
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 351

        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to study the change of pollution loads flowing into Mokpo harbour after the operation of Mokpo Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant (MMSTP) and to evaluate the contribution of MMSTP operation to the improvement of marine water quality of Mokpo harbour, the pollution loads flowing into Mokpo harbour from land in dry weather were surveyed and estimated on the bases of the seasonal flow rates and the seasonal water qualities of streams and effluents located around Mokpo harbour from summer, 1997 to spring, 1998 before the operation of MMSTP, and the pollution loads of the inflow and the effluent of MMSTP were also surveyed and estimated from winter, 1998 to spring, 1999 after the operation of MMSTP. The treatment rates of MMSTP were shown to be about 49% in COD, 76% in TSS, 79% in VSS, 3% in T-N, 7% in DIP, 29% in T-P and -32% in DIN. The change rates of pollution loads flowing into the inner harbour of Mokpo due to the operation of MMSTP were shown to be about 56% In COD, 78% in TSS, 84% in VSS, 45% in DIN, 22% in T-N, 34% in T-P and -14% in DIP. The contribution rates of MMSTP operation to the reduction of total pollution loads flowing into the entire Mokpo harbour were found to be about 3% in COD, 3% in 755,5% in VSS,1% in DIP, 3% in T-P and -1% in DIN.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        After the Sea Prince oil spill accident in 1995, the korean government has taken a measure to establish an emergency response system and equip clean-up capacity against large spill, major contents of which are as follows: First, Korea Marine Pollution Response Corporation has been established as a non-government organization for recovery of spilled oil in order to improve private response capabilities. Second, clean-up equipments, such as large clean-up vessels and oil fences for the open sea operation has been expanded. Third, a national contingency plan on the large spill accidents has been established compliance with the provisions of Article 6 of the OPRC 1990. However, there exist some problems in the national response system, such as clearly roles definition between government and private agencies; propel amendment of the Marine Pollution Prevention Act to incorporate major contents of the OPRC 1990; and training and exercises of clean-up personnel. With the above problems in mind, this paper reviews the current issues on the national oil pollution response system and recommends policy-making to tackle to those problems.
        2001.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The amount of petroleum consumption has been Increased according to the industrialization and It leads to the increase of the possibility of marine oil pollution. In Korea, some countermeasures including oil skimmer, gelling agent and herding agent of oil have been used for the remediation of the pollution. However, most of them have lets of shortcomings in the application under in-situ condition, because they are sensitive to the situation such as geographical feature, the wind and the tide. In reported literature, the natural powdered oil absorbent which is made of peat moss is an effective mean to clean spilled oil from lake or coast. However, the peat moss is a natural resource which is only Produced from a specific cold weather are like Canada. This indicates that the alternative materials which is readily obtained from everywhere are needed for powdered oil absorbent. Therefore. in the study, same natural materials including pine leaves and straw are tested as the alternative materials for the absorbent. The raw materials were dried and treated by heat at various temperature during several Periods and then. shattered by a grain cracking machine. The oil sorption capacity of the prepared materials was compared according to the methods of heat treatment and their sizes. The proportion of hydrogen cyanide to combustion of the absorbents was measured to confirm their final disposal methods. The biodegradability test of the absorbents was carried our to evaluate possibility of a side pollution in the coast. In was found that the heat treatment of pine leaves enhanced the capacity of oil sorption and decreased the water sorption. The maximum oil sorption was observed for the material treated at 180℃for 60 min. The amount of hydrogen cyanide from the combustion were 0.09ml/g, 0.07ml/g for pine leaves and straw respectively meaning that the final disposal by combustion might be feasible. The amount or organic carbon extracted from pine leaves during 7 days was up to 0.015g organic carbon from one gram of pine leaves. but the degradation was as fast as for glucose. It is concluded that the pine leaves can be served as a good raw material for the powdered oil absorbent like peat moss
        1999.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 온배수가 인근 소하천의 수질과 농경지내 오염성분함량 변동에 미치는 영향을 구명하고 이에 대한 대책을 수립하는데 활용하고자 1997년 1월부터 1998년 9월 사이에 수행되었다. 온배수 유입으로 인근 소하천 물 중의 PO43-, SO42-, Cl-, NH4 -N, Ca2+, Na+ 및 COD성분함량은 농업용수 기준보다 낮았으며 유거 거리가 길어질수록 이들 농도는 더욱 낮아졌다. 유출된 온배수 중 SO42
        1999.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The in situ observations and the seawater analyses were conducted at all seasons from July 1996 to April 1999 for the purpose of describing the characteristics of seasonal variations of water quality in Mokpo harbour, Korea. Vertical stratification started to be formed in water column in spring, developed in summer and disappeared in fall. In summer, vertical density distribution of water column was found to be in stable structure with lower temperature and higher salinity of bottom water, and the vertical mixing of water between surface and bottom layers was restricted. In winter, however, surface water was found to be similar to bottom water in temperature and salinity, and water column was in unstable structure and in well-mixed condition between surface and bottom waters. The saturation percentage of dissolved oxygen(DO) in bottom water of inner part of Mokpo harbour at all seasons was shown to be decreased to the third grade or under the third grade of Korean standards of seawater quality. In particular, dissolved oxygen was oversaturated in surface water and undersaturated in bottom water in summer, due to stratification and organic pollution. The difference of DO concentration between surface and bottom waters was found to be greater in spring and summer than in fall and winter, due to stratification and photosynthesis of phytoplankton. The concentrations of chemical oxygen demand(COD) over the entire waters of Mokpo harbour were found to fluctuate from below the third grade to the first grade of Korean standards through all seasons and COD concentrations of same seasons were shown to be different year after year. In particular, in view of COD, the annual average seawater quality of Mokpo harbour was evaluated to be in third grade of Korean standards, due to organic pollution. The average COD of surface water was greater than that of bottom water in spring and summer, due to the autochthonous COD caused by production of phytoplankton in surface waters, while the average COD of surface water was similar to that of bottom water in fall and winter, due to the vertical mixing of water between surface and bottom layers.
        1999.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1992년 3월부터 1994년 10월에 걸쳐 수영강의 지류이며 대표적인 도시오염하천인 석대천의 깔따 구류 군집의 시,공간적 변화를 월별로 조사하였다. 조사 기간동안 총 44종의 깔따구류 유충이 채집 되었으며 비교적 수질이 깨끗한 지점의 우점종은 깃깔따구아과의 그네깃깔따구와 늪깔따구아과의 Conchapelopia melanops였으며 오염이 심한 지점에서의 우점종은 깔따구아과의 노랑털깔따구로 나타났다. 오염의 정도는 깔따구류 군집 변화에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났는데 오염이 증가할수록 종 풍부도와 종 다양도가 감소하였으며 우점도는 증가하였다. 특히 깔따구류의 밀도는 강우의 영향을 많이 받는 것으로 나타났다. 깔따구류의 아과구성, 종 풍부도 및 노랑털깔따구의 상대밀도는 수질을 평가할 수 있는 척도가 될 수 있으며 특히 노랑털깔따구의 출현은 오염도와 높은 상관 관계를 나타내고 있어서 오염에 대한 지표종으로 사용될 수 있는 가능성을 시사하였다.
        1997.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The in situ observations and the seawater analyses were conducted in July and August, 1996 for the purpose of describing the characteristics of organic pollution, dissolved oxygen distributions, and the evaluation of water quality in Mokpo harbour. The vertical density distribution of water column was found to be in stable structure with higher water temperature and lower salinity on surface layer at ebb tide in summer. In July, dissolved oxygen was shown to be oversaturated on surface and bottom layers, while in August, which was shown to be oversaturated on surface layer, and to be unsaturated on bottom layer as 68∼93% of saturation percentage. Dissolved oxygen of bottom layer in August was evaluated to be under the regular grades, based on Korean standards of seawater quality. In view of COD, the seawater quality of Mokpo harbour in summer was evaluated to be deteriorated due to organic wastes and graded to be the third class, and TSS of Mokpo harbour in summer was graded to be the second class, based on Korean standards of seawater quality. In particular, COD of surface layer in August was found to be under the regular grades. It is, therefore, necessary to take measures for the control of pollution loads and the proper management of seawater quality in Mokpo harbour. The distribution patterns of DO, COD, VSS and Chlorophyll-a on surface layer along the downstream center line from inner harbour to harbour entrance were similar to one another at ebb tide in August.
        1996.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When considering marine pollution control procedures there are three general areas which demand close attention. These are: ⦁ oily bilge water ⦁ refuse ⦁ sewage All of these applications can be handled constantly changing to address the complexity of the waste management issues. The basic marine pollution regulations are covered by the International Maritime Organizations MARPOL 73/78 convention, with the various annexes and revisions. Of particular importance for equipment to deal with oily-water, sewage and plastic wastes.
        1996.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The latest date, No. 1 YouII was grounded and sunk into the sea at MAMHYUNGJEDO ( South brother Island) in Sep. 21. 1995, and M.V. Sea Prince of V.L.C.C also made a big oil poullution accident owing to Typhoon "Paei" at front sea of Yeu Choun on Jul. 25. 1995. The large or small scall scale of oil poullution accident frequently was occurred about 300-350 cases per ine(1) year. The countries advanced in marine relations like as, nited Kingdom and Japan, have perfect system The country of expert education, training and oil recovery equipments in oil poullution accidents. The large quantity oil skimming ship's basic condition need general skimming ship which was high speed and large quantity skimming ability , and hve to store the recovered oil into tanks This oil skimming shop are composit the skimmer whuch move up and down according to the wace movements, storage tank which storage the recovered oil in after side, transfer pump which transformed from flooding tank to separating tank and separating tank which separated the oil mixtures, Also there are cylindrical floated which keep the auto positing, gate which keep the auto positing, gate which protect and guide the recovering oil from sea and balance weight for skimmer balance. Also there are cylindrical floated which keep the auto positing, gate which protect and guide the recovering oil from sea and balance weight for skimmer balance. The important arrangement is twin arm which moved by two hinge and move te skimming unit by wave movement. In gate of inside, made long wear in the gate bellow position, there are also connected the flexible hose for oil mixtures drop. The separating tank composited with multi-divided bulkhead for ffective oil and sea water separating by settling and flotation principle. As use the above natural princile and equipment, we can remove the large quantity oil by developed oil skimming ship.ming ship.
        1995.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        대산공단과 군산공단의 대기오염에 의한 삼림피해현상을 연구하기 위하여 조사구를 각각 5개, 3개씩 설치하였다(1개 조사구 당 면적 500m2). 대산공단 삼림의 교목층 아교목층의 우점종은 소나무와 곰솔이었고 관목층에서는 진달래와 참나무류가 우점종이었다. 종다양도는 0.4859~0.9202 이었으며, 조사구간의 차이가 심하게 나타났다. 토양 pH는 4.67~5.12로 약산성이었다. 대산공단지역에서는 아직 대기오염에 의한 삼림의 피해가 심각하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 군산공단삼림의 교목층 및 아교목층의 우점종은 곰솔과 소나무이었다. 종다양도는 0.8115~l.0983이었고 오염원과 가까운 조사구가 가장 낮게 나타났다. 토양 pH는 4.32~4.76으로 강산성이었다. 군산공단의 오염원 인근삼림은 울산공단과 유사한 피해양상으로 심각한 피해를 받고 있었다.