
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 652

        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구의 목적은 초 중 고등학교 과학 교과서 글의 구조적 특징을 종합적으로 분석하여 학생들이 상급 학교로 진학하면서 경험하게 되는 과학 교과서 글의 변화 양상을 살펴보는 것이다. 연구 자료로 제 7차 교육 과정에 의해 개발된 초 중 고등학교 과학 교과서의 '화산과 지진' 관련 단원의 글을 선정하였으며, '텍스트 구성적 의미', '상호 관계적 의미', '내용과 논리 관계 의미'의 측면에서 글을 비교 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 과학 교과서의 글은 학교급에 따라 글의 구조를 비롯한 언어적 특징이 다르게 나타나며, 학생들이 상급 학교로 진학하면서 이러한 글의 구조적 특징 차이에 의해서도 과학 교과서를 읽고 이해하는 것이 어렵고 생소하다고 인식할 수 있음을 문제로 제기하였다. 또한 과학을 학습하는 과정에서 과학의 언어가 지니는 구조적 특징에 대한 과학 교사의 중재자 역할이 필요함을 제안하였다.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of study proffer the proper teaching method of sports club and the orientation and the based data for the education of the trait hunanity and the school sports club programs in elementary students, as searching the relations of the participati
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to provide basic data needed for the efficient enhancement of teaching competency by investigating the relations between the importance and performance level of elementary school teachers in terms of teaching competency of ph
        2009.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 초등학교 한문 과목이 개설되는 것을 전제로, 초등학교 한문 교육의 체계와 내용을 구상해 본 것이다. 특히 2007년 개정 한문과 교육과정과 연계하여 초등학교 한문 과목 교육과정의 체계와 내용을 구성해 보려고 하였는바, 이는 과 목의 명칭에서부터 교육과정의 체계와 내용에 이르기까지 한문 과목의 정체성을 분명히 하고자 하는 의도 때문이기도 하다. 초등학교 한문의 내용 체계(안)는 2007년 개정 중․고등학교 한문 과목 교육과 정의 내용 체계를 그대로 따르되, 내용 요소는 일부 수정하였다. 곧, 한문 영역의 경우, ‘읽기’와 ‘이해’ 에서는 한문 텍스트를 ‘短文’, ‘산문’, ‘한시’의 세 종류로 나누고, 이 각각에 대한 ‘읽기’, ‘이해와 감상’을 내용 요소로 선정하고, ‘문화’에서는 ‘전 통 문화의 이해와 계승’, ‘한자문화권의 상호 이해와 교류’를 내용 요소로 선정하 였다. 한문지식 영역의 경우, ‘한자’에서는 ‘한자의 특징’, ‘한자의 짜임’을 내용 요 소로 선정하고, ‘어휘’에서는 ‘단어의 형성’, ‘어휘와 의미’를 내용 요소로 선정하고, ‘문장’에서는 ‘문장의 구조’를 내용 요소로 선정하였다. 영역별 내용은 2007년 개정 중․고등학교 한문 과목 교육과정의 영역별 내용 의 제시 방식을 그대로 따르되, 일부 하위 학습 요소를 초등학교 한문의 내용 체 계(안) 및 학년별 수준에 의거하여 재조정하였다. 초등학교에 한문 과목을 신설하는 방안으로는 다음의 두 가지가 있을 수 있다. 첫째는 정규 교과로 개설하는 것이다. 둘째로는 창의적 재량 활동의 汎敎科학습 과목으로 개설하는 것이다. 바람직한 한자 교육을 위해서는 어떤 형태로든 초등학 교에 한문 과목이 정규 교과로 개설되어야 할 것이다. 이외에 초등학교에서 한자 교육을 강화하는 방안으로는 국어 교과에서 한자 교육을 실시하는 방안, 교과서마 다 주요 학습 용어에 한자를 倂記함으로써 모든 교과에서 한자 교육을 실시하는 방안 등이 있을 수 있다.
        2009.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현재 初等學校에서 사용하고 있는 漢字敎科書는 각 市․道敎育監의 承認을 받아 사용하고 있는 認定制敎科書로 전국적으로 50여 종 이상이 된다. 이 중 필 자가 취득한 38종의 교과서를 分析한 내용은 다음과 같다. 인정교과서의 漢字學習量을 조사해본 결과 31종의 교과서가 600자 이내의 한 자를 학습량으로 설정하였으며, 900자를 설정한 경우도 2종 있었다. 漢字語學習量을 조사하여본 결과 200어휘 이하에서부터 2000어휘 이상에 이르기까지 교과 서마다 제각각으로 싣고 있었다. 漢字成語의 학습은 대부분의 교과서에 이야기나 만화 형식으로 실려 있는 경우가 많았으며, 漢文을 싣고 있는 교과서는 10종에 * 서울교육대학교 지나지 않아 초등학생의 한문 학습에 대해 否定的으로 認識하는 경우가 많았다. 한자 敎科書의 構成은 소단원 구성과 대단원 구성의 두 가지 방식으로 되어 있 는데 대단원으로 구성할 경우에는 文字敎育의 原理를 반영하여 구성하는 것이 敎授․學習의 效果면에서 信賴를 받을 수 있다. 교과서의 문장 표기는 國漢混用文, 한글 倂記文, 漢字倂記文, 한글 專用文 등 9가지 유형으로 표현되어 있고, 單元의 展開類型은 6가지 유형으로 되어 있 는데 이 또한 교수․학습의 효과를 고려하여 어떤 방법이 효과적일지 實驗硏究 를 통하여 檢證할 필요가 있다. 그 밖에 교과서의 내용과 관련하여 漢字․語彙의 表記方法, 筆順의 제시 방 법, 한자 읽기 학습 방법, 漢字字源의 誤謬문제 등을 제기하였다. 교과서의 편찬 과 관련한 이러한 문제들은 교과서 심사 단계에서 바로잡을 수 있는 것이므로 각 교육청에서 심사를 할 때 면밀하게 분석하고 검토하여 심의를 해야 한다. 이를 위 해서는 초등학교 한자 교과서의 執筆․編纂指針을 제정하여야 하며, 이의 바탕 이 되는 國家水準敎育課程의 마련이 시급하다.
        2009.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 초등학교 漢字교육 현황과 초등학교 漢字교육에 관한 교사 및 학 부모 의견을 설문 조사를 통하여 밝히고, 그 결과와 지금 초등학교 한자 교육에 적용되고 있는 정책적 여건들을 대조하여 본 것이다. 초등학교에서 漢字교육을 실시할 수 있는 시간은 재량활동시간의 2시간 중 1 시간이었다. 그런데 2009학년도부터는 5,6학년 재량활동시간에 각각 연간 17시간 이상 보건교육을 실시하게 됨에 따라, 그나마 있던 1시간의 여유마저 확보할 수 없게 되었다. 이처럼 초등학교 한자 교육을 위한 여건은 매우 열악하다. 이러한 여건 속에서도 현장에서는 초등학교 漢字교육에 대한 열의가 식지 않 고 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 敎育課程상 漢字교육을 편성하고 있는 학교는 63.1%였고, 어떤 형태로든 漢字敎育을 실시하고 있는 학교는 90.2%, 한자관련 시험이나 대회를 운영하고 있는 학교는 44.3%였다. 그리고 응답학교의 36.9%가 특별활동시간에 한자 관련 부서를 운영하고 있고, 29.5%가 방과후학교(특기적성 부서)에 한자 관련 부서를 운영하고 있다. 초등학교 한자 교육에 관한 교사와 학부모의 의견을 보면, 교사와 학부모의 90%이상이 초등학교 한자교육의 필요성을 인정하고 있으며, 초등학교에서 한자교육이 제대로 실시되지 않는 가장 큰 이유는 한자가 정규 과목이 아니기 때문이 다. 또한 초등학교 한자 교육이 필요한 가장 큰 이유로 어휘력 신장에 도움이 되 기 때문이라는 점을 뽑고 있고, 한자 어휘 중심으로 지도되는 것이 가장 바람직하 다고 생각하고 있다. 지금 초등학교 한자 교육은 한자와 어휘 중심으로 이루어지 고 있는데, 이는 교사와 학부모의 의견과 일치하는 것으로서, 앞으로도 초등학교 한자 교육은 한자 어휘 중심으로 지도되는 것이 바람직하겠다. 초등학교 한자 교육의 방향에 대해 교사와 학부모 모두 지금과 같이 학교 자율 에 따라 실시하는 것을 가장 많이 바라고 있으나, 이는 수업부담, 학생들의 학습량 증가에 대한 부담에서 기인한 것으로 생각된다. 초등학교에서 한자 교육이 필요하 지 않은 이유로 가장 많이 응답된 것도 학습량 증가로 인한 부담 가중이다. 따라 서 앞으로 초등학교 한자 교육의 정규과 시간 편임 또는 활성화를 위해서는 학습 량 증가로 인한 부담 가중에 대한 대안이 마련되어야 할 것이다.
        2009.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        오늘날 우리나라는 30여 년 동안 초등학교에서 한글전용정책을 폈지만, 私敎育市場에서는 도리어 漢字敎育熱風이 일어나고 있다. 중․고등학생 및 대학생은 敎科書나 專攻書籍에 나온 漢字語마저 속 시원히 읽고 뜻풀이를 하지 못하는 세 상이 되고 말았다. 대학생은 졸업 시기가 되면서 就職때문에 다 늦게 漢字工夫 에 熱中하여야 하는 세상이다. 위의 이러한 문제들은 짧은 시일 내에 解決될 수 있는 일은 아니다. 그렇지만, 먼저 初等學校敎育現場에서 漢字敎育이 正規敎科로 施行되어 제 位相을 찾 을 때, 문제는 解決될 것이다. 이 논문은 오늘날 初等學校의 漢字敎育의 變遷과 그 必要性과 意義를 살펴 본 논문이다
        2009.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the vegetable eating behaviors and preferences of elementary school students by stage of change for vegetable intake. The subjects consisted of 191 fourth and fifth grade elementary school students from Gyeonggi province. The stage of change for vegetable intake was categorized into three groups: precontemplation (PC, 18.4%), preparation (P, 43.5%), and action/maintenance (A&M, 48.2%). The trend to eat a variety of foods was more distinctive as the students went from the PC to the A&M stage. The stage of change for vegetable intake was closely related with the kimchi-eating pattern of the students. The A&M group ate more vegetables than the PC group because they liked vegetables and/or wanted to prevent disease. The PC group had a lower tendency to follow recommendations for vegetable eating than the P and A&M groups. The PC group also had an incorrect notion that low vegetable consumption over an extended time would not have a big impact on their health. The vegetables of high preference for the elementary school students were potato, sweet potato, lettuce, radish, perilla leaf, cucumber, and cabbage. The vegetables of low preference were spinach, onion, balloon flower, and green pepper. The PC group had lower preferences for most vegetables than the P and A&M groups. Therefore, careful nutrition education is necessary especially for students in the PC group in order to explain the positive effects of vegetable intake and negative effects of an unbalanced diet. It is also necessary to survey students' tastes consistently and to develop recipes that encourage them to consume more vegetables agreeably.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate whether there is a difference in calcium intake between elementary school students who are participating in the school milk program and those who are not. The study samples consisted of 240 milk program participants and 120 non-participants in the fifth and the sixth grades at a school located in Cheong-ju. The survey questionnaire included questions related to general status, drinking milk at school, and intake of milk and dairy products at home. An FFQ (food frequency questionnaire) was composed of 30 calcium-supplying foods, which surveyed the normal intake amount at one time and the frequency per month. The average daily intake of calcium by the participants (1052.3 mg) was higher than that of the non-participants (772.5 mg) by 279.8 mg, and the major consumed food item contributing to the difference was milk. The major sources of dietary calcium were 'milk' for the participants and 'ice cream' for the non-participants. In a question asking the reasons for participation in the program, 48.8% of the participants answered 'benefits to health', and the primary reason why the nonparticipants did not drink milk at school was 'stomach pain' (55.0%). Among the participants, 80.4% said they 'are drinking milk at home', which was in contrast to only 50.8% of the non-participants. And 48.7% the participants said they drank 'more than 1 cup' of milk at home, and 47.5% of the non-participants said they drank 'less than 1 cup'.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the perception and understanding parents had regarding environment friendly agricultural products being used for school foodservice. A trained practitioner surveyed 221 parents of children at elementary schools in Daejeon using a questionnaire, after which the resulting data were analyzed by a Chi-square test. Overall, the parent's responses regarding the foodservice were positive. However, most of the parents do not participate (65%) in the school foodservice if they work, and those that do participate primarily work as meal service aides (58.1%). Parents indicated that the work of urgent field of inspection on food materials (69.9%), and the reason of an agreement (98.2%) for them were the students' health (68.4%). In addition, most parents were positive about the possibility of replacing foods used in the school with environment friendly products (51.6%) and felt that the government should pay the additional expense associated with their replacement. Furthermore, the majority of the parent's surveyed felt that children should be supplied with vegetables (54.9%) purchased directly from farms. The parents' satisfaction with the meal service (25.1%) was lower than that of the students (54.1%). The reason for the satisfaction reported by the parents was concern regarding the health of their children (53.3%). In addition, the majority of the parents (47.3%) responded that environment friendly agricultural products differ from general agricultural products because insecticides and fertilizer were not used. The main objection parents had to using environment friendly products was their cost (59.1%), and most parents felt that a realistic solution to this problem was unified purchase (41.4%). Besides, a problem when replacing with them was the expensive price (38.1%) and true or false (37.7%), and the students' satisfaction (59.5%) was selected the most in an effect of using them, diversity of the product (39.1%) and price reduction (32.6%) for a solution of the increase of using them.
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, sixth grade school children in the Guri area were surveyed via questionnaire regarding their sociodemographìc characteristics, snacking pattems, and intakes of different food groups and sugared snacks. Students with employed mothers had more frequent snacking events and were more dependent on store-purchased snacks compared to those having an unemployed mother. A high consumption of snack sugar was associated with a higher dietary diversity score. There was a positive relationship between snack sugar intake and the intakes of meat and dairy products and foods in the oil and nut group, respectively. A high snack sugar intake had a negative effect on fruit intake. Specific nutrient intake data will be required before conclusions can be made on whether nutrient imbalances are a concern in elementary school children having sweet snacks. Yet, the current data indicate that an increased snack sugar intake can decrease fruit intake, which could result in certain nutrient deficits. Specific dietary guidance may be necessary to address the snacking habits of elementary school children.
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to offer a basic data for enrichment and activation of physical education program of the speciality and aptitude educational activity in After School by doing research and making an analysis about the actual condition of the
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to find out what effects Expression Activities Lessons in elementary school have on students' building up of physical, emotional, academic and social self-concept and to furnish basic data for expression activities lessons' d
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the relationships between participating in sports activities and learning attitude of elementary school students, showed the value and the role of participating in sports activities. There were two factors defining participating in spo
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research to find out the efficient guiding device during teaching based on the datum what were calculated kinematic and kinetic variable about the vertical jump according to the distinction of sex in elementary school. Four male, five
        2008.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The prevalence of atopic dermatitis (AD) in children has increased dramatically in recent years. Although AD has genetic determinants, this rapid increase is most likely due to changes in environmental influences--for example, dietary changes. The purpose of this case-control study was to assess the relationship between the risk of developing AD and dietary factors, including eating habits, food intake, and the consumption of various functional foods in children at ages of 7 or 8 years. 143 AD patients and 335 healthy children participated in this study. A mini-dietary assessment was utilized to evaluate the food intake and dietary patterns of the children, and other information, including demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, eating habits, and the frequency of functional food use was collected using a questionnaire. The results demonstrated that, among the demographic and socioeconomic factors assessed in this study, female gender, mother's employment, and the family history of AD significantly increased the risk of AD. However, no differences in dietary habits and specific food intake between AD patients and healthy controls were identified. On the other hand, the frequencies of taking multivitamin supplements, Spirulina, or gamma-linoleic acid were significantly higher in AD patients than in the controls. These data indicate that alterations in eating habits and the intake of certain foods may not be a critical cause associated with the risk of AD in school-age children, and caution should be taken in recommending food elimination diets for the purpose of preventing AD. Further studies are required in order to determine whether the intake of specific nutrients could contribute to the increase or prevention of the development of AD in school-age children.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of cooking activities on the unbalanced dietary food habits of elementary school students and develop the effective cooking activity program for the improvement of unbalanced dietary behaviors as well as the food intake and menu acceptance. The subjects of this study were 256 elementary school students. The cooking activity group and control group were consisted of 128 students of 3rd & 5th grader each. Both cooking activity and the control group took the same 1-hour nutritional theory based class for 10 sessions. Only Cooking activity (CA) group took additional 10 sessions of 1-hour cooking class. Programs for cooking activity were developed and 10 cooking activity sessions were taken place for 4 months. The questionnairs were used to evaluate the effect of the cooking activities over the intake of food group, unbalanced dietary behavior, eating attitudes, menu acceptance before and after the completion of all the cooking activities. Cooking activities affect the unbalanced dietary behaviors and the intake of food groups. Fish, cereals, milk products, fruits, potatoes, vegetables were more eaten by CA group than control group. Eating attitudes and unbalanced dietary behaviors of CA group are also improved significantly than control group. From these results, it was concluded that cooking activities had the positive effect on the improvement of unbalanced dietary food habits over vegetables, cereals, fish, milk product and fruits as well as the unbalanced dietary behaviors of the elementary school children.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated elementary school students' perception, preferences, and intake of Korean traditional foods, focusing specifically on kimchi, tteok (rice cake), and eumcheong (beverage) varieties; and compared them by gender, living with grandparents, mother's occupation, and meal preparation by the grandmother. The subjects were 287 6th grade elementary school students in Busan. The results were as follows: 80% of children were interested in Korean traditional foods. 40% believed that their intake of Korean traditional foods was decreasing because these foods were not palatable to them. The majority of them, however, said they would continue to eat Korean traditional foods as they had done (54.7%) or eat more than before (36.6%) in the future. The children thought that Korean traditional foods were rich in nutrition and good for their health. The children had the highest preference for Baechu-kimchi among varieties of kimchi, and they had high preferences for Songpyeon, Galaitteok, and Injulmi. They had high preferences for Sikhye, citron tea, and adlai tea. Over 80% reported consuming Baechu-kimchi and Kkakdugi three to four times per week. They had eaten Injulmi the most frequently among the tteoks, while over 80% had eaten the other types of tteok only once or twice per month. Adlai tea, citron tea, and Sikhye were drunk more than once per week. In general, we noted no significant differences in the children's perceptions, preferences, and intake of Korean traditional foods by gender, living with grandparents, mother's occupation, and meal preparation by grandmother, with the exception of several items. The students had a very positive perception of Korean traditional foods. They had higher preferences for and had more frequently consumed the more familiar Korean traditional foods. It is therefore suggested that if the children had opportunities to experience Korean traditional foods more frequently and variously at home or in restaurants, they would appreciate Korean traditional foods even more, and develop higher preferences for these foods.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the relationships among obesity, food behavior, and personality traits were studied in male and female elementary school children. The obesity rates were calculated via the measured heights and weights of the subjects. Food behavior was surveyed via a questionnaire. Personality traits were evaluated using an authorized personality test. The obesity rates in the child subjects in this study were 34.1%in the male children, and 28.7% in the female children, and the rates of underweight were 18.2% in the males and 28.7% in the females. The percentage of obese children was slightly higher in the male population than in the female population. With regard to food behavior, the females evidenced significantly higher points than the males, particularly on the items designated 'slow eating' and 'stop eating upon satiety'. Among the personality traits assessed herein, which included emotional stability, general activity, sociability, masculinity, responsibility, reflectiveness, and superiority, the females evidenced significantly higher sociability scores than the males. The personality traits did not appear to be significantly associated with the obesity rate. However, the obese children scored lowest on all personality traits among the three groups. In terms of the relationship between food behavior and personality traits, children with high stability, sociability, responsibility, and superiority also had significantly higher food behavior scores. These results imply that the maintenance of good food behavior may enhance stability, sociability, responsibility, and superiority in children.
        2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the elementary students’ knowledge, attitudes, and practice for food hygiene and safety. A self-administered questionnaire was developed and offered to 375 elementary school students throughout the Seoul region. The results of the survey were as follows: First, the knowledge, attitudes, and practice were not at satisfactory level. The scores of children's knowledge, attitudes, and practice were 67.42%, 3.83, and 3.81 out of 5 point scale, respectively. Second, knowledge, attitudes and practice levels were significantly different according to demographic characteristics. The lower grade-students had significantly higher scores for knowledge (p<.05), attitudes (p<.05) and practice (p<.01) than higher gradestudents, suggesting that food hygiene and safety education is more effective in younger students or that repeated education is needed for higher grade-students. Third, knowledge, attitudes and practice levels were significantly correlated each other. These results suggest that the education programs for food hygiene and safety should be developed for, as well as implemented in, lower elementary school grades.