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        검색결과 22

        2018.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we aimed to increase the utilization of non-commercializable peach fruits collected during harvesting and distribution and to promote the transition of a high value-added industry. After producing pastes from the flesh of different peach varieties, we used these pastes as ingredients in the production of Kochujang. We then performed a comparative analysis on the quality characteristics of the peach-added Kochujang and commercially available Kochujang products. Peach-added Kochujang exhibited a lower pH and reduced sugar, salinity, reducing sugar, ash, and calorie content than those of commercially available Kochujang products. However, the Kochujang had slightly higher pH and moisture content than commercially available products due to high organic acid and moisture contents of peach flesh. In terms of content of inorganic elements, commercial Kochujang products exhibited higher sodium and magnesium content, whereas peach-added Kochujang had higher potassium content. In particular, the lower sodium and higher potassium content of peach-added Kochujang indicates that this product could be used as a functional food to prevent various diseases caused by excessive sodium intake among Koreans. After comparing the products in terms of phenol and flavonoid content, we concluded that ethanol extracts of peach-added Kochujang showed higher phenol content than those of the commercially available Kochujang products. In contrast, the distilled water extracts of peach Kochujang showed higher DPPH free radical scavenging activity than that of commercially available Kochujang products.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Although Doenjang is a representative traditional fermented food in Korea, made mainly from soybeans, it has been classified into a food group identified as having high sodium in the National Health and Nutrition Examination. It is necessary to develop a low sodium Doenjang to prevent the excessive sodium intake which may cause various diseases. However, the development of Doenjang with low sodium, without significant changes on quality, is an ongoing challenge. Therefore, the experiment was designed to reduce the salt content of the soaking water to 12.5-45%. The pH, saltiness. moisture, sodium, color, amino-type nitrogen, free amino acids and constituent amino acids composition of Doenjang were investigated to determine the effect of this salt reduction on the sensory quality of Doenjang. The reduction of sodium did not affect the pH, moisture and saltiness, and this changed maintained the same range as the control. The sodium content was reduced proportionally, and the amino acid nitrogen level was 500 mg%. Therefore, this study considered that a reduction of 25% of salt in the soaking water does not affect the quality of the Doenjang while reducing the sodium content of the final Doenjang.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of long-term endurance exercise and Salvia miltiorrhiza vinegar on body composition and insulin resistance of high-fat diet (30% carbohydrate, 50% fat and 20% protein) induced obese rats. After 8 weeks of high fat diet (50% of total calories), rats were divided into 4 groups (sedentary group, n=10; exercise group, n=10; Salvia miltiorrhiza vinegar group, n=10; exercise+Salvia miltiorrhiza vinegar group, n=10) for 8 weeks. Body weight, body composition, diet intake volume, oral glucose tolerance test, plasma total cholesterol were measured. The results showed that Salvia miltiorrhiza vinegar plus endurance exercise training for 8 weeks significantly improved body weight control, visceral fat weight, and insulin resistance. However, only Salvia miltiorrhiza vinegar treatment did not significantly improve body composition and insulin resistance. In addition, there was no additive by the combination of Salvia miltiorrhiza vinegar and endurance exercise in insulin, body fat, and total cholesterol. The reduction of body fat, glucose, insulin and cholesterol by combination was resulted from the exercise. These results suggest that Salvia miltiorrhiza vinegar has slight effect on anti-hyperglycemia and anti-obesity.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, enzyme (thermoase) hydrolysis was applied to the porcine blood order to increase the iron content and solubility. It was confirmed that content of iron was increase up to 158.11 mg/100 g porcine powders after 0.2% thermoase treatment at 60℃ during 4 hr. The solubility of porcine blood powders was higher than other enzyme (various protease), temperature, reaction time. This optimized conditions were also worked to the in vitro iron bioavailability rate increasement, the bioavailability of hydolyzed porcine powders was 3-fold higher than that of an iron supplement on the market. These results indicate the possibility of porcine blood powder in iron supplements market as natural material. Also utilizing of reduced porcine blood will be possible to improve environmental issues.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 폐기되는 돈혈을 식품소재로 활용하고자 단백 질 가수분해효소 5종을 처리하여 품질특성 변화를 조사하 였다. 그 결과 KMFP-15(E)로 가수분해할 때 pH 7.3, 총 고형분 함량 24.3 oBrix 및 유리아미노산 함량 4,944 mg%로 가장 높은 고형분 함량 및 유리아미노산 함량을 나타내었 다. KMFP-15(E) 농도에 따른 영향을 조사한 결과 처리농도 가 증가함에 따라 총 고형분 함량 및 유리아미노산이 증가 하였으며, 유리아미노산은 KMFP-15(E) 0.2% (w/v)첨가구 에서 7,224 mg%로 0.3% (w/v)첨가구와 유의적인 차이를 나타내지 않아 0.2% (w/v)로 설정하였다. KMFP-15(E)의 가수분해 시간에 따라 유리아미노산 함량은 4시간에서 7,404 mg%로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 시간이 경과할수록 감소하는 경향을 보여 최적 가수분해시간은 4시간으로 설 정하였다. 상기 설정된 가수분해 조건을 통해 제조된 돈혈 분말(PBHP)에는 조단백질 및 아미노산과 철분, 칼륨, 아연 등 다량의 무기질이 함유되어 있는 것으로 나타났으며 특 히, 철분의 함량은 1,983 mg%로 높게 나타나 식품소재로 활용 가능한 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과 폐기되는 돈혈 의 활용방안으로 다양한 가수분해조건중 효소 KMFP- 15(E) 0.2% (w/v)를 첨가하여, 4시간에서 가수분해 하였을 때 전반적 품질 특성이 가장 우수하여 향후 돈혈을 이용해 단백질 보충, 아미노산소재 및 철분강화제 등의 식품 및 의약품 소재로의 고부가가치 창출이 가능할 것으로 판단되 었다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Salvia miltiorrhiza has been used for treating heart and liver disease. In the present study, the influences of temperature on photosynthetical capacity of S. miltiorrhiza under controlled cultivation environment using growth chamber were investigated because of providing information about growth and secondary metabolite synthesis. And effect of harvesting time on growth properties and constituents such as salvianolic acid B, cryptotanshinone, tanshinone I, tanshinone IIA were evaluated. Maximum photosynthesis rate (5.102 μmol CO2/m2/s) and net apparent quantum yield (0.147 μmol CO2/m2/s), stomatal conductance (0.035 mmol/m2/s) and water use efficiency (7.108 μmol CO2/mmol H2O) was highest at 20℃. Results of chlorophyll fluorescence showed that elevated temperature had contributed to reduce a quantum yield and electron flux in photosystem. This result demonstrated that favorable temperature condition was determined at 20℃. Contents of salvianolic acid B, cryptotanshinone, tanshinone I and tanshinone IIA was highest in root sample harvested at 20 March, whereas growth and yield of S. miltiorrhiza had no significant differences with harvesting time. Therefore, this study shows that temperature play an important role in photosynthetic activity and harvesting time have influence upon accumulation of constituents in root of S. miltiorrhiza.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 국내산 단삼을 활용하여 amylase계, cellulase 계, pectinase계 및 protease계 효소제를 이용한 저온 추출법 에 따른 단삼 추출물의 이화학적 품질 변화를 조사하였다. 단삼 추출물의 수율, pH, 당도 및 색도 변화는 amylase계 효소를 이용하여 60℃, 4시간 처리구에서 58.3%, pH 6.04, 5.97°Brix와 65.06(L) 및 35.13(b)로 가장 높게 나타났으며, a값은 protease계 효소를 이용하여 60℃에서 처리구에서 14.88로 붉은색을 나타내었다. 효소제를 이용한 단삼 추출 물의 항산화능은 추출농도 55 ppm에서 DPPH 및 ABTs 소거능 84.25 및 74.11%로 amylase계 효소를 이용하여 6 0℃, 4시간 처리구에서 가장 높은 소거능을 나타내었다. 총 페놀성 화합물 함량은 60℃효소 처리구간들에서 비교적 높은 함량을 나타내었다. 단삼 추출물의 salvianolic acid B 함량은 60℃에서 4시간, amylase계 효소구에서 3,002 mg%로 가장 높은 함량을 나타내었으며, cryptotanshinone 함량은 60℃ 4시간 amylase 및 protease계 효소 처리구에서 3.8 mg%으로 가장 높게 나타났으며, tanshinon Ⅰ함량은 60℃ 4시간 protease계 효소구에서 14.2 mg%으로 가장 높게 나타났다. 이상의 결과로 amylase계 효소를 이용하여 단삼 의 저온 효소 추출시 단삼 추출물의 지표성분의 안정적 추출이 가능한 바, 기능성 소재로서 대량생산을 통한 산업 적 이용이 가능할 것으로 판단되며, 효소제를 이용한 저온 효소추출법은 천연물의 다양한 원료에 접목시킬 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 수입에 의존하고 있는 고산도 식초 생산 기술을 대체하고자 포도과즙을 이용하여 적정산도 10% 이상의 식초 제조조건 및 품질특성을 조사하였다. 초기 알 코올 함량에 따른 고산도 초산발효에서는 초기 알코올 함량 6%에서 적정산도 12%의 고산도 식초 제조가 가능하였으 며 초기 알코올 함량이 높을수록 유도기가 길어져 초산수율 이 감소하였다. pH는 구간에 따른 큰 차이가 없었고, 당도는 1단계 초산발효(1st AAF)까지 초기 알코올 함량에 비례하 여 높게 나타났으나 2단계 초산발효(2nd AAF)기간 동안에 는 초기 알코올 6% 첨가구에서 증가율이 가장 높았다. 고산 도 포도식초의 주요 유기산은 tartaric, malic 및 citric acid가 검출되었으며, 유가식 첨가량 및 초산 발효수율 차이로 인 하여 초기 알코올 함량이 낮을수록 높게 검출되었다. 미량 알코올 중 ethyl alcohol을 제외한 성분은 극소량으로 검출 되어 초기 알코올 함량에 따른 큰 차이가 없었고, ethyl alcohol은 364∼581 ppm으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과, 포도알코올 발효액(초기 알코올 함량 6%)를 이용하여 일체의 영양원을 첨가하지 않고 총산도 12%의 고산도 식초 제조가 가능하였다. 그러나 산업적으로 활용하기 위해서는 초산수 율 향상 및 유가식 첨가에 의한 발효기간 단축에 관한 보완 연구가 요구되었다.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 활용도가 낮은 메밀껍질을 활용하고자 효소처리 및 습식분쇄에 따른 통메밀 분말의 품질특성을 조사하였다. 습식 분쇄 통메밀 분말의 입도 분석 결과 메밀쌀의 평균 입자크기는 74.84 μm로 통메밀 분말에 비하여 약 4∼5배가량 큰 것으로 나타났으며 습식분쇄 90분 이후에 큰 차이가 없었다. 총 페놀성 화합물 및 총 플라보노이드 함량의 경우 메밀쌀에 비하여 통메밀 분말에서 모두 증가하였으며 분쇄가 진행될수록 조금씩 상승하였다. Rutin 함량 조사결과 메밀쌀 44.10 ppm에 습식분쇄가 진행될수록 함량이 상승하여 습식분쇄 90분에서 152.90 ppm까지 증가한 뒤 이후로는 큰 변화가 없었다. Quercetin의 경우 습식분쇄 시간에 따른 큰 함량변화는 없는 것으로 나타났다. 무기질 함량 조사결과 메밀쌀에 비하여 통메밀 분말에서 Ca, K 및 Mg의 함량이 높게 증가하였으며 Zn 및 Mn이 통메밀 분말에서 검출되었다. 유리아미노산은 통메밀 분말에서 총 유리아미노산 함량이 22.27 mg%로 증가하는 것으로 나타났으며 특히 glutamic acid는 14.58 mg%에서 30.45 mg%로 두 배 이상 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과 통메밀 분말 제조를 위한 습식분쇄 시간은 90분이 적절하였으며 통메밀 분말의 경우 메밀껍질의 유효성분의 활용이 가능하였으며 습식분쇄과정을 통한 식감개선이 가능하여 차후 다양한 가공제품으로 활용이 기대된다.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To stabilize the basal extraction conditions of Leonuri herbal products, three kinds of Leonurus sibiricus water extracts were prepared with different extraction conditions (boiling extraction (I), high thermal process & boiling extraction (II), and wet grinding & boiling extraction (III)), and their physiological properties were investigated. The extraction yields of the L. sibiricus water extracts were from 13.02 to 15.90%, with no significant difference among them. The polyphenol contents were significantly high in extracts (II) and (III) than in extract (I). The IC50 for the electron-donating ability was the smallest in extracts (II), (III) and (I) in ascending order. The ABTS radical scavenging ability was significantly higher in extracts (II) and (III) than in extract (I). Also, the ACE in hibition ability for 5 mg/mL of each extract was high in extracts (II) and (III), but there was no significant difference among the three extracts in terms of their nitrite scavenging abilities. Extraction processes (II) and (III) were shown to be useful for preparing Leonurus sibiricus water extracts with healthful properties.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We investigated the quality characteristics of brewing brown rice vinegar through a traditional static fermentation process. Accordingly, we decided to compare the physicochemical characteristics of brewing vinegar at different temperatures and filtration methods. In four to five weeks’ time, the acetic acid fermentation exhibited the highest titratable acidity and then it eventually decreased. The titratable acidity was affected by the filtration method. It was revealed that the titratable acidity was higher in the forced filtration than the traditional filtration method. Various organic acids were detected in order to initialize the fermentation stage and as the fermentation progressed, only the acetic acid could be detected. The total free amino acid content was higher at a temperature of 30℃ than at 20℃. Moreover, the free amino acid content was dependent on the acetate content during the acetic fermentation process. The main bioactive substance of the γ-aminobutyric acid content was more than twice at a fermentation temperature of 30℃ compared to the fermentation temperature of 20℃. Furthermore, the total amino acid and essential amino acid content at a temperature of 30℃ was excellent. The quality of the brown rice vinegar via forced filtration method at a temperature of 30℃ was the most excellent. Based on these results, the fermentation temperature and the use of nuruks (fermenting agent) affected the quality of the brown rice vinegar, and an appropriate method to consider its purpose is required.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The nutritional composition, bioactive components and antioxidant activities of the first and second sprouts of Kalopanax pictus, Cedrela sinensis and Acanthopanax cortex were investigated to increase the utilization of these sprouts. The moisture and crude lipid contents of the first sprout were higher than those of the second sprout, and the crude fiber and carbohydrate contents were higher in the second sprout. The organic acid content of the first sprout was higher than that of the second sprout. The second sprout had higher free amino acid contents in K. pictus and C. sinensis, and the first sprout had a higher content in A. cortex. Especially, the second sprout of K. pictus and C. sinensis had a higher level of glutamic acid, which is a major taste component of foods, than the first sprout. The second sprouts of all the samples had higher mineral levels than the first sprouts. In contrast, the first sprouts had higher total polyphenol and flavonoid contents and showed a higher antioxidant activity level, except for the DPPH radical scavenging activity of the A. cortex. The results of this study show that the nutritive value of the second sprout was higher than that of the first sprout, but the bioactive components value of the second sprout was lower than that of the first sprout. Therefore, additional research is needed on the cultivation condition required to maintain the nutritive values and the antioxidant activities of these sprouts.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate changes in the main volatile flavor components of oriental melon during the process of alcohol fermentation via SPME (solid phase micro extraction). The flavor components of oriental melon were shown to have mainly included melon and green flavors. The green flavor was identified to be nonanal, 1-butanol, 1-octen-2-ol and benzene, and its relative concentration was shown to be 16.66%. The nonanal concentration was shown to have been reduced among the green-flavor components, but no significant change in remaining components was observed. Mainly, sweet flavor tended to increase, and the relative concentration of benzene was particularly shown to have increase by 25.58%, accounting for the highest relative concentration. The amount of green-flavor components, except for 1-butanol, was shown to have significantly decrease after alcohol fermentation. Then, no component of green-flavor, which causes an offensive smell, was found during fermentation and aging. Meanwhile, the volatile flavor components, which are consist of acids, were shown to have been produced during alcohol fermentation. In particular, octanoic acid, which causes off-flavor, was shown to be 60.99%, a very high relative concentration during the aging stage. In addition, acetic acid with a pungent sour flavor tended to be produced. A further study on the improvement of flavor in the production of oriental melon wine is required.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was to examine the quality characteristics of Cedrela shoots according to soy sauce conditions. First, the results were on solid samples (pickled Cedrela sinensis shoot) as follows: The pH and acidity of Cedrela shoots tended to decrease slightly in the licorice added section. The sugar content and salinity of Cedrela shoots tended to decrease gradually during the storage period. The color values of Cedrela shoots tended to change from green to dark green due to soy sauce as their storage periods. The texture of Cedrela shoots had differences according to their unique characteristics, but the change was small in the licorice added section. The overall preference appeared most high in P1-1. Next, the results were on Liquid samples (soy sauce) as follows: The pH and acidity of soy sauce tended to decrease gradually during the storage period. The sugar content and salinity did not change a lot. Microorganisms were not detected during the storage period in the established conditions. Therefore, the conditions for quality changes about pickling soy sauce during the storage period have been established and it can be anticipated to commercialize various pickle food using Cedrela shoots.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The quality characteristics of Acanthopanax and Cedrela shoots during their preservation were investigated according to the salting conditions to improve the use of the shoots. The results were as follows: The pH of added ionization mineral during the storage did not change. The salinity of the salt-stored Acanthopanax and Cedrela tended to insignificantly change as their storage temperature changed and increase during the addition of the ionization mineral. In terms of the color values, the b value of the added non-ionization mineral tended to increase and that of the added ionization mineral tended to gradually decrease. The texture of Acanthopanax and Cedrela shoots to which an ionization mineral was added tended to decrease gradually during their storage, and was highest when 50 ppm of the ionization mineral was added. The total chlorophyll contents tended to decrease during the salt storage, did not change significantly with the change in the added ionization mineral, and decreased at the storage temperature of 10℃. Therefore, it can be concluded that quality of Acanthopanax and Cedrela shoots can be maintained when they are stored in ionization mineral addition.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The fusel oils and the volatile flavor compounds of two potato sojues, one of which was produced with the traditional distillation apparatus(soju-gori) and the other, with the reduced pressure distillation system, were examined. The fusel oil content was high in the potato soju that was distilled under reduced pressure (potato soju(II)). The relative ratio of the isoamyl alcohol to the isobutyl alcohol and the n-propanol was 3.1:0.8:1.0 in the potato soju that was distilled with soju-gori (potato soju(I)), and 4.0:1.2:1.0 in potato soju(II). The chromatograms of the volatile components apparently differed between potato soju(I) and potato soju(II). Potato soju(I) contained four kinds of alcohol, six kinds of ester, n-valeraldehyde, and acetic acid. Potato soju(II) contained seven kinds of alcohol, 14 kinds of ester, two kinds of aldehyde, acetic acid, and three other compounds. Potato soju(II) significantly scored higher for flavor property than potato soju(I).
        2012.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The quality of brown rice vinegar that was produced via static culture (A) was compared with the quality of three types of domestic commercial brown rice vinegar (B, C, and D) and of three types of Japanese brown rice vinegar (E, F, and G). The results showed titratable acidity levels of 6.39%, 4.52-6.32%, and 4.51-4.89% in the static-cultured brown rice vinegar, the domestic commercial brown rice vinegars, and the Japanese brown rice vinegars, respectively. The pH levels were 3.28, 2.58-2.97, and 3.03-3.27 in the static-culture brown rice vinegar, the domestic commercial brown rice vinegars, and the Japanese brown rice vinegars, respectively, which show similar values of the static-culture brown rice vinegar and the Japanese brown rice vinegars. The total nitrogen (TN) values of the static-culture brown rice vinegar, the domestic commercial brown rice vinegars, and the Japanese brown rice vinegars were 0.24, 0.03-0.16, and 0.12-0.17, respectively, with the highest value for the static-culture brown rice vinegar, substantial differences among the domestic commercial brown rice vinegars, and similar contents among the Japanese brown rice vinegars. For free sugar, glucose was either detected only in a small quantity or not detected at all in the static-culture brown rice vinegar and the Japanese brown rice vinegars, which showed perfect fermentation. The glucose and maltose contents were higher in the domestic commercial brown rice vinegars. The organic acid content of the static-culture brown rice vinegar was similar to that of the Japanese brown rice vinegars. Therefore, the total acidity content, TN value, sensory property, and quality of the static-culture brown rice vinegar (A) were superior to those of the domestic and Japanese brown rice vinegars.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The sensory properties of Kalopanax pictus and Cedrela sinensis shoots were analyzed according to their blanching conditions and the thawing methods used. For the Hunter colors, the K. pictus that was blanched without adding salt for 6 min had the highest L value, and the C. sinensis that was blanched with 1% salt for 6 min had the highest L value. The chlorophyll content of K. pictus was 141.1 mg% when it was blanched for 3 min with 2% salt, and the chlorophyll content of C. sinensis that was blanched without adding salt for 6 min was highest (124.8 mg%). When K. pictus and C. sinensis were blanched without salt addition for 3 min, their texture showed a higher value than that of the other samples. The sensory test result showed the highest overall preference for the sample that was blanched without adding salt for 3 min, among all the samples. The L value of the K. pictus that was thawed in a microwave oven was significantly higher than that of the other samples, but the L value of the C. sinensis that was thawed at 4℃ was higher than that of the other samples. As for the overall preference for the samples according to the thawing method used, K. pictus and C. sinensis scored highest in the case of thawing in a microwave oven.
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