
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 397

        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although the royal tomb keeper's house in the late Joseon period did not undergo dramatic changes, overall, the keeper's house of Yeong Mausoleum, the tomb of King Hyojong, and other royal tombs afterward showed the classification of its rooms according to their purpose and the expansion of its size. During King Yeongjo's reign, the tomb keeper's house tended to consist of Jaesil, Anhyangcheong, Jeonsacheong and Haenggak. The size and arrangement pattern of the tomb keeper's house of Yeong Mausoleum were partially maintained in royal mausoleums constructed afterward. Especially Anhyangcheong was first established in the tomb keeper's house of Yeong Mausoleum and its architectural form was maintained until that of Ye Mausoleum, the tomb of King Cheoljong. The tomb keeper's house of Yeong Mausoleum in Yeoju was constructed in 1659 and then moved in 1673 and 1674. In order to bury King Hyojong's wife with King Hyojong, the site of Yeong Mausoleum was moved twice with using almost all materials used for the initial tomb. In addition, as norms related to rites performed at royal tombs were created in the early 20th century, the tomb keeper's house of Yeong Mausoleum was selected as an exemplary tomb keeper's house representing the royal tomb keeper's house of the Joseon era, and it mostly coincides with its remaining arrangement pattern. Through records distributed in relatively similar periods, it is considered that most of the features of royal tomb keeper's house in the Joseon period have been inherited until today and that Yeong Mausoleum has a very higher architectural status as an especially valuable tomb keeper's house among royal tomb keeper's houses in the Joseon era.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중간처우의 집이 2009년 1월 안양 교도소에 국내 최초로 설치, 운영되면서 이 프로그램에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 학계에서 중간처우의 집에 대해 깊이 있는 논의가 없었던 만큼 이 프로그램의 정의, 운영방식, 운영 중 생겨날 수 있는 문제점에 대하여 논의할 필요성이 제기되었다. 또한 이 프로그램이 수형자의 재통합과 재범감소에 도움이 되는 것인지를 알아보기 위해 문헌연구를 통하여 미국의 경험을 정리하였다. 미국의 경우에 중간처우의 집의 역사가 길고, 주 정부마다 필요에 따른 다양한 프로그램을 운영하고 있으며, 사설기관이 중심이 되어 다양한 고객을 상대로 하고 있고, 역사적으로 교정 이념이 바뀌면서 새 이념에 적응한 프로그램이 생겨난 결과, 매우 다양한 형태가 존재하고 있는 것으로 나타난다. 국내에서 중간처우의 집이 추구해야 할 목표와 이 프로그램의 재범감소 효과, 비용 효율성 검증을 포함한 앞으로의 연구방향과 정책적 함의를 논의하였다.
        2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Remodeling is an architectural activity that transforms the existing state of specific building which has been aged and clichedinto new state overcoming those aged and cliched state. Remodeling can be a means to increase building’ s physical lifecycle and also a countermeasure to cope with the changes in use that are from social demand, use and technical development. The performance evaluation on the remodeling tenement shall be done by understanding the performance and state of the building before and after remodeling and then it shall represent the improvement in performanc objectively by comparing the differences before and after remodeling. In this aspect, we performed basic research to conduct performance evaluation on the remodeling tenement by comparing and analyzing the performance evaluation and performance certificate systems of Korea and Japan in order to suggest objective evaluation system on the change of tenement building before and after remodeling.
        2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Various acaricidal agents have been used to reduce the dust mite population. On the point of keeping people away from mite allergens, however, repelling mites from the living space of human is more effective than just killing them, because the dead bodies of mites still act as allergen. To examine the potential of Artemisia in controling house dust mites, Artemisia extract was evaluated for its repellency to Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus. Repellency tests were performed using filter-paper circles cut in halves. The Artemisia extract was applied on each half at concentrations of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8㎕/㎠. Proper repellent effects of Artemisia extract on house dust mites were observed at the concentrations of >0.4㎕/㎠. As a positive control, lavender essential oil was used at concentrations of 0, 0.0125, 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1㎕/㎠. Lavender oil showed proper repellent effects at concentrations of >0.05㎕/㎠. These results suggest that Artemisia extract has potential to control the house dust mites, and might be useful as a dust mite repellent.
        2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dyed loess and charcoal fabrics are sold in market as bedding. They have a lot of functions so that people are getting to increase their expenditure for them. Thus we investigated a repellent effect of loess fabrics and charcoal fabrics against house dust mites. The evaluation of the repellent effect of dyed loess fabrics and charcoal fabrics was conducted by using Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus. We compared the repellent effect of dyed loess fabrics at different doses of 0.3, 1.0, 3.2, 10.0 ㎎/㎠ and dyed charcoal fabrics at different doses of 0.3, 0.6, 1.0 ㎎/㎠. Commercial loess fabrics did not have a repellent effect against house dust mites. but commercial charcoal fabrics had the repellent effect by 78% against them. In case of dyed charcoal fabrics added with charcoal powder over 0.6 ㎎/㎠, they showed the repellent effect by over 80%. These results suggest that loess fabrics and charcoal fabrics have a repellent effect of against house dust mites and they can be commercially used for the purpose.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Eczema due to contact allergy is usually produced by simple chemicals with the molecules less than 500 KD. A total of 100 cultivated house dust mites (HDM) were extracted with their lipid components in hexane, and they were analyzed by mass measuring gas chromatography. The same components were mixed in petrolatum at 5% or less, and patch tested using Finn Chambers, and the results were read by ICDRG standards. α-Acaridial, contained in Tyrophagus putrescentiae, turned out to have been a primary sensitizer, and could make prurigo reactions. Geranial, a main lipid component in dermatophagoides, showed positive rates at 58.8% at 5% concentration in atopic dermatitis and was expected to cross react to geraniol in cosmetics and soaps. It means that when one is sensitized by HDM, eczema can be provoked and maintained by the usage of ordinary soaps, shampoos and cosmetics, containing geraniol.
        2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The acricidal potency of some essential oils can be applied to the control of house dust mites. But it is more effective keeping the house dust mites away than killing them because they remain as allergens even after death. The most efficient repellent concentration of lavender and tea tree in 10㎕ against house dust mites (Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus) were experimented by direct contact bioassay method at various doses ; 2.5, 1.25, 0.625, and 0.3125% and at vairous exposure times ; 15, 30, 60, 120, and 180 minutes. The most effective dose of essential oils (lavender and tea tree) against house dust were 0.625% and the repellent effectiveness at the mowt effective dose of 0.625% were 95.6% for lavander and 96.2% for tea tree, respectively. These results suggest that lavender and tee tree can be effectively used in the control of house dust mites.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        벌금형은 재산의 박탈을 통한 응보와 일반예방효과를 충분히 기대하면서도 범죄인을 교정시설에 구금하지 않음으로써 사회복귀가 용이하고 악습감염의 폐해도 없을 뿐만 아니라 관리에 비교적 경비가 적게 드는 장점이 있기 때문에 단기자유형의 대안으로서 확대 적용되는 추세이다. 우리나라에서도 최근 형사사건에서 벌금형의 선고건수가 자유형의 선고건수보다 훨씬 초과하는 것을 볼 때 벌금형이 가장 보편적인 형사제재로 자리 잡아 가고 있다고 해도 지나치지 않을 것이다. 벌금형제도가 갖는 그러한 일반적인 장점에도 불구하고 점차 개선해나가야 할 부분이 많은 것은 사실이지만, 현재 우리나라 벌금형의 운영현황에서 볼 때 시급히 대처해야 할 문제로 지적되는 것 중의 하나가 저조한 집행율과 벌금미납자에 대한 제재이다. 현행법상 벌금미납자에 대해서는 노역장유치라는 환형처분을 하고 있는데, 노역장유치라는 자유박탈은 단기자유형의 폐해를 그대로 드러내는 단점을 안고 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 벌금형의 운용현황과 문제점 및 개선방안 그리고 노역장유치의 운용현황과 문제점을 살펴본 후 노역장유치의 개선방안을 제시해 보았다.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was carried out to set up proper moisture content of substrate and relative humidity during fruit-body induction and growing period in oyster mushroom. The proper moisture content for mycelium incubation of Suhanneutari1ho was 65∼ 70% and that of Chunchu neutari2ho was 70%. at that condition, it took 13 days to finish spawn running and the yield of Suhanneutari1ho and Chunchuneutari2 ho were 2.36kg/0.2㎡, 2.44kg/0.2㎡ respectively. The higher relative humidity in growing room, the less moisture content in substrate and the higher relative humidity in growing room, the more moisture content in fruit body during the growing period. In Chunchuneutari2 ho, when the volume of 5 per days was put on the bed and relative humidity was keep about 90%, the yield was 2.35kg/0.2㎡. In Suhanneutari1 ho, the water supply on the bed, when relative humidity was keep about 90%, the yield was 2.29kg/0.2㎡
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pyrausta panopealis is the major pest in green perilla. The larva weaves a web on the shoot of green perilla and damages. In case of extreme, The larva cuts the main branch of green perilla and the leaf of green perilla isn’t harvested anymore. A field study was conducted to estimate economic injury levels (EILs) and control thresholds (CTs) for P. panopealis injuring green perilla in green-houses. Different densities of P. panopealis ranged from 1 to 20 crops (2 units per crop) per 100 crops on 13. June, early inoculation. The number of injured leaf and the rate of injured crop were increased by 23. June, on the other hand were decreased after that day. Also, the amount of yield sow the same result above. The economic loss time calculated by the ratio of cost managing this moth to market price (C/V) (C: cost managing a moth, V: Market price) was 4.0%. The economic injury level was 5.1 larval per 100 crops. The control thresholds calculated by 80% level of economic injury level was 4.1 larval per 100 crops.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The actual status of a single span vinyl-house for a institution vegetable cultivation in a main cultivation area was investigated to make good use of the data for developing a structural reinforcement method of single span vinyl-house. The structural stability of single span vinyl-house with a width of 6.0m and high of 3.0m utilized in that area was analyzed by using a three-dimensional visual FEA code. Finally, the optimized structural reinforcement method of pipes with a width of 6.0m which had a roof height of 3.0m was respectively presented. The results showed that the structural reinforcement method of the single span vinyl-house was classified as the model cases from a view point of structural stability. It was secured under the condition of a wind velocity of 40m/s and a snow-depth of 35~55cm, simultaneously.
        2008.03 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        House dust mite of the indoor environment is one of the most important causes of allergic asthma and rhinitis. It has been known that more than 70% of Korean children and about 50% of adult with the respiratory allergy are sensitive to house dust mite. The purpose of our study is to find out the relationship between the concentration of formaldehyde (HCHO)/PM10 and the number of house dust mite in the indoor environment. In this study, sampling sites were education, social and dwelling facilities. We inquire the questionnaire of the resident on the indoor air quality in all sampling sites. At the same time, we measured the concentration of formaldeh yde(HCHO)/PM10 as well as house dust mites. it was complained by 20% respondents that the indoor air quality was bad and by 10% that the atopy symptom was evident. When a certain amount of house dust mites were detected, the contents of PM10 were observed high and that of HCHO low. However when the house dust mites were not detected, the concentration of PM10 was low and that of HCHO high. From our results, it is concluded that the indoor air quality (i.e. conc. of PM10/HCHO) is quite related to the contents of house dust mites supporting the fact that the symptom of atopy and asthma is due to these small organisms.
        2008.03 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was followed up asthma incidence rate in primary schools indoor air quality. To investigate the history and prevalence rate of allergic diseases(asthma, atopy dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis), the standardized and generally used International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood(ISAAC) questionnaire was used to conduct the symptom survey for all participating subjects. The concentrations of major indoor air pollutants(dust mite allergen, aldehydes , VOCs, TBC, phthalate) were observed from April to May 2007. Sampling was undertaken at 19 primary schools. The sampling sites of air pollutants are classroom’s indoor and hallway. Dust mite allergen part it was detected from the case classroom and infirmary. The exposure quality of aldehyde and the place pollution level was indoor>outdoor>hallway, which whole is disease incidence rate high group appears more highly the low group than. The partially result of formaldehy and VOCs, the concentration of high environmental disease incidence rate showed also high. However, house dust allergen, TBC and phthalate measurement school was not the effect where the comparison of difference.
        2008.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The insecticidal potency of some essential oils have been suggested that they may find an application in the control of house dust mites. We compared the repellent effect of four essential oils ; lemon grass (Cymbopogon nardus), lavender(Lavandula vera), rosemary(Rosmarinus officinalis) and ylang ylang(Cananga odorata). The oils were exposed at different doses(0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.0125, and 0.00652 ㎕/㎠) and different times(1, 2, 3, 4, 5 hours) on house dust mites(Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus). The repellent effects(%) of essential oils that were exposed at 0.1 ㎕/㎠ and for 1 hours against house dust mites were lemon grass(63.3%) and rosemary(61%), lavender(40%), ylang ylang(40%) in the order named.
        2008.03 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to assess the improvement of treatment by the house-plant. For the purpose of this study, 17 asthma-patients residing in Seoul were selected as participants during January to March 2007. We measured VOCs and conducted clinical survey during April to September 2007. In this study, 6 species of houseplants known to be eco-friendly were investigated for the health effect along with 12 other plants. The research focused on peak expiratory flow rate(PEFR) and disease specific quality of life. When the results were compared to the non-intervention households, the intervention households had reduced levels of acetaldehyde, benzene, ethylbenzene, xylene and styrene. The reduction rate estimated from this comparative study was statistically significant(p<0.05). There was however no association between the intervention and the estimated PEFR between morning and evening data in asthma-patients.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a result of analyzing the floor plan shown in the three drafts, there were a great deal of differences in composing the space of the inner main hall. The inner room facing to the east with the arrangement crossing the inner floor at right angles in the 'Baekdangguje Draft' faces to the south in the east or west in front of the main house thereafter. This represents that it reflects the intent of the owner of the architecture emphasizing the size increase and ceremonies of the main house in the 'ㅁ shape', which has changed to the directions of easily accommodating the Confucian ceremonial activities in the floor plan of the inner house as the size of the main house was gradually increasing from 24 sections to 30 or 38 sections. The expansion in the size of main house further divided the functions of floor into one for daily life and the other for ceremonies as well. In other words, the 30 Sections in Yijeong Draft as being the first planned draft for reconstruction had a hall for memorial services in the main hall of the inner house, whereas the 'Draft with 38 Sections' as being the second planned draft for reconstruction was planning a room with a floor (two sections of Bangdang) for memorial purpose in the back of the inner main hall. The variations in the guest house (or space for men) shown in the drafts confirms the establishment of space for men as the size of the main house increases. We can see the change that a large guest house is placed over the south and in the south and east of the main house as the number of main house increases by 30 sections or 38 sections. Especially, a guest house with a wide space in a 'ㄴ shape' is arranged from the south of main house to the east wing in the Draft with 38 Sections. In addition, the backward sections are advanced in the front and back of guest house in the drafts with 30 and 38 sections, while a back floor or a back floor connecting to the back room or sleeping room or inner house is installed in the backward sections.
        2007.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is high that occupancy rate of apartment house in Korea, spite of short history of the using multiple dwelling house. So that, trouble and dispute occurs often on right or responsibility, liability and obligation about ownership, Utilization, maintenance. Especially in renovation project, the project progress held up in perception gap or conflict of interest with residents. These dispute in daily life and delay of project occurs ambiguous borderline or distinction of Common Used(Sharing) Parts) and Exclusive Possessed (Private) Parts. The law now in force is considered in this paper about theses item. Summarizing the conclusion is as below. 1) In the law now in force the literal meaning of a word, Exclusive Possessed (Private) Parts is expressed with concept of Ownership, But Common Used (Sharing) Parts is described with Utilization concept. But in calculation of floor area, complementary set of Private Parts is Sharing Parts. This is contradiction in logic and linguistic. 2) Although above, calculation base of Private Parts is inner line of exterior wall. This is unjustly defined. 3) Especially about balcony (in correct architectural vocabulary is veranda) subordinate law contradictits superordinate law. And in structural mechanics also, minute prescription is necessary about Private Parts and Sharing Parts.