
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 252

        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The citrus flatid planthopper, Metcalfa pruinosa is one of the invasive insect species in South Korea. M. pruinosa is a broad polyphage damaging over 200 plant species including ginseng, although there is a difference in preference. We selected six insecticides that showed high mortality in ginseng field such as emamectin benzoate EC, sulfoxaflor SG, etofenprox EW, cypermethrin EC, thiacloprid SC and pyrifluquinazon SG. In addition, a method to attract and kill M. pruinosa by treating pesticides on attractive plants (e.g., corn, perilla) with high preference was also tested. The control effect varied from 10 to 80% depending on the distance between forest and farmland. These methods can be used for the control of M. pruinosa in the ginseng farm when the PLS (Positive List System) is fully implemented in 2019.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 지속가능한 유기농업의 실천을 위하여 국내 작부체계와 농업환경에 적합한 한국형 현장적용 기법을 구축하고자 수행하였다. 본 연구의 기본 개념은 ‘Natural Enemy in First (NE가 먼저)’로 해충발생시기의 예찰 없이 주 작물을 정식함과 동시에 천적과 보조식물을 혼합 적용해서 해충발생 이전에 천적을 포장에 먼저 정착시키는 생물적 방제기법이다. 시설재배 딸기에서 칠레이리응애, 사막이리응애, 콜레마니진디벌과 천적의 서식처 3종을 주 작물의 정식과 동시에 적용한 결과, 관행방제구에 비해 80%이상의 해충 밀도억제효과를, 천적 단독처리구에 비해 3배 이상의 높은 천적의 밀도를 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 포장 환경과 천적의 방사방법에 구애받지 않고 천적의 해충 방제효과를 극대화시킬 수 있는 라인을 적용한 결과, 약제와 천적 혼합처리구에서 라인을 적용하지 않은 처리구에 비해 해충의 밀도가 급격히 감소하고, 천적의 밀도는 2배 이상 높게 유지되는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        애무늬고리장님노린재(Apolygus spinolae)는 포도원에서 생장 초기부터 신초를 흡즙 가해하여 잎의 기형화, 화진형상, 열매의 소립화, 기형, 열과 등의 피해를 일으킨다. 2017년과 2018년도에 경기도 화성 포도원의 캠벨얼리 품종을 대상으로 가온 하우스, 무가온 하우스, 비가림 재배, 노지 재배의 재배 양식과 생육단계별 애무늬고리장님 노린재의 발생 양상을 조사하였다. 재배양식별 피해는 1월부터 가온을 시작하여 7월 초순에 수확하는 조기가온 하우스와 3월부터 보온을 시작하여 8월 중순에 수확하는 무가온 하우스에서는 피해가 5% 미만으로 미미하였다. 그러나 비가림 및 노지재배에서는 잎과 열매의 피해가 관찰이 되었고, 특히 무농약 노지재배에서는 2017년도 27.6%, 2018년도 36%의 피해가지율을 나타내었다. 노지재배에서 피해 발생은 캠벨얼리 발아기 (BBCH(생물계절코드) 10)부터 이전 해에 포도나무 눈의 겉 인편 사이에 산란된 월동알이 부화하여 6 ~ 7엽(BBCH 16 ~ 17) 전개기까지 어린잎과 열매를 흡즙하여 피해를 주는 것으로 조사되었다. 애무늬고리장님노린재 온도 적산 모델에 따른 노지재배과원의 최적 방제시기는 월동알 부화 시기에는 2017년 4월 26일 (BBCH 11), 2018년 4월 30일(BBCH 11)이였고, 1세대 성충 출현시기에는 2017년 6월 5일 (BBCH 71), 2018년 6월 8일 (BBCH 74)로 예측되었다. 즉, 월동알 부화시기는 캠벨얼리 전엽 초기(BBCH 11), 1세대 성충 출현 시기는 과립 착과 초기(BBCH 71)로 예측되었다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The turnip sawfly, Athalia rosae is one of the main pests that damage the leaves of cabbage, radish and other cruciferous crops. The developmental biology and morphological characteristics of the immature stages of Athalia rosae were studied in the laboratory using host plant, Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa var. glabra. A. rosae can be mass reared in laboratory throughout the year under RH 60~70%, 16L:8D and 25±1℃. This species has six larval stages in the female and five larval stages in the male. The developmental period is about 28~29 days. Ovipositional periods and larval developmental periods were 6, 9 days, respectively. The pupal period was about 14 days. Illustrations and descriptions of the various immature stages and their behaviors are provided.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        경기지역에 발생하는 돌발 및 남방계 해충의 발생실태 조사결과, 겨울철 경기지역 평균기온이 전년보다 3.7℃, 평년보다는 1.2℃ 낮게 경과함에 따라 포도 재배지 꽃매미 평균 월동난 부화율은 35.6%로 전년 대비 60% 감소하였음. 블루베리 재배지 갈색날개매미충의 평균 월동난 부화율은 26.9%로 전년 대비 50% 감소하였으며, 겨울철 피해가지 제거로 부화약충의 밀도는 매우 낮았음. 저온 적응성이 강한 미국선녀벌레의 경우 6월 중순 안성지역 평야 블루베리에서 약충이 가지당 최대 6.64마리 발견되었으나, 하절기 고온 등으로 성충의 밀도는 크게 감소되었음. 남방계 해충인 볼록총채벌레는 포도 재배지에서 5월 하순부터 발견되기 시작하여 7월 상순부터 급격히 증가하는 양상을 보인 가운데 지역별로는 남부지역(안성), 지대별로는 중산간지 > 산간지 > 평야지 순으로 높은 경향을 보였음.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농가 선호도가 높은 분홍색 비모란 선인장 ‘Yeonbit’는 분홍색 품종 ‘Yeonsi’을 모본으로, 분홍색 ‘Yeonsil’ 품종을 부본으로 하여 2011년에 교배하여 육성된 교배종이다. 종자를 70% C2H5OH와 2% NaOCl로 멸균처리한 후, 100mL 삼각플라스크 0.1% 활성탄이 첨가된 Kyoto 배지에 파종하였다. 발아된 유묘는 기저부를 잘라 기배계대 배양된 어린 삼각주에 접목한 후 동일한 배지가 첨가된 시험관에 치상하였다. 6개월 재배 후 온실로 옮겨서 순화과정을 거쳤으며, 기외에서 매년 접목을 하였으며 총 4번을 접목하여 2013년부터 2015년까지 총 3회에 걸쳐 생육특성을 조사하였다. ‘Yeonbit’ 품종은 편원형 모양과 분홍색 구색을 가지고 있다. 그리고 7~9개, 평균 8.0개의 능(rip), 갈색의 직립형 짧은 가시, 그리고 혹(tubercle)이 돌출된 형태로, 모구가 구성되어 있다. 정식 10개월 후 ‘Yeonbit’ 품종의 구직경은 34.5mm였으며 자구는 모구와 같은 분홍색으로 평균 15.4개가 생성되었다. 2015년 육성계통 평가회에서 ‘Yeonbit’ 품종은 기호도 점수 3.7을 받았다. 2017년 6월 12일에 이 품종은 국립종자원에 등록되었으며 종자산업법에 의해 품종보호(등록번호 6752)를 받게 되었다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pesticide application in agriculture provides significant benefits such as protection from disease, prevention of harmful insects, and increased crop yields. However, accurate toxicological tests and risk assessments are necessary because of many related adverse effects associated with pesticide use. In this review, we discuss and analyze residual pesticides contained in livestock feed in Korea. A pesticide residue tolerance standard for livestock feed has not been precisely established; so, risk assessments are required to ensure safety. Standards and approaches for animal criteria and appropriate methods for evaluating residual pesticides are discussed and analyzed based on technology related to animal product safety in Korea. The safety of livestock feed containing pesticides is assessed to establish maximum residue limits relative to pesticides. Analysis of residual pesticides in milk, muscle, brain, and fat was performed with a livestock residue test and safety evaluation of the detected pesticide was performed. Efficacy of organic solvent extraction and clean-up of feed was verified, and suitability of the instrument was examined to establish if they are effective, rapid, and safe. This review discussed extensively how pesticide residue tolerance in livestock feed and hazard evaluation may be applied in future studies.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The citrus flatid planthopper Metcalfa pruinosa, a invasive species causes serious damages to field crops, including sweet persimmon, soybean, maize, especially ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A meyer). We selected six chemical pesticides and one environmental friendly pesticide made from the mixture of derris extracts, citronella oils, and cinnamon extracts in laboratory. These pesticides showed over 90% of control effect in open ginseng field. This study was carried out with the support of the cooperative research program for RDA (project No. PJ0124992018), Republic of Korea.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        세계적으로 관상작물의 중요한 나방류 해충의 하나인 Duponchelia fovealis Zeller가 2015년과 2016년에 경기도에서 처음으로 발견되었다. 유충이 꽃기린(Euphorbia milii)의 줄기 속을 파고 들어가거나 게발선인장(Schlumbergera truncata)의 잎을 가해하는 피해가 확인되었다. 유충과 피 해 확인 직후 합성농약을 살포하였고, 현재까지 추가적인 발견은 없었다.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of freeze dried placenta supplementation on reproductive performance, colostrum and plasma biochemical composition in pregnant sows. Eleven Landrace × Large white sows were fed with corn-soybean meal diets supplemented with or without 1% freeze dried placenta powder from 10 days before their expected farrowing dates until 10 days postpartum. The colostrum protein content was significantly higher(P=0.043) in the treatment group than in the control group. Compared to the control group, the immunoglobulin G(IgG) concentration in the colostrum was significantly higher(P=0.004) in the treatment. In day 25 piglets plasma, the IgG concentration was higher(P=0.184) in the treatment than the control. The mortality rate was lower(P=0.102), and the piglet weight gain was higher(P=0.35) in the treated group. Overall, the treatment group showed greater levels of protein and IgG concentration in the colostrum, when compared to control group. Therefore, the freeze dried placenta supplementation on pregnant sows can enhance its colostrum composition, hence decrease the mortality and increase the growth rate of piglets.
        2017.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Germinated brown rice flour has received much attention due to its health-functional ingredients such as dietary fibers. However, the food industry has faced challenges of using germinated brown rice flour in processed foods because it causes undesirable quality attributes such as high cooking loss and sticky texture. In this study, three different types of food additives (starches, hydrocolloids, emulsifiers) were incorporated into the formulation of extruded rice cakes and their combined effects on the cooking loss and textural properties of the germinated brown rice cakes were investigated. The addition of emulsifiers had a tendency to increase cooking loss and soften the noodle texture. Most of the starches except gelatinized and high-amylose rice flours showed similar effects to the emulsifiers. Xanthan gum, gelatin, and HPMC were positively effective in reducing the cooking loss of the rice cakes and increasing their hardness. When the ingredients were combined, the mixture of saemimyeon rice flour, HPMC, and xanthan/agar reduced the cooking loss by 66.7%. Most of all, this study provided an ingredient map that was plotted on the axis of hardness and cooking loss, depending on single and combined treatments of various ingredients.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In vivo assay of glucose detection was described using a skin tattoo film electrode (STF), and the probe was made from carbon nano tube paste modification film paper. Here in the square-wave stripping anodic working range obtained of 20-100 mgL-1 within an accumulation time of 0 seconds only in sea water electrolyte solutions of pH 7.0. The relative standard deviations of 50 mg glucose that were observed of 0.14 % (n=12), respectively, using optimum stripping accumulation of 30 sec, the low detection limit (S/N) was pegged at 15.8 mg/L. The developed results can be applied to the detect of in vivo skin sensing in real time. Which confirms the results are usable for in vitro or vivo diagnostic clinical analysis.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For the development of processed food for hypoglcemia, it is important to construct model system to confirm factors that reduce the glycemic index in real food. This study was to investigate the relationship between the gel model system and real food the high amylose type of segoami using response surface methodology. The independent variables were concentration (X1; 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30%) and steaming time (X2; 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 min). The predicted glycemic index (Y1) was analyzed as a dependent variable. The regression of pGI was 0.7343, indicating that the model fits the data well in the prediction test. The predict glycemic index of the gel was in the range of 71.38 ~ 83.78, depending on the gel preparation conditions and predicted optimum condition was 23.7% gel concentration and 43.8 minutes of gelatinization. The predict glycemic index of rice gel were decreased with an increase of gel concentration, rather than the steaming time. In order to confirm the effect on in vitro digestibility in real food, the real food (Garraedduk) was prepared by applying the optimal conditions. As a result, there was no significant difference between the predicted value (77.1) and the experiment value (76.6). This result showed that the in vitro digestibility in real food can be predicted by applying the gel model system.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A voltammetric analysis of doxycycline was developed using DNA immobilized onto a carbon nanotube paste electrode (PE). An anodic peak current was indicated at 0.2 V (versus Ag/AgCl) in a 0.1M NH4H2PO4 electrolyte solution. The linear working range of the cyclic and square wave stripping voltammetry was obtained to 1-27 ngL-1 with an accumulation time of 800 s. Final analytical parameters were optimized to be as follows: amplitude, 0.35 V; frequency, 500 Hz; and pH, 5.43. Here detection limit was found to be 0.45 ngL-1, this result can be applied in foods systems and in the biological diagnostics
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 계피 정유 3종의 구성성분을 분석하였고, 미국선녀벌레에 대한 살충활성을 검정하였다. (E)-Cinnamaldehyde을 포함한 9종의 계피 정유 구성성분과 21종의 유사 물질을 미국선녀벌레 약충에 대해 살충활성을 검정한 결과, hydro-cinnamic acid가 반수치사농도 1.55 mg/cm 2로 가장 좋은 살충활성을 보였으며, geranic acid도 1.59 mg/cm 2로 높은 살충 활성을 보였다. Cinnamaldehyde를 포함한 hydro-cinnamaldehyde, (E)-cinnamaldehyde, cinnamdyl alcohol, cinnamyl acetate, dibutyl phtalate, anethole, a-cyano cinnamic acid, (s)-perillyl alcohol, methyl cinnamaldehyde, bonyl acetate 12종이 중간정도의 활성(1.60 - 4.94 mg/cm 2 )을 보였으며, 다른 물질들은 살충활성이 낮거나 없었다. 미국선녀벌레 성충에 대해서는 eugenol 이 반수치사 농도 10.81 mg로 가장 높은 살충활성을 보였으며, geranic acid (30.68 mg)도 높은 살충력을 보였다. Cinnamaldehyde 등 9종이 반수 치사 농도 105.44~255.76 mg의 살충활성을 보였다. 다른 18종의 물질은 활성이 낮거나 없었다. 실제 포장인 인삼포장에 발생하는 미국선녀벌레에 대한 적용시험에서 cinnamon bark 정유와 cinnamon green leaf 정유가 각각 82.3%와 82.9%의 높 은 살충활성을 보였다. 농업환경에서 고독성 합성살충제의 사용을 줄일 수 있는 방안으로 본 논문에서 선발한 계피정유가 미국선녀벌레의 약충 및 성충 방제에 유용한 수단으로 이용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경기도 8개 지역에서 2010년부터 2012년 동안 식균성인 노랑무당벌레의 발생기주를 조사한 결과, 흰가루병에 감염된 12종의 식물에서 관찰 이 되었다. 특히 가장 밀도가 높았던 배과원에서 노랑무당벌레는 7월 상순부터 11월 상순까지 발견되었다. 식균성인 노랑무당벌레의 장내에서는 흰가루병 균사나 포자 외에 다른 먹이의 흔적이 발견되지 않았고, 알과 번데기를 제외한 전 발육단계에서 균을 섭식하는 특성을 볼 때 절대적 식균성 곤충으로 생각된다. 25℃에서 오이 흰가루병균을 섭식한 노랑무당벌레의 발육기간은 알, 유충, 번데기, 성충이 각각 3.9, 10.4, 4.1, 37.7일 이었고, 발육단계별 오이 흰가루병 섭식량은 45.6, 144.4, 372.2, 628.1, 473.7 mm 2로 4령, 성충, 3령, 2령, 1령 순으로 많았다. 본 연구를 통해 노랑무당벌 레의 오이 흰가루병에 대한 섭식능력을 바탕으로 향후 유용 토착천적으로써 대량사육기술, 저독성 약제 선발 등 작물 흰가루병 종합방제기술(IPM) 에 대한 연구가 필요하리라 사료된다.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study is the first report about the toxicity of pesticides to the mycophagous predator, I. koebelei, of powdery mildew of agricultural crops. Pesticides we tested are composed of synthetic and environmental-friendly products and being used conventionally for the control of insect or microbial pests on cucumber in Korea. our study was conducted to determine the relative toxicities of several pesticides used in Korea cucumber production to mycophagous natural enemy, I. koebelei and to provide a background for implementation of integrated powdery mildew management programs. Based on IOBC classification, three insecticides, bifenthrin + imidacloprid, acetamiprid + indoxacarb, acetamiprid + etopheprox are classified as having a Class 4 (harmful). Spiromesifen showed the low toxicity to the survival and the fecundity of I. koebelei when this chemical had been exposed to 3rd larva or newly emerged adult via feeding with cucumber powdery mildew. However, pyriproxyfen not only decreased the fecundity of female adult but also strongly prohibited from pupation. Many commercial biological or botanical pesticides can restrict the population of I. koebelei. However, Q pact (a.i. Ampelomyces quisqualis 94013), Top seed (a.i. Paenibacillus polymyxa AC-1), BT one (Bacillus thuringiensis) and Solbitchae (insecticidal microorganism) had no toxicity to I. koebelei when this chemical had been exposed to 3rd larva or newly emerged adult feeding with cucumber powdery mildew.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The insecticidal activity of cinnamon essential oils, cinnamon bark, cinnamon technical, cinnamon green leaf oils and their constituents and structurally related compounds against citrus flatid planthopper, Metcalfa pruinosa, was examined using a direct contact application. At 500 mg litre-1 very strong mortality (100%) was observed in cinnamon technical, cinnamon bark, cinnamon green leaf, mortality against flatid planthopper M. pruinosa. The cinnamon oils constituents were identified by GC-MS. The active principles were determined to be hydrocinnamic acid (24 h LC50, 30.66 mg/L), geranic acid (24 h LC50, 31.23 mg/L), cinnamaldehyde (24 h LC50, 32.65 mg/L), hydrocinnamaldehyde (24 h LC50, 39.11 mg/L) and trans-cinnamaldehyede (24 h LC50, 39.54 mg/L) were the most toxic against both nymph and adult of citrus flatid planthopper, M. pruinosa. The moderate activity was observed with cinnamyl acetate, dibutyl pthalate, anethole, α -cyano cinnamic acid, cinnamyl alcohol, methyl cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, 2.4-dihydrocyl cinnamic acid, bornyl acetate (24 h LC50, 53.35- 97.17 mg/L) respectively. The other constituents were showed less or no activity against adult of M. pruinosa. Global efforts to reduce the level of highly toxic synthetic insecticides in the agricultural environment justify further studies on the active cinnamon oils active principles act as potential insecticides for the control of M. pruinosa populations as direct spray with contact action.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Urbanization is one of the leading causes of habitat loss, habitat degradation, and fragmentation. Urban development negatively affects biodiversity. This study aimed to clarify the change of butterfly communities on effect of urbanization in urban green areas. Butterfly survey was conducted using the line transect methods from April to October in 2012. A total of 59 species and 1,465 individuals of butterflies were observed in four urban green areas: Namsan Park (NS), Ewha Womans University (EW), Bukseoul Dream Forest (BD), and Hongneung Forest (HF), and natural forest: Gwangneung Forest (GF). The category of land use around study site was determined based on GIS data. Species richness and abundance of niche breadth and habitat type in urban green areas differed significantly from those in GF. Estimated species richness and species diversity (H’) in four urban green areas were significantly lower than those in GF. Species richness and abundance of forest interior species and specialist were positively correlated with paddy, field, and forest, whereas those of forest interior species and specialist were negatively correlated with urban area and road. Butterfly communities in four urban green area differed from that in GF. The result suggests that the decrease of paddy, field, and forest associated with increase of urban area and road negatively influences species composition and changes butterfly communities.
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