
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 741

        2013.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes of protein patterns in granulosa cells and corpus luteum in ovaries during the estrus cycle in cows. The estrus cycle was devided into five steps of follicular, ovulatory, early-luteal, mid-luteal and late-luteal phases. In results, 61 spots of total 85 spots were repeated on follicular phase and 51 spots of total 114 spots were repeated on ovulatory phase. The 40 spots of total 129 spots were repeated on early-luteal phase and 49 spots of total 104 spots were repeated on mid-luteal phase. Also 41 spots of total 60 spots were repeated on late-luteal phase. On the other hands, the 16 spots were indicated difference in follicular phase and ovulation phase had a difference 10 spots. It was showed difference No. 103 spot in ovulation phase, No. 135 spot in early-luteal phase and No. 175 and 176 spots in mid-luteal phase. Also, the 11 spots were expressed specifically in mid-luteal phase and No. 178 and 179 spots were difference of expression in late-luteal phase. We confirmed that there were 7 spots for ovulation, 4 spots for luteinization and 2 spots for luteolysis. Spot No. 89~93 in ovulation phase were transferrin, and spot No.94~98 were HSP60. Spot No. 103 was Dusty PK, spot No. 135 was OGDC- E2, and spot No. 175 and 176 were Rab GDI beta from luteinization. Spot No. 178 and 179 in luteolysis were vimentin. This results suggest that will be help to basic data about infertility.
        2013.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An uterus is female reproductive tract organ that affected estrus cycle. During a various changes occur at uterus in estrus cycle, one of them is body fluids secretion be called uterine fluid. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the changes of protein patterns using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in uterus fluids during the follicular and luteal phases in estrus cycle of pigs. In changes of protein spots were confirmed during the follicular and luteal phases. The 136 spots were expressed in follicular phase, the 57 spots of them showed reproducibility. On the other hand, the 140 spots were expressed in luteal phase, the 73 spots of them showed reproducibility. Also, spots expressed in follicular phase were number 69 and 94 spots and spots expressed in luteal phase only were number 156, 157, 184~187, 190 and 191 spots. The spots which of higher expression levels in the luteal phase than in follicular phase were number 76 and 79 spots. In conclusion, the spots expressed in follicular and luteal phases were confirmed with difference levels and these differences are function of RNA resolving, protein synthesis and cytoskeletal architecture.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We study and describe-from the point of view of the interactions of the adsorbed particles-three types of the adsorption isotherms, namely, Langmuir type adsorption isotherms, phase transition type adsorption isotherms, and adsorption limited type adsorption isotherms, which are observed by experiments. By introducing and using a one dimensional statistical occupancy model, we derived analytical adsorption isotherms for the no force, the attractive force, and the repulsive force exerted on the other adsorbed particles. Our derived adsorption isotherms qualitatively pretty well agree with the experimental results of the adsorption isotherms. To specify each adsorption type, Langmuir type adsorption is a phenomenon that occurs with no forces between the adsorbed particles, phase transition type adsorption is a phenomenon that occurs with the strong attractive forces between the adsorbed particles, and adsorption limited type adsorption is a phenomenon that occurs with the repulsive forces between the adsorbed particles. The theoretical analysis-only using fundamental thermodynamics and occupancy statistics though-qualitatively quite well explains the experimental results.
        2013.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 “덕수궁 대한문 농성촌”에 대한 주요 언론의 보도를 비교분석하여 신문보도에 있어서의 차이점을 도출해 보고 이에 드러나는 이데올로기와 신화를 찾아서 이 사안에 대해 언론이 어떻게 구 성하고 있고 이러한 것이 우리 사회에 어떤 함의를 가지고 있는가를 분 석하였다. 이를 위해 가장 많은 기사 수와 활발한 논의가 많이 이뤄진 “덕수궁 농성촌”이 세워진 2012년 11월 12일부터 서울시가 공식 철거를 진행하기로 합의한 15일, 그 이후 28일까지를 기간으로 삼았다. 또 “덕 수궁 대한문 농성촌” 신문보도의 차별성을 도출하기 위해 가장 큰 보도 차이를 보인 국내 언론 중 가장 대표적인 언론이며 보수적 성향이 강한 조선일보와 진보적인 한겨레신문을 선택하여 연구하였다. 분석방법으로 는 기호학을 통한 계열체, 통합체, 신화 분석을 채택하였다. 연구 결과 조선일보와 한겨레신문의 “덕수궁 대한문 농성촌”에 대한 보도의 구성방 식에 있어서 조선일보는 법질서와 공권력을 해치고 더 나아가 국가안보 를 해치는 불법 시설물로 강조하고 있다. 또 농성촌 철거를 통해 한국이 법과 질서를 존중하는 시민이라는 선진국 브랜드를 강화하고 인정받아야 하고 한국의 전통적인 관광명소인 이곳의 본래 모습을 찾을 수 있도록 강한 법적 조치가 필요하다고 보도하고 있다. 한겨레신문은 농성촌은 소 통과 연대의 공간으로 최소한의 의견을 나눌 수 있는 무대로 계속 이어 져야 한다고 강조하고 있다. 전체적으로 “덕수궁 대한문 농성촌” 보도를 통해 언론은 한 사안에 대해 다른 방식으로 취재가 되고 의제설정(프레 이밍)이 이뤄져서 독자들에게 전달된다는 것을 분석할 수 있었다.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: To analyze the specific factors of drivers behaviors that amount of cause the greenhouse gas emissions per vehicle. METHODS: Drivers behaviors at intersections are analyzed on the conditions of acceleration and deceleration. RESULTS : First, it is resulted greenhouse gas emissions per vehicle is produced more at intersections than at the main lines of highway. Second, it is resulted that the average speed, the average acceleration rate and the maximum speed are three major factors to produce greenhouse gas per vehicle in acceleration sections. Third, it is resulted that rapid deceleration 20m before entering intersections is the major factor to produce greenhouse gas per vehicle in deceleration sections. CONCLUSIONS: At intersections, sudden acceleration and deceleration is not good for greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, and the average speed, the average acceleration rate and the maximum speed are the chosen as factors to be controlled for drivers' behavior to reduce vehicles' greenhouse gas at intersections.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The distribution patterns of estuarine copepods were investigated in the Seomjin River estuary of southern Korea after heavy rains in August 2006. Tidal influence extended 16 km from the estuary mouth. Each estuary zone (Oligohaline salinity< 5, mesohaline salinity 5~18, polyhaline salinity >18) changed within a range of about 5~6 km between low and high tides. A total of ten species were recorded, of which Pseudodiaptomus koreanus, Sinocalanus tenellus, and Tortanus dextrilobatus were predominant in the oligohaline zone; Acartia ohtsukai and Acartia forticrusa in the mesohaline zone; and A. erythraea, Calanus sinicus, Centropages dorsispinatus, Labidocera rotunda and Paracalanus parvus s. l. in the polyhaline zone. Their density was fastly reduced in the other zones. In particular, the oligohaline species migrated and aggregated into deeper water during ebb tides in order to retain their populations, while the same tendency was weaker for polyhaline species, suggesting that evolutionary traits primarily control population retention behaviors in estuarine environments.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to provide fundamental data on the consumption of fast food for a balanced diet of university students. The effects of personal characteristics and preferences such as gender, major, residing region, living expense, school grade, dieting, physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption on fast food consumption patterns were analyzed by surveying university students. The analysis showed significant differences (p<0.05) in the consumption of different types of fast food depending on different personal characteristics and preferences as follows : hamburger by major, physical activity and alcohol consumption; chicken by school grade, physical activity and alcohol consumption; spaghetti by gender and smoking. Groups of different majors and school grades showed significant differences (p<0.05) in response to a question “Have you ever eaten fast food for regular meals?”. The choice of fast food types based on taste and price appeared to be significantly influenced by majors and gender. Different groups with different majors and dieting experience appeared to think significantly differently about fast food. In response to a question “Has the consumption of fast food changed your diet style” different groups of different majors and physical activities showed significant differences. The analysis of factors affecting fast food choices revealed that fast food is chosen significantly differently depending on gender and majors (p<0.05). The purchase of fast food appeared to be significantly affected by gender, diet, physical activity, experience of fast food and consumption of fast food for regular meals (p<0.05).
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        회전하는 수조에서 나타나는 순압성 소용돌이의 패턴과 구조 회전에 대한 연구를 수행하였다. 소용돌이는 수면 위에 접촉된 원판을 수조에 대해 상대적으로 회전시키는 방법을 통해 만들어졌다. 회전원판의 크기, 회전방향, 회전속력에 따라 트라이폴라 소용돌이, 삼각형 소용돌이, 사각형 소용돌이, 커다란 원형 소용돌이가 안정하게 나타났고, 모양이 계속 변하는 불안정한 소용돌이도 나타났다. 회전원판과 수조 벽 사이의 간격이 안정한 소용돌이의 패턴에 큰 영향을 주었고 불안정한 소용돌이는 원판이 시계방향으로 빠르게 회전할 때 주로 나타났는데, 그 원인은 원심력적 불안정성이었다. 한편, 트라이폴라 소용돌이에서 나타난 전체 패턴의 구조적 회전 각속도는 원판 가장자리의 선속도에 비례하였고, 고기압성 트라이폴라 소용돌이가 저기압성 보다 더 큰 구조 회전 각속도를 가졌다. 로스비 수와 구조회전의 관점에서 볼 때, 해양에서 발견된 트라이폴라 소용돌이와 본 실험에서 나타난 트라이폴라 소용돌이는 유사하였다.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        미국 도시에서 주거지와 상업지 간 공간적 분리는 다양한 부정적 외부효과를 파생시키는 요인 중 하나로 지적된다. 즉, 주상 토지이용 분리로 인하여 잠재적 통행발생량이 증가하고 이로 인한 교통체증, 대기오염 등의 문제가 발생하고 있다. 또한 이로부터 형성된 자동차 위주의 생활방식은 보행활동의 빈도를 감소시켜서 운동부족으로 인한 비만 및 관련 질환 발생의 간접적 요인으로 지목되기도 한다. 이 연구의 목적은 미국 도시가 보이는 외연적 확장 과정의 핵심적 특징, 즉 주거와 상업이 공간적으로 분리된 토지이용의 결과로 파생된 공간구조 형성과정을 살펴볼 수 있도록 주상 분리지수를 제안하고 이를 실증자료에 적용하여 활용성을 논의하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 미국 뉴욕 주의 이리 카운티를 대상으로 1900년부터 1995년까지 1년 단위로 주거와 상업적 토지이용의 공간적 분리과정을 분석하였다. 분석결과 이리 카운티의 경우 1920년대를 기점으로 주거와 상업이 뚜렷하게 분리된 공간구조를 형성해 왔으며, 카운티 내 교외와 도심 지역에서 각각 주거와 상업적 토지이용이 우세하게 이루어진 것을 관찰할 수 있었다. 특히 교외 지역의 고밀도 주거지를 중심으로 외연적 도시 확장으로 인한 사회적 비용절감을 목적으로 혼합적 토지이용을 유도하기 위한 정책도구의 적용이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The diurnal flight pattern of Platypus koryoensis (Murayama) was examined using sticky traps attached to the trunks of oak trees in central Korea in 2011. The flight activities of the beetle were estimated on the basis of 2-h interval trap catches from 05:00 to 17:00, between June 9 and July 21 (the peak flight period of the beetle). Peak flight time of the beetle ranged from 09:00 to 13:00, with variations due to the day surveyed and the facing slope. The flights began when the air temperature reached 16.7 °C, and the flights peaked when the air temperature was 23.6 °C. Flights were not observed during rainfall, suggesting that rainfall is one of the factors that influence beetle flight. The time of sunrise was not significantly correlated with the flight initiation time. The direction of flight along with the slope was changed bidirectional to unidirectional (movement from upslope to downslope) between 9:00 and 13:00.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua, is a freeze-susceptible species and overwinters without diapause in temperate zone. Depression of supercooling point (SCP) and rapid cold hardiness (RCH) allow S. exigua to survive at low temperatures. This study reports a polyol which is responsible for the cold hardiness of S. exigua. Pre-exposure of S. exigua larvae to 4°C for 6 h significantly enhanced survival under a freezing temperature (-10°C). This pre-exposure treatment also significantly depressed larval SCPs. Analysis of polyols indicated that glycerol titers significantly increase with increase of pre-exposure time. Glycerol kinase (GK) and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) are involved in glycolysis pathway of insect. The S. exigua GK (SeGK1) and G3PDH (SeG3PDH1) genes were predicted from 454 pyrosequencing transcripts from fifth instar larvae of the beet armyworm, S. exigua. The SeGK1 and SeG3PDH1 genes both were expressed in all larval stage by RT-PCR analysis. Expression of SeGK1 and SeG3PDH1 genes were suppressed by its specific dsRNASeGK1 or dsRNASeG3PDH1 injection into hemocoel of 5th instar larva. Each 200 ng of dsRNASeGK1 or dsRNASeG3PDH1 injection also significantly decreased glycerol amount in hemolymph. Larval treated by either dsRNASeGK1 or dsRNASeG3PDH1 significantly lost the RCH under -10°C exposure. These results indicate that glycerol is a crucial RCH agent and its synthesis is regulated by SeGK1 and SeG3PDH1 genes in S. exigua.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Diadegma fenestrale is known as parasitoid on potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella and diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. The Diadegma genus is reported to have symbiotic virus, ichnovirus, D. fenestrale Ichnovirus (DfIV) was identified from this species which is a first report. DfIV showed typical ichnovirus shape with two membranes surrounding the virus capsid. To identify DfIV genes, whole genome sequencing based on GS-FLX was conducted using purified total DfIV genomic DNA extracted from D. fenestrale calyx. About sixty ORFs were analyzed and several typical ichnovirus gene families were detected such as cys-motif, repeat element, vinnexin and vankyrin. Present study was focused on the gene expression patterns in two different lepidopteran hosts.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Antimicrobial resistance and multi-drug resistance patterns have been carried out on total of 210 isolated of Salmonella spp. and pathogenic E. coli isolated from food poisoning patients on January through December 2012 in Incheon, Korea. The highest percentage of antibiotics resistance was found to the following antimicrobial agents: tetracycline 43.8%, ampicillin 34.8%, nalidixic acid 23.8%, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim and chloramphenicol 12.4%, and ampicillin/sulbactam 11.4%. The highest percentage of resistance was 37.5% to ampicillin for Salmonella spp. and 59.0% to tetracycline for pathogenic E. coli. Overall the multidrug resistance rates of 1 drug was 26.2%, 2 drugs 9.0%, 3 drugs 9.5%, 4 drugs 7.1%, and 5 or more drugs 12.46%. The multi-drug (MDR) strains to four or more antimicrobial agents among the resistant organisms were quite high: 15.9% and 22.1% for Salmonella spp. and pathogenic E. coli, respectively. The study implies that limitation of unnecessary medication use is pertinent in order to maintaining the efficacy of drugs.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 해양환경이 크게 교란을 받고 있는 4개 저서환경을 선택하여 연체동물 중 어떠한 종이 기회종의 특성을 보이는지를 조사하였다. 기회종의 특성을 보인 5종의 이매패류에 대한 분포특성을 파악하고자 하였다. 이매패류인 애기반투명조개 (Theora fragilis), 대양조개(Macoma incongrua), 종밋(Musculista senhousia) 등이 빈산소 현상을 보이는 반폐쇄성 연안역이나 유기물 축적이 많은 퇴적물을 가진 항만해역에서 우점하여 서식하고 있었으며, 소형 개체인 말발굽조개 (Thyasira tokunagai)와 쇄개량조개 (Raetellops pulchella)는 외해역의 폐기물 해양투기장에서 우점하는 종으로 나타났다.