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        검색결과 760

        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although many theoretical and empirical studies consider violent games, general causality between violent games and aggression or violence is ambiguity. To overcome such limitations, we try to identify the focal points of violent games. This study aims to explore the critical debate about violent games from research result in terms of heading in opposite directions. Furthermore, we analyzed the discourse of the violent game based on catharsis theory and cognitive neoassociation theory. Catharsis theory predicts that 'venting' aggression through exposure to violence will reduce the risk of later aggressive behavior. On the contrary, cognitive neoassociation theory posits that aversive events produce negative affect such as aggression. Several recent studies found little evidence for a relationship between violent games and aggression or violence. Given that aggression is not negative, it is reasonable to study the potential benefits of violent games. Therefore, we suggested several ways to application the violent games based on prior literature.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The flow channel is a game design aspect that has been widely used by experienced game designers. A psychologist named Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi found that a person's skill and the difficulty of a task would interact to result in different cognitive and emotional states. When a person’s skill and the difficulty of the task are roughly balanced, he or she enters the flow state. Otherwise, the person becomes bored or frustrated, and switches to another activity[3]. Unfortunately, for game designers, this is the point where the flow theory stops helping. While a designer strive to keep players in the flow channel for as long as possible, he or she has to figure out how to implement the flow channel in the game by oneself. Therefore, in this paper, we tried to bridge or narrow the gap between game flow and psychology theories. We showed how the whole game flow mechanics work and how several major psychological elements operate dynamically and interactively on the game play. The challenges and skills should be balanced and should work together to create game flow experiences. The contents described in the paper was used to teach university students in game design and media psychology courses. Quantitative and qualitative measures show that our media psychology education could be an effective way of teaching a creative design philosophy.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The areas of fashion research and fashion design aesthetics & fashion history have been studied under a common research heading as a Humanities subject in the UK and the USA, and as Clothing and Textiles Studies in Korea. The purpose of this paper was to analyze the 2004~2013 research tendencies in terms of reporting methods and contents from 181 world-renowned Fashion Theory research papers within the UK and USA fashion research corpus, and 359 Korean research papers from The Research Journal of Costume Culture related to fashion design aesthetics & costume history field. The subject areas, periods, methodologies, and differences in the topics of the studies were examined. The results of the research are as follows. Regarding the research authorship and length of the research papers, in Fashion Theory most papers were written by a single English-speaking or other foreign language-speaking author and were on average longer than 21 pages, while in The Research Journal of Costume Culture, many papers were jointly written by two Korean researchers and were between 11 and 20 pages. Regarding the content, Fashion Theory was connected to relatively wide and diverse periodical and regional boundaries including the body, clothing, the fashion media, and the overall fashion system, while The Research Journal of Costume Culture revolved around the body and clothing, textiles, the fashion media, and costumes. In addition, since the late 20th century, the studies appeared to be related to the current Western world overall or to the country of the author. Regarding the research methodology, Fashion Theory used diverse research subjects and methodologies, and research was conducted on topics relating to fashion culture or fashion aesthetics. On the other hand, The Research Journal of Costume Culture featured relatively more dynamic studies aimed at suggesting developments or solutions to problems. It was found that a large share of that research focused on detailed style analyses and suggestions for aspects such as design elements and design developments. Such differences are considered to be caused by the inherent differences between the academic departments for the Humanities, and the Human Ecology. The above research results are expected to provide fundamental information in setting a direction for future research to assist the globalization of domestic research.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this paper we explore the process of value co-creation in two elite kaiseki restaurant companies in Japan. The authors first describe key themes that underlie the omotenashi of the tea ceremony. The authors then examine the ways in which these themes influence the service philosopy of Teiichi Yuki, the found of the Kitcho restaurant chain, and Rikifusa Satake, the president of the Minokichi restaurant chain. Based on these analyses, we argue that existing discussions of co-creation, which focus on the customer’s creation of value-in-use, should be extended to permit the analysis of usage experiences that involve multiple, simultaneous, interdependent value-in-processes. In particular, in the two companies examined by the authors, both the master and the customer experience value-in-use during the delivery of kaiseki cuisine. Moreover, given the importance of mutual consideration, the value-in-use experienced by each party is critically dependent on the value-in-use received by the other.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        One of the main priorities for many service companies is the development and maintenance of long term relationship with valuable customers. A common research route is the hourglass approach where general hypotheses are developed, then they are tested on a single type of service and finally the findings are taken as generalised across the whole spectrum of services. It is well recognised that customer relationships are multi-sided and contingent to the nature of the services, but still the empirical research on the moderating role of service types is limited. Additionally, the actual bonds that tie the service provider to the customer, have received limited attention by the scholars. Thus, this paper attempts to address the issue of relevance and relative importance of the different types of relational bonds between hedonic and utilitarian services. The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) together with longitudinal qualitative research was used to develop a set of hypotheses that was empirically tested in a large sample of consumers. The basic premise of TPB is that attitudes together with subjective norms and perceived control can predict intentions, and actual behaviours. However, TPB has been criticised that it does not incorporate a full set of attitudinal drivers towards intentions. Responding to this criticism, this study developed (through qualitative research and literature review) an extensive set of relational bonds found to be important in different service contexts. These bonds are: switching costs, economic, social, confidence, convenience, emotional and habit bonds. Together with subjective norms and perceived difficulty, relational bonds were examined in relation to repurchase intentions across hedonic and utilitarian services, based on a survey (sample size: 548), through multi-group analysis and structural equation modelling. Based on the results, the drivers of repurchase intentions can be classified into three categories: 1) universal drivers of repurchase intentions that transcend service categories (emotional, subjective norms and perceived difficulty) 2) service specific bonds (confidence, convenience, and habitual bonds) and 3) inconsequential relational bonds (switching cost, economic bonds and social bonds). Explanations of these differences lie in the nature and the value customers derive for the two different types of services. Initial findings suggest that many of the generally accepted theoretical relations in this field are service context specific. This is the first attempt to get a relational bonding footprint of different types of services in an effort to develop granular theories that take into account the nature and context of service typologies. From a managerial perspective findings qualify general theories of customer relationship management and make them more usable for the specific contexts of services.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A large body of recent research has established that word-of-mouth websites have a major impact on consumer purchases and that this trend is particularly prevalent among the young in Japan. However, prior research into consumer decision-making processes has mainly discussed the sequence of events leading up to purchase, and only a few studies have considered the generation of word-of-mouth communication. Moreover, in the empirical analyses of this research, data was mainly gathered by experiments, and a survey field to firmly gather data has not been developed. This research has two objectives: 1) To propose a new decision-making process that considers the generation of word-of-mouth communication and 2) to create and empirically demonstrate a field that can observe the generation of such communication. Specifically, the author presents a new model of the consumer decision-making process that is based on the AISAS model, a model of advertisement flow, and empirically exhibits a survey field that uses mobile phones. From the results of the analysis in this paper, the following findings were confirmed for the three consumer packaged goods (CPG) investigated: the actual existence of a decision-making process of word-of-mouth communication for the functional drink; in post-purchase behavior, a high percentage of consumers not only engage in word-of-mouth communication, but also view product official homepages; in the case of the line-extension product, while awareness is easy to obtain, only a small amount of word-of-mouth communication takes place on the Internet and even for a private-brand product, information can be spread widely by skillfully utilizing topics in the mass media. Theoretical Background Research into consumers’ decision-making processes can be broadly divided into two flows. The first is constructed from research into consumer behavior and the second from research into advertising messages. The differences between the two are that the former is advanced by investigators who are focused on attitude formation in the decision-making process, while the latter is developed by practitioners who concentrate on how information flows. The stimulation-response type and the information-processing type decision-making processes have been constructed by research into consumer behavior. In the stimulation-response type, it is thought that consumers are mobilized by external stimuli, such as advertisements, store promotions, and discounts, which ultimately cause them to make a purchase. The Howard-Sheth model that appeared in the 1960s is representative of this type, and it describes a decision-making processes that occurs when the product purchased is comparatively inexpensive and requires low participation. In contrast, the information-processing type is a decision-making process for a purchase in which the consumer actively collects information and decides on his or her attitude in achieve personal purchasing goals. It is represented by the Bettman model and describes actions taken when the product price is comparatively high and when risks exist at the time of purchase. Consumers are assumed to adopt either of these decision-making processes, depending on which is more appropriate for their particular situations, but both models mainly describe the process up to the time the purchase is made and hardly mention word-of-mouth communication after it. The area that has been being researched from the perspective of successfully communicating an advertising message to consumers has relied on the AIDMA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Memory, and Action) model that was published in 1956, which was based on the AID (Attention, Interest, and Desire) model, advocated in 1898. Searching for advertisement effects based on this flow is known to be useful in predicting consumer behavior and in corporate branding. It is widely used in the business world, since it can be usefully applied to actual businesses, but it involves hardly any empirical analysis and so is frequently used just as a concept. As described above, consumer decision-making processes have developed as two systems, but as is seen in the review, the conventional decision-making process barely touches on word-of-mouth effects after purchase. Incidentally, during the last few years in the area of advertising messages, models incorporating word-of-mouth communication after purchase have spread in Japan. A typical example is AISAS, which is an abbreviation of Attention about the product; Interest; Search, including on the Internet; Action, namely, the purchase; and Share, such as purchasers writing their impressions of the product on the Internet. Related research has established that those people who are aware of and interested in the product are more likely to listen to word-of-mouth communication and that some people tend to be more likely to listen to it than others. The SIPS model, which was developed from AISAS and assumes that word-of-mouth communication is the starting point for a purchase, is an abbreviation of Sympathize→Identify→Participate→Share & Spread. It is a model with a new paradigm in that rather than the mass media, the trigger for a purchase is word-of-mouth communication, such as a comment on Facebook. From the above, it is clear that a decision-making process for the Internet age that addresses the following points needs to be established: 1) Rather than the conventional one-way model that starts with awareness and ends with the purchase, it is necessary to consider the effects that the sharing of information after a purchase have on others who are searching for information; and 2) the decision-making process is not concluded solely within the individual, and it is necessary to consider the effects that individuals have on the market as a whole. However, in actual purchase scenes, if there are products that are bought through the proliferation of information via SNS, then, as before, there are still many purchases generated by promotions. In other words, it is thought that decision-making processes will vary according to differences in products and consumers and that these various processes coexist. Therefore, next, we will consider how these processes vary because of differences in products and consumers. Empirical Analysis For the analysis in this paper, Minrepo from Docomo Insight Marketing Inc. (DIM) was used. DIM is a joint venture between NTT Docomo Inc., which is the mobile phone company with the largest share of the Japanese market, and Intage Inc., which is Japan’s largest research company. DIM’s Minrepo is a survey and an experiment field for an SNS that uses smart phones and a mechanism by which information posted on the SNS can be confirmed. The Docomo smartphone users post reports with attached photographs of products, meals, and other items they have been used or consumed, in response to which other Docomo smartphone users click on buttons such as “Looks good” and “Wish.” Unlike Facebook, users connect loosely with people with whom they are not acquainted, and so, in actuality, its network structure is closer to that of Twitter or blogs. In addition to observing their actions, it also enables the participants to be surveyed. The current survey period was one month, July 2013, and 2,342 people participated in the survey (of whom, 1,140 were men and 1,202 were women), and a total of 19,196 reports were posted. These postings included reports on three product brands: A, a high-selling functional beverage; B, a line-extension ice bar; and C, a private-brand sweet roll. Brand A was surveyed twice via smartphone, at the beginning and at the end of the survey period. Results First, data were compiled on whether many routes existed for the decision-making processes. From these data, among the 374 people who bought brand A during the relevant period, it was found that 254 of them had some sort of awareness or interest in the product prior to their purchase, that 55 of them purchased it without thinking, and that 65 were aware of and interested in the product and had word-of-mouth communication about it prior to their purchases. Moreover, of these purchasers, 33 of them said word-of-mouth communication was the information that spurred their purchases. Many people were aware of and interested in the low-price beverage prior to their purchase of it, which might be because it is a functional beverage. The percentage of people who sent out word-of-mouth communication was slightly more than 15%, while marginally more than 10% of people were influenced by it, and it is thought that this demonstrates that it is meaningful to take word-of-mouth communication into account when considering decision-making. Next, the routes for the awareness of the three products and the consumers’ behavior after the purchase were investigated. Table 1 shows the results of this investigation. In terms of this characteristic, the awareness rate within the store was high for each of the products, but the awareness rate for brand A was often the result of the many TV commercials that were broadcast for it, while the awareness rate for brand B, which is a line-extension product, was significantly influenced by the parent brand. In contrast to these findings, the cognizance from SNS was high for brand C, and even though consumers were not subject to advertisements about it through the mass media; it was ascertained that this brand succeeded in earning awareness in stores and via SNS. Table 2 shows the consumers’ behavior after their purchases. From it, we see that much word-of-mouth communication was generated for each of the three brands, but compared to brands A and C, the volume of word-of-mouth communication generated on the Internet for brand B was extremely small. This is result is thought to reflect the fact that brand B is a brand-extension product, and so while awareness of it tends to be high, it lacks freshness to the extent that it becomes a topic on the Internet. In addition, for brand A, a large percentage of the people surveyed checked the product on the company site after their purchases of it. It is thought that this was to ascertain what was meant by it being described as functional. Finally, for brand A, the results of the surveys of the conditions before and after the experiment were compared, and the characteristics of those people who responded that they did not first send out word-of-mouth communication but did so after the experiment were investigated. From this investigation, it was ascertained that those who frequently use Twitter and Facebook and those who believe that other people expect them to be a source of information engage in word-of-mouth behavior. This shows that it is not only the product, but also the characteristics of the consumer that greatly influence word-of-mouth communication. Discussion From a review of prior research on consumers’ decision-making processes and on the flow of advertisements, this paper presents a consumer decision-making process that corresponds to the present age of a developed Internet environment. This process was confirmed with data obtained from a pseudo-Twitter world, via actual mobile phones. From this, the following findings were established: the existence of decision-making behaviors that generate word-of-mouth communication; the coexistence of conventional information-processing and stimulation-response processing, according to the product investigated; differences in behaviors for coming into contact with information prior to purchase and for transmitting and searching for information after purchase; and the greater likelihood that people who use Twitter and Facebook to engage in word-of-mouth communication.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper integrates scholarly work and industry practices in fashion design, marketing, and consumer behavior as the basis for presenting six principles of fashion design and marketing for sustainability and social change. Criteria for effective marketing strategies are offered.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Preference Reversal and Discounting Everyone has experienced “procrastination”, for example, in the context of diet, quitting smoking, doing homework, etc. Despite a desirable goal in the long term perspective, people often divert their course for a minor gain of immediate future. “Marriage blue” is a typical example of such preference reversal along a temporal dimension. Wedding seems so desirable when it is planned. But as the wedding date approaches, one starts to focus minor issues in reality and becomes hesitant to get married. Such preference reversal along a time dimension has been considered as irrational behavior, and is often referred to as present bias or time inconsistency. Fields of Behavioral Economics and Behavioral Decision Theory try to explain the phenomenon using “discounting” along a time axis. Previous research has shown three well-known properties of “discounting over time”. (1) Invalidity of exponential discounting A discount rate is not constant, but decreases rapidly at first and later more gradually. (2) Amount effect A discount rate is larger for a small amount of money than for a large amount. (3) Sign effect A discount rate is larger for gain than for loss. The first property is used to explain “procrastination”. Exponential discounting, which assumes a constant discount rate over time, cannot explain the phenomenon because two utility curves, one for a large gain in further future and the other for a small gain in near future, never cross each other over time. On the other hand, hyperbolic discounting, with a declining discount rate over time, permits the crossing, thereby explaining “procrastination”. How about “marriage blue”? Unfortunately, neither exponential nor hyperbolic discounting can explain this phenomenon. By interpreting the initial desirability as gain and the minor issues as loss, the sign effect cannot explain the reversal, either. Perhaps more complicated discounting models are necessary. However, there exist many criticisms and complications for introducing complex discounting models. Construal level theory (CLT) with a minor twist can explain “marriage blue” in a simple manner, as will be shown. What is Construal Level Theory (CLT) ? CLT, which has been receiving increasing attention in Social Psychology and Consumer Behavior Studies, posits that people’s evaluation toward items and incidents differs by the psychological distance between oneself and the object. When the distance is close, people mentally construe the object in terms of low-level, detailed, and contextualized features. In contrast, when the distance is far, they construe the same object in terms of high-level, abstract, and stable characteristics. Such difference in mental construal leads to different evaluation and behavior, and thus preference reversal. Fiedler (2007) discusses different types of psychological distances, including temporal, spatial, social, certainty-related, informational, experiential, affective, and perspective distances. Using these general notions of “distance”, CLT becomes a powerful tool to explain various preference changes. Along social distance, choice of souvenir can differ whether it is for a work supervisor or for a family member. Along spatial distance, excitement toward bungee jump in the birth country of New Zealand when leaving airport in Tokyo can change to uneasiness when arriving at Oakland airport. Along experiential distance, an advanced medical treatment, which seems attractive from an outsider’s viewpoint, can change to anxiety for risk and side effect when you are the one to receive. Because “discounting” is used to explain preference reversal with varying time distance, it is rather natural to introduce this idea into CLT with appropriate adaptation. First, discounting applies not only to time distance but also to psychological distance in general. Then, the second property, “the difference in discount rates between low versus high amount of money” shall be translated to “the difference in discount rates between low versus high construal levels”. This conceptualization, which I refer to as GCLT, can explain “marriage blue” in a straightforward manner, when the high and low construal levels of wedding are interpreted, respectively, as the initial motive and the detail issues. Generalized Construal Level Theory (GCLT) Let us summarize the three propositions of the generalized construal level (GCLT). (1) [Generalization of distance] “Discounting” applies to psychological distances including time. (2) [Amount effect] Discount rate varies depending on the construal level: the higher the construal level, the smaller the discount rate. (3) [Sign effect] Discount rate is smaller for loss than for gain. The relationship between GCLT and CLT are as follows. 1) GCLT models the consequences of CLT using the idea of discounting. It does not mean GCLT can explain what CLT cannot. 2) GCLT introduces the notion of gain and loss into CLT. 3) While CLT usually discretizes the construal level (high vs. low), GCLT regards the construal level as continuous by nature. By modeling the input and output of CLT, GCLT bypasses the complicated and arguably controversial inner mechanism/process of human perception. GCLT can predict preference and behavior shift more easily as distance varies. There is no need to specify the functional form of discounting, such as exponential or hyperbolic. When the distance is limited to time and the construal level is limited to monetary amount, GCLT becomes consistent with the ordinary “discounting” of BDT, as it should. Empirical Studies The survey asks participants to choose one of two lotteries with the same expected return: one with a higher prize amount and the other with a higher winning probability. The reason for selecting a lottery is that attributes resulting in high and low construal levels are clearly defined and same for everyone. Previous research found that, in lottery choices, prize amount and winning probability lead to high and low construal levels, respectively. In other context, it is often ambiguous what attributes result in high and low construals. Moreover, such attributes can differ by people. We investigate how lottery choice changes when the psychological distance with the subject varies. We manipulate time distance through a lottery whose outcome is announced either tomorrow (short) or one month later (longer). We manipulate social distance through a lottery which is purchased either for yourself (short) or for a prize in a party at work (long). Proposition 1 The survey asks a respondent to choose either Lottery A or B, both of which have the same expected winning outcome of 1,000 yen. A half of the sample are asked to consider two cases of time distance (tomorrow and one month later), and the other half are asked to consider two cases of social distance (for yourself and for a prize in a party at work). The design is a within-sample study. The paired McNemar test is conducted to statistically check whether the proportion of respondents valuing prize amount (high construal) over winning probability (low construal) varies by distance. The result confirms the prediction by CLT, in which, for both time and social distances, respondents’ construal levels are higher when the distance is far and vice versa. Proposition 2 A respondent is asked to choose either Lottery A or B when Lottery R, an originally intended for purchase, is unavailable. Both Lotteries A and B have the same gain or loss in expected outcome of 1,000 yen. The difference is whether the gain or loss is due to the change in the prize amount or the winning probability. A half of the sample are asked to respond to two cases of time distance (tomorrow and one month later), and the other half are asked to respond to two cases of social distance (for yourself and for a prize in a party at work). Again, the design is a within-sample study. The paired McNemar test is conducted to statistically check whether the proportion of respondents valuing prize amount (high construal) over winning probability (low construal) varies by distance. The result shows that, for social distance, the respondents’ construal levels are higher when the distance is far and vice versa, under both gain and loss. It implies higher discount rate for a low construal level. For time distance manipulation, however, changing distance did not result in the construal level change under either gain or loss. Proposition 3 A respondent is asked to choose either Lottery A or B with the same expected winning outcome when the distance is far. The survey then asks whether she would switch from her initial choice when the distance becomes close. Switch from Lottery A to B trades off the loss in prize amount over the gain in winning probability. Likewise, switch from B to A trades off the gain in prize amount over the loss in winning probability. According to GCLT, switch is likely to occur from A to B but not in the other direction. This is because discounting of a high construal level (prize amount) in loss is small whereas discounting of a low construal level (winning probability) in gain is large, the net of the loss and the gain is likely to result in sign reversal as the distance becomes close. The chi-square test is conducted to statistically check whether the proportions of respondents switching from A and from B are the same. The result shows that, for both time and social distances, there are more switches from A to B than from B to A as the distance becomes close, thereby supporting Proposition 3. Conclusions Using two samples, students and web users, the survey study largely supports the three propositions of GCLT. The only exception is the amount effect in time distance. Our study could not confirm it using neither students nor web users.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, luxury markets have been flourishing in East Asian and Western cultures.. At the same time, there is a shift from consumption motives like prestige and conspicuousness towards hedonism, experience and individualization. Based on the demand for appropriate marketing strategies, we develop a framework which links one-to-one marketing to luxury.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper describes the application method of bumper area defined in the ship domain theory and it is to identify risky sectors in VTS(Vessel Traffic Services) area. The final goal of this work is to develop early warning system providing the location information with high traffic risks in Mokpo VTS area and to prevent the human errors of VTS Officer(VTSO). The current goal of this paper is to find evaluation and detection method of risky sectors. The ratio between overlapped bumper area of each vessels and the summing area of a designated sector, Ratio to Evaluate Risk(RER) r is used as one of evaluation and detection parameter. The usability of overlapped bumper area is testified through three kinds of scenarios for various traffic situations. The marine traffic data used in the experiments is collected by AIS(Automatic Identification System) receiver and then compiled in the SQL(Structured Query Language) Server. Through the analysis of passing vessel‘s tracks within the boundary of Mokpo VTS area, the total of 11 sectors are identified as evaluation unit sector. As experiment results from risk evaluation for the 11 sectors, it is clearly known that the proposed method with RER r can provide the location information of high risky sectors which are need to keep traffic tracks of vessel movements and to maintain traffic monitoring by VTSO.
        2014.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 현대조직이론 중 MBO, TQM, 학습조직이론(learning organization Theory), 정치경제이론(Political Economy Theory), 제도이론(institutional theory), 상황이론(Contingency Theory)과 관련된 1991년부터 2013년 사이에 발간된 연구와 서적 중 현대조직이론을 대상으로 한 연구와 현대조직이론을 사회복지기관에 적용한 연구 등 총 16편을 분석을 하였다. 문헌 분석을 통해 사회복지조직의 특수성을 고려한 사회복지현장에 적용 가능한 실천적 과제로서 현대조직이론 교육의 필요성, 사회복지조직의 특수성을 반영한 MBO와 TQM구축, IT시스템 도입 및 활성화 방안, 학습조직으로서의 사회복지조직의 변화의 필요성에 대해 논의 되었다.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        공자유학의 방법론은 수기이안인(修己以安人)체계에 집약되어 있 다. 그것은 修己以敬· 修己以安人· 修己以安百姓으로 보편성을 강 화시켜 가면서 不踰矩[上達]에 이르는 길이다. 하지만 수기이안인의 체계는 성리학에 이르러 ‘修己治人’으로 전회된다. 유학의 현재화라는 입장에서 볼 때, 수기치인론은 공자의 수기이안 인의 본의를 왜곡시킨 것이며, 수기를 수단으로, 치인을 목적으로 이 해될 수도 있으며, 수기라는 과정을 통하여 치인이라는 결과에 도달 한다는 뜻으로도 읽힐 수 있다. 그러므로 수기치인론은 공자의 본의 대로 수기이안인 론으로 그 개념과 가치를 회복시키는 것이 바람직 해 보인다.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study attempts to show that the theory of critical environmental variation quantum(CEVQ) has a sound logical basis and empirical support. It is well known that the theory of critical environmental variation quantum is derived from the theory of biological probability distibution function and the central limit theorem(CLT) in statistics. The study uses the case study of fisheries damages compensation caused br the public marine construction undertaken in the area do Anjeong Bay in the city of Tongyeong for empirical test of theory of CEVQ. The results shows that the CEVQ theory perfoms a good job in measuring quantatively fjsheries damages caused by outflow of cold water due to the operation of LNG company since 2002. Therefore the study proves that the CEVQ theory is a good theory having internal consistency and empirical applicability.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Son Hui-Youn 2014. The Meaning of Conversation as a Socio-cognitive Process of the Second Language Acquisition: Analyzing conversation type of microgenesis in the Sociocultural theory's point of view. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 22(1). This study aims to identify conversational phenomenon that shows socio-cognitive process of the second language acquisition. To this end, this study investigated major concepts in the ‘sociocultural theory’s point of view and descriptive methodology based on the ‘conversational analysis'. The analysis data of this study was transcribed by observing the conversations generated in the situation where four Korean language learners from Mongol performing story-making and, interview. Based on this analysis data, this study caught conversational scenes that show the second language development as ‘microgenesis’ phenomena and tried to find the theories of acquisition and conversation organization involved in these conversational scenes. As results of analysis, firstly, this study could see clinical conversation types of microgenetic development generated to complete story-making; secondly, this study could observe cooperative conversational phenomena of microgenetic development accompanied by conversational phenomena such as repair or metaenonciation during the course of interview.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 모티프이론을 활용한 창작수업이 무용영재들에게 어떠한 영향을 주었는지 탐색한다. 모티프이론은 무용기록 시스템중 하나로 자세한 움직임의 묘사 없이 움직이는 사람의 의도를 간 단한 마인드 맵 형태로 보여준다. 연구자는 움직임의 개념을 지닌 모티프이론과 이를 안무의 형 식(ABA, AA’ BB’ CC’)에 도입하여 수업참여자들에게 제공했다. 연구수업은 2011년 충청남도에 위 치한 A예술영재교육원 무용영재반에 등록된 초등 여학생 10명을 대상으로 6차시 수업(1-5차시 각 3시간, 6차시(집중수업) 6시간, 총 21시간)으로 진행되었다. 또한 연구자는 수업시간에 산출된 무 보, 저널, 설문지, 그리고 교사 관찰일지 등을 수집 및 분석하였다. 연구결과로는 첫째, 모티프 창 작수업은 다양한 활동들을 통해 무용영재들의 창작에 대한 흥미를 자극할 수 있었고 이는 창의성 을 향상을 위한 중요한 시발점이 되었음을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 무용영재들의 저널과 설문지를 분석해 본 결과 자기평가(self-assessment) 측면에서 창의성과 감수성, 그리고 사회성 등 다양한 영 역에서 긍정적인 변화를 가져왔음을 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 영재교육 측면에서 모티프 수업은 교사 에게 무용영재의 다양한 측면들 표현력 및 창작능력, 자기동기, 끈기, 사회성, 리더쉽 등을 평가 할 수 있는 기회를 제공하였다. 마지막으로 모티프이론은 무용영재들에게 창의적인 움직임개발의 가능성을 열어주고 창작에 대한 자신감을 심어 줄 수 있다는 점에서 무용영재교육과 공교육 현장 에서도 효과적인 교육방법론이 될 수 있음을 제언하고 있다.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        개인에게 발생하는 사건들은 그들의 행동에 많은 영향을 미친다. 따라서 범죄를 이해하고 원인을 파악하기 위해서는 범죄자 개인의 생애과정에서 어떠한 경험을 했으며 이러한 경험들이 어떻게 영향을 주는지 살펴보는 것은 중요하다. 여성주의적 생애과정이론은 여성이 생애에 어떠한 경험을 했으며, 어떤 환경에서 자랐는지 등을 살펴보는 이론적 관점으로 여성의 범죄를 이해하는데 매우 유용한 관점을 제시하고 있다. 본 논문은 이 이론을 한국의 여성범죄자에게 적용하여 그 적합성을 가늠해 보기 위해서 청주여자교도소에 있는 여성재소자 23명을 면담하고 이들의 어린시절, 청소년기, 성인기에 발생한 사건은 무엇이며, 이들의 행동에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 경로이론의 관점에서 살펴보았다. 먼저 대부분의 여성재소자들은 아버지의 외도나 아버지가 어머니를 구타하거나 욕설하는 것을 보면서 자랐으며, 부모의 방임이나 남자형제와의 차별을 경험하였다. 그렇기 때문에 부모와의 관계가 좋지 않았으며 이러한 관계는 청소년기에 들어서면서 악화되었다. 일반적으로 여성들은 남성보다 타인과의 관계에 민감하기 때문에 부모의 이러한 태도는 여성에게 더 많은 영향을 미친 것으로 보인다. 청소년기에 실제적으로 비행이나 범죄가 표출되었고 음주, 흡연, 가출, 무단결석 등의 비행에서부터 절도, 마약 등의 범죄를 저질렀다. 여자청소년의 경우 이러한 비행이나 범죄를 발생시키는 가해자인 동시에 이러한 비행중에 성폭행의 피해자가 되기도 한다. 그러나 여성들은 자라오면서 여성의 성은 지켜야 하는 것으로 사회화 되었고, 비행청소년이었기 때문에 더욱 비난받을 것이 두려워 성폭행을 당하였다고 하더라도 성폭행 사실을 외부에 알리거나 대처하지 못하고, 성폭행 사실을 회피하거나 스스로를 비난하는 방식으로 내면화되어 있다. 이러한 경험이 향후 성인이 되어서도 영향을 미치는데, 비행청소년의 경우 성인이되어 범죄자가 되는 경우가 많았으며, 성폭행 피해경험이 있는 여성은 성인이 되어 성매매 여성이 될 가능성이 높은 것으로 나타났다는 것이다. 따라서 경로이론을 바탕으로 여성의 생애과정에서 경험한 사건들을 분석하는 것은 여성이 범죄를 발생시키기까지의 인과관계와 여성의 범죄화 과정을 알 수 있으며, 성매매와 같은 여성특유의 범죄를 이해하는데 적합하다고 하겠다.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is to search cooperation plan about fire investigation based on the public-private partnership. Especially focused on the partnership with 4 sector; the academic world, insurance sector, industrial world, professionalist of private fire investigation. In conclusion, Firstly a partnership with the academic world should have courses or school subject extensions related to fire investigation. Secondly, a partnership with insurance sector should secure trust through unifying estimate standard about the origin of damage. Thirdly, A partnership with industrial company is presented making collaboration team to investigate the fire investigation. Lastly, the partnership with the private professionalist related to fire investigation should strengthen credibility and expertise.