyanogen bromide (CNBr). Subsequently, we purified the recombinant PAJE by FPLC chromatography. The purified PAJE displayed considerably antibacterial activity identical to that previously reported for chemically synthesized PAJE. The results indicated that successful expression of PAJE in E. coli cells and efficient procedure for purification may lead to a cost-effective platform for the mass production of PAJE.
Brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens is giving enormous damage to rice production. In this work, virulence of four Beauveria bassiana isolates against brown planthoppers was investigated by applying fungal granules on the water of pots, and we further examined the growth of hypha on the rice plants from the water surcae to explain the insecticidal mode of action. We used Beauveria bassiana (Bb) ERL 836, 1170, 1575 and 1578 isolates, which produced ~2×108 conidia/g of millet grain in a solid culture. Rice seeding was grown in breeding boxes at 28±2℃ for 5 days. Mycotized millet grains were treated on the water in a box at 1 g/box and the rice seeding was infested with 18~25 brown planthopper adults per box. A chemical pesticide and water treatment served as controls. Among the treatments, Bb ERL 836-treated plants had the lowest damage, rather than the other fungal treatments in laboratory assays. Hyphal growth on the stem of rice plants was observed in Petridish conditions under a fluorescent microscopy. This work suggests a possible control of brown planthoppers using entomopathogenic fungi.
This study is intended to examine the motor skill learning and treadmill exercise on motor performance and synaptic plasticity in the cerebellar injured rats by harmaline. Experiment groups were divided into four groups and assigned 15 rats to each group. GroupⅠ was a normal control group(induced by saline); GroupⅡ was a experimental control group(cerebellar injured by harmaline); GroupⅢ was a group of motor skill learning after cerebellar injured by harmaline; GroupⅣ was a group of treadmill exercise after cerebellar injured by harmaline. In motor performance test, the outcome of groupⅡ was significantly lower than the groupⅢ, Ⅳ(especially groupⅢ)(p<.001). In histological finding, the experimental groups were destroy of dendrities and nucleus of cerebellar neurons. GroupⅢ, Ⅳ were decreased in degeneration of cerebellar neurons(especially groupⅢ). In immunohistochemistric response of synaptophysin in cerebellar cortex, experimental groups were decreased than groupⅠ. GroupⅢ's expression of synaptophysin was more increased than groupⅡ, Ⅳ. In electron microscopy finding, the experimental groups were degenerated of Purkinje cell. These result suggest that improved motor performance by motor skill learning after harmaline induced is associated with dynamically altered expression of synaptophysin in cerebellar cortex and that is related with synaptic plasticity.
국내에서 생산되는 벼의 저장안전성 확보를 위한 기초기 반연구로 플라즈마 기술을 이용하여 벼의 저장기간 및 온도에 따른 미생물 생육 및 성분 변화를 관찰하였다. 플라즈마 시스템은 컨테이너형 유전격벽 플라즈마로 공기방전방식을 이용하여 삼광, 청품, 미소미, 팔방미 품종을 0, 10 및 20분간 처리하여 4℃, 25℃에서 2달간 저장하여 실험하였 다. 미생물 생육 변화를 관찰한 결과 저장 초기에는 일반호기성 미생물은 3.46-3.86 log CFU/g, 곰팡이는 2.27-2.86 log CFU/g이 검출되었다. 저장온도 및 기간에 따라 일반호기성 미생물 및 곰팡이의 생육은 증가하였으며, 품종간의 큰 차이는 없었다. 저장한 후의 미생물 분석 결과 플라즈마 처리 군의 미생물이 약 1.50 log CFU/g 적게 생육되었다. 플라즈마 처리한 벼의 수분함량을 측정한 결과 플라즈마 처리에 의한 큰 차이는 관찰되지 않았으나, 저장온도가 올라가면 수분함량이 감소하는 것을 확인하였다. 지방은 플라즈마에 의해 감소하는 경향을 보였으나, 단백질 함량은 플라즈마 및 저장조건에 따른 일관적인 변화는 관찰되지 않았다. 아밀로스 함량의 경우 삼광, 청품, 미소미 품종은 플라즈마에 의한 함량 변화는 관찰되지 않았으나 팔방미는 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 볼 때 플라즈마에 의해 벼의 저장안전성을 개선할 수 있으며 품질 변화의 최소화를 위하여 저온저장이 효과적이라고 판단된다.