
World Environment and Island Studies

이 간행물 논문 검색


제7권 2호 (2017년 6월) 4

2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Jeju Island provides a unique context for exploring remedies to mass harm. As a site of horrific historical human rights abuses and also ongoing present environmental degradation, Jeju offers a setting for exploring environmental justice as reparations. This Article argues for democratic, community-led environmental justice reparations prioritizing sustainable economic development and capacity building, aimed at benefiting Jeju residents rather than outside military, tourist, or other colonial interests.
2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
“The price of peace is eternal vigilance” (Thomas Jefferson) is the theme of this paper presented to the August 2017 Jeju World Peace Academy Bultuk and what we can do to achieve this. Gölbekli Tepe (12,000BP) is the oldest megalithic construction being a creation of a Peace Island, established by pre-urban, pre-agricultural nomadic human groups seeking to establish the natural condition of the human species in all times and in all places: peace. The first glimmer of settled urban peace flourished with the peace island civilizations of the Mediterranean. So, people – even “a small group of thoughtful, committed people” (Mead) such as those at the Naval Base protests at Gangjeong village on Jeju Island – can establish their own “Peace Island” on dry land (Gölbekli Tepe) or at sea (ancient Cyprus and Crete). The contemporary “Peace Island” concept that grew out of the “veiled state violence” (McCall) of the 4.3.1948 Tragedy has led to Jeju being declared a “Peace Island”; this concept can be franchised anywhere in the world with symbols and emblems and by any group of “thoughtful, committed people” using the Haenyeo Bultuk consultation methodology.
2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study searches the welfare function of social economy and examines whether it can be the alternative of the welfare state or not. To do this, we set up 5 common variables of social economy and the welfare state, and compared them for finding their similarities and differences. Common variables compose of background, domain, pursuing value, welfare realization method, and welfare delivery system. The results show that even though they are different among each other, social economy performs welfare functions like the welfare state, but the role of it should be identified as a complementary one instead of the welfare state.
2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
As the fourth industry revolution is starting, most of the fields including education are rapidly being changed. In parituclar, research on IT or SW fusion in each field is being performed. This paper discusses novel approaches to improve previous education services through IT fusion. First, I propose a way to converge IT into global education, which focuses on students of the college of education who are interested in becoming teachers. Due to internationalization demands in the field of education, the necessity of global education is increasing rapidly. However, a general consensus of the definition and model for global education is not clear yet and the actual performance falls short of our expectations owing to high cost, low effectiveness, and lack of persistence in the process of global education. To overcome the limits of global education and develop an efficient education system, this research suggests an IT-fusion-based education system for training global teachers. Second, it is difficult for an instructor to grasp instantly how much learners understand learning content in class in a typical education environment. In case of a class, which consists of possibly dozens of students at various levels ; trying to understand degree and learning achievement of the learners in a broad spectrum, depending on the learning contents. Therefore, it is almost impossible for an instructor to let all of the learners reach a specific learning objective. In this paper, I propose an approach that enables the arbitrary rate of learners, who reach a learning goal, to be set by an instructor. I describe an instruction support system combined with an instant response system, dynamic formative evaluation scheme, and confidence level. I expect that this approach can make an instructor set the ratio of learners, who reach the learning objective, as the instructor wants, and brings about effective instruction. Third, this study proposes a new learning model for improving problem solving and programming skills. To solve a real world problem using IT, problem solving and programming skills are important. In this study, I describe a learning model that can help to improve problem solving and programming skills, based on computational thinking. The feature of the learning model proposed is to offer learners challenges and spur interest by presenting the questions into learning games of an intercompetition type after developing the questions that improve problem solving and programming skills. Another feature is to present the questions about algorithms and programming in various forms and generate them dynamically. Especially, by providing an inter-competition game type, due to increase of competition between learners, learners will feel relatively less difficulty in problem solving and programming, and enable them to naturally improve problem solving abilities and programming skills through the competition.