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        검색결과 257

        2004.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Hospital garden is a type of healing garden or therapeutic landscape as it can offer vital opportunities to contact with nature and have influence upon the mood, stress level, and well-being of users especially patients in need of physical and mental healing. This study was carried out to guide the future planning and design of hospital garden built on the rooftop environment through a Post-Occupancy Evaluation(POE). The roofgarden at Asan Medical Center was evaluated with regards to user's cognition and satisfaction by in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The results are summarized as follows; the users' main behaviors include 'talking', 'resting', 'walking or exercise', 'change of mood', and 'smoking'. The hospital roofgarden was perceived as convenient, and simple space. Factor analysis showed space-images represented by eight factors, 'convenience', 'usefulness', 'maintenance', 'extensity', 'identity', 'crowding', 'privacy', 'complexity'. Rooftop environment was valued for natural setting in artificial construction and users responded affirmatively to 'accessibility', 'view', and. 'fresh air', which were revealed to be factors affecting satisfaction. Changes for the garden such as 'more green shades', 'more seatings', and 'smooth pavement' were requested by users. l11ese research findings make some suggestions; it is necessary to furnish shaded seats for passive behaviors and smooth pathways for a walk or a light exercise. Hospital garden should be designed to provide various visual and functional experiences for patients. Natural shades like tree or pergolas are more desirable than artificial shades giving comfort to the hospital users. For patients and nonsmokers, separated smoking area in the hospital roofgarden would be helpful.
        2001.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Narcotic drugs generally refer to serious and habitual hidden rash such as opium, heroin, methyphetamin, nabinol, cocaine, and so forth. At present, narcotic drugs are spread unchecked and are causing a big social problem. So many countries and narcotists are making every effort to set up a barricade against narcotic drugs. And there is a limit suitable treatment for them. Thus Tuo Yin Tang Jiang is developed. As indicated by Chinese letters, Tuo Yin Tang Jiang(TYTJ) is a crude drug. It is a traditional chinese medicine developed by the study done from June in 1998 to June in 1999 that Hubeisheng was entrusted with by People's Republic of China. This study is a treatise on etiology and syntomatology of narcotism. TYTJ is a medicine which is in accord with Pharmacopeia of the People's Republic of Chinal) in order to remove from the body the toxic materials resulting from narcotic drugs such as opium and heroin. According to the standard diagnosis on narcotism, 105 cases are studied and treated at the Rehabilitation Center attached to Enshi Autonomous Region Hospital in Hubeisheng. 105 cases are divided into 2 groups by double-blind method. One is the experimental group which has 56 cases. The other is the control group which has 49 ones.13 cases among 105 cases are addicted by intravenously injections. 9 cases are by oral takings. It took 10 days for this experiment to be performed. Two groups didn't show a striking individual variation based on the age, gender, period of taking drugs, withdrawal symptoms, complication, and state of health. The experimental group had a higher effect of treatment than the control group had. TYTJ treats diseases effectively and has no side effect, irrespective of the serious or slight addiction to opium and morphine.
        2000.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Strawberry and cucumber were dipped with Korean medical herb extracts such as Rheum palmatum L. and Coptis chinensis Franch. to maintain the keeping quality during storage at 5C and 10C, respectively. Treatment with 500 ppm solutions gor strawberry retarded weight loss, microbial load increase, and decay during storage. Decay ratio was shown 68.8% for control, 45.0% for Rheum palmatum L. and 42.5% for Coptis chinensis Franch. at 10 days. Strawberry treated with Coptis chinensis Franch. showed a higher hardness and soluble solid content than others. Cucumber treated with 1,000 ppm solutions revealed a different O and CO concentrations after 16 days. Korean medical herb extracts showed an antimicrobial activity for the quality retention of cucumber during storage. Ascorbic acid content was generally increased till 8 days, but decreased thereafter.
        1999.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        항균력이 있는 것으로 확인된 대황 및 황련추출물을 오이, 호박, 상치 및 고추에 처리하였을 때 총균수가 감소하였다. 채소의 종류에 따라서 적절한 처리농도는 달랐는 데, 호박, 상치 및 고추는 100 ppm, 오이는 500 ppm 처리가 적절한 것으로 나타났다. 채소를 침지할 때의 시간은 10분 정도가 적절한 것으로 나타났으며, 세척수의 온도를 4로 높일 경우에도 채소류 표면의 총균수 감소 효과는 실온의 세척수와 비슷하였다. 또한 오이와 호박을 대
        1999.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The medical mineral menas a single mineral or a complex of minerals. It is natural material. using the medical action of he major or the minor elements, and traditional medicine stuff which has been used since long time ago. Jusa, cinnabar as the mineral name, is the product of the hydrothermal process. It is used to relax the body and cure high blood pressure, apoplexy and cardiopathy. Jusais the major component of "An shin hwan" and "Woo hwang chung shim hwan" nowadays because it has such an excellent calm effect. In addition, it is used to cure cancers such as esophageal cancer and gastric cancer. Jusa composed of mercuric sulfide causes mercury poisoning such as Minamata disease. It is dealt with mineralogical property and chemical composition medical stuff in Korea and China, as well asmercury poisoning and medical action of Jusa in this study. In order to predct accumulation of the interior of the body of the major and minor elements in Jusa, leaching experiment of Jusa by artificial gastric juice was done as well as thermodynamic reaction modelling to know concentration of each species of body fluid. The minor elements of 24 species such as As, Pb, Cd, a and Fe by leaching reaction of Jusa and artificial gastric juice were leached. We can know the fact that as is less than 1 ppm, Hg is less than 25 ppm and Cd and m are not detected. In addition, mercury exists as species of Hg2+, HgCl+, HgCl2, HgCl3-, HgCl42-, HgClOH, HgS(H2S)2, Hg(HS)3-, HgS22-, HgOH and Hg(OH)2 by reaction modelling between Jusa and artificial gastric juice. The concentration of sulfide complexes is 24.2 ppm and that of others is less than 10 ppm. According to increasing pH, the concentration of HgS(H2S)2, Hg(HS)3+, HgS22- and Hg(OH)2 increases, whereas the concentration of HgCl+, HgCl2, HgCl3- and HgCl42- decreases. Therefore, Jusa is very useful for the development of new medicine because it is possible to predict formation of the body species and species accumulation on mercury known as a toxic element and concentration changes of toxicity and efficiency.city and efficiency.
        1994.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The plants medicinal resouces of middle area of Korea were investigated 10 times from May 1, 1993 to November 30. 1994. In order to analyze the vegetation of middle wild plants structure and distribu-tion. Medical wiId plants of middle southern area consisted of 100 familis, 380 specis in all. Theresources of important herb drugs were Polypodiaceae, Graminae, Liliaceae, Polygonaceae,Ranunculaceae, Brassicaceae, Rosaceae, Fabaceae, Apiaceae, Labiatae, Solanaceae, Scrophulariaceae,Campanulaceae, Compositae. The herb drugs were comparatively more than in other mountains in ourcountry.
        1993.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        21plants, which collected from Korea and Japan, were applied to antitumor and cytotoxic screening tests against sarcoma 180 a ascitec in mice. The results are summariged as follows : 1) The total packed cell volume method has been used for the antimeoplastic screening for from natural higher plants in Korea. By this method, we have found out that Selaginella involves, Patrinia hispida, Archyranthes japonica and Solanum nigrum having significant activity and also Cydonia sinensis and Rubia akane showed slight activity to antitumor 2) The total packed cell volune method has been used for the antineoplastic screening for from natural higher plants in Japan. Among the 21 tested plants, lsodon japonicus having strong antitumor activity and also Torilis japonica, Aralia elata, Leonurus sibiricus and Rubia cordifolia showed significant activity to anticancer tumor while Forsythia spp and Solanum nigrum showed slight activity to antitumor. 3) Among the 21 tested Korea plants, lsodon excisus and Forsythia Koreana showed strong antitumor activity by the V79 cytotoxic cell screening test.
        1993.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Plant in chollabuk-do have investded 105 family, 442 species. 2. The order of distribution of the most family was the Compositae 43, Leguminosae Gramineae each 28, Rosaceae 17, Liliaceas 22, Labiatae 17, Ranunculaceae 12, Betulaceae 11, Violaceae 10, Polygonaceae Aspidiaceae each 9, Cruciferae·Caryothyllaceae·Celastraceae each 8, Fagaceae, Rubiaceae each 6, Ulmaceae 5. 3. Medical plants have invested 56 family, 116 species. 4. The order of the most family was the Compositae 8, Liliaceae Rosaceae·Umbelliferae·Labiatae each 6, Leguminosae·Rutaceae each 5, Campanulaceae·Ranunculaceae each 3, Simaroubaceae·Euphorbiaceae·Araliaceae each 2, Scrophulariaceae·Plantaginaceae each 1.
        1992.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The plants medicinal resources of southern area(Soraksan, Bughansan, Odesan, Gwanagsan, Sollaegsan, Gyeryongsan, Sogrisan, Deogyusan, Chinsan, Jogyesan, Mudeungsan, Hallasan) ofkorea were investigated 10 times from May 1,1992 to November 30,1992In order to analyze the vegetation of southem area, medical wild plants structure and distr:~bution.Medical wild plants of southern area consisted of 94 familis,284 specis in all. The resources of impor-tant herb drugs were Polypodiaceae, Graminea, Liliaceae, polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae,Brassicaceae, Rosaceae, Favaceae, Apiaceae, Ldbiatae, Solanaceae, Companulaceae, Compositae.The herb drygs were comparatively more thanin other mounteins in our country.
        1990.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In view of the results to have measured metallic elements which is included in 40 sorts of herb medicines and surveyed their distribution, ninekinds of metals including Co, Ce, Ga, 71, Cd, As, Sbr Bu. Pb, are never orlittle included in almost herb medicines. Other twenty four sorts of ele-ments (Mo, Sc, Be, V, Ni, Su, Se, Ba, Cr, Su, Ti, B, Li, Mg, Ca, Sr, Mnl Fe,Cu, Zn. p, Al, Na, K) are metals that are included in large quentities incomparison with others. Selagirellae Radix contains is kinds of metallicelements more then other herb medicines does. The content of elements ofinorganic metal differs greatly according to the part of herb medicines .
        1990.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In view of the results to have measured metallic elements which is included in 45 sorts of herb medicines and surveyed their distribution, 8 kinds ofmetals including Co, Ge, Ga, TL, Cd, As, 8i, Pb, are never or little includedin almost herb medicines . Other twenty-five sorts of elements (Mo, Sc, Be, V,Ni, Sn, Se, Ba, Cr, Sb, Si, Ti, B, Li, Mg, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, p, Al, Na,K) are more or Less included in all herb Bedicines ana Na, Ca, p and K aremetals that are included in Large quentities in comrarison with others . Patri-uiae Radix Contains 7 kinds of metal lic elements more than other herb medicinesdoes .
        1990.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The plants medicinal resources of Mt. Wol-chul were investigated 8 times from July, 1988 to July 1990. In orther to analyze the vegetation of Wol-chulmountain area, medical wild plants structure and distribution. Medical wildplants of Wol-chul mourltain consisted of 11'0 familis, 338 species in all. Theresources of important herb drugs were Polypodiaceae, Graminea, Liliaceae ,Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae, Brassicaceae, Rosaceae, Apiaceae, Labiatae, Com-positae .
        1990.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        추월산 지역에 분포되어 있는 한약 자원식물을 채집 분류하여 이용체계 확립의 수단으로 삼고자 이 지역의 약용식물의 종류를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 추월산에 분포되어 있는 약용자원 식물은 113 과, 304 속, 428 종이었다. 2. 분포수종중 초본류는 73 과, 223 속, 317 종, 목본류는 49 과, 85 속, 111 종이었다. 3. 초본류는 주로 전초 또는 근을, 목본류는 수피, 과실이 한약재료로 많이 사용되어지는 것이었다.
        1989.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        입암산 지역에 분포되어 있는 한약자원식물을 채집 분류하여 이용체계 확립의 수단으로 삼고자, 이 지역의 약용식물의 종류를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 입암산에 분포되어 있는 한약자원 식물은 100 과, 252 속, 337 종이었다. 2. 분석수종중 초본류는 59 과, 169 속, 220 종, 목본류는 50 과, 85 속, 117 종이었다. 3. 초본류는 주으로 전초를 사용하며 수본류는 기, 수피 및 과실을 주로 약용으로 이용하는 것이 많았다.
        1989.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        There shoul be high possibility of preventive and immune eficacy aqainst cancer when the anti-cancer plants are properly utilized in human dietary life as it is evident that considerable part of wild plantd or both medicinal use and ood are growing naturally in the mountainous area in korea, some of which have ben proved to be anti-cancer plants. this study, at this initial stage, has been done to acquire the fundamentals of 235 kinds of ante-cancer plants growing naturally in korea. from the results o thisresearch, the anti-cancer plants have been sorted out by amily and its number. and also the status of regional distribution of those plants and the kinds of anti-cancer plants used for both medicine and food were studied and experimented to see the medical efficacy against anti-tumor. this experiments were conduced in accodance with the total packed cell volume method and cyto toxicity method.
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