
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 40

        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 대구시의 도시숲과 가로경관(수림대, 가로수, 녹지대)의 조류군집을 비교하고자 실시하였다. 관찰된 31종의 조류 중 까치, 박새는 모든 지역에서 나타났으나, 딱새, 할미새사촌, 파랑새, 노랑턱멧새, 숲새 등 5종은 한번만 관찰되어 낮은 출현빈도를 보였다. 시 외곽부에 위치한 도시숲(만촌, 본리, 침산공원)에서 조류 종수가 높았으나 도심의 도시숲(중리, 이곡생수, 신암공원)에서 조류 종수는 낮았다. 가로경관에서 관찰된 조류의 번식 둥지는 수림대와 녹지대에서는 발견되었으나, 한 줄 가로수에서는 발견되지 않았다. 수림대지역에서 관찰된 조류의 종수와 밀도는 한 줄 가로수지역보다 유의하게 높았다. 도시숲 면적과 조류종수는 높은 상관관계를 나타냈다. 덤불층을 둥지 및 먹이자원으로 이용하는 조류 종수가 낮았으며, 면적이 증가함에 따라 증가율도 낮았다. 본 연구 결과는 대구시 도시숲은 덤불층을 서식지로 이용하는 조류에게 충분한 서식 여건을 제공하지 않는 것을 나타내며, 조류는 수림대와 녹지대 등 폭이 있는 가로경관을 서식지 및 이동통로로 이용함을 나타낸다.
        1988.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본(本) 연구(硏究)는 대구시(大邱市)의 주요 하천(河川)인 이천(梨川), 범어천(汎魚川), 칠성천(七星川), 신천(新川), 달서천(達西川) 및 공단천(工團川)의 오염상태(汚染狀態)를 조사(調査)하여 도시하수(都市下水)의 효과적(效果的)인 처리(處理)와 금호강(琴湖江)의 오염방지책(汚染防止策) 수립에 필요한 기초자료(基礎資料)를 제공(提供)코자 하였다. 시기별(時期別) 각(各) 하천(河川)의 pH, DO, COD, 질산염 및 인산염을 분석(分析)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같았다. 1) 각(各) 지점별(地點別) 평균치(平均値)는 pH 7.3~8.2, DO 흔적~6.5ppm, COD 20.4~116.9ppm, T-N 23.2~31.7ppm, -N 18.3~27.7ppm, -N 0.08~1.89ppm, -N 0.19~1.51ppm, -P 2.50~17.28ppm이었다. 2) 지점별(地點別) 오염도(汚染度)가 가장 높은 곳은 공단천(工團川)이었으며 12개월(個月)동안의 평균치(平均値)는 pH 8.2, DO 흔적, COD 116.9ppm, T-N 23.2ppm, -N 18.3ppm, -N 1.89ppm, -N 1.51ppm, -P 17.28ppm이었다. 3) 시기별(時期別)로 비교(比較)하면 pH, DO, COD, T-N, -N의 함량(含量)과 pH는 겨울철이 여름철보다 높았으며 -N and -P의 함량(含量)은 여름철이 다소 높았다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the importance of policy for the promotion of forest education and establish a basis that can be applied to it, which considers citizens’ opinions on forest education. According to the importance analysis of forest education policy, program development topped the list with 0.368 points, followed by the application of forest education experts, which scored 0.262 points. Cooperation as well as the supplementing and improvement of facilities yielded 0.238 and 0.132 points, respectively. Concerning the attention and recognition of forest education, only 8% of the respondents had low attention and 19% low or very low recognition; 75% said forest education was very important. Regarding program satisfaction, 76.5% were satisfied with the profitability of content and 77% agreed with the purpose consistency. In terms of the appropriateness of forest education, 79.2% and 81% were content with the period and method, respectively. Finally, 82.7% were satisfied with the participation program. This study aims to share basic data and promotion plans derived from the analysis of policy importance and satisfaction with forest education focused on adults. Domestic forest education is still in the early stages, led by Korea Forest Service. In the long term, local governments must participate in forest education policy positively despite limited budgets and human resources. The results of this study can be utilized as data for forest education promotion plans. If the case studies of other local governments and preference analysis by age group are followed up, they will help ensure that forest education evolves through cooperation with people and organizations in the relevant zone.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is to analyze the preference of experiential activities and behavioral intention on rural tourism, with special focus on parents group of elementary students. The result can be utilized as basic data for demanding aspect of rural experiencing tourism. Two-step questionnaire survey was conducted, during May to July, 2915. Sample group was selected at 4 elementary school in Daegu city. 347 valid responses were analyzed with SPSS. Major results are as follows. Firstly, suggested model for 23 experiential activities in 7 types, were verified as valid by verifying factor analysis. Factor 1 was verified and named as ‘Rual Life Experience’, Factor 2 was verified and named as ‘Health/Healing Experience’, Factor 3, as ‘Agricultural Product Experience’, Factor 4, as ‘Eco-Cultural Experience’, Factor 5, as ‘Leisure/Sports Experience’, Factor 6, as ‘Traditional Wellbeing Food Experience’, and Factor 7, as ‘Traditional Culture Experience’. All 7 factors explained 75.39% of total variance. Secondly, mean score of preference by each activity showed high in ‘Health-care experience’, ‘Traditional food experience’ and comparatively low in ’Collecting experience’, ‘Agricultural experience’. Thirdly, all 7 types(factors) of experience showed significant affecting relation to satisfaction, intention to participation and recommendation. Specially, ‘Eco-Cultural Experience’ and ‘Rural Life Experience’ showed high affecting relation. This could be the characteristics of parents group of elementary students.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the environmental consciousness of Daegu citizen on conservation planning considering the regional characteristics was investigated. Data were collected throughout a survey and 1400 people were selected using a stratified sampling method based on populations of Daegu administration district. Results wee followings; First, the levels of environmental consciousness were different dependent on districts’ characteristics. Second, poor awareness on Daegu Agenda 21 (Clear and Green Daegu 21) were shown. Daegu Agenda 21 is the action plan for the sustainable environmental conservation activities of the City of Daegu. Third, waste was the most serious environmental problems of Daegu , air quality was second worst, and third was river water quality from the survey, but differentiated awareness was shown dependent on regional spatial factors and pollution emission factors. Last, a public environmental education was the most important issue to make invigorations and progress for future environmental policy.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 대구광역시 도시공원 중 대다수를 차지하고 있는 어린이공원 중 달서구에 위치한 4개 어린이 공원을 대상으로 CPTED 이론을 적용하여 이용자의 안전 만족도를 조사하고, 체크리스트를 바탕으로 CPTED 설계원칙에 따른 물리적 환경 적합도를 분석하여 그에 대한 개선방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 이를 위해, 우선 설문 조사를 통한 어린이공원 이용자의 심리적 · 물리적 안전 만족도를 조사하였는데, 응답자의 절반 이상이 공원에서의 범죄발생에 대하여 심리적 · 물리적 불안감을 느끼는 것으로 조사되었다. 공원별로는 미리내공원, 은하수공원, 목련공원, 샛별공원의 순으로 심리적 · 물리적 불안감이 높은 것으로 조사되어, 물리적 안전에 대한 낮은 만족도가 심리적인 범죄 불안감을 증가시킬 수 있는 것으로 판단되었다. 또한, 도시공원 · 녹지의 유형별 세부기준 등에 관한 지침을 바탕으로 다섯 가지 CPTED 설계원칙에 따른 14개 항목의 체크리스트 작성하여 현장 조사를 통한 범죄예방 환경설계의 물리적 환경에 관한 문제점을 찾고 종합적으로 분석하였다. 그 결과 다섯 가지 설계원칙 중 ‘활동의 지원’이 가장 높은 물리적 환경 적합도를, ‘영역성 강화’도 보통이상의 적합도를 나타내었으나, ‘감시강화’, ‘유지관리’, ‘접근통제’에서는 보통이하로 나타나 공원의 범죄예방을 위해서는 이러한 측면을 강화한 재정비가 필요한 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 분석을 바탕으로 향후 기존의 공원을 재정비할 경우 범죄예방을 위해서는 특히 다음과 같은 환경설계가 고려되어야 할 것으로 판단된다(National Police Agency, 2005; Seoul Metropolitan Government, 2009). 첫째, 관목의 경우 1-1.5m, 교목일 경우 지하고 1.8m 이상의 수목을 식재하여 시야확보를 통한 자연적 감시가 이루어지도록 해야한다. 둘째, 공원 내에 CCTV를 설치하여 기계적 감시를 강화하고, 경고문 부착, 관리사무실 설치 등 범죄자를 미리 차단시키는 접근 통제가 이루어져야 한다. 셋째, 공원 경계에 설치하는 담장은 자연적 감시를 위해 투시형으로 설치하며, 주출입구가 아닌 곳으로의 접근을 통제하기 위해 높이는 1.5m-1.8m로 제한한다. 또한, 경계부분에 생울타리를 식재 할 경우 자연감시와 접근통제를 위해 수고를 1-1.5m로 제한한다. 넷째, 공원 안내판은 주출입구의 잘 보이는 곳에 설치하며, 이용준수사항, 공원이용시간, 금지사항 등의 내용을 기재해야 한다. 다섯째, 공원 내 · 외부의 환경 정리를 철저히 하여 항시 깨끗한 상태를 유지하고, 공원 주변을 주차금지구역으로 지정하여 차량으로 인한 내부 감시 차단을 방지하며, 건물, 시설물, 수목 등으로 인한 사각지대가 발생하지 않도록 지속적으로 관리해야 한다. 여섯째, 공원 내의 시설물에 대한 유지관리를 철저히 하며, 훼손된 시설물에 대해서는 빠른 시일 내에 보수 및 교체가 이루어져야 한다. 본 연구에서는 조사대상지를 대구광역시 달서구에 위치한 어린이공원 4곳으로 한정하였기 때문에 모든 도시공원에 적용할 수 있는 결과를 도출하기 위해서는 보다 다양한 유형의 공원을 대상으로 한 연구가 필요하다. 특히, 범죄에 취약한 계층인 어린이, 여성 및 노년층 중심으로 CPTED 체크리스트를 바탕으로한 설문조사 및 이들의 행태에 따른 현장조사가 강화된다면 범죄예방 환경설계에 유용한 결과가 도출될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 또한, 도시공원의 개별적인 물리적 환경과 범죄불안감과의 직접적인 관계를 파악할 필요가 있는데, 물리적 환경에 따른 이용자들의 이용 행태가 어떠한 유형의 범죄에 대한 불안감을 유도하는지 파악한다면 보다 구체적인 범죄예방 설계방향이 제시될 수 있을 것으로 판단한다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to survey on parents' preference and estimate parents' Willingness to pay(WTP) for after-school rural experience program in daegu city by choice experiment(CE). The results of this study are as follows; First, we divided after-school rural experience program into three types, namely: nature seeing, play exercise and learning experience. Second, the study has shown that parents prefer learning experience among those after-school rural experience programs. Among attributes which form a experience program, instructor certificates, consuming time and expense for participant are statistically effecting significant impact. Third, the result of estimation on willingness to pay for development of after-school rural experience program is as follow. The willingness to pay for learning experience is 6,337won, willingness to pay for instructor certificates is 14,102won and it for consuming time is 2,926won. Therefore, composition centering learning experience is better and instructor who has expert certificate is required. It is much better to compose that the consuming time is longer and the expense for experience is lower. But there is limitation because this survey was conducted based on an assumption, so it could read over estimation problem. The result of this study may provide useful information to develop after-school rural experience program using rural resources and to improve rural tourism policy.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, the interest in streams are gradually increasing and also many studies about them are in progress. Many streams located in downtowns were constructed or restored through research. Downtown streams must be designed through PE(Postoccupancy Evaluation) to satisfy user's needs to maximize the usage of facilities along the streams. This study was carried out to research about PE of Sincheon stream located in Daegu City, focusing on the search of the problems and improvement plans through the analysis about behavior of users who used the stream. These evaluation and analysis have their meaning to become a base information material for the future plan of downtown stream formations or the similar plans.
        2009.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Obesity affects various kinds of adult diseases and is a principal cause of injuring people's health. Physical activities are very important to solve the obesity problem and green spaces are good place to take physical activities. In order to examine the utilization of green spaces for physical activities to improve health, the survey was implemented in regards to recognition of health, forms of use of green spaces for physical activities. Only 8.1% of respondents didn't care about health, but 91.9% of them were interested in health more than ‘commonness’. 95.2% of respondents knew that obesity has an effect on various adult diseases, and 93.1% of respondents cognized that it's possible to prevent obesity by doing physical activities. More than half of respondents replied that the types of green spaces utilized for physical activities were small-scale neighborhood parks and mini parks around house. About 70% of respondents took walking as a type of physical activities. 53% of respondents utilized green spaces one or two times a week, while 25% of them utilized the places at least three times a week to take physical activities. 91.8% of respondents took exercise for more than 30 minutes. These results are expected to promote health because many experts encourage people to take physical activities at least three times a week because fats of human body begins to burn after 30 minutes from start of physical activities. In the utilizing time of green spaces, evening or after work(56.7%) was higher than morning or before work(35.1%). 71% of respondents usually visited green spaces by walking. This study shows green spaces are good places for physical activities and have boundless potentialities improving people's health.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper has attempted to improve the quality of urban environment in terms of the management of urban green tract and suggest a way of coexistence between human and nature by proposing a plan to establish green network using an urban green zone based on ‘linear concept’ instead of point and plane concepts. The results have turned out as follows: 1. According to current status of forest functions, forest recreation area has reached 39.6%, satisfying citizens’ needs. However, the space for living environment is just about 20% with a lack of a green zone. Therefore, it’s been necessary to establish green network using roadside trees and take advantage of them as sustainable living space along with existing green tract. 2. With forest in the suburbs and Geumhogang which is the tributary to the Nakdonggang, Sincheon (stream) flows through the downtown. It connects mountains including Waryongsan from the south to the north around Duryu Park and Dalseong Park. Therefore, the water system that passes through Palgongsan (Mt.) and Biseulsan (Mt.) would make it possible to connect with the parks in the downtown. 3. According to this paper, it appears that it’s necessary to establish green network through roof or wall greening by focusing on the existing green tract in the urban parks and suburbs and taking advantage of roadside trees and water system.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to analyze city residents' preference to experiencing activities for Green Tourism. A Questionnaire survey was conducted in fall, 2006. The sum of 515 copies was analyzed. Residents of Daegu city preferred 'health/leports experience' and 'traditional food experience', among theme experiential activities. While present providing experience programs are rural-life experiences, which are convenient for provider aspect. By the result of cross-table analysis, there are many differences between groups by gender & age. Men preferred 'health/leports experience', while women preferred 'traditional food experience'. The mean values of preference by 14 experiencing activities showed high at 'health experience', 'traditional food experience', 'leports experience', which represents health & wellbeing trends. By the result of t-test & ANOVA, there also are many differences between groups by gender & age. Especially significant differences were shown by age group. Three factors were categorized. 'traditional/wellbeing/health experience', 'nature-play experience' and 'life-culture experience' were those.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 국내 습지보전 계획수립에 대한 기초자료 제공에 그 목적이 있다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 안심습지에 분포하는 관속식물상은 57과 155속 179종 22변종 등 총 201 분류군이 요약되었다. 산림청 지정 희귀 및 멸종위기식물은 자라풀이었다. 습지식물의 경우 정수식물은 애기부들, 개피, 줄, 갈대, 고마리, 미나리, 물칭개나물, 침수식물은 말즘, 나사말, 검정말, 붕어마름, 물수세미로 나타났다. 그리고 부엽식물은 가래, 자라풀, 연꽃, 노랑어리연꽃, 부유식물은 생이가래, 개구리밥, 좀개구리밥으로 확인되었다. 귀화식물은 메귀리, 오리새, 소리쟁이, 묵밭소리쟁이, 털비름, 다닥냉이, 말냉이, 나도재쑥, 개소시랑개비, 벳지, 아까시나무, 족제비싸리, 토끼풀, 자주개자리, 가죽나무, 애기땅빈대, 큰달맞이꽃, 둥근잎유홍초, 둥근잎나팔꽃, 까마중, 큰개불알풀, 뚱딴지, 돼지풀, 도꼬마리, 개망초, 망초, 큰망초, 개쑥갓, 미국가막사리, 만수국아재비, 서양민들레, 붉은씨서양민들레, 방가지똥 등 총 33분류군이었다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to investigate city residents' attitudes and cognition of Daegu City toward Green Tourism. A Questionnaire survey was conducted in september, 2006. The sum of 515 copies was analyzed. City residents recognized the problems of leisure activities as 'burden of expense', 'lack of program diversity' and the advantages of this as 'withdrawal of stress and increase of vitality', 'promotion of health for themselves and their family'. Among theme experiential activities, they preferred 'health/leports experience' 'traditional food experience', 'traditional culture experience', 'nature-ecological experience', respectively. By the result of cross-table analysis, there are many differences between groups by gender & age. Therefore, further development of specific experiencing activity programs and marketing techniques, are required.
        2007.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The main purpose of this study was to comprehensively evaluate the local agenda 21 of Daegu City based on the evaluation model and propose important measures to solve its problems and improve the limitations. As a whole, the evaluation result of the local agenda 21 of Daegu City showed very low score, only 151 points out of 500 points and revealed it was below the level in all three domains of making process, designed content, and evaluation of implementation. The making process got only score below the half in all large indicators of understanding, driving, and rationality. This unsystematic and irrational process inevitably resulted in ambiguous and proclamatory content mainly expressing willingness to do. This fact means that the local agenda 21 of Daegu City has not served as the comprehensive local environmental plan containing visions, policies, ends and means. It did not suggest evaluation system and institutionalization of evaluation. These results of evaluation suggested that the existing local agenda 21 of Daegu City was neither useful nor effective and thus the totally new local agenda 21 should be prepared. Finally, important measures in making process, designed content and evaluation of implementation were proposed for the remaking.
        2006.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        대구지역 대형식품접객업소 한식, 양식, 일식, 중식 각 3곳씩 12개 업소를 대상으로 조리기기 및 용기(칼, 도마, 행주, 집게, 바구니 등),조리종사자 손 및 조리 작업환경에 대한 미생물학적 위해를 분석하였다. 일부 한식당 조리수와 음용수의 일반세균 및 대장군균수가 범위로 검출되어 기준치에 부적합하였다. 특히 끓여서 식힌 보리차를 제공할 경우 음용수에 대한 미생물적 수치가 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 일부 양식당과 일식당의 음용수도 기준치에 부적합
        2005.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This design proposal was made for the school forest plan of Samdeok Primary School and which goals were to realize the programs of making the school forest and removing the school wall. The results of developing programs could enhance the existing conditions of the school from the primary educational state to the sustain-able and friendly nature state.The site is located at 361 Samdeok-3ga, Jung-gu, Daegu and which is about 15,150㎡ and divided into 2 parts of design site of 150m in length, 15m in width respectively. The client suggested some guidelines to develop spaces of environmentally and educationally-friendliness without reducing athletic area. The design concepts are divided into 4 thematic activities such as Open Education, Outdoor Music Activity, Ecological Educational Activity and Social Interrelated Activity. The master plan has two seperated areas which are the main gate area and the back side of the school. The basic plan of the main gate area is characterized by the school forest which has Pine Tree Forest, Rock Shelter, Forest with Pictures and Books, Wild Flower Bed, Gravel Road, Outdoor Music Theater, Forest with Poets and Music, Monumental Sculptures. The back side area has also many various design components such as Decorated Seating Wall with Tree Shades and Bird Nests, Street Mini Park, Small Pond, Shaded Trees and Hedges. This project was constructed from May to June, 2005 as the first year budget of the school. But the limited budget cut down and reduced many parts of the whole design and that is the main problem of this project. The school could solve this problem gaining many kinds of funds from the various sources such as Deagu Metropolitan Office of Education and The P.T.A etc.
        2004.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The main objectives of this research are to analyse and evaluate the demolishing walls initiative in Daegu city as the collaborative urban environment improvement initiative in South Korea using the actor network theory concept. Local authorities are unable to effectively and efficiently improve urban environment because of their limited statutory and financial powers. This inability crucially led to the formation of the demolishing walls initiative in Daegu city with building a coalition of the local people, interest groups and public and non-governmental organisations in the operational processes in order to improve the physical and social urban environments. Furthermore, co-ordination between local authorities and landscape architecture specialists not only to change the way in which they tackle urban environmental problems but also to make the local people aware of their potential ability in positively improving the urban environment.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As urbanization has been expanded in Korea, open spaces, such as urban parks and public sites, have been utilized for other uses, and then this bring out environmental changes for the worse. It is expected that these changes become more serious problems due to overpopulation, increasing individualism, and development of transportation. This research base on the consideration of connecting between decreasing urban green spaces and distributed green sites so as to build the substantial plan for the Green Network construction for urban heat island mitigation in Dalseo district, Daegu Metropolitan City. The result were as follow; 1)Connecting existing natural sites to the remained parks green zone made an Ideal form of Green-Network system. 2)Some school sites were selected for usable open spaces in order to build Green-Network system, and the plan connecting together with exist natural sites was suggested. 3)Moreover, the scheme of planting on the road spaces for connecting green spaces was proposed. 4)The devices of planting on the urban riverside for enhancing the role of urban stream to form green network was conceived.
        2003.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to provide the basic information to know reasonable method for the removal and treatment of municipal solid wastes(MSWs). MSWs four different sources(apartment, residence, commerce, office/industry) in Daegu city were collected, and bulk density, physical composition, moisture, combustible, ash, elements and heating values were investigated. The values of bulk density were at range of 0.30~0.41ton/m3. The percentages of foods, papers, vinyls/plastics, textiles, rubbers/leathers, metals and glasses/ceramics of wet muncipal solid wastes from three sources except office/industry were at range of 27.3~46.4%, 21.2~38.4%, 10.3~11.9%, 3.8~5.2%, 0.5~1.7%, 6.9~8.7% and 1.9~2.6% respectively. The percentages of papers, foods, vinyls/plastics, textiles, rubbers/leathers, metals and glasses/ceramics of dry muncipal solid wastes from three sources except office/industry were at range of 21.1~40.4%, 14.2~30.1%, 15.2~17.8%, 4.0~6.0%, 0.9~2.8%, 12.2~14.1% and 3.1~3.7% respectively. The moisture contents of foods, woods, textiles and papers in wastes were at range of 65.7~76.2%, 34.6~50.0%, 22.2~44.8 and 30.6~44.4% respectively. The carbon contents of vinyls/plastics, rubbers/leathers, textiles, woods, papers and foods in wastes were at range of 75.88~79.87%, 58.24~70.74%, 45.23~51.63%, 42.29~45.58%, 40.19~48.4% and 25.86~36.25% respectively. The low heating values of foods, papers, woods, textiles, rubbers/leathers and vinyls/plastics by Dulong's law were at range of 178~1,353kcal/kg, 770~1,660kcal/kg, 995~1,629kcal/kg, 2,133~2,432kcal/kg, 4,200~7,275 kcal/kg and 6,384~8,722kcal/kg respectively, and the high heating values of them were at range of 782~2,056 kcal/kg, 2,459~3,314kcal/kg, 3,056~3,592kcal/kg, 4,381~5,087kcal/kg, 5,005~8,066kcal/kg and 10,032~10,739 kcal/kg respectively.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to determine the contents of heavy metals in leaves of roadside trees according to different growth stages in Daegu city. The orders of heavy metal contents in leaves of roadside tree and soil were Fe>Mn>Zn>Pb>Cu>Cr>Cd and Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu>Pb>Cr>Cd, respectively. The contents of heavy metals in leaves of roadside trees and soil showed an increasing tendency as the levels of traffic volume increased. The contents of heavy metals in leaves on October were higher than those on May. Zelkova serrata and Ginkgo biloba showed high contents of Cr, Cd and Pb.
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