
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 45

        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Across two experiments, this study provides support for the concept that money and time are marked by psychologically distinct constructs. As temporal distance increases, preferences are more likely to be based on the value associated with a high-level construal of options than the value associated with a low-level construal of options. That is, as potential contributors are asked to donate later, high-level featured resources (i.e., time) take focal precedent over low-level ones (i.e., money) in judging preference for donation methods. This study also found that the match effect between temporal distance and construal-level holds only when the level of attitude toward NPO is relatively favorable. However, donation intention is enhanced under mismatch conditions when the level of attitude is less favorable. That is, when potential contributors hold relatively less favorable attitudes toward the NPO, those who are requested to make an expediting decision of donation are more likely to have higher intention to donate with a high-level construal resource. This study attributed the finding to the shift of people’s focal resource through their level of attitude toward the NPO. Unlike the previous research, which focused mainly on how temporal distance influences individuals’ construal levels to result in different donation behaviors, this study investigates the relationship between donation resources and temporal distance. The results from the research provide empirical evidence that temporal distance can have impact on individuals’ preference of the types of donation resources. Given that the features of donation resources can be related temporal distance, this research can shed light on how temporal construal theory can be used in charitable-giving contexts. Additionally, while considerable number of temporal construal studies have investigated the impact of the match effect on the attitude toward a brand, this study explores the role of attitude toward the organization on the interaction effect of temporal distance and construal levels. The findings from this study can provide an opportunity for better understanding of temporal construal theory.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missiles are an unprecedented threat to the security of the United States, which has never been attacked by weapons of mass destruction. Pyongyang’s provocations irritated President Trump and led him to openly consider military attacks against North Korea. The possibility of armed conflict between the United States and North Korea increased as both sides exchanged aggressive rhetoric. Military attacks against North Korea are virtually impossible in a legal as well as a practical sense. They will bring only disaster to all involved, including the US. The best way to resolve North Korea’s nuclear issue is to rehabilitate the multilateral channel for dialogue and then begin talks. What if President Trump, however, implemented military options against North Korea because of the nuclear weapons development? The focus of this essay is to explore whether Trump can adopt military options against North Korea and if so, what legal and political considerations he must take.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        consumption, has been attempted to replace with sharing economy which is consumer-to-consumer’s activity of obtaining, giving, or sharing the access to goods and services (Hamari et al., 2016). Research argued that the sharing economy develops based on information and communication technology (ICT) as it is an emerging economic-technological phenomenon, proliferation of using social networking site (SNS) (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube), and increased consumer awareness (Belk, 2014; Hamari et al., 2016). SNS refers to a digital environment that allows individual to create his/her space where sharing and constructing relationship with others are possible (Lin & Lu, 2011). Among the numbers of SNSs, Instagram is gaining notable attention as powerful marketing tool which may especially be important for fashion industry. Hutchins (2017) reported that number of its daily active users exceeds 400 million, and 90% of users are under 35 who may be familiar with the idea of the sharing economy. In terms of marketing, 53% of Instagram users are found to follow their favorite brands (Hutchins. 2017). According to Ryan and Deci (2000), consumer behavior of using information technology such as Instagram was influenced by extrinsic and intrinsic motivations. Although numerous researches have done with the sharing economy and SNS respectively, despite the recognized role of SNS in the sharing economy, comprehensive and empirical study of the sharing economy and SNS is very limited. Hence, the purpose of this research is to investigate consumer’s motivations to use Instagram for participating sharing economy by developing research framework based on the motivation theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000) perspective.
        2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        “The price of peace is eternal vigilance” (Thomas Jefferson) is the theme of this paper presented to the August 2017 Jeju World Peace Academy Bultuk and what we can do to achieve this. Gölbekli Tepe (12,000BP) is the oldest megalithic construction being a creation of a Peace Island, established by pre-urban, pre-agricultural nomadic human groups seeking to establish the natural condition of the human species in all times and in all places: peace. The first glimmer of settled urban peace flourished with the peace island civilizations of the Mediterranean. So, people – even “a small group of thoughtful, committed people” (Mead) such as those at the Naval Base protests at Gangjeong village on Jeju Island – can establish their own “Peace Island” on dry land (Gölbekli Tepe) or at sea (ancient Cyprus and Crete). The contemporary “Peace Island” concept that grew out of the “veiled state violence” (McCall) of the 4.3.1948 Tragedy has led to Jeju being declared a “Peace Island”; this concept can be franchised anywhere in the world with symbols and emblems and by any group of “thoughtful, committed people” using the Haenyeo Bultuk consultation methodology.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 10가지의 보호처분 중 1호처분을 받아 청소년회복센터에 위탁되어 있는 보호소년의 사회복귀 의지에 영향을 미치는 요인을 파악하고자 하는 목적을 가지고 수행되었다. 청소년회복센터는 청소년 교정 분야에 새롭게 도입된 시설이기 때문에 보호소년의 경험을 토대로 한 연구는 소년보호에서 매우 중요한 의미를 가진다. 이를 위한 연구방법은 청소년회복센터 11개소에 위탁되어 있는 보호소년 90명을 대상으로 설문조사하였다. 그 결과를 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 먼저, 보호소년의 인구사회학적 배경에 따른 사회복귀 의지는 차이가 없었다. 비행이라는 동질성과 아직은 미성숙한 청소년이라는 특성이 반영된 결과라 볼 수 있다. 다음으로 보호소년의 사회복귀 의지에 영향을 미치는 요인들 간의 관계를 알아보았다. 행동변화(r=0.523), 시설생활긍정(r=0.473), 자아존중감(r=0.414), 교육프로그램만족(r=0.396) 순으로 정적인 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 각 요인들은 보호소년의 사회복귀 의지에 유의미한(p=000)영향을 미치며, 사회복귀 의지를 예측하는데 34.2%(R²(수정))의 설명력을 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 각 변수별 영향력은 자아존중감(β=0.476), 행동변화(β=0.350), 구성원관계(β=-0.336), 시설생활긍정(β=0.260), 학교재학여부(β=-0.150) 순으로 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 즉 비행초기의 시설보호 비행청소년에게 필요한 프로그램은 자아 수준을 높일 수 있는 자아존중감프로그램과 행동변화를 위한 프로그램이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 학교를 다니지 않는 보호소년의 사회복귀 의지를 강화하기 위한 직업훈련 및 진로프로그램을 강화할 필요가 있다.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Due to the continuous development of international retailers in the Chinese market, and the merger and reorganization among Chinese retailers in recent years, the degree of concentration of the Chinese retail industry has been increasing, and the scale of retailers has been expanding. It is suggested by the report China Powers of Retailing 2014 that an increasing number of large-scale retail groups have been formed in the Chinese retail industry. In large and medium-sized cities in China, such large-scale supermarkets as Wal-Mart, Carrefour and RT-Mart have controlled most market shares of food and daily necessities. And large-scale household appliance chains, such as Gome and Suning, have controlled most market shares of home appliance. Due to the advantage of scale and brand of large-scale retailers, these retailers have gradually occupied a leading role in the supply chain, and formed buyer monopoly power and countervailing power. Intuitively speaking, retailers can acquire obvious advantages in procurement activities, no matter it is the buyer monopoly power or countervailing power that is being utilized. And the advantages are beneficial to the improvement of retailers’ procurement performance. However, it is pointed out by a number of scholars’ research that buyer power’s influence on retail enterprises’ performance is quite complicated. Whether buyer power can improve economic efficiency depends on the quality of retailer-supplier relationship. The quality of the relationships between retailers and suppliers exerts direct influence on the stability, durability and equity of the trade. In the long term, the reinforcement of buyer power will probably exert adverse influence on the suppliers and retailers. By imposing influence on suppliers with buyer power, retailers will cause twisted competition and prifit shrinkage to suppliers in the upstream market. As a result, the quantity of suppliers will be decreased, which will be disadvantageous to the selection of retailers and affect retailers’ utilization of their negotiating advantage. In the meanwhile, by imposing special prices and discounts, collecting extra charges and signing exclusive agreement with suppliers, retailers will lead to suppliers’ impaired benefit. It will further affect the quality of the retailer-supplierrelationship and ultimately exert adverse influence on both parties’ long-term earnings. In the existing research, few scholars have thoroughly discussed the influence of retailers’ buyer power on the quality of retailer-supplier relationship and retail enterprises’ procurement performance. In addition, different conclusions exist in the analysis of the relationships among the three factors, or between two of them. In order to empirically test the influence of retailers’ buyer power on the quality of retailer-supplier relationship and retail enterprises’ procurement performance, we established the theoretical model of this study in figure 1. The research will help us to cognize the influence of retailers’ buyer power more reasonably, and guide retailers better utilize buyer power, an attempt is made to explore the following questions in this research: 1. Does direct positive influence exist between large-scale retailers’ buyer power and retailers’ procurement performance? 2. Are there any differences in the influence of different types of retailers’ buyer power on retailers’ procurement performance? 3. What influence will large-scale retailers’ buyer power exert on the quality of retailer-supplier relationship? 4. When the quality of retailer-supplier relationship is brought in as a mediating variable, what influence will large-scale retailers’ buyer power exert on retailers’ procurement performance? From the perspective of the relationships among channel members, large-scale retailers in the Chinese market, such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour, RT-Mart, OUYA Supermarket and Vanguard, as well as suppliers of their products are taken as the object of the research. Methods like interview, pre-survey and official survery with questionnaire are adopted to verify different hypotheses in the research. During the indepth interview, twelve respondents are invited respectively to the interview. Seven of them are in charge of large-scale retailers’ procurement, and five of them are salespersons of manufacturers, who supply products to retailers. It can be seen from the result of the interview that the twelve respondents hold different opinions towards the relationships among large-scale retailers’ buyer power, the quality of retailer-supplier relationship and retailers’ procurement performance. In terms of the influence of large-scale retailers’ buyer power on retailers’ procurement performance, some believe that there’s positive influence, some believe there’s negative influence, and some believe the influence should be respectively analyzed according to the degree of buyer power. In terms of the influence of large-scale retailers’ buyer power on the quality of retailer-supplier relationship, some believe large-scale retailers’ buyer power exerts positive influence on the quality of retailer-supplier relationship, some believe it exerts negative influence, and some believe the influence depends on specific circumstances. During the pre-survey with questionnaire, scales of retailers’ buyer power, the quality of retailer-supplier relationship and retailers’ procurement performance are developed on the basis of theoretical overview and interview research. Specifically speaking, the scale of retailers’ buyer power is constituted of two level-1 dimensions (buyer’s monopoly power and countervailing power) and seven level-2 dimensions; the scalerelationship and ultimately exert adverse influence on both parties’ long-term earnings. In the existing research, few scholars have thoroughly discussed the influence of retailers’ buyer power on the quality of retailer-supplier relationship and retail enterprises’ procurement performance. In addition, different conclusions exist in the analysis of the relationships among the three factors, or between two of them. In order to empirically test the influence of retailers’ buyer power on the quality of retailer-supplier relationship and retail enterprises’ procurement performance, we established the theoretical model of this study in figure 1. The research will help us to cognize the influence of retailers’ buyer power more reasonably, and guide retailers better utilize buyer power, an attempt is made to explore the following questions in this research: 1. Does direct positive influence exist between large-scale retailers’ buyer power and retailers’ procurement performance? 2. Are there any differences in the influence of different types of retailers’ buyer power on retailers’ procurement performance? 3. What influence will large-scale retailers’ buyer power exert on the quality of retailer-supplier relationship? 4. When the quality of retailer-supplier relationship is brought in as a mediating variable, what influence will large-scale retailers’ buyer power exert on retailers’ procurement performance? From the perspective of the relationships among channel members, large-scale retailers in the Chinese market, such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour, RT-Mart, OUYA Supermarket and Vanguard, as well as suppliers of their products are taken as the object of the research. Methods like interview, pre-survey and official survery with questionnaire are adopted to verify different hypotheses in the research. During the indepth interview, twelve respondents are invited respectively to the interview. Seven of them are in charge of large-scale retailers’ procurement, and five of them are salespersons of manufacturers, who supply products to retailers. It can be seen from the result of the interview that the twelve respondents hold different opinions towards the relationships among large-scale retailers’ buyer power, the quality of retailer-supplier relationship and retailers’ procurement performance. In terms of the influence of large-scale retailers’ buyer power on retailers’ procurement performance, some believe that there’s positive influence, some believe there’s negative influence, and some believe the influence should be respectively analyzed according to the degree of buyer power. In terms of the influence of large-scale retailers’ buyer power on the quality of retailer-supplier relationship, some believe large-scale retailers’ buyer power exerts positive influence on the quality of retailer-supplier relationship, some believe it exerts negative influence, and some believe the influence depends on specific circumstances. During the pre-survey with questionnaire, scales of retailers’ buyer power, the quality of retailer-supplier relationship and retailers’ procurement performance are developed on the basis of theoretical overview and interview research. Specifically speaking, the scale of retailers’ buyer power is constituted of two level-1 dimensions (buyer’s monopoly power and countervailing power) and seven level-2 dimensions; the scaleof the quality of retailer-supplier relationship is constituted of three level-1 dimensions (cooperation, adaption and relationship atmosphere); the scale of retailers’ procurement performance is constituted of three level-1 dimensions (cost performance, time performance and quality performance of procurement). The questionnaire pre-survey is specific to retailers’ procurement staff and suppliers’ sales personnel respectively. A total of valid 179 questionnaires are collected, among which, 86 are from retailers’ procurement staff and 93 are from suppliers’ sales personnel. Based on the survey data, SPSS and AMOS software are utilized in the analysis of items, reliability and validity of the different scales. Finally, the factor structure of the scale regarding retailers’ buyer power is adjusted, and the scale regarding retailers’ buyer monolopy power is re-designed specially. During the official survey with questionnaire, questionnaires are handed out to retailers’ procurement staff and suppliers’ sales personnel respectively. A total of 340 valid questionnaires are collected, among which, 178 are from retailers’ procurement staff and 162 are from suppliers’ sales personnel. The samples, which are quite representative, are evenly distributed. Based on the survey data, SPSS and AMOS software are utilized to further analyze the reliability and validity of the different appraisal scales. Finally, the various hypotheses in the research are tested by causual steps of regression analysis with SPSS. After relatively complicated and elaborate statistical analysis, most of the hypotheses are supported, some are partially supported, and only one is not supported. One of the mediating effect analysis results is show in table 1 and figure 2. Based on direct regression analysis, we can get some important results: First of all, the hypothesis that retailers’ buyer power will overally exert positive influence on retailer enterprises’ procurement performance is supported, but the hypothesis that retailers’ buyer monopoly power and countervailing power will exert positive influence on retailer enterprises’ procurement performance is partially supported. Secondly, the hypothesis that retailers’ buyer power will overally exert negative influence on the quality of retailer-supplier relationship is not supported, and the hypothesis that retailers’ buyer monopoly power will exert negative influence on the quality of retailer-supplier relationship and the dimension is partially supported, and the hypothesis that retailers’ buyer countervailing power will exert positive influence on the quality of retailer-supplier relationship and the dimension is supported. Thirdly, the hypothesis that the quality of retailer-supplier relationship, as well as the dimensions (cooperation and relationship atmosphere) will overally exert positive influence on retailer enterprises’ procurement performance is supported, and the hypothesis that the dimension---the adaptation of the quality of retailer-supplier relationship will exert positive influence on retail enterprises’ procurement performance is only partially supported. Based on causual steps of regression analysis for the mediating effect, we can also get some important results: First of all, the relationship quality plays a complete intermediary role between the retailer’s buyer power and the procurement performance. Secondly, the relationship quality plays a complete intermediary role between the r retailers’ buyer monopoly power and the procurement performance. Thirdly, the relationship quality plays a complete intermediary role between the r retailers’ buyer countervailing power and the procurement performance.Some inspirations are achieved from the research. First of all, basically speaking, the direct influence of retailers’ buyer power on retail enterprises’ procurement performance is significantly positive. Secondly, the influence of retailers’ buyer power on the quality of retailer-supplier relationship is relatively complicated. Thirdly, basically speaking, the influence of the quality of retailer-supplier relationship on retail enterprises’ procurement performance is significantly positive. Fourthly, after the quality of retailer-supplier relationship is brought in as a mediating variable, the influence of retailers’ buyer power on retail enterprises’ procurement performance depends on the specific condition of the retailer-supplier relationship.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research was conducted in order to examine the influence of corporate reputation in terms of as an employer towards both brand reputation and customer purchase decisions represented by brand perception, purchase frequency and category of items purchased. In this study, customers’ perception of the brand was also explored to identify the core blocks that form customers’ perception of the brand. The results indicate that corporate reputation did not have a strong influence on brand reputation, as customers viewed them as separate entities. Customers tended to form their brand perception based on the product features as opposed to the corporate reputation. In terms of purchase decision, the results showed that they were made and driven based on the customers’ brand perception with category of items purchased reflecting aspects of the brand perception. The study demonstrates that customers’ awareness of the corporate reputation does not affect purchase behavior, while brand perception is hardly impacted by the awareness of corporate reputation based on a survey focusing on a renowned domestic fashion-clothing retailer conducted among Japanese shoppers. Reputation is formed from a synthesis of the perception, opinions and attitudes of an organization’s stakeholders including employees, customers and community (Post and Griffin, 1997). It basically is a perceptual representation of a company’s past actions and future prospects that describe the firm’s appeal to all of its key constituents (Fombrun, 1966). Corporate reputations and brands are important assets in enabling organizations to exploit opportunities and mitigate threats (Argenti and Druckenmiller, 2004). A favourable reputation correlates with superior overall returns (Robert and Dowling, 1997; Vergin and Qoronfleh, 1998) as it encourages investments from shareholders, attracts good staff and retains customers (Markham, 1972). While corporate reputation is a stakeholder’s perception and evaluation of the organization over an extended period of time, corporate brands involve the organization’s efforts and initiatives in the form of corporate expression. Literature states that corporate brand comprises of two aspects: first corporate expression, which covers all mechanisms employed by the organization to express its identity and second, stakeholder images that are formed from interaction and experience with the brand (Abratt and Kleyn, 2011). Consumers judge brands based on trust that is developed from the way consumers view brand reputation, brand competence and brand constituent (Lau and Lee, 1999). The intricate relationship between reputation and brands leads to the heart of the study whether both are positively correlated, where the more positive the reputation, the stronger the brand is. In the fashion industry, labels play an important role hence among other aspects this study covers an interesting point where it looks at a fashion brand that has a fairly bad reputation and examines the extent of which the reputation is able to influence the brand perception as well as the customers’ purchase decisions.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        책임판단의 대상은 자유로운 의사와 그 의사에 기인하여 실현된 행위이다. 이러한 책임의 근거는 행위자에게 달리 행동할 수 있는 가능성이 있었다는 것이며, 이는 의사자유를 전제로 하고 있다. 하지만 최근의 일부 연구에 의하면 인간에게는 의사를 결정할 수 있는 자유는 존재하지 않고, 인간이 자유롭게 결정할 수 있다는 인식은 단지 망상 내지 착각에 불과하다. 물론 뇌신경과학의 새로운 발견들이 여러 가지 흥미로운 결과를 제시하고 있기는 하지만, 적어도 의사자유나 책임과 같은 주제에 대해 지금까지의 논의에서 간과하거나 새롭게 고려할 만한 자료를 제시하는데 성공했다고 판단하기에는 무리가 있어 보인다. 그러나 의사자유가 우리 인식체계에 포착되지 않는다 할지라도 우리를 규정하는데 매우 중요한 문제이기 때문에 앞으로도 계속 많은 연구자들이 의사형성과정의 본질을 파헤치기 위하여 모종의 시도를 할 가능성이 높으며, 최근의 과학 발전 속도를 고려하면 이와 같은 문제제기는 더 빈번해 질 가능성이 높다. 특히 뇌신경과학의 발달은 특별예방적 단초로 활용되어 전통적인 제제의 대안으로 치료를 전면에 내세우는 결과를 초래할 수도 있으며, 더 나아가 의사자유를 전제로 하는 도의적 책임론을 벗어나 사회의 질서유지와 개인의 기본권을 보다 더 확실하게 보장할 수 있는 책임개념을 요구할 수도 있다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 생활주변에서 오존수를 쉽게 활용할 수 있도록 오존수 발생장치의 활용성을 증가시키고 한 동작으로 작동하는 시스템을 개발하고자 한다. 더 나아가 올리브 오일과 오존과 반응시켜 제조하는 기술에 적용하고자 한다. 기존의 경우 대부분이 오존수 시스템이 아닌 오존발생기 위주의 제품이 많다. 오존수기의 경우 펌프로 강제 흡입시키는 일반압력 방식으로 오존가스 누출 위험요소가 내포 되어 있으나, 본 과제의 경우 인젝터를 이용하여 물의 유입여부에 따른 오존의 발생과 흡입을 제한하고 있어 기존 제품의 오존 누출에 의한 위험을 최소화하였다. 인젝터 방식의 단점에도 불구하고 미생물 살균능을 유지하는 것으로 본 연구에서 사용된 인젝터 방식 오존수 제조 장치의 효용성을 알 수 있었다.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Confucianism is the major school of Chinese traditional culture. Lun Yu as the foundational and dominant literature of Confucianism represents the particularity and the basic idea of Chinese traditional culture. Abundant thought of Gods will included in Lun Yu provides unquestionable evidence and valuable resources for exploring and analyzing the conception about Gods of Chinese traditional culture. The Gods ontology which is the trinity of mind, Gods will and Gods, the function of Gods that different Gods are responsible for the different transactions, and the psychic concept performed by exceptional people or in special moment that show in Lun Yu have a profound impact on contemporary Chinese Gods concept and the awareness of beliefs. Therefore, researching the conception about Gods of Chinese traditional culture based on the thought of Gods included in Lun Yu has important significance both in theory and practice.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 기본신체동작(BBA)을 바탕으로 한 한국무용, 현대무용, 발레의 순수무용에 무용/동 작심리치료를 접목한 Will Dance 프로그램이 고령자들의 우울에 미치는 효과를 검증하고자 하는 목적에서 진행되었다. 프로그램에서는 노인들이 기본신체동작들을 수행함으로써 관절운동 및 신 체활동을 재 활성화시켜 고령화로 인한 신체 경직이나 퇴화 현상을 완화시키는데 영향을 줄 뿐 만 아니라 자신감과 자아 존중감의 회복, 우울감을 회복하여 궁극적으로는 심신의 안정을 도모 하고자 하였다. 연구의 참여자는 대전시 서구 도마동의 A경로당과 대전시 동구 판암동 B경로당 두 곳에서 진 행되었다. 집단의 대상자들은 65세 이상의 고령자 총 31명으로 2012년 4월 20일에 사전검사를 시작하여 2012년 7월 20일의 사후검사까지 Will Dance 프로그램을 주 2회 회기 당 60분씩 시행 하였다. 연구 자료의 수집은 프로그램 사전/사후에 대상자들의 자기보고식 설문지 작성으로 한 국형 노인 우울 검사(KGDS)를 활용하였다. 고령자를 대상으로 Will Dance 프로그램을 적용한 결과, 참여자들의 우울과 우울의 하위영역 들에 유의한 효과가 있음이 검증되었다. 이는 인간의 기본신체동작을 바탕으로 한 순수무용에 무용/동작심리치료를 접목한 Will Dance 프로그램의 연구가 신체적 기능의 향상 뿐만 아니라 심 리 치유/힐링적 프로그램으로서도 효과가 있었으며, 이는 궁극적으로 고령자의 삶의 질 향상에 효과가 있음 시사하고 있다.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리사회는 급격한 변화와 함께 새로운 패러다임의 전환이 요구되고 있는데 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화 등 모든 분야에서 한국형 복지국가를 구축하여야 한다. 복지국가의 존재는 바로 세금이라는 공적자원인데 이러한 정책을 효과적으로 집행하고 삶의 질을 보장하는 복지제도의 정비와 사회적 책임의 규명이 시급하다. 특히 단기간에 경제대국으로 급성장하면서 발생한 사회문제는 이데올로기적 사회갈등과 정책의 오류에 있다고 볼 수 있다. 이제는 문제의 해결을 개인 및 가족, 그리고 지역사회의 역할에 초점을 두고 정부가 나서서 새롭게 조명하여야 할 것이다. 따라서 한국의 복지국가는 독일과 영국의 보수적 정치 이념이 혼합된 형태로 생애주기별로 발생하는 욕구에 사회적 자본이 투입된 복지국가 형태를 갖추어야 할 것이다. 사회변화와 사회통합의 세부적 논제를 통해 한국형 복지국가 형태를 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 정치·경제 구조의 결합이 바로 복지국가 체제의 구현이라 할 수 있다. 정치적 합의에 의해 최소한의 생활수준 보장을 넘어 불평등 및 양극화를 해소하여 사회의 모든 계층이 보편적인 복지체제에 통합되어야 한다.둘째, 사회·문화적인 측면에서 사회통합형 복지국가를 지향하여야 한다. 특히 문화를 중심으로 하는 지역공동체 혹은 지역 커뮤니티 개발이라는 새로운 개념의 지역 거버넌스(Governance)를 구축하고 의사결정을 바탕으로 지역주민의 삶의 질을 높여야 한다. 셋째, 사회적 자본 형태의 복지국가이다. 사회적 자본의 핵심은 신뢰와 공정, 공감과 협력, 조정과 소통이 근간이다. 신뢰와 공정은 경제 발전의 원동력이며 공정사회 실천의 근본이다. 공감과 협력은 사회적 약자에 대한 배려와 계층과 세대 간의 연대를 통해 지속 가능한 발전을 이룰 수 있다. 또한 조정과 소통을 통해 사회적 갈등을 해소하고 사회적 통합을 이루어야 한다. 결론적으로 사회변화와 사회통합에 따른 복지국가의 역할은 복지국가의 재편의 함의를 통해 사회계급, 빈부 등 불평등을 해소하고, 탈이념적 문화적 역동에 따라 비효율적 측면을 제거한 사회적 자본 형태의 거버넌스(Governance)를 실현하는 것이다.
        2008.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 ‘기술/의지 매트릭스’에 따라 코칭의 적용 방법이 달라지는 것에 착안하여 ‘기술’과 ‘의지’의 용어를 이해하고, ‘기술’과 ‘의지’의 정도에 따라 적용하는 코칭 방법 그리고 ‘기술/의지 매트릭스’에 따른 코칭 적용의 효과와 한계를 탐색하였다. 매트릭스는 수학, 생물학, 공학, 경영학 등에서 사용되는 데, 문헌 연구 결과 수학을 근원으로 결론지었다. ‘기술’은 인간의 경험지식을 의미하는 단어이며, ‘의지’는 인간의 심리적 결단을 의미하는 단어이다. ‘기술’과 ‘의지’에 따라 Pull과 Push의 코칭 방법이 배분되어 사용되는데, Pull는 코치이에게 판단과 행동의 주도권을 주는 방법이며, Push는 코치의 판단과 충고가 작용하는 방법이다. ‘기술/의지 매트릭스’는 분석철학과 실용주의 철학에 연결되어 있으며, 리더십 이론 중에서 상황적합성 이론과 허시(Hewsey)와 블랜차드(Blanchard)의 수명주기 이론을 배경으로 둔다. 코치이의 ‘의지’와 ‘기술’이 모두 낮은 경우 ‘지시’의 리더십과 코칭이 사용되고, ‘의지’는 높으나 ‘기술’이 낮으면 ‘지도’의 리더십과 코칭이 사용된다. ‘기술’은 높으나 ‘의지’가 낮으면 ‘격려’의 리더십과 코칭이 사용되며, ‘의지’와 ‘기술’이 모두 높은 경우 ‘위임’의 리더십과 코칭이 사용된다. 네 가지 경우 모두 Pull과 Push의 코칭 방법이 적절하게 사용된다. ‘기술/의지 매트릭스’가 코칭에 사용될 때는 첫째, 코치이의 ‘의지’와 ‘기술’을 진단하고, 둘째, 진단결과에 따라 코칭 방법을 결정하며 셋째, 코치와 코치이의 합의에 의해 실행하는 것이다. ‘기술/의지 매트릭스’는 상황에 따라 융통성을 발휘하며 코칭하기에 적절하지만 명확한 진단도구가 없으며, 코치이의 의도적인 거짓말을 막기 어렵다. 그러므로 코치이를 잘 아는 코치가 사용하기에 적합한데 기업 내에서 상사가 부하 직원을 코칭할 때 적합하다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims to study Yeats and Nietzsche through Nietzsche’s “Will to Power” in some of Yeats’s poems. In 1902, Yeats first read Nietzsche’s works; through Nietzsche Yeats’s voice turned into a manly voice. An internal conflict appears as a Mask theory in Yeats's poetry. Self and Anti-self (Mask) are two components in the Mask theory. While Will is an internal and subjective self, Mask is a social and objective self. The internal conflicts between Will and Mask determine the human mind. Yeats’s “Mask” and “Ego Dominus Tuus” exemplify Will to Power as an internal conflict. Nietzsche’s Will to Power is a concept of quantity based upon the law of energy preservation refusing causality, the movement ascending and descending and the eternal recurrence of the same. Similarly, Yeat in his A Vision has rewritten a European history based upon the theory of opposite forces in a gyre. He classifies personalities into 28 types based one phases of the moon. Assigned to Phase 12, the phase of heroic man who overcomes himself, Nietzsche is a forerunner; who is fragmentary, violent, and subjective. Perspectivism, a kind of Will to Power, is a plural and relative point of view that is classified into 4 categories; Will to Power as knowledge ("Leda and the Swan"), art ("Ego Dominus Tuus"), love ("Crazy Jane Grown Old Looks at the Dancers"), and truth ("Demon and Beast"). In conclusion, Yeats’s later poems achieve a creative and powerful voice when he thinks and speaks with Nietzsche; in particular, Nietzsche’s Will to Power, a philosophy of Being and Becoming, is echoed in some of Yeats’s later poems.
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