This research was relative humidity (65, 75, 85 and 95%) growth characteristics of the oak mushroom (Lentinula edodes) 'Nongjingo’. At the relative humidity was 65% in growth chamber. On this condition the moisture content of medium surface was 60.5%. That was lower than other treatments. That condition makes Pileus was 77.1% and stipe was 65%. Among the growth characteristics according to the relative humidity, the pileus diameter at 75% relative humidity were 45.5mm that largest than other treatment and pileus thickness at 75% relative humidity were largest than other treatment. The stipe thickness at 65% relative humidity were 14.8mm that lagest than other treatment. The number of available stipes at 95% relative humidity were 13.3peace/2kg that largest than other treatment. The comparison yield ability of 1 cycle was 104.2g that result in largest than other treatment at 95% relative humidity. This result was associated to the relative humidity of fruiting bodies, the lower relative humidity result in the lower of yield. However, the lower relative humidity result in the higher number of whago, Especially, at the treatment of 65% relative humidity, all the fruit bodies were produced as Whago (dry). Therefore, the higher relative humidity influenced in the higher yield but produced water mushroom. That result was thought that ‘Nongjingo’ would be possible to produce high quality mushroom by adjusting the relative humidity appropriately.
One hundred seventy two accessions of safflower, collected in four countries were investigated for their morphological and biochemical characters in 2014. The accessions were categorized into two groups; South-Central (S-C) Asia and South-West (S-W) Asia, and each group was represented the accessions of two countries. Variation in morphological and biochemical characters was observed between two groups of accessions. The average value of seed weight and range of variability were higher in S-C Asia accessions while S-W accessions exhibited the variation in plant height, leaf length and days to flowering. The average value of oleic and total oil content were higher in S-C Asia accessions, and the values were 19.8%, and 231.4 mg.g-1, respectively, while the range of variability for total oil content was higher in S-W accessions. Plant height exhibited a significant positive correlation with days to flowering (r = 0.625**). Palmitic acid had positively correlated with stearic acid (r = 0.282**) and linoleic acid (r = 0.444**). Oleic and linoleic acid showed a strong negative correlation (r = -0.977**). The first three principal components explained 57% of the total variation. Morphological and biochemical variation exist in different groups of accessions could be useful to breeder for developing new safflower cultivars with high oil quantity and quality.
Ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaudich.) is a hardy perennial herbaceous plant of the Urticaceae family and has been grown as a fiber crop in several countries including Korea for many centuries. Ramie leaves also have been traditionally used as a major ingredient of a type of rice cake called ‘Song-pyun’ in the Southwest area of Korea, especially Yeong-Gwang province. Despite its economic importance, the molecular genetics of ramie have not been studied in detail yet. Genetic resources of ramie were widely collected from domestic local sites by Bioenergy Crop Research Center (RDA) and Yeong-Gwang Agricultural Technology Center. For the systematic and efficient management of the genetic resources, we developed microsatellite molecular markers of ramie. To do this, we generated microsatellite-enriched genomic DNA libraries using magnetic bead hybridization selection method. 216 contigs containing microsatellite repeat motif were generated using nucleotide sequences of 376 clones from the libraries. Primer sets were designed from the flanking sequences of the repeat motif. Finally, we selected 26 microsatellite markers, possibly showing polymorphism among the genetic resources. Results on the genotype analysis of the ramie genetic resources using the microsatellite markers will be presented.
여명'은 양파와 파간의 종간교잡을 이용하여 육성된 품종으로 추파용 비가림하우스 재배에 적합하며 주요 품종특성은 다음과 같다. 1. 초형은 외대파형이며 엽색은 파에 비해 다소 진하며 위경기부에 안토시아닌이 착색되며 비대가 약하게 일어난다. 2. 수량구성요소인 초장, 위경장, 위경너비가 크고 주당 생체중은 302 g으로 다수성 형질을 가지고 있다. 3. 파밤나방, 노균병, 녹병, 흑반병에 저항성이 있다. 4. 수량은 13,128 kg/10a로 '금장'에 비
수안'은 숙기가 빠르고, 올레인산 함량도 높아 바이오디젤 및 식용으로 이용이 가능한 유채로 2006년에 목포-CGMS(웅성불임)과 8634-B-1-3-1-8(임성회복화분친)을 교배하여 2006년부터 2007년까지 생산력 검정시험과, 2008년부터 2009년까지 지역적응시험을 거쳐 육성된 품종이다. 지역적응시험에서 '수안'의 수량은 381 kg/10a로 같은 1대잡종인 '선망'에 비해 4% 증수되었다. '수안'의 기름함량은 44.3%이고, 지방산중 올레인
‘원예30002’는 웅성불임계통으로 초형은 반개장형, 구색은 황갈색이며 도복기는 5월 6일로 비교적 도복기가 빠른 조생계통이다. 초장은 43 cm, 엽수는 7매이며 엽초경과 엽초장은 각각 15.5 cm, 18 cm이다. 구중은 283 g으로 대구형이며 구형지수는 93으로 고구형 계통이다. 저장성은 중간정도이나 내한성이 강한 특성이 있다. 채종 특성으로 채종 모구의 개화기는 5월 24일이며 화경수는 3개로 비교적 적고 화구폭은 90 mm이며 100% 웅성
양파 중간모본 웅성불임 계통 ‘원예30001’은 2000년 Ginque 자식 집단에서 웅성불임개체를 선발하여 고정종 자식계통 YG-1-1을 교배하여 2002년에 유지계통을 선발하고 2009년 까지 4회 여교잡을 하여 계통의 안정성을 확인한 후 MMS17로 명명하여 2009년에 직무육성신품종 심사를 거쳐 2010년에 국립종자원에 ‘원예30001’로 명명하여 품종보호 출원하였다. ‘원예30001’은 웅성불임(CMS-S)계통으로 초형은 반개장형이며 도복기는
‘조망’은 조숙, 다수성이며 바이오디젤 생산 및 식용으로 이용이 가능한 유채로 2006년에 웅성불임인 목포-CGMS와 임성회복환분친인 8634-B-1-3-1-8을 교배하여 생산력검정시험(2007, 2008)과, 지역적응시험(2008)을 거쳐, 2008년에 육성된 품종이다. ‘조망’의 엽형은 하부익상전렬, 엽색 및 줄기색은 녹색, 결각은 중간이며 꽃색은 황색, 종피색은 흑색이다. ‘조망’의 성숙일는 6월 3일로 ‘선망’보다 1일, ‘탐미유채’보다는 4일
"보람"은 조숙, 다수성이며 바이오디젤 생산 및 식용으로 이용이 가능한 유채 로 2006년에 목포-CGMS(웅성불임)과 8634-B-1-3-1-8(임성회복화분친)을 교배하여 2007년부터 2008년까지 생산력 검정시험과, 2008년 지역적응시험을 거쳐 육성된 품종이다. "보람"의 엽형은 하부익상전렬, 엽색 및 줄기색은 녹색, 결각은 중간이며 꽃색은 황색, 종피색은 흑색이다. 개화기(4월 9일)와 성숙기(6월 4일)는 "선망"과 비슷하나 "탐미유채"보다는
The production of hybrid onion (Allium cepa L.) seed is economically feasible using systems of cytoplasmic-genic male sterility(CMS). The identification of cytoplasm types might be helpful to development of sterile and maintainer lines. Due to this reason, a knowledge of the cytoplasm type is essential for hybrid breeding in onion. Especially, due to the biennial generation time of onion, to distinguish of onion cytoplasm type in individual plant may be helpful to reduce the efforts in a breeding program, when new sterile lines and the corresponding maintainer lines be developed. In our study, we applied the PCR-marker (orfA-501) to identify the cytoplasmic genotypes of collected 100 accessions of bulb onion. Among accessions, S-cytoplasm was found in 57 accessions. Nineteen accessions possessed only N-cytoplasm and twenty four accessions possessed both S- and N-cytoplasm.
This study was conducted to clarify the relation of the species of genus Sorbus in Korea based on multivariate analysis for the morphological characteristics and DNA polymorphism. Twenty-eight quantitative characters were assessed and analyzed by the principal component analysis and UPGMA cluster analysis. From the principal component analysis of 28 quantitative characters, three principal components (PC’s) explained the variation of inter-specific relations among the genus Sorbus. The first PC’s explained 58.95% of the variation with the Eigenvalue of 16.5, and the second and third PC’s showed the Eigenvalue of 8.3 and 3.1 and explained 88.74% and 100.0% of the variation, respectively. Especially, the first PC’s was related in order of the fruit width (FW) and length of terminal leaflet (LTL), petal length (PL), width of terminal leaflet (WTL), and diameter of winter bud (DWB). The second and third PC’s were involved in order of the No. of leaflet (NL), No. of fruit per fruiting lateral (NFL), length of upper rachis (LUR), and diameter of rachis (DR), No. of pistil (NP), respectively. Cluster analysis using them UPGMA method based on the principal components of four species of the genus Sorbus divided into two groups. Group Ⅰ comprises Sorbus commixta and S. sambucifolia var. pseudogracilis, and Group Ⅱ consists of S. amurensis and S. aucuparia. The pattern of DNA polymorphism of the 56 inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers revealed that different taxa shared different sets of bands, and DNA analysis is useful for taxonomic study on the genus Sorbus.